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03-03-09, 10:18 PM
Name: Lendan Crum (Crum for short)
Age: 322
Race: half-Dragon, half-elf
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: red
Height: 6ft
Weight: 220lbs
Occupation: merc.

Personality: Crum hates all races but likes a few Humans as friends and those he considers friends he will never betray. Those he considers friends, he will die to protect. He is usually is very calm but when you hut his friends he will loose control.

Appearance: he look’s a lot like a human but that’s just because he made him self look like a human. He hates his elvish heritage and elvish mother for cursing him to only being a half-dragon. He is very thin and looks like he is fifteen, making people think he is much weaker and slower than he actually is but he quickly proves them wrong.

Skills: half-dragon form (his form slightly changes, grows scales, claws and fangs, his form is still humaniod but bulkier, his scales are as hard as iron)
Dragon senses (enhanced sight, enhanced smell, enhanced reaction) the weakness of this ability is any strong smell he smells extremely strong.
Dragon power (enhanced strength and speed(double the speed and strength of a normal human))

Equipment: Dragon blade<long sword> (a gift from his father, the blade is made of his father’s own tooth. The blade was forged with dragon fire and was magically enhanced to work with his power, so the stronger he is the stronger the blade is, it is curently as strong as steel.)

familiar: The familiar is called ethereal wings, they are invisible to normal sight(only people with the abilities to see souls or mana blows can see them) but those who can see 2 large angelic wings sprouting from his back, all your average person will see a slight blurring of 3 spheres of wind rotating around him(these spheres are harmless unless actively used). these wings give him the ability to launch 1 disk made from pure wind, the sharpness of steal, light buffs of wind and the ability to blow a hole in inanimate objects his sword might get stuck in(doesn't include armor, shields, or undead...and the hole is just big enough to get his sword out.).

History: he was raised by elves in their forest homes but they scorned him for his draconic father, but he never knew that he was half-dragon until he was one hundred and fifty years old. He had never known why he was such a good athlete he always believed he was just lucky. He was able to keep up with veteran hunters and trackers when no other youngster could.
One day ten dragons came to the forest and demanded that they give Crum up or they would destroy the forest and all within.
They gave him, up he cried for them to not give me up but nothing he said could stop this from happening.
The largest dragon of the group picked him up and started to fly away Crum all the while he was kicked and screamed until the dragon cast a silence spell on him so he could tell him something. “You will come with us willingly or we will destroy your home is that understood?” and releases the silence spell
“Yes” Crum responds shakily.
“Crum you are my son.”
Crum gets a look of extreme confusion. “How?”
“I had transformed my self into an elf to observe their behavior and had met her and fell in love.”
Crum is dumb struck.
“Crum you are my son and you will de trained in the ways of the dragon.”
And with that Crum started the next part of his life, his life with the dragons.
His life with the dragons was probably worse then his life with the elf’s, before he was just scorned now he was scorned and picked on. But the upside was that he was learning how to control powers he never knew he had. And quickly became powerful. He was 220 when one day one of the young dragons he was learning magic with disobeyed the older dragon that was teaching them and used Crum as an example and pounded him. This angered Crum to such an extreme that he changed into his half-dragon form but it was alot stronger, he became so strong that he was able to not only stop the pounding but also lift a five hundred pound dragon and throw it into a mountain side. After that he fled the dragon lands but his training wasn’t complete so he only has limited control of his half-dragon form, he lost his from and returned to elf form and ended up plummeting to the ground near a human town.
When Crum awoke he was in an unknown place and it scared him slightly.
“Good morning you’ve been asleep for 2 days now.” Said a voice from nowhere
Crum looks around and sees the person talking; it was an elderly man sitting in a chair next to him.
“Where am I?”
“You are in my house so don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” The old man said, as Crum descended into unconsciousness again.
A few hours later Crum awoke again and the old man was nowhere to be seen, so Crum decides to go looking around, he look outside and sees the old man sitting very still on a stone. Crum finds his way out of the house and approaches the old man.
“I’m guessing your feeling better?”
This startles Crum “yes much better.”
“Good, and don’t worry you where very quiet, I am just very good at hearing things. By the way my name is Arom Bentru, what is yours?”
“My name is Crum.”
“Hum? That all?”
“That’s all I have gone by for years so that will do.”
“How old are you Crum?”
“No offence meant, just wanted to know.”
It was obvious that Crum had no intention to tell his age.
The Arom notices the sword Crum had and asked,
“Do you know how to use that sword?”
“A little.” Crum responds questioningly
“Then show me.” Arom says as he draws his blade.
The two fight for just a few minutes and Arom had completely crushed him.
“Not bad, but I am one of the legendary swordsmen so don’t be surprised.”
This stunned Crum, the elf’s and even the dragons knew about the legendary swordsmen and respected them.
“I have also chosen to train you as my apprentice.”
And so for twenty years Crum was truly happy. But I wouldn’t last. One day Crum had gone to a swordsmanship competition for the afternoon and on his way back he saw Arom in the street a group of men surrounding him and he watches as a blade slice through Arom’s chest.
Crum sprints to his mentor’s side, the men as he approached fled.
“Arom! Arom!” Crum said in fear but he was already dead.
Crum angry that his one friend was dead, went chasing after the killers, he easily caught up to them and ripped them to shreds.
A merc. Lord seeing this demonstration of pure raw power decided that he was going to recruit him. It wasn’t very hard Crum wanted to kill and the merc. Lord promised lots.
Sixty-five years later he was working for some drow (dark elf’s) and they where attacking a town, the drow where merciless in their killings and it disgusted Crum, and he was no freshmen to killing.
While on the hunt for his next fight he sees a drow attacking a five year old, the child had a shield stuck to his one arm by a shield and the other pinned by the drow. Crum couldn’t stand to see a child killed in such a way it angered him to the point that he changed into half-dragon form and attacked the drow, he rammed his sword into the back of the drow’s head and jerked up ripping the head in half. He then chopped the next ones arm off and stabbed him through the abdomen and the last drow fled.
Crum checks to make sure that the kid will survive and takes off.
Then leaves to continue his mission.

03-04-09, 08:55 AM
That's not a familiar, that's an ability. Where did you get it? You are supposed to link new abilities earned in quests.