View Full Version : Autobiography of a Duke

Duke of Baden
03-06-09, 04:23 PM
Name: Hans Von Baden
Race: Human
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Hair: Long swaying locks of golden-blonde hair.
Eyes: Deep emerald eyes that glisten like the fields of Baden.
Height/Weight: 7'6"ft, 250 lbs.
Occupation: Goldsmith and part-time money lender, and a warrior.

Appearance: A Germanic god incarnate; this massive giant of a man stands heads above the rest in beauty and "size." His viral manhood makes all the milk maidens dampen at the sheer utterance of his name. His chiseled muscles and well worked arms from years near the forge have left him in incredible shape. His left hand is disfigured, losing his pinky finger in a terrible smelting accident. And above all else is his simmering codpiece; fourteen inches in length.

Personality: An angry man, who uses torture as fun. A man who finds satisfaction in nothing, except money. Women are but objects to be conquered.

History: The fifth Duke of Baden, he learned goldsmithing as a means to fund an army to take over the German territories in 1299 A.D. After his defeat by the combined forces of his enemies, he was captured and sent in exile through a magical portal to Althanas.

Strength - A giant of a man, he has nearly 1.5x the strength of a normal man.
Axe Combat - Skilled by means on earth, he is above average in the field of axe combat.
Lesser Healing - Given to him by the magic portal, he entered Althanas with minor magical abilities. He can heal small flesh wounds and lessen the pain of small wounds.
Gold smelting - He was trained to refine and smelt gold. However, he actually needs gold and the tools of the trade to do this.
Jewelery Making - Makes low quality gold jewelery from the smelted material, for he is not use to working on Althanas.

Heat Tampered Steel, Gold plated:
-Breast plate
-Pants - With giant codpiece

Two-handed Broad Axe - for heaving trees. Given to him by a lumberjack. Wooden handle, iron blade.

03-06-09, 04:50 PM
Look good. Just remember that all stuff you make needs to be approved by the moderator judging whatever thread you gain it in. You can also not sell the gold plated armor.
