View Full Version : Frozen Wastes: Part I - Initiation

07-13-06, 08:45 PM
A small piece of parchment, resting in the gloved and hooded hands of a bone weary traveler, rustles noiselessly as a small gust of wind catches its corners. Dark splotches of ink mar the edges and spaces of the words on the parchment, as if it was written in a hurry but it is still legible.

The eyes that gaze upon the parchment narrow, their golden yellow iris' sparkling in the low light of the dark alley. The pupils widen as they draw in more light, an easy task for these eyes, even in a dark alley.

The words on the parchment grow more clear and a soft whisper forms at the tip of a mouth, moving in accordance with the words syllables.

Your mission is simple and is expected to be followed to the letter.

Find the suit. Find it, and bring it back. By any means necessary.
The whisper fades and the eyes remove their gaze from the parchment. The hand clenches and the crackle of the parchment being mashed between its fingers is the only sound in the alley. The hand opens and the parchment falls away.

It falls with a rocks grace, straight and fast. It lands with a soft whisk on the grey cobble stones beneath it and bounces for a few inches before finally coming to rest on one of its wider, more balanceable, edges. A shadow shifts in the dark and the eyes, the hand, and the mouth that moved, disappear into the heavy black of the alley, leaving behind the crumpled form of the parchment.

A few moments later a spark ignites and the parchment turns to crusty ashes as its flammable ink catch and burns the rest away. Another gust of wind blows down the alley and the ashes float away, lost forever in the alley, and the night beyond.


Johnny "The Warden" James sat idly twirling an ancient diamond powered pocket clock, staring with lost eyes into its shiny golden surface. Beneath the golden pocket clock was an equally old oak table, three inches thick, scuffed and marred to a point where its once brilliant golden shine, was now reduced to a dull, bleak landscape of gouged grooves and tearing canyons. Each caused by a unique circumstance, in a unique way, at a unique time. Bar fights or table dancing gone bad.

He stopped twirling the clock and gave it a swift tap against the dilapidated table and returned his gaze once again to the cloaked and hooded figure sitting before him. It wasn't an odd sight to see a figure dressed as such in Knife's Edge. The place was as bleak and dull as the table, but four times as cold and six times more deadly, and a table could be a deadly thing in a bar fight. The clock tapped the table a second time before swiftly, and deftly, vanishing up Johnny's left coat sleeve. It had taken him years to perfect that move and it had since served him many times when bartering for various services and goods. A man didn't much like to be sitting safe one minute, then having his neck threatened by a knife that had come out of nowhere the next. A small trick, but a useful one when the other didn't know you had it. Johnny sensed that this man knew though, so he played it that it was just a fancy trick to do with his watch.

He smiled and leaned over the table a bit, cris-crossing his fingers together so as to lean his chin on them like a pedestal, and smiled at the figure. "Sooo," he said in a slow northern drawl that he used on first encounters. "Let me get this straight. You need," Johnny uncurled his fingers and began ticking off points with them. "A well and able-bodied group of individuals to travel with you into hell knows where in Salvar. You need a guide to help you along the way. You need supplies enough to last you at least a month. You need enough equipment to crew a full expeditionary force and to top it all off, you need me to find it all for you!"

Johnny crossed his fingers once more and replaced the smile that had dimmed on his face. "Did I leave anything out?"

The figure across from him stirred and Johnny instantly went stiff and alert. He had seen that shifting before and every time he did, it involved either someone getting killed or a great deal of money being spilled out in front of him. Many a time he had thought the ladder was going to happen only to have the first occur. He learned long since to never get too uppity when this part of the discussion came along so he readied the knife hidden in his sleeve and prepared for the worst. Only to be surprised when the figure pulled a very large sack, filled with a great deal of a lot of little somethings, from beneath its cloak and set it heavily onto the table top.

It clinked when it hit and the smile turned to an outright grin as Johnny relaxed. The figure then gestured with a gloved hand toward the sack and spoke in a southern accent of high pitch vowels and short clipped syllables.

“Your payment for performing what I ask is here, but only in half. It’s a get half now, get half in the end deal. I’m sure you know the type.” The figure waited for Johnny to nod before continuing. “I also ask that you be the guide.” This came as a shock to Johnny and he sat back to punctuate the matter.

Guide? He thought. I’m not a guide. . . The figure spoke again.

“Judging by your middle name, I’m guessing that you are quite familiar with the regions of Salvar. Am I correct?” The figure reached for the sack of money. “Or should I seek my requirements else where?”

“No!” Johnny said before he had time to think, holding up a restraining hand, staying the figures motion. Dammit, dipshit! What the hell was that about?! Before he could answer his own question, his mouth spoke on its own accord, again. “I’ll be your guide. My name, “The Warden” wasn’t earned from just running the show. We all have to start somewhere, right?” His mind grumbled as his mouth spoke but finally settled and fell in line with the rest of him, while his mouth offered a sheepish grin to the figure.

The figure seemed convinced and moved its arm away from the sack and leaned back. Johnny could almost see the smile on the figures face as it tucked its arms back into its robes.

“Good. Then I will let you get about your work. Gather the supplies and required equipment and meet me at the Yellow Stag at sundown, three days from now.”

The figure nodded and rose from its seat. Johnny nodded as well and was just about to turn away from the figure when something it had said finally clicked in his mind and he shot straight up from his seat, so quickly that his chair was knocked onto its back.

“Three days?!” He shouted. His words echoed off the walls and he coughed, then lowered his voice. “Three days, are you crazy? It will take me at least five to get the damn equipment alone, not to mention food!” The figure lifted a hand and dropped another sack of money onto the table. This one wasn’t much smaller than the first and Johnny eyed with hungry eyes.

“Consider it danger pay, to get what you need in three days.” Johnny could again feel the smile and laughed mirthlessly for a short second before sighing deeply and running his hand through his hair.

“It’ll be tight. Very tight, but I think I could do it.”

The figure smiled again; it was making Johnny’s skin crawl.

“Good,” it said before turning to leave. It stopped for a moment at the door and turned to face him one last time. “Remember, three days.” And then it was gone. Swallowed up by the darkness of the hallway beyond, letting the door click silently shut behind it.


And that was how Johnny “The Warden” James found himself sitting at a bar in the Yellow Stag, staring blankly at his pocket clock, wondering absent mindedly if his hastily drawn recruiting posters had done their jobs as he had hoped. Specific instructions and requirements had been placed on each but Johnny had a sinking feeling in his gut that that wasn’t going to be enough.

He reached up to his coat pockets to feel the nearly depleted sack of money, the remains of the second one, and sighed. He hoped it was enough. The door to the bar opened and Johnny sighed again, doomed himself to a frozen death somewhere deep in the forsaken reaches of Salvar, and turned to meet what would probably be his first, and last, expedition companions into the Frozen Wastes of Salvar.

((My PC characters formal entrance will be last and I will be Rping from both the view points of Reann and Johnny. So just consider this his introduction post. :p))

07-18-06, 07:47 PM
A young, brown-haired woman slipped quietly through the front door of the Yellow Stag. In one hand she held her oak staff, in the other she clutched a piece of paper. She had come to Salvar in the hopes that she would find at least rumors of someone who had dared to cross the frozen plains. Alas, those hopes came to naught, no one had heard of any such person, neither had they heard of anyone returning from such a trip. She had been on her way back to the inn she’d taken a room in when she saw a recruitment poster. As always, the thought of seeing something new and different attracted her attention immediately.

Hmmm, searching for some ancient artifact thingamajig...sounds fun. I may as well, there’s nothing left for me to find here in Knife’s Edge.

Snatching the recruitment paper off the wall, she held tightly to it while searching for the Yellow Stag. Now that she was here, she was starting to have a few glimmers of second thoughts. She could still back out of the whole deal if it was not for her, but she would not know until she spoke to the people in charge of it. Gazing around the room, her green eyes fell upon a man sitting by himself. He was facing the door, so she assumed he turned to see who had entered.

Maybe he knows who this person is on the paper...

Smiling her usual open smile, Cassy crossed the short distance to the man’s table and held forth the paper. “Excuse me, please, but do you know who put out this paper? I’m supposed to meet him here if I want to go on this expedition of his, but I don’t know what the man really looks like.”

She stood straight, staff in one hand, travel bag and double-blade on her back. The only other clothing item she’d added to her person was a heavy cloak that flapped open slightly to reveal her green shirt. Her cream colored pants fit her snugly, but not too snugly. She watched the man patiently, allowing him a good look at the recruitment paper and hoped that he knew the person she was searching for.

07-29-06, 10:41 PM
By far, The Yellow Stag had to have been the least welcoming place as of yet in the necromancer’s journey. Taking into account of the same old large numbers of drunks, tagged along by mysterious travelers like himself coming in and out, why would it be welcoming in the first place? Well.. the only thing the place had going for it was the adventurer’s board. People set up their own advertisements for possible aid and humble company in their travels. It gave those children with hopes and dreams of seeing the world the chance to stick with what their heart led them to do.. once they reached the legal drinking age, of course. Amongst the cries for help made out of paper, there was one that stood out over all the rest. Surprisingly, it was the only one that had not time or effort put into it. It was right to the point, and got the message out.

Considering the circumstances of being out of work, Lisean did have to find something that was bound to pay him off well. The Book of Lemot was just not making enough sense for him. All the languages and runes were just not recognized to his knowledge. If he could only find some of the lost cultures that hopefully gave clues to the true meaning. A woman approached the board, and ripped off the sheet of paper that caught the necromancer’s interest. Now that she had his full attention, a proper warning should’ve been issued, but she did serve purpose in the end. She led him straight to a possible suspect for the one who wrote the ad.

The man seemed pretty young to be all that experienced. Perhaps that was why no effort was put into the advertisement. A rookie adventurer, just like him. He seemed to be generally around his age group. So did the woman, but females always had that trait that made him look much younger than they were. Lisean estimated near mid twenties for her age. He didn’t think much on whether or not to bump in and intrude on the beginnings of a conversation, but he also did not want to miss out on a quest that was smack-dab infront of him.

May as well make myself known.

Lisean got up from his perch upon an empty table infront of the board, and began to slowly make his way through the tavern, avoiding every last man that tried to shove through him to get to the bar. So long as they got their alcohol, he didn’t care. He just had to know they weren’t intoxicated enough to mistake him for the barmaid. Before long, the necromancer stood almost beside the girl that was imposing on the man facing the only door in and out of the bar for customers. Maybe he just seemed to be in the company of the lady, he could show that he was interested as well, without wasting time with words. And so, he was left to wait and see if the man truly was the one responsible to the drawing on the wall that towered over the well-written recruitment papers.

07-30-06, 09:15 PM
Johnny scowled.

This wasn't the crowd he was expecting. These two were far from the adventuring type. Both were far too young and inexperienced to travel the harsh lands of the frigid north. Of course, he really couldn't complain. Such was to be expected from posting recruitment posters. You could never hope to gain a specific crowd when posting those things. Gungho and cocky adventures were the only ones who really paid attention to them anyway, veterans being too smart and too experienced to go out unless otherwise asked.

Wishing I had ropes instead of sticks. Well, guess I can't just keep scowling at them, makes for a bad first impression.

He sat up in his stool and pushed away his drink, a smile growing on his face. He held out a hand for each to shake and when this was finished he slapped his hands on his knees lightly.

"Well," he said brightly. "I see you two have come here to ask about that there sheet of paper, what it entails and what kind stuff we're goin' after." He nonchalantly winked at the girl and nodded his head. "An answer to your questions in a moment lass, but first, I need to go over a few important rules with the two of yous."

He pointed a worn finger at the male and smiled crookedly. "First off, I'll shall need to know your names and ages. Insurance you could say but personally, I like to know who it is I'm dealing with and their maturity levels."

He reached behind him and held out a sheet of paper and pen, waiting for them to take it, then continued.

"If you've read the poster then you'll know we're headed north. Far north. Where nothing but snow and creatures never seen the like of man before live. It will be dangerous, perilous and some of us," he met the eyes of the two of them for a few brief moments as he spoke, to seal the point. "Might not survive."

The male had taken the paper and written something down and had handed it to the female, who also wrote something down. Johnny took it from her, glanced at it and then stuffed it into his pocket.

"Right, now that that is out of the way, rules."

He reached again behind him and picked up two small leather bound books. They were nondescript, literally just two sheets of leather covering a few pages of text, bound together by a string. It was inside however, that made these two little books, nearly priceless.

“Inside you will find a few ‘how-to’ things, as well as guideline for first time travelers. There is also a page or two of some very important rules regarding traveling in the wilderness. The guide is boss, buddy system, standard stuff. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.”

He then pointed towards two small burlap sacks at his feet. “Inside these you’ll find some supplies that you will be expected to carry on the journey. I will not hear a word of complaining out of any one of you when I say this. Each weighs in at about fifty pounds but it gets lighter as we go along.”

He then reached behind him to pick up two short pieces of paper, black ink scrawled across it in the form of a list. “These are the supplies that each of you is in charge of on this journey. Each list is different from the other and you are fully expected to maintain each and every piece of equipment on that list. We need our equipment in top shape, slacking off could get us lost, or killed.”

He then sighed and leaned back a little. “Now, there’s that. All we have left to do now, is introduce our benefactor on this expedition. He should be here any moment now. . .”


It was cold outside. His breath misted in the air in front of him and he could feel the cold fingers of the wind beginning to wrap themselves under the hem of his cloak. It was hard to ignore, even for a man completely covered in a thick layer of fur.

He sighed. That was the main reason he had this cloak on in the first place. He had heard rumors of another furry war brewing and to avoid said complications with people, he had decided the wear the cloak. It was rather comfortable and it helped greatly here in the far reaches of Salvar, which in all honesty, was the last place he ever expected himself to be seen. But, that strange parchment had forced him to act, even if it meant acting in a way he didn’t much like.

He moved from his resting place against the wall of the Yellow Stag and squared himself in front of the faded yellow door. Scrawled across its surface, possibly carved out by a knife or perhaps imbedded by a door maker, was the image of a wild stag. It wasn’t hard to put the two together to see where the Inn got its name. He wrapped his hand around the cold metal knob, turned and strode into the considerably warmer interior of the cozy Inn.

“. . .should be here any moment now, so just keep sharp and wait up a second.”

That would have been Johnny talking and if he was talking, that meant that. . .

There were only two, much to his disappointment and both looked very young. Again another disappointment, but he himself was young so he let the matter slide. Come to think of it, Johnny wasn’t much older than himself so perhaps it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

Just so long as they know to follow orders and survive, I’ll be happy.

Letting the cold knob go so that the door might shut and trap what little warm air was left in the room, inside, he strode forward and stood next to the rather imposing male figure. He lifted a hand casually towards Johnny, who nodded respectfully then backed away, before moving to stand in front of the two. He then lifted his fur clad wolf like hands up the his hood and pulled it back to reveal his wolf like face and sun yellow eyes.

“Right,” he said in a cheerful tone. “I see that Johnny has you two all caught up. There are rooms waiting for you upstairs should you choose to retire now. But, if you would like to stay a while and chat, there is a booth there to the south side of building where Johnny and I will be discussing matters concerning the expedition. You may join us there if you’d like.”

He smiled, his eyes partially closed and then turned to Johnny and extended a hand towards the booth. “If you would please, I have a few questions to ask.”

“Oh, yes. Right away. Bar keep, a pitcher of your best if you please and four glasses.”

With Johnny busy gathering the drink and glass, he turned towards the other two again, his smile still on his face.

“My name is Eireann by the way, but you may call me Reann.”

“All right, thanks. Sir?”

Reann nodded to Johnny then to the other two.

“See you in a bit, or if not, have a good nights sleep. We leave in the morning.”

With that he followed Johnny to the booth, poured himself a glass and began talking to the man in hushed tones.



2 Pots - Clean
3 Skillets - Clean
1 Coffee Pot - Clean
1 Pewter Pitcher - Clean
8 Pewter Mugs - Clean
12 Complete sets of Silver Ware (Spoon, Fork, Knife) - Clean, Knives Sharp
8 Pewter Dishes - Clean
1 Portable Insta-Stove (Enchanted Flame) - Clean, working
4 Maps (Northern Salvar, Southern Salvar, Eastern Salvar, Western Salvar - Sketchy, not to be trusted) - Dry, folded neatly and ready to use
2 Magnetic Compass’ - Ready to use, clean


8 sets of iron climbing spikes (12 spikes in a set) - Sharp, rust free and clean
6 pairs of strap on boot spikes - Sharp, rust free and clean
2 shovels - Sharp, rust free
4 oil lanterns - In working order, stocked with oil
8 flasks of oil (8 ounces a piece) - Keep tabs on supply
4 sections of 200' rope - No frays, wrapped neatly, ready to use
6 flasks of polishing oil - Use on Spikes and Shovels to maintain durability

These are the items you two are in charge of maintaining. Only a few of these items will be in your packs, the rest will be stored on the mules. You are still responsible for them though. Try to clean them every time we rest ICly.

Reann is in charge of the food and hunting materials.))