View Full Version : Round Two, Bracket B: Bang, Whoosh, Etc. Vs. Tvier Valka Seula

03-07-09, 07:53 PM
Well, it's on. I'll have a post up tonight, unless anyone wants to head that off. For a posting order, I just figured to set a basic rule of "wait for people if they're relevant". This allows a little more freedom than a set order while still being fair. Thoughts or objections?

Oh, and BaBE and Gordie: good luck. I've seen your writing, and I am personally intimidated. Hey, we'll see who Murphy sides with this round, neh?

03-07-09, 08:25 PM
You flatter us. *blush* I'd be more afraid of my errant tounge on the podcast, lol.

Yeah, I'm cool with a loose posting order, but I'd like to propose that each player posts whenever they want during that particular round of posting, but waits until all four have posted until they go again. For example:

POSTS 1-4 (Posting round 1)

POSTS 5-9 (Posting round 2)

And so on.

03-07-09, 08:36 PM
Fully agreed, with the addendum that if this devolves into two 1v1 matches on opposite sides of the globe, then each matchup posts on its own time. (example: Me vs BaBE, Gordie vs. Exphee; I can post after BaBE and he can after I do with no regard for our errant partners, who are obviously sleeping it off.)

Oh, and I'll be explaining Xaul's abilities to the best of my own ICly, but here's the profiles for TVS:
Xaul (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=135983)
Epsilon (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17872)

03-07-09, 08:40 PM
More than likely it'll go off into two 1v1 matches. Actually, unless our arena gives us some great set pieces to work with that would benefit a proper 2v2, that's how I'd prefer it. Although, two 1v1s would kill our collective pacing scores if say one duel posts at a faster rate than the other.

But the four of us can discuss that possibility when the time arises.

03-08-09, 01:08 AM
MHM i'm excited to see Exphe's Bullets bounce off my armour

03-08-09, 01:09 AM
If anyone doesnt mind, i'd like second post? at least for the first round

03-08-09, 01:59 AM
Sure, take the post, but that ain't bullets in that gun. Count yourself lucky that it got nerfed to level five, too. In its usual form, it's a three post cooldown handgun that can rip through fully five feet of solid carbonsteel lattice. (I know because I've seen Epsilon at full power.)

Moral? Don't get too cocky.

03-08-09, 03:46 AM
Kool... so its a huge Fire duel (Just read his profile)

Still, i'm interested to see how this plays out

03-08-09, 03:58 AM
Post 2 is up

03-08-09, 10:00 AM
Sorry I was late to the party, guys. Though I'd personally prefer a solid posting order, I'm fine with it this way. However, I am worried about continuity the way you're thinking, TwinD. If we have two people posting a lot more than the other two, not only will it be confusing to read but it will also knock points off our final evaluation. We essentially did two 1v1s in Round One, remember, and that worked fine even with a rigid order. I guess we'll revisit this when the situation requires. Anyhoo.

Gordie - TwinDeath is entirely correct, you're not getting any bullets out of me. Also, the only fire you'll be getting is the fire you're bringing: Epsilon's an Ice-user.

Finally, I believe I will wait up for the fourth post. Go ahead, BaBE.

03-09-09, 10:14 AM
I have two midterms to do today, so I'll get to my post either tonight when I get home from school (which will be around 9 p.m.) or sometime tomorrow morning.

03-09-09, 05:26 PM
BaBE, a few questions.

How is the paralyzing powder delivered? Inhalation? Dissolving into a drink?
The wire is one length of fifty feet, right?
Is there any mind-to-mind contact involved in the “Mental disruption” ability?

Gordie, a couple questions about the mech:

Is the paint job the same as the video?
What is the power source that it uses?
In the video, the center of mass looked heavily skewed towards the top/back. Is it especially unstable?
What detection systems does the mech have, both for line of sight and area? Radar? Infrared? Low-light?

03-09-09, 05:56 PM
I don't plan on using the paralyzing powder in this battle. It was more of a tool I'd use for a solo/quest. I probably should read over what I copy/paste next time I do a tournament profile, eh?

The wire is one length, yes.

I haven't really thought the mental disruption ability through as much as I should have, but Madison emits it in a wave of sorts. It wouldn't require mental contact; you would just have to be within the seven foot radius when she triggers it. For my intentions, its kind of like a punch. Either it hits, or it misses. Should either of you be moving fast enough while Maddy fires this off, it'll probably miss. (Do you read/watch Naruto? Same basic idea as Ino's Mind Body Switch Technique.) Again, I'll probably won't be using this in battle; and if I do, I'll clear it with youse guys beforehand.

03-09-09, 08:21 PM
Well, I talked with my roommate, and according to him, the mind/body does require mental contact. I only ask because Xaul has a malevolent god of death and pestilence occupying his head, so anyone who links with him in the middle of a battle (when Resheph is unleashed) will not be having any fun. I am willing to work with you on this and bring down Resheph's power level if you ever do want to use the disruption.

03-09-09, 08:27 PM
I probably won't. It's just one of those decorative abilities that are there to make your character look like they have a wide range of skills.

Kinda' like sleep and silence spells in Final Fantasy games.

Actually, I can think of only one battle where I've ever used any of Madison's abilities apart from the wire and her hand-to-hand. So chances are good that if we do end up splitting off and I go up against you, I'll just stick to that.

03-09-09, 11:51 PM
@ Twindeath

The suit is Light Grey/Green, more like my Avatar.
It is more of armour, btw, it is only 2 Meters tall.

It uses a Miniature Fusion reactor to power the Weapon, Jets, and the Musculature, and is condrolled mentally through a Neurohelmet.

In the video, the center of mass looked heavily skewed towards the top/back. Is it especially unstable?
The Backpack, is essentialy a disposable rocket launcher, used as a shock attack at the beginning, or as a surprise mid way through combat. the entire thing though, is thoroughly stable, as the rockets and backpack to not take up anywhere near the weight of the rest of the body. (100kgs compared to a full 1000 KGs of the suit) once all the rockets have been fired, the backpack is useless and Jettisoned

What detection systems does the mech have, both for line of sight and area? Radar? Infrared? Low-light?

The suit uses a small radar, but mainly it is directed at the back, the front is purely visual although Nikolai's enhanced imaging allows him to pick out camoflagued targets more easily.

Any other questions?

03-11-09, 07:27 PM
Yeah, sorry about the wait guys. It's midterm week!

03-11-09, 07:38 PM
Although I'm kinda more interested in Exphe's Gun and Cryo-Kenisis abilities.
I noticed that your profile said that your Cryo ability could damage armour and such, but can it "encase" a peice of armour, potentially rendering it useless. some explanation there would be good.

Just some more explanation on what the gun could potentially do to affect my armour would help aswell

Thanks in advance

03-12-09, 07:56 AM
Gordie, on the subject of energy weapons: Sentinel is nothing extremely complicated, just a compact high-energy laser weapon. It is capable of damaging armor in the usual way that energy weapons do. (i.e. melting it, burning through it, etc.) Don't expect to be facing a turbolaser, though. TwinD was right that it's been nerfed pretty seriously. In its original form it would leave a nice hole straight through you. If you've ever read Deathstalker by Simon R, Greene, you know what I mean.

At the moment, it's equivalent of a high-level magical fireball in power. Meaning that it will cause a serious amount of damage if it hits you directly, possibly to the point of disabling one or more things on your mech. Don't worry too much, it's hard to aim.

Also, cyrokinesis. My ability to 'encase' an object in ice does exactly what you might think: it coats and object in a sheath of ice that may, depending on the thickness of the ice, immobilize, disable, or impede the movement of said object. Example: I coat the joints of your gripper arm in ice, freezing them in place and making it difficult for you to move them.

Your mech would likely be able to free itself from the ice if I used it in that way, but who's to say Epsilon doesn't have a few more tricks?

03-12-09, 02:31 PM
Yeah, sorry about the wait guys. It's midterm week!

Ickey ick-ick. Midterms are bad for me too. What'cha studying, BaBE?

03-12-09, 02:37 PM
Contemporary Africa and Modern American History!

Along with Advanced Media Writing, Advanced Radio Production, and Intro to Digital A/V (which I took back in community college, but apparently it has to be taken at my current school. Bastages.)

03-12-09, 02:48 PM
By now I'm sure most of us have noticed the debate going on here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18751). I don't feel like debating the topic even though I am personally on Cyrus's and Task's side, so therefore I thought I would ask for everyone's opinion. If it especially bugs anyone, then I will only go off the information that Xaul personally knows. If not, then I will stick to my usual and have the narrator (and only the narrator) be omniscient.

Oh and the whole debate makes me want to apply desk directly to the forehead.

03-12-09, 03:00 PM
Matters not to me. Write as you like.

03-13-09, 12:15 AM
I agree with both TwinDeath and Cyrus. It bothered the hell out of me to constantly think up alternate names for Epsilon to call his opponent in Round One. I think I used every possible variation of 'Rifleman' there is. Also, the way I've been writing the Tourney so far, Epsilon and Xaul receive at least basic information on their opponents before each match, essentially nothing more than a name and a few distinguishing characteristics. The mods had no problem with that before, so I'm going to 'recognize' my opponents and refer to them by name if necessary.

03-18-09, 10:06 PM
Contemporary Africa and Modern American History!

Nice. Geo major here, which means Calc, GSCI, and physics up the wazoo. Fun times, neh?

03-20-09, 09:48 AM
Soooooooo... anyone going to post?

03-20-09, 09:51 AM
I haven't seen Gordie on since I posted. Any word from Exspherius?

03-20-09, 06:21 PM
Posting now.

For the record, this is why I was apprehensive about a lack of post order.

03-20-09, 07:04 PM
Hmph. Well BaBE, if you have some way to virtually smack Gordie like a pinata until posts fall out, please do so. Otherwise, I dunno. I don't want a win through inactivity for either team, so... Any suggestions?

If Gordie falls completely inactive, then we could just write something around the mech shutting down unexpectedly. I hate to write someone out of the fight, though. His profile page says that he was on on the 19th, today, but he didn't post...

03-25-09, 03:12 PM
Hey, sorry about the lack of posting, I had writers block, but i finally broke through it.

03-26-09, 08:06 PM
It's cool. Glad you made it.

03-26-09, 08:36 PM
No problem, Gordie. You're up again, though. Just FYI.

03-26-09, 10:19 PM
I'll have it posted in the next couple days.

03-26-09, 10:41 PM
Okay, my actions for the next post are to launch a pair of missiles at Twin-Death and Exphe

03-26-09, 10:49 PM
What I was thinking that could make gordie's post work was if I waited until one or both of youse guys posted doing whatever before I do my post. That way its not a bullshit post and I can have something to work with.

03-27-09, 12:21 AM
The battle closes after 11:59 PM EST on March 27th. So if you're going to post, Gordie...

03-27-09, 08:09 PM
I'm afraid that I'm going to defer to my partner, since he's the one who can actually do something. I think that that ends our battle.

03-28-09, 03:51 PM
Sorrry TwinD...I've been at Alfred University for the past two days and did not have access to the internet...I apologize for not letting you know, and for failing to post.

04-09-09, 03:10 PM
Well, that's that, I guess. Thank you both, it was a pleasure to write with you. Grab some Fate Points and we'll see if a rematch rolls around!

04-09-09, 03:12 PM
I've got ten sitting around. We'll see what happens.

And agreed, it was a good match. Youse guyz should stick around so we can throw down together again sometime, hm?

04-09-09, 04:00 PM
Interesting coincidence, just as I read your fate point totals you said it on the podcast. That is really funny stuff, by the way. I especially enjoyed the tentacle joke in the second one. "Have you had your dose of (tentacle noise) today?" Heh. May we fight again!

04-09-09, 10:46 PM
As unfortunate as it is, i'm just finding that my RL is taking up more and more time, so as it is... coincidentally that we lost the match.... anyways... it was a good fight