View Full Version : Round Two: Catholic Mafia vs. Stalin For Time

03-07-09, 08:55 PM
Jesus, finally, amirite?

Hey guys, this'll be our OOC for the match. If you have any questions either post them here or you can reach Cory and I through AIM/PM. I'm excited personally to see how this match turns out and who ends up going for the gold.

I'd like to start off by saying I'd like to take a whack at the first post if you two are all right with it.

EDIT: Y'know what, scratch that. I had to deal with this before and I didn't really like how it turned out. So, because of that I think the first post should be up for grabs. First come, first serve and all that shit. That way we don't end up tieing each other up while we're scrambling to do this thing.

I'd like to run an idea by you guys as well about loose posting order. I haven't really tried it, but I was wondering if we could be a little more liberal with it. I mean, instead of waiting for the next person in rotation to post, shouldn't we just fire away at it when we can come up with something? It'll waste a lot less time, let us move a lot faster, and make this a whole lot more fun for the four of us instead of running through protocol.

The only downside is that it'll get pretty fucking chaotic sometimes. But, I think since we're all adults and have had our ears crammed full of powergaming, bunnying, and all those other rules there shouldn't be a lot of trouble with it.

Let me know what you guys think.

Father Snew
03-07-09, 08:57 PM
Just a fair warning, Kupo! and I have a bit of story to do before we even reach the battlefield, so I would recommend letting at least Kupo! go first, so as to limit the amount of "down" time.

03-07-09, 09:51 PM
Loose order is gereat and all, but we need to make sure every team member has a roughly same amount of post time. Also I'd like to have firstpost, considering I'm going to be drunk when I do it. But as always we can work this out like gentlemen.

03-07-09, 10:09 PM
I've talked to Saxon. We're fine if you go first.

03-07-09, 11:47 PM
Ok so first post is me on the 27th

Father Snew
03-19-09, 03:18 AM
Just to warn you Kupo! is currently in the middle of a move. I'll try to throw up a post soon, but you'll have to understand his post will probably not be up immediately, possibly within a week at LATEST.

03-19-09, 01:14 PM
Can't wait a week at the most for him to get in, man. I'll just go ahead and throw one up after you and Kupo can hop in when he's ready. If you want, you could just bunny him to keep him doing stuff, that way he's not completely out of the running. The three of us can keep posting until he gets back. I understand post counds are important and all that, but so is keeping this battle moving.

I'd like to at least make an attempt to finishing this before the deadline.

03-21-09, 02:08 AM

I'm back peeps, so lets do this! your move guys!

Father Snew
03-21-09, 09:08 PM
Um Saxon, just for my edification, I need to know a few things about these ruins that have suddenly been brought tot he battlefield. (Not angry, just confused as the prompt didn't include them if you're adding them fine.)

Any particular rhyme or reason to the ruins? Stone I'm assuming? Also about how high is the average ruin? Are there intact buildings and such. I don't want to be caught off guard by information, so I figure for my post I'm going to need this stuff and since you're introducing it, its your element.

Thanks ahead of time.

03-21-09, 09:35 PM
. . .Donning his mask, the Salvarian quickly felt his confusion begin to slip away and feel his old self begin to return. Moving from behind the rocky outcrop, the warrior looked around. He was upon a flat ring of stone that was mapped by an archaic pattern of luminous blue lines that sank deep into the rocks. Boulders, rocks, and ruins littered the surface of the disk that was a couple hundred yards in length and width. A ring of columns surrounded the edge of the disk, and most surprising of all was that no matter how hard Brom tried; it didn't feel like he was on solid ground. . .

I made clear mention of it in my first post, though since it's buried kind of deep I can understand if you didn't pick it up if you skimmed.

Made of stone. Average ruin is about five feet high, the taller ones are about six to seven. I was making it look like a crumbling colosseum to give it a bit of scenery aside from the generic disk that they keep seeming to give people. It also serves a purpose in giving both sides cover. There are no intact buildings, everything else has been pummeled and smashed by the elements.

03-24-09, 09:00 PM
I gotta ask because I'm about to get steamrolled by work close to the end of the week and we're nearin' the deadline here;

What's with the hold up?

Father Snew
03-24-09, 09:40 PM
Patience my friend is a virtue. While things had occurred that made me busy for the past few days, I have managed to post. I hope you enjoy it.

03-24-09, 10:45 PM
Not a virtue I keep very close. Anyway, very well done.

Father Snew
03-24-09, 11:29 PM
As an aside if I touch you, you gain the nifty ability to take collection!

ToC Profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17708)

03-25-09, 12:25 PM
So while Brom is gutting the padre, he'll feel bad about it but once he throws some change at him he's absolved?

I'm not really seeing the downside here. ;)

Father Snew
03-25-09, 04:12 PM
No no no, you misunderstand, you have the ability to take collection.

03-25-09, 07:19 PM
So he gets money and then is absolved?

Tainted Bushido
03-26-09, 02:07 AM
Collection – Any donation of money towards Valentine Snew’s church will immediately grant immunity from Snew’s Roman Catholic Guilt trip. This immunity lasts until Snew has left them and met with them at a later time. (Read: for the entire thread)

So if people donate to YOUR church they'd be immune to YOUR catholic guilt trip until you left them.

03-26-09, 07:44 AM
Lol, sorry, but that's one of the most hilarious powers ever.

03-27-09, 12:06 AM
So, for clarification, Saxon you now have Ankle Biter biting at your crotch. Enjoy.

03-27-09, 08:42 PM
Yeah, right. Three of us are dead. I think it's now a competition of who can die the most violently. =P

*raises hand*

Anyway, we need one more post before 11 to cap us off and qualify for experience and we're almost friggin' done too. So how do we want to do this? Do we want Cory to post since he's the only one left alive or what?

EDIT: Alright, so we're at 10 posts right now. I just got done talking with Christoph and got several clarifications. First, we can finish with 11 posts if Cory does the last post since he's the only one left alive. We also fall under and qualify for the extension that Shadowed and his people got, so if we don't finish this tonight we can tomorrow, but it'd still be nice if you and Diss signed off on this before Cory actually does it.

03-27-09, 09:29 PM
I think snew has enough for life for one last post, but if he doesn't respond to the thread by 8 oclock tomorrow morning feel free to post without him.

Oh, and most epic death has to be saxon by De-Manhood

03-27-09, 09:37 PM
Am I allowed to bunny the evil demon toys?

Viola Conda
03-28-09, 12:26 AM
Yes, you have the creepy turtle guy coming from the shadows. Feel free to do as you will.

Oh, and Snew doesn't want to post, so post

03-28-09, 07:37 PM
I'll have a post up either late tonight or early tomorrow morning.