View Full Version : DarkStrike

03-09-09, 07:49 PM
So, Shadowed's teammate is no longer able to participate and from what I've heard from Shadowed, is that, seeing as he is still active, he is allowed to call in a new partner starting next round, assuming he makes it that far.

I, at the request of Shadowed, am that new teammate. This character is not going to be my normal Althy character. Instead I'll be using his master, creator, and blood brother. I was told the characters could basically be at Althy Level 5. Seeing as I've never gotten to that point, I will power down the normally Demi-goddish DarkStrike, to a reasonable level.

However, obviously I'm going to need a mod's help, which will be coming regardless, to help in this process. The bio as to how he ends up in the tournament is dependent upon Shadowed's first post next round (again, the assumption he makes it).

Name: Ryondel Shi'Nito

Aliases: NightCast, General, Black, DarkStrike, The Rising Moon

Age: Billions of Years; appears to be in prime.

Height: 9'3"

Weight: 466 lbs

Build: Average, Athletic

Skin: Light Italian Olive

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Extremely Thick, Medium Length, Dark Brown, Dry, Frizzy, and Poofy.

Race: Artarian; Black Wing

Bio: Ryondel, though called DarkStrike by all except his brothers, Morgoth, and his deceased sister, looks the part of a soldier, more accurately a sergeant, through and through. He constantly exudes an air of confidence in a nearly arrogant manner at all times. Educated, cunning, and handsome describe him well. He has a chiseled look to his face, with high cheekbones--in an elfish quality--pointed chin and highbrow. His body is slender with a hardened appearance, much like a runner, and despite being tremendously tall and heavy he is light on his feet and incredibly fast. Upon his back, he carries the heirloom to his dead people; a sword called many things, but most commonly referred to as Bane, and wears only a chain cuirass made of the mythical metal Orihalcon (see equipment section).

DarkStrike’s personality can only be accurately described as mercurial in nature. Sometimes he is loud, boisterous, with a keen wit, and strong sense of humor and at other times he can be difficult, stubborn, hotheaded, fierce, and enter a silent brooding state where he is at his most dangerous. He claims no honor, nor does he hold any dignity in his style of fighting; which is cold, detached, merciless, and dirty. When fighting he holds nothing back and has often been quoted saying: “I don’t fight fair, I fight to win.” He is also a highly dangerous elemental mage, having mastered every element, though he holds a particular affinity to one specific type: Spectura, sometimes known as the force of nature crudely named Spectral.


Bane- The Sword of Artaria is made of Orihalcon and typically appears as a simple sword with an elongated hilt and blade slightly longer than the typical long sword, yet shorter than that of a great sword. In its natural state, it is a blade of unsurpassed, simplistic beauty. The metal appears as a soft white metal that gives off a gentle glow, with a hilt that is meant to be serviceable and not beautiful: the same white Orihalcon with leather wrapped along the hilt for gripping purposes. Abilities: Bane, being a sword fashioned by a god, has a good chance of deflecting or neutralizing most magic, stronger magics it can only reduce the effects, but not stop them. Also, it has the ability to transform into any weapon, but in his present state, it can only change into a sword and shield.

Orihalcon Chain Cuirass- This cuirass is fashioned to fit around the body comfortably by molding itself to the wearer. It is made entirely of chain links; there is no plating in the back to maintain shape, which further suggests magical properties. It is also an heirloom of the Sky God Aeronus, like Bane, though the Orihalcon material, which makes up both items, is different in only color; the chain cuirass being a pale, grayish blue. Abilities: The magic for this armor is much limited, not at all like Bane. The magic only has two properties, maintaining its molded shape to fit the wearer. It draws its strength from its wearer, and in his weakened condition the armor will only ward off indirect blows from normal weapons. Direct shots will penetrate it. The armor can repair itself as well, but takes far too long to be any use in battle.

Orihalcon: A metal of (typically) unsurpassed strength, it appears in several soft pastille colors depending on the making, none of the colors have any indication of strength or magical properties. There are two ways the legendary metal can be forged, though. The first way is fairly standard as far as forging goes, though one would need an extremely powerful fire spell/mage to get the temperatures of the bellows high enough to begin the work. The resulting metal is stronger than adamantine and has an edge sharper than a diamond cutter. From this type of forging, it is possible to enchant the weapon, but only after it has been completed, and as with any enchantment, it fades over time; however, there is a way to make Orihalcon stronger than normal. If it is forged while singing certain songs in the language of the gods, the metal will actually respond to it. During this stage the heating temperature for the ore drops significantly, allowing it to be done in normal forge conditions, preventing "metal searing" in the forging process, and the metal, while normally resisting magic, becomes responsive to it. This method of forging also imbues an ability into the blade, drawing out the full and mighty potential of the blade; when forged this way, the blade draws on the strength of the wielder to determine its strength in combat. This a double edged blade since if the user is not at full strength neither is the blade, as is the case with DarkStrike's armor and sword presently. Thus, though made of Orihalcon, DarkStrike's equipment is no stronger than mithril.


Elemental Mage- Though a master of all known elements, rock (including metals and plant-life), fire, wind, water, light, dark, and his mysterious Spectura element, he is a force to be reckoned with. In his weakened condition, the only element that will respond with ease is the Spectura element, which he holds a special affinity too.

Spectura- Spectura is the ethereal source from which the light and dark elements spring. It is their source. If one were to think of the photons of light and particles of shadow as seeds, the source of the Spectura element could be referred to as a constantly pollinating flower. From it springs Spectral seeds, which act like young stem cells: that is to say, they have the potential to become either a photon of light or a miniscule shadow, but as they leak through to the corporeal plane of existence, they have become what they are surrounded by. Simply put, a spectral seed that is surrounded by shadows will in fact become more darkness, whereas one that is in contact with light will become a photon. Weaker Spectura mages harness the element by taking the light and dark elements and restoring them to their original, unaltered form, or as close is possible under such conditions. True Spectura mages, learn to bring the raw energy of pure spectral seeds into play, siphoning the energy into the plane of reality and through powerful control, can prevent the transformation, or corruption, of the seeds into one or the other element. DarkStrike is a “true” Spectura mage.

Agile Acrobat- His wings can give him an edge in maneuverability in battle. He can perform many acrobatic maneuvers thanks to his wings and also simple uses; such as quickly flanking an opponent.

Weapon Master- A General, soldier, gladiator, and wandering warrior, not to mention an incredibly long life, have given DarkStrike mastery in all fields of combat. From heavy to light weight weapons, dual wielding, long range and short, and shield usage DarkStrike is not a foe to be taken lightly. In his weakened condition, DarkStrike will not use anything other than the standard form of Bane and its ability to become a sword and shield.

Artarian Wings- Sometimes having wings is a nuisance. Getting through small doorways, sitting in seats near one another, sleeping in a bed, etc. Artarians are capable of making their wings disappear into an invisible, ethereal state with the help of magic. It is a natural occurrence in the Artarian race and requires almost no energy to perform this task.

Athletic-Years of war and as a soldier in general keeps one in shape. He is moderately fast, strong, and has a high endurance as mark of his long survival in wars.

This is just a working profile. Contains no history as I will have to rewrite his, seeing as I'm on my laptop and not my home desktop, so I don't have access to the file.

03-10-09, 01:32 AM
Gonna have to change the immunity to magic for Bane. Make it that he has a good chance of deflecting or destroying magic sent at him, but anything strong should be taken into consideration as currently something you should dodge instead. Also, please limit what it can change into to just medieval/fantasy weapons for now. Though if you can only change it, according to Weapon Master, into sword and shield just cut the rest out for clarity.

Please remove the 'staving off all blows except powerful magic' part.

Also, please make the metals of the sword and chains equal to no more than mythril at this point, since you have relatively little else.

03-10-09, 11:08 AM
Changed the part about being immune to this:

Bane, being a sword fashioned by a god, has a good chance of deflecting or neutralizing most magic, stronger magics it can only reduce the effects, but not stop them.

The abilities section for the Orihalcon Chain Cuirass is changed to this:

The magic for this armor is much limited, not at all like Bane. The magic only has two properties, maintaining its molded shape to fit the wearer. It draws its strength from its wearer, and in his weakened condition the armor will only ward off indirect blows from normal weapons. Direct shots will penetrate it. The armor can repair itself as well, but takes far too long to be any use in battle.

Bane's transform ability now reads as thus:

Also, it has the ability to transform into any weapon, but in his present state, it can only change into a sword and shield.

In the abilities section i have added these parts in bold so there is no confusion as to the current strength of the Orihalcon materials... Actually, I'll remove anything about strength in each description and beneath the Equipment I'll make a note about Orihalcon and its relevance to DarkStrike, like I did for Spectura magic.

Orihalcon: A metal of (typically) unsurpassed strength, it appears in several soft pastille colors depending on the making, none of the colors have any indication of strength or magical properties. There are two ways the legendary metal can be forged, though. The first way is fairly standard as far as forging goes, though one would need an extremely powerful fire spell/mage to get the temperatures of the bellows high enough to begin the work. The resulting metal is stronger than adamantine and has an edge sharper than a diamond cutter. From this type of forging, it is possible to enchant the weapon, but only after it has been completed, and as with any enchantment, it fades over time; however, there is a way to make Orihalcon stronger than normal. If it is forged while singing certain songs in the language of the gods, the metal will actually respond to it. During this stage the heating temperature for the ore drops significantly, allowing it to be done in normal forge conditions, preventing "metal searing" in the forging process, and the metal, while normally resisting magic, becomes responsive to it. This method of forging also imbues an ability into the blade, drawing out the full and mighty potential of the blade; when forged this way, the blade draws on the strength of the wielder to determine its strength in combat. This a double edged blade since if the user is not at full strength neither is the blade, as is the case with DarkStrike's armor and sword presently. Thus, though made of Orihalcon, DarkStrike's equipment is no stronger than mithril.

I hope what I did for the Orihalcon is alright, if not I'll just delete the places where I mention Orihalcon, and just compare the relative strength to mithril.

03-10-09, 11:29 AM
Nah, no worries about changing the actual metal, just needed to know equivalent's. This is fine though, since you don't have much else in the way of powers the armor/weapon will be fine. Just be careful with the element that you have.

Approved, go kill!