View Full Version : Good Morning

03-11-09, 02:21 PM
Hi everyone, kinda new here. So far I have been checking threads and reading little things here and there.

I found this place through Google. Hopefully everything works out :)

Lord Anglekos
03-11-09, 02:30 PM
Welcome, enjoy your stay--
Wait, it's a kender.

Just kiddin'. Welcome.

03-11-09, 02:33 PM
Kender only pose a threat if your character carries a lot of small, easily lifted trinkets. Or money.

Stay out of my pockets and we're cool.

Welcome to Althanas, Moptop.

03-11-09, 02:42 PM
Kender never pose a threat. Why when the whole group is paralyzed with fear from that giant dragon, it will be the kender who will walk forward ready to talk all about their adventure.....

Well I guess that could pose a threat...

Lord Anglekos
03-11-09, 02:50 PM
Kender never pose a threat. Why when the whole group is paralyzed with fear from that giant dragon, it will be the kender who will walk forward ready to talk all about their adventure.....

Well I guess that could pose a threat...
*pulls out an acoustic guitar and starts singing a song he wrote in college about dragonlance*
Anyways, enjoy your stay here, and don't let the little buggers scare ya off. I'm sure someone will be around sooner or later to feed you/enslave you.

03-11-09, 03:21 PM
Enslave! WOW! I bet that would be awesome. I wonder who would enslave me? Maybe a minotaur? Or a giant? Or one of those little fellows with the funny pants from that place I forget the name of? Either way, I think it would be great fun to be enslaved. As long as they don't hurt me when they enslave me. That would never be any fun. Afterall, who would want to be hurt. I mean, can you imagine being willing to actually harm someone for no reason other then to inflict pain. That is a person who really needs some help. People should be happy and carefree. Take my Uncle Burrfoot for example. There was this one time when he was out helping his friends beat back Thakisis fromt aking over the world and they had to go into this great place called Xak Tsaroth. He had a lot of fun there. He even slid down a tube and hit a sack of flour that had been there since before the Cataclysm. He was all covered in white and looked like a Kender Ghost. Have you ever looked like a ghost?

Lord Anglekos
03-11-09, 03:23 PM
Enslave! WOW! I bet that would be awesome. I wonder who would enslave me? Maybe a minotaur? Or a giant? Or one of those little fellows with the funny pants from that place I forget the name of? Either way, I think it would be great fun to be enslaved. As long as they don't hurt me when they enslave me. That would never be any fun. Afterall, who would want to be hurt. I mean, can you imagine being willing to actually harm someone for no reason other then to inflict pain. That is a person who really needs some help. People should be happy and carefree. Take my Uncle Burrfoot for example. There was this one time when he was out helping his friends beat back Thakisis fromt aking over the world and they had to go into this great place called Xak Tsaroth. He had a lot of fun there. He even slid down a tube and hit a sack of flour that had been there since before the Cataclysm. He was all covered in white and looked like a Kender Ghost. Have you ever looked like a ghost?
Yep, he's a natural.

03-11-09, 03:31 PM
Have you had the pleasure of reading my history?

03-11-09, 03:37 PM
Welcome to the site!

*Holds out plate of cookies, one of which is the famous doom cookie. Can you figure out which one's the doom cookie and avoid it?*


03-11-09, 03:44 PM
welcome! or if you would prefer to avoid the danger of the doom cookie, you can have one of the sweets off my tray. *holds out a tray of goodies ranging from cookies to brownies to tarts to various candies*

03-11-09, 03:51 PM
*while unconsciously taking treats off Jasmine's tray and putting them in his pouches* Oh, I would love to find the Doom Cookie. It sounds so interesting, what does it do? Does it doom you? Does it act like the spell from that game? Is a guy in a robe with a sickle gonna appear above me and pull my soul out? I think that would be neat! I once met a guy in a robe, but he didn't have a sickle. In fact he didn't even try to take my soul. All he did was get angry with me and woosh me to a dungeon. I wish he had sent me to the Abyss or something like that. After all he had the power to woosh me to the Abyss. It would have been much nicer then that smelly dungeon. But I guess he figured that it would be too much work to send me to the Abyss. Afterall, he probably wasn't all that powerfull. Not like that Corwyn I once met. She was powerfull. Gave me a piece of cloth that never gets dirty. And trust me, I tried. I once gave it to a gnome to use to clean his machine. But then the gnome tried to take it, saying that he needed to study it and understand why it wouldn't get dirty. But that's ok...*turning to Jasmine* Hey I notice the plate is empty? You should really should make enough for everyone.

03-11-09, 03:54 PM
The effects of the cookie vary by the eater according to my will. But if you really wish to find it, it's the chocolate one with the red frosting made to look like a skull and crossbones. At least it is at the moment. NEXT time I offer a cookie....

03-11-09, 04:02 PM
What will happen the next time you offer a cookie? Will it change it's shape? Will it become like something awesome and cool like a shape of a dragon? Or a Gryphon? Or maybe a Goatsucker Bird? That would be really cool. Or maybe you can deceive everyone by making it in the shape of a pink fluffy bunny with big brown eyes and cute little feet? Which reminds me, why do people think that rabbit's feet are good luck? What about the rabbit? He lost his foot. Not much good luck there I think. What if it was a rabbit toe nail? They have those I think. Maybe those would be more good luck then the feet since the toe nail can grow back. What do you think?

03-11-09, 04:11 PM
Allow me to answer for dear old Rahegalhoff. Doom Knights aren't notorious for their patience. He's implying that next time the cookie will be both a different flavor, color of frosting, and the frosting will be in a different design. He's not well known for going beyond classic cookie design, but I'm sure he'll consider it. What's a goatsucker bird anyway, is it a giant bird that sucks on goats for some reason? I'm not sure why people think rabbit's feet are good luck, as has been proven conclusively by Inter-stellar science convention at Lagrange point nine, there is utterly no such thing as luck, only unknown laws and principles by which the Multi-verse functions. Thus it does not matter if it's the entire foot, or just the nail, their all unlucky.

03-11-09, 05:18 PM
My advice to the new guy. STAY AWAY FROM REDHEADS, for if you do not, it shall mean your demise. Anyway, Welcome and howdy doody.

Darcy Cooper
03-11-09, 06:30 PM
My advice to the new guy. STAY AWAY FROM REDHEADS, for if you do not, it shall mean your demise. Anyway, Welcome and howdy doody.

Moptop, wanna do a thread when I get my profile finished/approved? :p

03-11-09, 06:46 PM
Yeah, I would love to.

Lord Anglekos
03-12-09, 03:02 AM
Moptop, wanna do a thread when I get my profile finished/approved? :p
Write with her. She is awesome and so full of win you'll hurt yourself doing it.
[/ego boost]
Don't we have another kender on here? Or am I thinking of the kendergoyle...

03-12-09, 03:06 AM
moptop, wanna do a thread when i get my profile finished/approved? :p

damn you darcy!! I shall tell letho of your betrayel to him.

03-12-09, 08:02 AM
Grittings and welcome!

I don't offer treats of any sort to newcomers. What I offer is a selection of newspapers and magazines you can roll up and beat down anyone who says anything stupid to you with over the course of your stay.

Darcy Cooper
03-12-09, 04:11 PM
Write with her. She is awesome and so full of win you'll hurt yourself doing it.
[/ego boost]
Ego Boost upload successful. Now downloading pride. :cool: