View Full Version : I'm just here to have a good time

03-11-09, 08:59 PM
Patrick was introduced to the world in my post in this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18113), and I’ve decided to just go with it. I like the character concept, so I’m heading onwards.

History: After the events chronicled in ‘Hoppers flashback sequence – Patrick stuck out on his own. Unlike most of the more common fey spirits, Patrick, and beings like him, aren’t normally allowed into the human world. It was only through manipulative cunning and the devil’s own luck that Patrick came into the world of men, and he’s been causing havoc ever since.

Because Patrick loathes the idea of settling down in any one place, and because he tends to get into trouble of one sort or another in any place he stays in for too long, Patrick is frequently on the road.

He’s not a kind man, but neither is he malicious or cruel. He won’t go out of his way to obey or break any laws of any land he’s in, choosing instead to simply ignore the fact that they exist. Indeed, the very concept of human morality is something he understands on an intellectual level, but never pays any particular attention to – it’s his whims alone that determine his actions.

He lies compulsively.

Truth be told, he’s not entirely sure how he got to Althanas at all, the influence of the Feywyld still lingers on him, causing him to fall through from one world to another. It’s not a power or a skill or even something he particularly desires to have happen to him, just something intrinsic to him.


Name: He mostly goes by Patrick these days, in homage to all the time he spent using it immediately before his entry into the world of men, though he’ll often go by a different name just to sow confusion. If he had a “real” name back at birth, he has forgotten it.

Race: Fey – A mystical creature similar to fairies, and distant cousins of the elves. They’re secretive, mystical, and mischievous, frequently being blamed for stealing away small children and replacing them with the fey’s own.

Age: Uncertain, very old, but he’s never kept track, and lacks the vise-like memory of other long-lived races.

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green


Doppleganging: Patrick can shift his features around, going above and beyond mere illusions to actually take the shape of another creature. He can change the color of his hair, eyes, and skin, facial features, and even alter his height and weight plus or minus 50% of his “natural” size (the height\weight figures quoted above).

While he can change to nearly anything inside those restrictions, it still takes Patrick several hours to get everything “just right.” And it takes a whole day’s effort to sculpt himself into the shape of a specific person. Attempting to rush these things will result in him looking odd or out of place to people familiar with the races he’s attempting to emulate.

Heart’s Desire: His main skill while he tried to tempt travelers off the Path in the Feywyld. Patrick can create illusions, perceived by creatures immune to such things as a hazy black cloud.

To anyone else looking upon it, they’ll see an image of what they want most in the world. This is different for everyone, but it usually takes the form of a person. Rowdy teenagers might see the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen, beckoning them closer – an old widow might see her husband again in the prime of life, etc. Everyone viewing the illusion sees something different, even if they’re all looking at the “same” cloud.

While Patrick doesn’t have any control over what other people see, he –is- aware of what people are seeing, or if they’re not affected by his illusions at all.

He also uses a variant of this power on himself, unconsciously – it makes HIM appear to (straight) women as the most desirable man they’ve ever seen, or the most magnificent model of masculinity to ever grace their eyes. Suffice it to say he appears VERY impressive to most people.

Emotional Vampire: Patrick can feed off the strong emotions of others, and provoking strong emotional reactions from people is as close as he gets to “consistent behavior.”

While normal food and drink will sustain him, he’s never really satisfied if he hasn’t been in the presence of someone experiencing strong emotions, like being deeply in love, terrified for their lives, or furiously angry. The emotional reaction doesn’t need to be directed at Patrick, he just has to be nearby while it’s going on.

Patrick’s feeding actually intensifies the emotions for a short time, turning anger into a berserker rage, love into uncontrollable lust, fear into catatonia – and then, after a few minutes, it abruptly ends, and the person he’s feeding from would become exhausted, drained of any desire to do anything at all besides sleep.

The effect wears off after a day or two, though.

Patrick can also use this in a more controlled manner, extending the length of the emotional high over several hours, or even days, acting as a kind of muse to push whoever he’s feeding from to attain the absolute pinnacle of their abilities. While under his influence, a painter might paint a masterpiece that becomes famous across an entire nation. A writer might compose a novel that schoolchildren are forced to read for decades.

And yes, a Warrior might become better at killing things, but the improvement would be very minor. He’s only truly effective as a creative muse. Also, after the creative period ends, the artist would be so drained that they’d barely have the energy to even feed themselves for at least a month afterward. Furthermore, they’d be forever haunted by the memory of how high they’d flown for that short time, and be unable to reach it again.

Resisting: All of Patrick's abilities that affect other people can be resisted by someone of significant willpower, or someone significantly more powerful than Patrick (Higher level).

Cold Iron Vulnerability: Like most Fey creatures, Patrick is violently allergic to cold-wrought Iron. He gets ill when the stuff is merely in his presence, actually touching the stuff will cause him physical pain, and give him a rash that lasts for weeks – one he can’t shapeshift away either.

Getting hit with a weapon made from Cold Iron will almost certainly lay him low on the first hit, leaving him at the wielder’s mercy.



Nothing special. Patrick isn’t much good in a fight, so he doesn’t go around carrying would essentially be an invitation for someone to go and fight him.

03-12-09, 12:42 PM
Hey hey, welcome to the main site. Just a few things to note and you'll be on your way.

Heart's Desire: Please put in for that and the other skills you have that they can be resisted by a high will or by someone of higher level than you.

And the Emotional Vampire ability: Does it give you any benefits? Or is it just like energy the same way blood is to a vampire?

03-12-09, 07:11 PM
Change made;

And it's just energy to start out with, I've got plans to make it beneficial to Patrick (increased physical\magical abilities and whatnot) once he levels up a bit.

03-12-09, 07:16 PM
Wicked. I like the idea for the character. Good luck and if you need any help feel free to send a PM to any of the staff with your questions and we'll help you as much as possible!
