View Full Version : Galonan: the middle of nowhere

03-13-09, 11:20 PM
A tall young-looking man walked at a brisk pace around the outer edge of Galonan, trying to determine what more could be done to fortify the town. He had been here for a number of weeks, mostly on the sidelines, helping whenever and wherever he could. He admired the efforts of the Wanderers, but had not joined any of their raids. He also knew that Xem’zund would put up with the raids for only so long before retaliating and if he did, it would be with enough force to effectively flatten Galonan. So it was, that Romis Heartsblood was taking a tour of the town, making mental notes about weak spots he saw and ideas for making strong spots stronger. There would be no way to get a message to anyone for back up should Xem’zund’s forces attack. They would be completely on their own.

I need to talk to the Sanctifiers, we need to get an area around us that is as sanctified as they can make it. We have got to be ready for a large-scale attack.

Muttering his thoughts to himself, Romis made his way back into the town. They had a lot to do in order to be prepared and no idea how long they had in order to be ready. Folding his wings tighter around himself, he opened the door to main building housing the leaders of Galonan. He walked in his usual brisk pace to a room typically used for a meeting hall and walked in, heedless of the fact that he had not been invited.

“Good afternoon, sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to you. The work you do to oppose Xem’zund is wonderful, but he will tire of your raids and other counterattacks. He will send a force to put an end to it, and you must be ready. I have been around Galonan several times, and I believe we can fortify it so that it will stand against the forces that come against it.”

One of the leaders looked up at Romis, highly unamused, “And what gives you the right to barge in here and tell us what we need to do? We know perfectly well what we need, and Xem’zund is not likely to come here to deal with such a small thorn.”

Romis gritted his teeth but kept his demeanor calm, “True, he probably won’t come himself, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t send one of his Death Lords to deal with your antics. If you don’t ensure that Galonan is better fortified, then when his forces come, they’ll wash right over you like a wave on the beach. There will be nothing left to even show that we were here.”

Looking very annoyed, the elf continued, “What do you suggest then? We have our hands full with the raids and no one ever follows us.”

“So you think. I will take leadership of the defense if you prefer, so that you can continue to concentrate on the attacks on Xem’zund’s forces. The sooner we get a solid defense up, the more likely we’ll be able to survive an attack.”

The elven warrior looked around at his fellow elves then sighed, “Very well, Romis, but I am still in charge here, you still answer to me, understood?”

“Yes sir,” Romis saluted, then left, much relieved that he hadn’t had as much trouble convincing them as he’d expected. Now to get to work strengthening the walls. The biggest thing he wanted was to make sure there was only one entrance to Galonan. There would be no where for them to run to, so an escape route would only be another way for the enemy to get in.

I hate being in the middle of nowhere...

((NOTE: This is closed to those that are going to be recruited. Also, for the mods, I may occasionally mix Romis and Poison’s actions into one post on either account. They do both belong to me, and doing so would only be for ease of reading. All bunnying between Romis and Poison is of course approved since they are both mine. ^^))

03-14-09, 01:16 AM
((Moderator note. I was recruited to join this thread by none other than Chelle herself. Thank you guys. Takes place approximately three years after this thread. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10551)Thank you again. MetalDrago bunny approved by his owner.))

April 1st.
C.P. 1808
1:00 P.M. Standard Althanas Time.

Narenhad. A year ago a meteor impacted upon the city of former Valinatal after one of Xem'Zund's Death Lords razed the place. Drawn to the carnage, Lord Lorenor V'Halkulus, steward of the fiefdom Y'hanz Zaar
in Salvar was a busy man these days. As he paced he thought about all of the events that lead him to his position as the head of the new Order of N'Jal and in direct opposition with the legendary Knights of Dawn.

Now developing a small foothold with the remaining survivors of the great cataclysm the mutant found a willing pool of advocates for the dark lady. Depressed and wandering aimlessly about the broken land, the people of Narenhad became willing human experiments for the twisted ideals of the mutant's lady. Moving all over Raiaera's burnt lands, the people of Narenhad soon fell to Lorenor's spell and became Forsaken themselves. Now a town of Forsaken, they held no true allegiance to Xem'Zund but rather all loyalty was to N'Jal herself. And Lorenor was the Carrier of the N'Jal Protocol...


Sitting in deep meditation, the mutant sat before the sacred wellspring. It was the central most position of that place now held sacred to the Forsaken's growing population on Althanas. It was the place where the N'Jal Protocol sat. A living organism of sentient machines, the N'Jal Protocol was a culture of tiny insect like constructs. They were capable of self reproduction and spreading quickly over a large area, especially a host body. The N'Jal Protocol was proof of existence for all of the Thaynehood and the people came forth to flock to the new Order of N'Jal. At the head of the Order was Lorenor and his most trusted of servants, the Anti-Paladin named MetalDrago. Currently, MetalDrago was away on his own personal missions. He had helped start the current Order of N'Jal and was one of the first to come in contact with the N'Jal Protocol. Lorenor missed the presence of his best friend and companion. As he meditated, he listened to the word of N'Jal. Faint at first, with all the voices that Lorenor constantly heard within, but louder and louder once he concentrated.

And when he concentrated, the symphony of N'Jal had an important mission for the mutant. Xem'Zund must fall! Lorenor's eyes snapped open as their strange purple room added a glow to the atmosphere around him. He could see the green energy spewing out of the fountain like rocky formation that jutted out of the meteor's structure before him. A makeshift temple had been erected in the year that had past since Lorenor first set foot on Raiaera. Statues made by the best stone masons that Raiaera's Forsaken horde had to offer were built in haste. Near the impact zone a cathedral was erected made in the blackest of materials. Torches provided the only flickering light that the Forsaken needed. Those who would not conform to the will of N'Jal were forced to live a life of servitude and punishment. They became defacto slaves to her mighty will. The will of the fallen Thayne was absolute and pulled those with dark hearts to the cathedral of N'Jal. Once they were on the verge of death, the slaves were bitten against their will by the Forsaken anyway.

No one would rest in peace. Lorenor would not allow it. It was such, that an army in the name of N'Jal was beginning to be built. Though young yet, the army's activities soon found themselves under the overzealous eyes of the foul Necromancer Xem'Zund. Enemy of all who would declare themselves free men. Lorenor continued his breathing exercises even long after he'd heard the command of N'Jal. She'd spent ages in the celestial prison that her siblings had placed her on. She could wait a time longer for her final victory in the world of Althanas. Lorenor knew that several individuals were in the main chamber with him. Each person prayed before N'Jal and some of them were being readied to be baptized in the waters that contained the N'Jal Protocol. Young. Old. All were welcome before the will of N'Jal. Though N'Jal was rejected, she would accept those who were rejected by the rest of Althanas as her mighty vengeance. And so, her flock grew day after day. Word of the goddess on Althanas spread quickly across the masses. And those not willing to flee found a new weapon to use against Xem'Zund himself.

Lorenor listened to the heartbeats in the room as they were introduced to the N'Jal Protocol. N'Jal zealously took each new host as her own providing the masses with a new purpose. One by one they came. And one by one they were corrupted. It was beautiful. Lorenor wanted to cry now that he'd obtained his newly acquired freedom. Freedom from his enemies. Freedom from the Thayne's manipulations. Freedom from the Corone Empire. All olf it was connected in the great wheel of the cosmos. As his eyes opened, he saw that one of his many companions within the Order was standing by his side. "Mi'lord. There is news. This parcel has just arrived from our forward scouts." The Forsaken warrior said calmly. Lorenor looked up at his companion and stood up carefully. He took a look at the rest of the flock that was preparing to receive unholy communion. "See to it that these people are purified." Lorenor said and took the parcel in his hand. "Aye mi'lord." The Forsaken responded and assumed command of the chamber in Lorenor's absence.

Lord Lorenor,

News from the front lines. Thou art being summoned to the district of Galonan. An attache of Xem'Zund's forces is slowly marching towards that place. The ground shakes when they move. Many of our scouts have vanished into their machine of war. Rumor has it that a fell artifact of our the dark lady is within the possession of Galonan. We must retrieve it for it is the will of the dark lady!

Lorenor took the note and studied it for a moment. The emblem of the Spider Magi was visible in the back of the parchment. Only Spider Magi knew how to locate those hidden markings. He took the parchment and tossed it in a nearby fireplace. It burned up in a green smoke as the symbols upon it dispersed into the air. Lorenor stepped outside of the office he'd found himself in after a brisk walk from the meteor's crash site. Several Forsaken were awaiting orders outside his personal quarters. One of them approached the mutant. "Mi'lord. What does the dark lady command?" Lorenor looked at his most trusted warriors. "Ready a legion of your best warriors. We march to Galonan at moon's rise." And so, Lorenor prepared to stare into the eye of the storm once anew. And even whilst Lorenor gathered his forces, the forces of Xem'Zund were on the march towards the same location. There would be an inevitable clash between the two powerful wills. One the will of Xem'Zund, and the other, the Order of N'Jal...

Only time would tell who would emerge victorious.

03-27-09, 07:15 PM
From the shadows, another figure was listening in on the conversation between Romis and Gilchir. None knew she was in there, she stood perfectly still, melding perfectly with the shadow. She thought carefully about the options now laid out before her. If Xem’zund’s army was coming here, then it was unlikely that she’d be able to get away. She’d seen the work the Sanctifiers did to cleanse the land and she wasn’t sure how easily she’d be able to cross it herself. At the very least though, she’d have to do something, she was running out of money and didn’t want to try to outrun Xem’zund’s approaching army. Being undead herself, she could feel his call, but had thus far resisted it. Whether or not she’d be able to with his army at Galonan’s walls, most assuredly lead by someone who had some power of their own, if they were not a direct extension of the man himself, was a question she was not prepared to thoroughly analyze.

Finally, she decided to approach Gilchir, leader of the Wanderers in Starlight. She stepped out away from the wall, letting the shadows slide off her body. She wore her usual body suit of black and her tool belt. Her long silver hair was pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her way. For once, though, her top was properly buttoned. She wanted the men at the table to be able to concentrate on what she had to offer them. She made almost no noise as she approached the table. When she spoke, several of the elves around the table jumped. She smiled inwardly at this, but did not let it affect her face.

“Good day to you, gentlemen.”

Gilchir snorted, obviously upset at having his supposedly private meeting interrupted for a second time. A few of the other elves glared at this new intruder, wondering how she had gotten into the room in the first place.

“Who are you?”

“You may call me Poison,” she answered, her voice smooth and firm. “I have business to discuss with you. Business that can not wait, unless you would prefer that I work against you?”

She waited for a moment, but no one answered her. Unworried by their hostile glares, Poison continued.

“If Heartsblood is right -that was his name wasn’t it- and there is an army heading this way, then you will undoubtedly appreciate my services. I can infiltrate the camp and kill the leader of the army. With no leader, the army will not know what to do, making it an even easier target for your forces. I will do this for a small fee and the promise of unhindered exit from the region.”

“That is not possible, Miss Poison,” Gilchir said in a matter-of-fact tone, “no one is to leave Galonan unless they are on a raiding mission. We must prepare for the battle and do not have time to rely on you not getting caught.”

“I never–“

Gilchir held up a hand, silencing Poison, “I wasn’t finished, kindly do not interrupt me again. However, I would not be at all surprised if someone is sent in to Galonan to get an idea of its defenses. Instead of leaving Galonan, I would prefer it if you would stay within the walls and keep watch for strangers who could be spies. You may not kill anyone. You must bring them to me alive so I can determine if they are spy. Is this acceptable?”

“In a word, no. I don’t do live catches. I’m an assassin, not a bloody bounty hunter.”

“Then you should get out while you can. That’s my offer, take it or leave it.”

Poison fell silent and crossed her arms under her ample breasts, fuming. She hated taking people alive. It was so much easier to just kill them and take a token from the body to prove death. Live people require watching at all times to be sure they didn’t escape. On the other hand, she desperately needed some quick money and the relative safety of the walls.


“I beg your pardon?” Gilchir asked.

“That’s my charge. Fifty gold pieces per each day that you don’t get attacked by an assassin and for each suspected spy that I bring to you. I’ll let you gentlemen discuss it for a bit. I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

Without another word, Poison turned on her heel and left the room. She didn’t like the idea of simply catching suspected spies, but it would be better than doing nothing at all or trying to outrun the coming army.

04-14-09, 02:02 AM
9:00 P.M. Standard Althanas Time.

Everything was touched by Xem'Zund's curse. Reeking with beautiful evil, the entire land of Raiaera was no longer blessed with the accursed Elves' Song Magic. It was beautiful. Xem'Zund had destroyed Raiaera from within making it a burnt image of its former self. A shell. There was something and at the same time there was nothing. Lorenor, along with several scouts in his platoon investigated strange plants that were growing in the Red Forest. He noticed that they were touched by necromantic properties. The stems were long and darkened with several stripes along their form, and the tops of the plants were humanoid in nature. Some of them began to sing cruel songs whenever one of Lorenor's men came too close to their poisonous roots. Observing the plant-life, he noticed that many of them were shaped like exotic, green-skinned weapon. They possessed glowing red eyes and evil intentions upon their victims. Luring humanoids with their nude forms and curious beauty, the plants would inject neural toxin into their victims and begin the process of consuming flesh.

These plants were not originally native to the Red Forest, but rather a byproduct of Xem'Zund's magic. Trees were also mutated by Xem'Zund's power. Trees that were hyper mutated by the magics traveled of their own volition across the landscape. They also used their mighty roots to feast upon the living. Lorenor's forced had lost five to the dangers of the Red Forest already. But he still had roughly five hundred men to control. Scouts patrolled further ahead as they gathered information for the marching forces. Trained in the arts of stealth, each unit quietly moved through the Red Forest standing a good four or five paces away from the nearest soldier. There was no need to announce their march to the world. They made their way carefully through the wild. Inch by inch. Foot by foot. Danger by danger. A dark mist clung low to the ground as they journeyed through the Red Forest, corrupting everything that touched it. Since the Forsaken's burning crusade was primarily after its artifact of N'Jal, they currently held no intention of playing the hero.

However, fate soon had other plans. It was Lorenor's forward advanced scouting party that noticed it. An encampment of sorts located within the confines of the Red Forest. Once the encampment was spotted, Lorenor ordered his companions to halt their progress and assembled a team of ambassadors from the Forsaken. The men who rested in the encampment were clearly not an attache of Xem'Zund's forces and perhaps a deal could be brokered. Lorenor wanted his artifact and he would get it by any means necessary. By blade or by contract. Five others accompanied him as he ventured towards the encampment, some sixty yards ahead. It was a long walk, but they made it without complaint. Lorenor looked at his companions for a moment, they were dressed with the gear of Mosil-Z'sarug's native aesthetic design. Spikes and other dark implements jutted out of black armor. Symbols of the dark lady known as N'Jal were visible as common motifs all over weapons and banners. Shoulder guards had the classic spider motifs in the image of the lady N'Jal.

These spiders were greatly different from the spiders queen of Alerar, for they were made to represent the microscopic constructs that lurked within the Eye of Fate. Some of the Draco-Strain warriors wielded heavy shields that were adorned with the visage of N'Jal. Cloaks were also emblazoned with the symbols of N'Jal and were blood red. Lorenor took the point of the squadron. Gathered in the camp was a group of sturdy looking Raiaeran men and a few women warriors. They were clearly a forward advanced party for the settlement that Lorenor was heading towards. As soon as Lorenor and his men approached the encampment, the leader of the soldiers stood up with his weapon drawn. Lorenor noticed that the man's sword was made of titanium and masterwork in quality. They all wore armor that was consistent with the Wanderers of Starlight and was colored black, some wore suits of purple of varying materials. All was masterwork in quality. The outfit was battle-hardened and weary. The Captain of this forward advanced party looked upon Lorenor with a grimace upon his face. "What matter of creature are you? Are you part of that bastard Xem'Zund's forces?"

Lorenor looked at his companions and raised a fist to command them to stop. They did so. As the man drew his sword, two of Lorenor's company drew their own weapons but kept them pointing the ground as this was a diplomatic effort. There was no need for violence yet. Lorenor switched to the modern common-tongue. "My name is Lorenor V'halkulus. At your service. We have received word that something terrible is on its way to your township. We have come to intercept it. Also, your township has something that my people want." The man blinked. "So. You have manners whatever you are. You are clearly not one of those bastard monsters." The Captain sheathed his swords and ordered his warriors to stand at ease. "So Lorenor. You say something bad is coming? Can you tell me what it is?" The man sat down upon a rock and took a deep pull of water from a sheep skin. Lorenor sat down and prepared to divulge the information but not before beginning with his usual line. "The information will come at a price."

"Name it." The Captain said.



Kegamr Zukamg was not a native to the parts of Raiaera. She was a woman who heralded from somewhere in the lands of Antioch and was originally a servant of the great Necromancer, Morian. She converted to one of Xem'Zund's Death Lords before Morian could hatch a plan to murder her. Zukamg was a skilled user of the forbidden arts. She spent much of her early life and her adult life studying these arts in a vain attempt to perfect her skills. She learned of Xem'Zund's burning crusade and decided to leave Morian's clutches in order to join Xem'Zund's ranks. The master Necromancer gave her explicit access to many ancient workings and she dedicated herself to advancing her studies. She'd become one of the youngest Death Lords in history at the ripe age of about twenty-two. Wearing the classic outfit of a Death Lord, she was part of Xem'Zund's burning crusade. One of his many forward advanced platoons, she was in command of an entire legion of undead and monsters. Wicce was at her fingertips as the ancient knowledge, or way of the wise.

Shadowmancy. Blood Magic. Spirit Magic. She excelled in everything she attempted. She had become a master of all of her arts by the time she was thirty five. By the time she hit thirty one, she already summoned up an entire army of playthings for her to use for her own twisted pleasures. She also was fiercely loyal to Xem'Zund and carried out his orders with precision and cruelty. Xem'Zund was now the enemy of Althanas proper and had attracted the attention of a newly found adversary. Lorenor V'Halkulus was on her lips now as he utilized the technique of Spirit Walking. She was spying on the marching forces that stepped out of Mosil-Z'sarug. She'd placed some of her informants and spies within his ranks but they never returned frustrating the Death Lord to no end. She was an enigma. One of the lesser known Death Lords, Xem'Zund kept her in reserves only until she was needed. She represented Xem'Zund's ace-in-the-hole. So it was considered strange on her behalf when Xem'Zund gave her next marching orders.

The enigmatic presence projected himself directly from the antifirmanent and to Zukamg's position in her meditation chamber. "Yes my master?" She asked as she was summoned by Xem'Zund to commune. "You have new orders. You are to lure our enemy out in the city of Galonan." Zukamg seemed confused by this for a moment, Galonan was a small city in comparison to the much grander structure of former Eluriand. "My master. How could anyone be a threat to you?" She asked. She was a tall woman, standing at five feet, ten inches. She had long blue hair, that was tied in a complicated series of dreadlocks. Her nose was slender and her eyebrows were carefully plucked so they were thin lines. Her brow, cheekbones, and chin were structurally formed in the classic appearance of someone native to the lands of Antioch. She was a human of origin but her powers made her a perpetual immortal. Her eyes were deep amber. She had black lipstip and nail polish. Her clothing was colored dark blue in contrast to the other Death Lords who typically wore the colors black or purple.

Her outfit was a one piece suit. It was a pair of pants connected to a hyper-revealing top. Her cleavage was visible and her breasts had a DDD-cup to them, quite full indeed. Various exotic tattoos and markings were etched upon her caramel skin and she had a full, albeit, athletic figure. She wore white face paint. Several mysterious red marks were on her face as well, and she had a scar across the left side of her face about an inch off her eye. Her eyes were slightly slanted like the natives of Akashima. Kegamr Zukamg was a handsome woman to say the least. Her robes were embroidered, and there were no sleeves. However, she wore masterwork gold jewelry upon both of her upper arms, and as intricate bracelets adorned with many jewels. A complex series of necklaces adorned her neck and was enticingly hugging the various amulets she wore. All of them were tools for Necromancy or one of the various arts she studied. In front of her was a book written in some ancient Althanian language. She was capable of reading that language but her attention was completely on Xem'Zund.

Now Xem'Zund was a total enigma. Even as an astral presence, it was difficult to tell his form. A shadowy outline wrapped itself around a definite humanoid form. There were classic human features, upright spine, two arms, two legs, and a head atop a neck. The shadows danced and writhed around the humanoid form. Atop his head was visible a wild array of spiky hair. It was blowing in some wind wherever it was that Xem'Zund stood at. He was not in his classic armor set. Xem'Zund had glowing blue eyes that were full of a dangerous sort of hatred. A hatred that would change the world for the worse. Xem'Zund kept his arms folded across his bulging pectoral muscles. The shadowy formed revealed a chiseled square chin, and cheekbones that hinted at an origin not native to Raiaera, or perhaps a half-blooded origin. Xem'Zund also had a visible tail, and long, slender ears that were hyper evolved. He spoke with many voices at once to hide the sound of his actual voice. The dialect was perfectly eloquent and he spoke in the common-tongue.

"We have a powerful enemy now. I know you have heard his name. That bitch, N'Jal, conspires against us even now. We must prepare for the storm that is coming. History will be decided at Galonan. I am trusting you to destroy this threat utterly."

"What of the city?" She asked knowing what his response would be.

"Smash it. Completely. Leave none alive. Lorenor's soul must be sent to the very Pyre itself. He cannot be allowed to become a fully fledged Spider Magi. He cannot be allowed to summon the Spider Magi of the Red Forest, we are doomed if he can harness that power."

"It shall be done mi'lord. Or I shall die trying." She responded.

"Go with the Dark." Xem'Zund said and his image faded away.


The Captain's face was pale. His hands were already shaking uncontrollably. "H-how many do you say?" Lorenor sighed upon hearing those words, he hated having to repeat himself. "Our scouts spotted them along the Western Ridge of the Red Forest, marching in earnest towards this location. They are moving very slowly, but they are covering a lot of ground. My scouts say at least ten thousand units, armed to the teeth. And at least one Death Lord was spotted." The Captain nodded calmly as his worse fears were coming to life right before him. "Would you help us?" Lorenor was in deep thought and he turned towards his warriors with a nod. "You will provide us with what we seek. Then full pay as if we were part of your city's military. We only need normal resources such as food, water, and equipment. My blacksmiths can help bolster your equipment supply." Lorenor said calmly. Strangely, he wished MetalDrago was there. His Captain would have made a great companion for the battle that was coming. "Very well. Consider that artifact yours, though honestly I don't know why you would want such a thing."

"My reasons are my own." Lorenor said calmly. "You should recall all your available troops back to the city immediately and prepare for battle. They should be here in a few days, latest." Lorenor suddenly regretted having made the trip to Galonan. But at the same time, he was going to get the artifact he needed...one way or the other. The mutant stood up. "Ready your men. I shall meet you by the city's gates on the morrow." The Captain nodded but prepared to say something. "Wait. Lorenor. Why are you helping us?" The man couldn't help but ask. "It's simple really. You're going to pay me. We're a mercenary army. We're int his to make money. And a chance to stick one to Xem'Zund is too good to pass up. We have a mutual enemy." Lorenor said. He didn't want to reveal the other reasons behind wanting to help them. He'd seen numerous bodies on their way to Galonan. These corpses could bolster his Necromancy and become ghouls for the army. More cannon for the battle that was soon to be upon them. "On the morrow then. 'Till then, good journey Lorenor."

"Be safe Captain. We shall see you tomorrow. I shall bring my entire legion directly to your doorstep."

With that, the two newly formed allies began their preparations for the journey ahead.

04-20-09, 06:45 PM
Due to personal reasons, I regret to inform everyone involved with this Quest that I have to withdraw from it.

05-01-09, 04:42 PM
In that case, this thread can be deleted. I'm not going to try to do it by myself, and I'm not going to try to find someone to take Lorenor's place.

Tainted Bushido
05-01-09, 06:35 PM
Closed by request.