View Full Version : Rough Guide to Fallien, 1st Ed.

03-16-09, 06:27 AM
The book is a small, narrow thing, written on smooth, processed paper - thin as the parchment used in old Elven tomes, but holding none of the character or quality that parchment had in those days.

It is bound carefully in golden-brown leather, fixed with clasps of brass, and it smells of fresh ink and the leather that binds it. When opened the pages crackle and rustle, and the ink...well. The words look as though they were written in a hurry, possibly on horseback, on a single piece of paper - a piece of paper which was then used to cast a replicating spell, making a thousand copies all at once.

Every blot, every misspelling, every musing in the margins is recreated in every book. It's a professional scribe's nightmare. And for this reason there is no author's name, though if one looks very closely at the first page, the one right behind the disclaimer and right before the table of contents, one can see tiny words...

(But that's getting ahead of ourselves.)


Rough Guide to Fallien
How To Survive When The Land And Its People Don’t Want You To,
On Ten Gold Or Less A Day
Disclaimer: the Travel Bureau of Fallien is not responsible for the contents of this guide,
as the Travel Bureau does not, as such, exist.

Welcome to Fallien.

This may very well be your only guide, and for that you have my deepest sympathy.



Table of Contents

I) Census (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144357#post144357)

II)History (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144358#post144358)
a. Background
b. Pre-Vadhya History
c. A Timeline Of Fallien, Post-Vadhya

III) The Landscape & Climate, Cities & Regions (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144360#post144360)
a. Landscape & Climate
b. Irrakam
c. The Spice Fields of R'uuya
d. Nirrakal the Blight, the Fields of Glass
e. Suravani's Oasis
f. Astaka
g. Outlander's Post
h. The Ruins

IV) The Living (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144361#post144361)
a. Sentients
b. Beasts
c. The Supernatural

V) Politics In General (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144362#post144362)
a. The Matriarchy
b. The Chain of Command
c. Judicial System
d. Rivals
e. Foreign Relations

VI) Economy & Trade (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144363#post144363)
a. Economic Systems
b. Unique Exports

VII) Military (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144364#post144364)
a. Makeup
b. Specialized Military Units
c. Fighting Techniques

VIII) Religion (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144365#post144365)

IX) Map (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=144366#post144366)

X) Credits (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=151397#post151397)

03-16-09, 06:28 AM

Name: Fallien (Fay-lee-in).
Capital: Irrakam.
Form of Government: Matriarchal.
Ruler(s): Jya, the Mother of Fallien.
Legal System: Common Law.
Official Language(s): Fallien.
Foreign Relations: Xenophobic – trade only.
Size of Military: Variable – all children are trained to join the militia at age 12.
Military Branches: Fallien Militia.
Specialized Military Units: The Glasswalkers, Fallien horsemen.
Population: approx. 412,000.
Average Age: 32.
Racial Breakdown: 98% human, 2% mixed races.
Life Expectancy: 75 years.
Nationality: Fallien.
Major Religions: Worship of Suravani, Cult of the Sun.
Literacy: 43%.
Technology Levels: Late Ancient.
Major Imports: Food products, livestock, lumber.
Major Exports: Glass, horses, poisons, oils and herbs.
Currency/Exchange Rate: Barter system/No native form of currency.
Natural Resources: Glass, iron, spices & herbs rare woods found in oasis areas.
Major Terrain Features: Mostly desert, with the Attireyi river splitting the island; the Zaileya mountains in the east, and Suravani’s Oasis in the north, just west of the mountains.
Elevation Extremes: 13,986 ft in the Zaileya Mountains, 14 ft below sea level in Suravani’s Oasis.
Climate and Seasons: Static climate, with little change in seasons – dangerously hot in the day, and frigid after dark.
Natural Hazards: Dangerous wildlife, extreme heat, landslides and cave-ins in the mountains.

03-16-09, 06:29 AM


Fallien used to be a fertile and beautiful land, until the goddess of Althanas herself (called Suravani by the natives) destroyed it, as punishment for its power-hungry rulers. There were only twenty-three survivors of the years that followed the destruction, and the almost six-hundred years since have been years of hardship and toil, and of assassination attempts on their leader, the Jya.

For the convenience of the more historically minded individuals, an entire, in-depth timeline of this continent’s fascinating past has been compiled and is included below.

Pre-Vadhya History

Fallien was once a lush land, fertile and green. Governed by powerful men, farmed by strong women - such a fertile land it was that it took almost no work from the hands of the people for it to produce goods. But the men who governed the great cities of Fallien were greedy, and lusted for power. They sought out their enemies, those other men who had taken possession of the pieces of Fallien as though it were an object to be shattered and claimed. And as they fought over that which should never have been owned they crushed the children, they trampled the women, they destroyed each others' crops, burned each others' cities, killed all the livestock.

Althanas, or as the people of Fallien call their Mother Goddess, Suravani, cried out against this torture, her heart aching for her broken children destroyed by evil men. She warned them - with earthquakes, droughts, floods - but the foolish greedy men would not heed the warnings, and the wars continued.

After many years of such endless foolishness, Suravani vomited her people up, raining down such destruction from the sky that it turned the land to sand, and where the land was most fertile, burned it to glass. She brought great earthquakes to shatter the glass, leaving nothing behind. Those that survived would not survive long - famine, disease, and continued selfishness continued even in the face of all that had happened. Slowly but surely the people of Fallien died, horrible deaths of starvation and thirst, until finally only a handful survived what is now called The Vadhya, which means execution.

Suravani, seeing how she had caused her children to suffer, found the last few remaining, a small settlement in one quarter of what was left of a great city in the middle of the river Attireyi. These people, instead of continuing in selfishness and fear, nurtured each other, allowing the sick and dying to come to them for healing. Most they could not save, but none were turned away. Seeing this, Suravani wept, for these were truly her children that were suffering the greatest here in this place. She revealed herself finally to them, begging their forgiveness for her wrath. Falling at her feet, the Hatazista,as they are now called, wept for their Mother Goddess, knowing that she had not been wrong in her fury against the people of Fallien. Those who were left remaining out of the slain grew strong under the watchful eye of Suravani, slowly rebuilding the crushed remains of Fallien.

A young girl was chosen from among them, barely a woman, and they called her Jya, which means Mother, for she was truly like the Mother Goddess in her ways - loving, and utterly selfless. There were only a few elders remaining, but they took her to teach, and she quickly learned wisdom. This tradition still remains among the people of Fallien. Each girl child who is blessed with the touch of the Goddess (it is never stated in all the writings of Fallien what this touch or blessing might be) is sent to Irrakam, the city in the middle of Attireyi which is now the capital of Fallien, and raised to serve the current Jya until her death. The one which shows the qualities of the Mother most will be chosen to succeed the passed Jya as the next Mother of Fallien.

A Timeline Of Fallien, Post-Vadhya

594 years ago- The people of Fallien had grown greedy and selfish, and outraged at their behavior, their goddess Suravani destroyed Fallien. She turned it into a desert wasteland as punishment for their treatment of each other and the land. This destruction is known as the Vadhya.

586 years ago- The Hatazista, a group of 23, were the last remaining survivors of the Vadhya, all that was left after years of plague and famine following Fallien’s destruction.

580 years ago- Kasira E’dranilas is appointed Jya, mother of Fallien after several years of teaching by the few remaining elders. She is young, and inexperienced, but few doubt her ability to lead them from the ashes of Suravani’s wrath.

578 years ago- Jya’s Keep is established on the island of Irrakam in the middle of the Attireyi river. Beginning as a simple structure it grows steadily over the next 100 years into a grand palace.

566 years ago- In anticipation of the possible need to replace Jya at the time of her death, and also to give her aid in her position, the Priestesses of Fallien are established. Each girl child is chosen for certain physical and later mental attributes, and sent to the capital on her 12th birthday to be trained as a priestess, and to possibly become the next Jya.

518 years ago- Bolstered by foreign blood, the different clans begin to emerge, fanning out from Irrakam in order to find arable land. At this time there are only 7 clans: the Essekers, Deklans, Mi’sheteri, Hatazista (which remain in the capital and become merchants), Kehlats, Tash’Hari (which seem to have been around prior to this, and possibly had a capital of their own elsewhere which survived the Vadhya), and the In’wehtos.

516 years ago – The Esseker and Deklan clans find Suravani’s Oasis and sign an oath to each other and Jya to guard it jointly and live in peace there.

512 years ago – The Mi’sheteri clan establishes itself on the Nirrakal fields of glass and begins to create intricate bottles and statues from the land itself, which is cursed in every other way.

508 years ago – The Kehlats and the Tash’Hari disappear from the records. It is said that the Kehlats fled to the ruins in the south of Fallien, and that the remaining Tash’Hari joined their clan in the Zaileya mountains east of Irrakam.

496 years ago – Ruuya, or the Spicefields, are discovered by the In’wehtos clan who find many native plants left untouched by the Vadhya. This is the beginning of the poison industry in Fallien.

490 years ago- Joined by other clans, the Essekers and Deklans begin the legendary horse breeding program of Fallien, sending amazing creatures to Irrakam for the use of Jya and her priestesses.

477 years ago – As foreigners begin to trickle up the river to Irrakam for trade, the Outlander’s Quarter is established on the South end of the island. At first run by the Fallien people, this area is clean and well-appointed, but later the inns and taverns there are taken over by Outlanders and the quality of the establishments fall.

471 years ago – In addition to the poisons produced in the Spicefields by the In’wehtos, other clans begin to distribute a variety of products from the natural vegetation, including medicinal herbs, spices, and exquisite perfumes.

438 years ago - The In’wehtos on behalf of the clans in Ruuya and the Mi’sheteri for the clans in Nirrakal sign an agreement which allows for all products from the Spicefields to go through Nirrakal to be bottled in the Mi’sheteri glassware.

419 years ago – The Priestesses of Fallien each take a specific region, and speak on behalf of the clans who occupy that region. They are responsible for all treaties, truces, and trade in the area for which they speak.

376 years ago – A war erupts between the Essekers and Deklans, which will last for forty years. The horse trade comes to a complete halt during this time. It takes a marriage of between the clans to mend the breach, and this marriage becomes tradition. Once every forty years the daughter of the clan chief of the Essekers is married to the son of the clan chief of the Deklans.

349 years ago – An attempt is made on the life of Jya, and it is later discovered that it was by the forgotten Kehlat clan. The belief is that they wish to return to the pre-Vadhyan government, and so intend to “sacrifice” Jya to Mitra, their sun god, in order to appease him and return things to the “rightful way.”

320 years ago – There is a revolt in the Outlander’s Quarter, the foreigners who trade with Fallien becoming angry at the restrictions placed on them. They attempt to attack the palace, intending to harm the priestesses and Jya within. The Fallien militia is formed at this point in order to defend Jya. After 6 months of revolt, the foreigners are overthrown. From this point on the children of Fallien are trained at a young age to fight, in order to join the militia in times of need.

291 years ago – The horse trade is finally back on its feet after the Esseker-Deklan war, and the Jya makes arrangements with certain foreign traders to export the miraculous steeds to Raiaera for the use of the nobles there. Other countries soon follow suit in exporting the horses, which soon become a sign of wealth in most of Althanas.

249 years ago – Once again, an attack is made on Jya, but is unfortunately successful this time, taking the life of the young mother of Fallien. It is confirmed that this was the work of the Kehlat clan, but their attempt to overthrow the matriarchal government of Fallien is unsuccessful, as another Jya is ready to succeed the fallen leader. The Kehlat disappear into the desert once more and are unable to be punished.

221 years ago – A prophet of arises from the desert, and appears in Irrakam. He is believed to follow the Sun-God, Mitra, but all that is ever seen in the city is the occasional sun amulet. Ji’ral begins to gain a small following of those in the capital, his miracles gaining respect and awe. He is quiet yet charismatic, and through his healing, and his ability to bring water even to the driest cistern, he is highly regarded. Slowly, this cult becomes larger, and the Jya becomes concerned. Her younger sister has joined, and he has taken her as well as several others out into the desert with him, where more and more continue to go to hear his prophecies.

218 – 203 years ago – Teiari’sel Yntasi, younger sister of the Jya who has joined Ji’ral’s cult of Mitra, returns to Irrakam and claims that she is the rightful Jya. She has a large following of people, who establish her in a large manse near the Keep, and riot daily for the so-called “False Jya” to step down. Teiari’sel insists that she was chosen by the priestesses originally and that her sister beguiled the priestesses into choosing her instead.

206 years ago – It is revealed that Teiari’sel is in actuality a follower of Mitra, a god who was followed in pre-Vadhyan times, and is a angry and vengeful god. Followers of Mitra were also responsible for the assassination of the previous Jya, 43 years before. Teiari’sel disappears with Ji’ral and his followers into the desert, chased from the city by the angry cries of the citizens of Irrakam.

198 years ago – Jya is found dead in her apartments, a victim of poison. Teiari’sel and Ji’ral are found the next day hiding near the Keep, and are taken to the new Jya and tried. They are both executed at the next sunrise.

149 years ago – Rumors begin to surface that the current Jya is a follower of the abhorred sun god Mitra. A sun amulet is found on her person by one of her priestesses, and she is heard whispering his name in her sleep according to others. The Priestesses of Fallien gather without Jya in order to determine the truth behind these happenings. It is decided that Jya shall undergo a set of trials to determine whether she is in fact blessed by Suravani, or is a follower of Mitra. She is cast out into Nirrakal, where no one can survive alone. Seven days later, the priestesses come to find her desiccated body, but find instead that she is sitting beneath a perfectly formed old rowan tree, before a deep blue pool – neither of which had been there before. This was considered a miracle and she was returned to Irrakam with great rejoicing. It is believed that the rumors were started by the Kehlat clan, in order to sacrifice her to their god.

148 years ago to present – Followers of Mitra are persecuted, either chased from the city or murdered, in reaction to the actions against their Jya. This becomes a veritable witch-hunt, and many who were loyal followers of Suravani are attacked in the scare which follows.

120 years ago – Because the violence in Irrakam has grown to monumental amounts, many foreigners flee the city for fear of their lives. For many years those exports which kept Fallien prosperous fail.

88 years ago – Growing weary of the hatred towards the followers of Mitra, the Jya appears before Irrakam and speaks out. “In our fear of our brothers and sisters who worship the sun-god, we have become violent and destructive. This angers Suravani, and it saddens me. I demand that these acts be discontinued. Our beautiful Fallien is growing desolate, and the outlying clans are suffering.” The violence subsided, and trade resumed, although the people known to be followers of Mitra were still persecuted.

49 years ago – The Kehlat try once more to assassinate Jya. They abduct one of her priestesses and replace her with one of their own, who hides in Jya’s apartments, attempting to attack her when darkness has fallen. The attack in unsuccessful and the woman is pressed for information by the priestesses, whom she leads to an oasis in the desert where her clan has hidden the abducted priestess. Those Kehlat who hold the priestess commit suicide rather than give any information. The assassin is spared in exchange for what she knows, but it is little – only that her people believe that a sacrifice must be made to Mitra every 100 years and that it must be the current Jya.

16 years ago – Y’landis Kehtoara dies peacefully in her sleep of old age, and Ishtael D’alruniun is made Jya. She is young, but very wise, and although the people mourn the loss of their former Jya, they rejoice for the new one.

7 years ago – Rumors begin that Jya, who is traditionally a virgin, has taken a lover. It is even whispered in some quarters that her paramour is a foreigner.

4 years ago – the Jya called together warriors from across Althanas, in order to go to the southern ruins of Kithdir, in hopes of finding more information about the Vadhya. She also looked into rumors that the Kehtal clan hides there, plotting another assassination attempt, though nothing, it seems, came of these plans...

4 years ago to present - The past four years have been eerily peaceful; the Cult of Mitra has made no attempts on the Jya's life, the merchants are as content as they ever seem to be, and, marvel of marvels, the Jya seems to be slowly opening Fallien's borders to more and more foreign ideas...much to the distaste of her more fundamental followers. This unrest is ever so slowly spreading, though right now it can be ignored...

03-16-09, 06:31 AM
Landscape & Climate, Cities & Regions

a. Landscape & Climate

Fallien lies in the middle of the ocean, east of Corone and south of Scara Brae. It is mostly desert, bisected by the river Attireyi. The mountains of Zaileya further divide this continent, towering almost fourteen thousand feet above the sea level, east of the Attireyi.

Suravani’s Oasis, the only other confirmed reliable source of water, lies in the north, just west of the Zaileya mountain range. It is also the lowest point on the continent, fourteen feet below sea level.

The continent’s climate is hyper-arid and close to static, changing very little between the seasons. The land is dangerously hot in the day and frigid after dark, year round, with a temperature fluctuating between 40-50°C (104-122°F) in the day to 0-15°C, (32-59°F) in the night during the summer, to 30-50°C (86-113°F) and -10-10°C (14-50°F) in the winter. Rain and humidity are rarities, especially during the summer.

Its many natural hazards include dangerous wildlife, extreme temperatures, and (in the mountains) landslides and cave-ins.

b. Irrakam

When Suravani destroyed Fallien, turning it into a vast desert, only a few survived the starvation and disease that reigned for months afterward. These few remained on an island at the center of the river Attireyi, and cared for each other and all who came to them for health.

Because they showed no greed or selfishness, which was what she had destroyed this land for to begin with, Suravani felt regret for her anger, and had mercy on these last few. Blessing them with long life and wisdom, the moon goddess called them the Hatazista which meant "those spared from execution".

The island, which became known as Irrakam, continued to be their home, and over the years that followed, they shaped it into a beautiful sanctuary against the deadly heat of the desert.

Six hundred years later, the island remains, although it is much changed. At the northern edge rises Jya's Keep, an architectural marvel where lives Jya and her priestesses. An amazing feat of Fallien architecture, the Keep is a beautiful white palace bedecked with gold and flowers. Hidden gardens and shady alcoves are the home to statues and reliquaries telling the legends and history of the Fallien people. Each set of rooms is decorated with beautiful tapestries, cool fountains, deep soft rugs made of the finest fabrics, and perfectly crafted furniture imported from all over Althanas.

Jya's Keep is protected by no less than four well-armed guards before a massive bronze gate with the crest of the phoenix sculpted in gold on each side. Although a fortress, the palace is cool and airy, with large windows that allow the rare breezes that grace the desert to travel freely through the rooms. Priestesses serve Jya as well as her guests, bathing and clothing them as necessary.

The Keep rises several stories above the rest of the city of Irrakam, nestled on a hill at the northern end of the island situated at the center of the river Attireyi. On a clear night, one can stand in the desert, miles from the shore of the river, and see the Keep lit up in all its splendor.

At the southern end of the island is the Outlander's Quarter, where all foreigners are required to do all business, and cannot leave without the proper documentation. This documentation can be applied for at several places throughout the Quarter, and usually takes only a few days to be approved by Jya herself (although it is said that she allows her priestesses to do this job for her). There are only two ferries which are legally permitted to travel from the island to either shore, although ships can sail up the river Attireyi and are welcome to dock in the Outlander's Quarter.

c. The Spice Fields of R'uuya

The Spice Fields of R’uuya are found on the North-Western section of the continent, in the relatively temperate climate. This is where the herbs, spices and poisons that Fallien produces are grown. The In'wehtos tribe (Author's Note: see Chapter IV: The Living for more on the individual tribes) controls much of the land here. When interviewed, the tribe's high priestess said:

Suravani gave this land to us even after we betrayed her trust. She destroyed our homes, our people, our culture, but she had mercy on us and brought us here. The In’wehtos tribe is grateful to our Mother Goddess for her mercy. We are the people of Ruuya, the Spicefields, where we live and work. It is here that we have been blessed to harvest things which determine the fate of men. Spices for the food that sustains us, perfumes to bring love and lust, poisons to bring death, and medicinal herbs which bring life, these are our domain.

We brave the heat, the wrath of the sun and the desert winds which threaten our crops, and we make our lives full here. We brave the wild beasts, the harpies which steal our children, the desert drakes which kill our livestock and scorch our fields. We brave the foreigners which would invade our land and take what is not their right. We are blessed by the goddess. She will sustain us.

d. Nirrakal the Blight, the Fields of Glass

Nirrakal, the deadly Fields of Glass (often called The Blight) is found on the southern half of the continent, stretching from shore to shore. This is where the Fallien people harvest glass. No plant-life grows in this devastated region, but the hardy Fallien people somehow still thrive.

One of their shaman allowed me to record his words, and this is what he said:

They call this land The Blight - an area of Fallien where few survive the scorching heat of the sun and its reflection from the fields of glass. Suravani left this for us in case the desert wasn't enough of a reminder of her hatred toward avarice and pride. But we live here.

We are the Mi'sheteri, the Glasswalkers, and this is our home. We live beneath the sands, in caves of glass. It is here that we create intricate works of glass that are nearly priceless throughout Althanas. At night we emerge from our caves to harvest the glass- there are many different kinds after all.

We use the sugar-glass which is found in amazing hues in order to color our trinkets and bottles. There is the shard glass which when melted down can be molded into glass so strong that it is very difficult to break. We've even found entire sheets of glass beneath the surface of the desert which when cut properly can be sold for use in cathedrals and palaces as windows.

This land is fatal to those who do not know it. They think it is because of the elements. Perhaps we help those elements to their victims?

e. Suravani's Oasis

Suravani’s Oasis is home to several tribes, the oasis in the northern region of Fallien is the land of the legendary Fallien steeds. In this area, the Esseker and Deklan tribes with the help of several minor sister tribes breed and trade amazing horses known for their speed, strength, and unparalleled stamina. These people are volatile and known to be violent not only toward outsiders, but toward each other.

In the case that a person feels courageous enough to brave the deserts of Fallien in order to reach Suravani’s Oasis, great care should be taken to avoid the temporary settlements of the different tribes. Fearful of foreigners, these people have been known to summon strange and terrifying beasts to frighten away and sometimes kill those who would venture too close to their safe haven. These creatures take many forms, each indicative of the tribe which summoned them. In the case of the Esseker tribe, they often take the shape of an eagle or griffin. The Deklan tribe sends hordes of massive hound-like creatures.

Should a foreigner find it necessary to steal one of the legendary steeds bred in this oasis, and have the bad fortune of being caught, numerous methods of punishment may be employed by the natives. The favorite method is to tie the offender down onto the ground, and then allow a stampede of horses to trample the person until dead. The same punishment is used for foreigners who are discovered not to have the proper exit papers to authorize travel in Fallien outside the Outlander’s Quarter.

(Author's Note: those who dwell in the Oasis have yet to give a quotable comment.)

f. Astaka

The home of the Ahketamika, its literal translation is 'going to one's eternal home' for that is what they consider it, their eternal home. The camp is mainly permanent tents made of wood and leather or other tough animal hides, and lies between the mountains of Zaileya and Suravani's Oasis. Once a year there is a large celebration held here, the Festival of the Dead. All are welcome to come, even foreigners.

g. Outlander's Post

The cliff face where the Post was founded was discovered by the dwarfish explorer Irah Yvesson (-daughter, actually, but she thought the -son sounded better) and her expedition, three years ago.

The dwarfs found a natural harbor among the treacherous cliffs that lined the north-eastern shores of Fallien. The cliff face that lined this harbor was worn through with caves, holes and rough tunnels, created by nature, or by long forgotten natives and wildlife. The location wasn't lost on the enterprising dwarf, and she and her people quickly set up camp within the caves

Things sort of snowballed (an ironic term, in this dry and barren land) from there.

It is a very small outpost, and isolated: beyond the Oasis, and well on the other side of the Mountains of Zaileya. It is allowed – not supported, entirely, but allowed – to remain there by the Jya, though the Fallien militia members recently stationed within the post (to ensure the Outlanders adherence to Fallien's laws in addition to the Post’s own credo, of course) do very little to prevent marauding tribes from attacking it. It mostly exists as a stopping point for ships from Scara Brae, and even those ships need to continue to Irrakam if the passengers and crew wish to go anywhere on Fallien other than the Post itself.

The harbor has a long pier, good for small boats, but the harbor itself can generally only hold four moderate-sized ships at a time. The outpost doesn’t have many exports: only reclaimed water that is sold to ships, exotic seafood for Corone and Scara Brae, sharkskin sold to weaponsmiths, and touristy junk sold to gullible travelers who don’t think twice about why a man with a Scarabraen accent would own ‘authentic Fallien artifacts of power'...

Its main attraction is to ships that do not wish to continue all the way around the continent to Irrakam, and to the fledgling mail service arising in the land. The mail comes through approximately every two-or-three weeks, assuming the mail carriers haven’t been eaten by something in the desert on the way.

The outpost is built atop and within the cliff; a combination of a stockade and a pueblo colony. The top-side is about half-a-mile square, while the shoreline beneath the cliff is about twice that. The part of the outpost that lies atop the cliff is lined by sturdy stone walls that have been covered with stucco to achieve an overall smooth-appearing surface. These walls run at about two to three feet thick, and fifteen feet tall. There is only one gate, wide enough for a yoked pair of oxen to pass through easily enough.

Despite the fact that a majority of the outpost is within the tunnels, there are a fair amount of buildings on the surface – none of these buildings exceed two stories in height, and most of these have colorful, tent-like roofs. Many of the buildings show signs of being damaged before, and some have been rebuilt several times. There are not many people in the outpost that don’t work just for the outpost – in the water-restocking, the mail, the fishing and shark-hunting – as the outpost is not yet at the point where it can sustain simple colonists.

The native tribes of the area seem to vary on how they view the outpost. There are those who have overcome their dislike of non-natives (the presence of the militia members has also had some effect on this) enough to trade with them (though both sides tend to cheat the other), and there are those who (despite the presence of the militia) view it as easy pickings and raid through to carry off whatever they can.

The Outpost’s council often states that traveling into Fallien proper through the outpost is not allowed, but oftentimes there is not much they can do to prevent determined people from getting out and venturing deeper into the wilds. Granted, one can only wonder how far those travelers get without a pass…

h. The Ruins

Ever since Fallien was destroyed nearly 600 years ago for the greed of its citizens, there have been few cities established besides the capital at Irrakam. The wreckage of the once-great Fallien civilization exists almost everywhere on the continent, scattered across the desert, as a reminder to the people of Fallien what the wrath of their goddess can do. Rumors remain, claiming that these ruins guard treasures and dangers unknowable, simply waiting to be found.

However, it is also said that there are tribes still living in certain of these ruins. These tribes do not worship Suravani, but instead follow her brother, Mitra, in the cult of the Sun. Little is known of these tribes, and some whisper that there are not truly any living people there, only ghosts who haunt the shattered cities. Whatever it is that roams these darkened places, few who enter ever escape.

03-16-09, 06:32 AM
The Living


The Fallien people are a beautiful contradiction. On one hand they are terribly xenophobic, and yet they can be kind and welcoming to any that they’ve decided (for reasons only they can answer) are worthy.

Dark skinned and dark haired, and usually dark eyed (though there are those who have pale blue or silver eyes – it is said that these have been blessed by Suravani), most Fallien are small people, under five feet five inches, and fine boned, but strong and weathered in the desert sun.

Depending on where one goes in Fallien, there are contrasting clothing trends and traditions in the different areas. Everyone is subject to the wrath of the sun and its neverending heat.

In Irrakam, the women can be typically found in either beautifully embellished silk saris and chitons beaded with the finest Kalli glass, or lovely embroidered tunicas made of that same rich silk. Such silk can be found in every hue of the rainbow, and the richer the citizen, often the brighter the color she wears. The lower classes can often be found in the same garments, but rather than silk, which is not necessarily affordable or reasonable, they wear fine linen. The men typically wear linen or silk robes, with the same embellishments, although more masculine color and decoration.

As one ventures away from the more civilized parts of Fallien, it seems that the need for modesty falls away, and therefore so does the desire to wear more than the merest sheer layer of linen over the more sensitive areas to prevent sunburn or irritation from windblown sand. Men often wear only a loin cloth, and women a short sleeveless tunic.

Footwear is absolutely necessary in the searing heat of the desert - the flesh could quite literally be melted off of ones feet if they were bare when they met the sun-scorched sands of the desert, or the scalding stones of the city. Most wear simple thong sandals, although many wear more elaborate laced sandals with beads and silk ribbon winding up their ankles.

In the midst of the most scorching days, or the worst sandstorms, those citizens which are forced to be out in the elements can typically be found with linen shawls or scarves draped over their heads, faces, and shoulders. Some of these can be quite elaborately decorated as well. The priestesses are required to wear these shawls at all times.

Fiercely religious, the people of Fallien worship Suravani with an undying faith that has kept them going through the destruction of their entire civilization, various uprisings, and multiple assassination attempts on their leader. Temples can be found scattered throughout the continent, although typically they are simple tents or huts that house a few priestesses and a simple altar or statue of Suravani. In Irrakam these temples are ornate whitewashed cathedrals where pilgrims often travel on dream-quests that they have been supposedly sent on by their goddess.

The Jya is the leader of a matriarchal society, and she is believed to be an incarnation of the Fallien goddess. Most tribes (sometimes called clans) in Fallien are led by a woman. The clans do not recognize their family lines through the fathers, but instead ancestry is traced through the mother. Father figures are usually the mother’s brothers or uncles, rather than the man who was responsible for the pregnancy. A man may marry a woman from another tribe, but he must either join her tribe or return to his tribe except for what are essentially conjugal visits. Women are not bound to a marriage, and may have relations with anyone they wish – they are fully responsible for any children they produce.

Typically, each clan has one or more shamans, a combination healer-mage-seer that provides medical attention, magical defense, and mystical clairvoyance. Again, this position is usually held by a woman, frequently a close relative of the clan-chief but only if that person has the necessary abilities. It is unknown just how powerful these shamans truly are. They are responsible for the summons which attack those foreigners who brave Suravani’s Oasis without their approval, and have often provided important information prior to devastating natural disasters.

The population in this arid land has increased significantly since the Vadhya, and the Fallien of today has an approximate population of four hundred and twelve thousand (412,000) people, broken down into ninety-eight percent human, and the final two percent mixed races from the world over. The average age is thirty-two, and the average life expectancy in humans is seventy-five years.

The people of Fallien share many common traits and beliefs, but they are also separated into several major clans that occupy the various sub-regions (see: Cities & Regions), each spoken for by a Priestess of Suravani (see: Government, Diplomacy & Foreign Relations; Religion). Smaller clans also exist, but in times of strife these sister clans generally align themselves with one of the larger clans.

The Tribes

The Esseker and Deklan tribes patrol the Oasis: raising the horses that make the oasis famous. They are well known for their warriors, and for the shamans that raise the summons used to protect the lands there.

The Mi’sheteri tribe lives beneath the ground of Nirrakal, coming out at night to harvest the glass found in the fields. They are also known as the Glasswalkers, and are often responsible for guerrilla-style attacks on foreigners. They have been known to raise Karuku-tal, as well.

The island of Irrakam has the Hatazista tribe, those that remain of the first tribe to re-emerge following Suravani’s wrath. The Hatazista are often known as the merchant class of Fallien.

The Spice Fields of R’uuya are tended by the In’wehtos, the closest thing Fallien has to a farming people. They are well versed in poisons, potions and oils, and have an agreement with the Mi’sheteri for the bottling and storing of their wares.

The ruins and wastelands belong to the Kehlat, the followers of Mitra. This tribe is a dividing force in the nation; they do not have the support or blessing of the Jya (far from it!) and are not supported via priestesses in Irrakam. They do, however, have somewhat of a foothold in the Outlander’s Quarter.

The Zaileya mountains may hold the Tash’Hari, but no one knows for certain, as this tribe was lost from records shortly after the Vadhya. If they still exist, they have not emerged, and are not acknowledged by the priestesses in Irrakam.

And then, of course, there are the Ahketamika of Astaka, who have a permanent camp between the Oasis and the mountains. The Akhetamika are like most other tribes within Fallien: They have a female leader and a Shaman who controls the warriors of the tribe. The major difference between the Akhetamika and the rest of the Fallien tribes is in their abilities and their physical appearance.

Like everyone else they have darkened skin, yet as they grow in power white designs begin to show on their skin in differentiating patterns, no ones being the same. Their hair and eyes are also very strange, never actually being a normal color either and they are much taller than the regular Fallien natives - however, this mainly only covers the warrior aspects of the tribe, those that can see the dead. Those not born with this gift look exactly like any other Fallien native.

Those Akhetamika that are born with this gift have a number of different abilities: they can see, hear, speak to and even sense souls. They can also use their own energy and turn it into solid matter, creating armour and weapons for themselves, though technically speaking they can form the energy into anything as long as they can picture it in their heads. This was always very taxing on them though, until the Amaratna Crystals were created to help focus and harness their energies and also providing a little extra. How these crystals were formed and where they came from has been long since lost to the Akhetamika though.

In addition to this, Akhetamika can also travel to the other planes of existence, however they only travel to Anandin. Anandin is a place between what they call Sanctuary and Abyss or Heaven and Hell. It is neither light nor is it dark and everything therein is in shades of grey, except when something living traverses there, then it is in colour. In Anandin souls are corrupted and turn into Devadi, it is at this point that the Akhetamika must fight and release them. The Akhetamika may also release souls that are still trapped within the physical world.

Devadi: The term given to corrupted souls that have fallen from their former selves. A soul with regrets is prevented from moving on to the afterlife, if they cannot overcome their regrets they will eventually be dragged in Anandin where they will slowly be corrupted. Once that has happened they turn into monsters, their skin usually blackened and burnt looking. Their configuration varies but their bodies are almost always formed into weapons. Blades protrude from arms, claws; jagged teeth. Some have a membrane formed between their arms and their body, allowing them to glide. In the center of a Devadi’s chest, and even the chest of any soul, is a black hole where heart and humanity lay. To release a soul from their regrets and evil deeds a weapon formed by a Akhetamika must pass through this space. The regrets and evils committed by the soul while corrupted are forgiven and the Akhetamika takes them into their own body and soul. However, evil committed before corruption cannot be forgiven.

Akhetamikan Corruption: The Amaratna Crystal, as one of its functions, displays the amount of corruption within the soul of the Akhetamika. When completely free of corruption the crystal is blue, as corruption grows the crystal begins turning red. An Akhetamikan can travel within their soul any time to fight and release the corruption from within them, however, if for some reason they do not and the corruption becomes complete they will turn into monsters that will kill without thought or care. No Akhetamikan has ever survived corruption, save one: Ira of Shinkara.

Tribe Leaders: The Akhetamika tribe is designed like almost every other tribe in Fallien. At the top is a female leader and always a female leader, right now the leader is Majra. The successor to the leader is usually chosen by the Shaman—who is as ranks go—next under the tribal leader. Majra reigns over the whole tribe, however, in the case of the Calerian tribe it is divided in two. The tribe leader looks after everyone but the warriors, those who can see the dead that she leaves to the Shaman, who is usually female as well. This generation has a male Shaman though, named Gereint. Though the tribal leader can always overrule the Shaman there is usually never any need for that since they communicate regularly.

The other natives, especially their closest neighbors in the Oasis, are often reluctant to speak of them, though what they do say tells of festivals celebrating the dead, and arcane rites involving the soul...

"They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned -- well, if that's so, the harpies have three millennia of scorn pent up in each of them."
-Esseker Nomad

Before the wrath of Vadhya swept over Fallien and remade it, it is said that a female prophet from beyond the seas came and drew maidens of the tribes away from their scriptures, forsaking both Suravani and Mitra for a fabricated god. Instead of allowing them to perish in the Vadhya, Mitra swept the women up and twisted their bodies to horrid feathered beasts, a cross between woman and foul carrion bird.

Harpies commonly kidnap Fallien children and carry them off, screaming to their lair-nests. There they "eat" them, sucking out their life and turning them to ash, thus absorbing their youth. Harpies are incredibly vain, and cannot stand being called ugly (one in every ten harpies is actually good looking). Mitra had originally intended on forcing them to live short lives of misery and pain (particularly the molting), but the harpies' queen was clever, and discovered ways to keep living to punish the others of Fallien.

"The sweetest of lips holds the deadliest of poisons."
- Fallien Proverb

Rava Featherblood: In aftermath of the Vadhya, when the harpies were vomited down onto the dry and thirsty earth, it became apparent that not all of the maidens had suffered the worst of the repercussions. Among those few rose Rava Featherblood, a hellion amidst the shrieking feathered demons. She viciously fought against the others that scrabbled to lead the harpies and through both a clever wit and sharp talons, rose to her status as queen in a glory of blood and gore.

Rava appears as any usual woman would, save for a large pair of brown feathered wings that grace her back, though the tremendous claws on her fingers and warped feet cresting with talons at times off put the desperate men. Like all Harpies, Rava shuns clothing as she associates it with the humans that they all hate. The denizens of Fallien call her and her kind (the less mutated of harpies) the "Desert Sirens", as their beauty has drawn many men to a messy and painful death.

The Beasts
Fallien hosts many of the beasts that one would expect to find in deserts and mountains - insects, lizards and snakes, hyenas, jackals, civets, gazelles, small rodents like gerbils, hedgehogs and mice, foxes and hares, ostriches, predatory and carrion birds. The areas near the oasis are home to lions and camels, while the oasis itself holds more exotic birds like flamingos and cranes.

In addition to the typical animals, Suravani's wrath ushered in a range of modified beasts, the most notable of which are listed below.

"I can only pray that when I die, I truly will become a phoenix."
-Deklan Warrior

These tremendous birds make their nests on the plateaus towards the heart of the desert, and when their feathers catch the sunlight, the radiant glow rivals that of any king's treasure vaults. Old Fallien fables say that a phoenix is born at the fall of the strongest, most courageous warriors, and even when killed by a hunter's arrows, or a poacher's blade, its body will ignite in flames and crumble to ash, from which a younger phoenix arises in a nova of flame. Usually docile and friendly creatures, to infuriate a phoenix is to make an enemy with it's entire flock. It is said that these amazing birds will give you a crop of their feathers, which yield magical qualities, if one instills trust in you.

“I once saw a wild one in the desert on a moonless night. At first, I mistook it for my own Shas, but in the knowing glance of the eyes, I saw the beast uninhibited by drugs. If it weren’t for the flash of light from my lantern, I would have become it’s next meal. It was the first time I’d seen one wild, and I pray every night with all that I am that it will be the last.”
-Nirrakali Man

These strange feline creatures had once lived in harmony with other beings upon Fallien. The Vadhya, however, drove them past the brink of insanity, twisting their minds and their bodies into something terrible even as the lush lands of Fallien were withered away. Before this, they had been noble creatures. Pampered and worshiped by commoners, kept as guardians and familiars by Fallien’s kings, they were considered more valuable than their weight in gold, more precious than a good horse. When Suravani took down the kingdoms, her wrath was turned as well to these pets. She took the daylight hunters and made them unable to stand the golden sun, the gleaming full moon. She took their loves, and turned them against them. Driven mad by the pain they could not comprehend, they took to the desert and the vast caverns found there. Now, mere shadows of their former glory, they are monsters that stalk through the desert on cloudy and moonless nights. The Nirrakali have developed an anti-psychotic drug to use on them, and keep them as familiars and guardians. Care of these are crucial, as neglecting the needs of the sensitive skin of these beasts and allowing them to harm themselves with an open window or faulty doorway will break the hold of the drugs, pain pushing them again into the madness that makes them killers.

Their general structure is that of an Earthian cheetah. A cat with a long, lean body. Very little body fat is found on these, their heads are small and flat, their hair so short it is nearly fluff, and brindled in color like that of a boxer. Their liquid movement is due to the fact that they have no bones, but cartilage. It makes them lighter and more flexible, but they also use it to their advantage in their cave homes, squeezing through crannies they shouldn’t have been able to in the first place. They are almost incapable of being brought down with bludgeoning, as their frame bends with the blows and comes right back. Master hunters, movement attracts them. Sensors in their noses pick up on electromagnetic fields, and long whiskers act as dishes to channel and code these signals. The electricity made by the diaphragm of a human breathing is enough to bring those who are close by, and they also use the sensing equipment to find their way through the tunnels that they unwillingly call home. Their eyes have been changed, pupils turning milky, though the irises have kept their dark color.

While their inability to cope with the darkness has made their eyes almost useless, they need not risk the light to know when it is safe to come out. These electromagnetic sensors are pulled by the moon as much as the tide is, and on new moon nights, they swarm the desert, fulfilling their need to be free. Their thick, heavy claws allow the Karuku-tal to burrow through the sands as easily as sharks swim in the waters, making them terribly dangerous in the desert. Attacks will come from below, so travelers on dark nights must be aware of the difference between sand moving from the wind and sand moving from a Karuku-tal attack. In the caves, they are just as deadly. Their claws can retract, and on the underside of their paws, they have pads as a gecko does. Scaling up a vertical surface is easy for them, and the smaller ones can even sit on a ceiling, waiting for someone to pass by under them.

They are made for survival, for even twisted into the shadows that they used to keep the Fallien people safe from, they have indeed survived. When first they moved to the caves, they were on the edge of extinction. While the population isn’t bursting, it is comfortable, and no other creature in the desert seems to have any negative effect on them. Their one weakness is light. Any kind of light will burn their skin, and send them screaming to their caves. Only the strongest, most hardy, and most rare of these creatures have begun to withstand weak moonlight.

Desert Drakes
"They say these beasts can speak and think and write as a human can, but I don't believe it. I only know they take our livestock - and our children if we're not wary."
-Spice farmer, Ruuya

Rather than flying these creatures glide on the rising air currents from the heated desert sands and random oases found throughout the dunes. They have two different sets of claws. The front set is razor sharp and retractable, giving them a deadly weapon in conjunction with their teeth. In addition the front limbs are quite nimble giving them the ability to manipulate objects almost as well as a human. The back set of claws is much more shovel like, allowing the creature to dig deeply into the sands of Fallien’s deserts.

It is beneath these sands that the drakes sleep, emerging at sunrise and thriving on the wind currents the heat of the day brings. They are covered in strong plates of mottled grays and tans which, although difficult to break, are surprisingly lightweight. Desert drakes are quite intelligent, and are thought to have a language and hierarchy of their own, including a leader for each region or hive of drakes.

Glider Drakes
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Distant cousins to the strangely intelligent drakes of the Fallien sands, these drakes come in warm-metallic colors (bronzes, golds and coppers) and are roughly larger than the average draft horse. They have spade-shaped heads, rimmed with horns, spade-shaped tails, and massive teeth. Unlike their cousins, these drakes do not have wings – instead, they have wide membranes between their limbs, much like a flying squirrel, that allow them to glide over surprisingly long distances if they are given a high enough point to leap from. They also have incredibly sharp, incredibly strong claws, and are exceptional climbers. They are very rarely seen in the wild, though, living in the highest peaks of the mountains.

Giant Scorpions
"There was a scraping metallic sound while I was gathering water at the oasis outside of camp, and when I turned there was a massive scorpion behind me. I screamed, dropping the water, and later I heard that a man had been crushed to death trying to kill the scorpion. Suravani bless his soul."
-Nomadic tribeswoman

Usually measuring between four and six feet long, and equipped with deadly pincers and even deadlier venom, this desert hunter is not a beast you want to meet while traversing the dunes. These nocturnal creatures will attack if provoked, often using their pincers to crush a victim to death. This is preferable to their sting which leaves a victim writhing in pain for several hours before violent seizures and then death. The smaller the scorpion is, the deadlier its venom.

Shifter Bats
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These are a strange species of creatures that, at first glance, appear to be rather like Pipistrelle (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/RPGs/Althanas/WesternPipistrelles.jpg) bats. They vary in size from one inch to three inches in length, with a wingspan from seven to ten inches wide. They, like most bats, are not very durable creatures, and they are easy to fend off in a one-on-one (or, really, one-on-anything-less-than-ten) basis. The main problem lies within their tendency to roost in groups upward of two hundred.

The secondary problem lies in the ability that gives them their name. Natural shapeshifters, they have the ability to absorb and manifest characteristics from objects and beings they encounter: this can be anything from sand, glass and plants to animals, poisons, magics and people. A bat who encountered some kind of poison could become poisonous to the touch (like a tree-frog) or poisonous to eat, or have their fur become covered with a poisonous powder - it would all depend on the original poison. A bat who encounters a human or other being with magic would also be altered. For example: a bat who touched an Ink Mage would have an Ink Mage's skills for a certain amount of time - that wouldn't cause a problem since bats can't use pens. However, if they touched a human whose powers or traits were more an innate thing (someone who commands the elements via their emotions, for example, or an undead warrior) the bats would be affected by the traits (such as being able to change the weather, or have a sudden desire for living flesh.)

They maintain their size and base shape throughout their transformations, and the transformation always wears off, eventually, but it is not unusual to spy a shifter bat with a scorpion tail, or the madness of the Karuku-tal, or a sheen like glass and sand given life. These creatures are highly sought after as familiars, and by assassins who wish to make someone's death look to be a complete accident.

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Arnabiss, or "harecats" as they are known in Tradespeak, are a recent addition to the wildlife of Fallien. These strange animals were the brainchild of a bored Fallien sorcerer who lived far to the North, beyond the mountains of Zaileya, in isolation. He combined a desert hare with a typical lion, and was delighted when the spell created a beast the appropriate size to be a mount. Convinced he had created the Next Big Thing, he made the beast a mate…

And they, promptly, turned on him and ate him before escaping into the wild. Ah, well, what's a little bloodshed in the name of scientific progress, eh?

These creatures have the general build of Earth’s European hare, on steroids.Their DNA has been tweaked so that their sizes range between four and ten feet in length, and between three and six feet tall at the shoulder. They are sturdier than either the original cat or hare part would imply through a mixture of magic and the relatively natural effects of a size increase. They do, however, maintain the natural agility and flexibility of the two donor species.

Harecats have the head and face of a hare, with the eyes, ruff (or mane) and teeth of their cat half. Their front paws are feline in shape, as is their tail, while their back paws are leporid in nature. Their front claws are retractable and razor sharp, while their back claws are dull and cannot retract. They are extremely resistant to the elements, masters of the sands - second only to the Karuku-tal, with whom they can interbreed.

They are natural sprinters, but can maintain a steady lope if trained properly. They can jump lengths up to thirty feet, though this length is severely diminished when carrying a rider and varies, of course, with the harecat’s size. They are fairly intelligent for animals, and have excellent senses. They are also natural-born hunters, but they have no magical abilities. However, their thick coats make them resistant to damage, whether through physical or magical attacks.

Wild harecats are hunted for their pelts, which retain their superb resistance in death, but hunters are advised to hunt with caution, as they may find themselves the hunted. Harecats have two litters a year, ranging between one and five cubs per litter. Cubs are considered adult at about two years of age. Harecats, despite their fearsome nature, are very skittish, and will more often run when surprised than attack. That being said, a harecat in its own territory and on its own terms, will quite happily stalk any creature it comes across. They are also omnivorous.

The Supernatural
Suravani's wrath has left Fallien haunted by spirits and ghouls, but the Shamans have also found protection in the non-natural aspects of the continent.

[list] Summons
"We were traveling by the light of the moon, when suddenly these creatures appeared before us. I thought they came from behind the dunes, but there were so many of them. I was certain we would die, but our guide whispered some strange Fallien word and they all disappeared."
-Outlandish Trader

Taking various shapes, these creatures are slaves to the Oasis shamans. Often seen in the form of a falcon or a hound, they attack Outlanders and other assumed enemies of the Oasis tribes. Stronger and larger than their mundane counterparts, Summons are difficult to best and often appear out of thin air and disappear again in the same manner. It is said that a single word can banish them if one knows it.

The Arta
"It came shrieking terribly from across three dunes to the north, swaddled in rags and waving a worn and scuffed scimitar over its head. It killed three guards with its teeth and another two with its rusty blade before [Urusua] cleaved it in two with his axe. Its horrific orange eyes, burning like coals, still terrorize my nights."
- Hatazista Merchant

Fallien was once a land of fortune and green, but now that hospitality is gone and the land is unforgiving and cruel. The dry, hot sands take many travelers each day from carelessness. These travelers, often dwelling on a rage to be taken so soon, are drawn back by the desert as the Arta, terrible dead things that prowl the sands to take their vengeance out on those more fortunate than themselves. In the daylight, they can be easily avoided from the dark spot of sand that marks their graves, a stain of color akin to blood, but at night, it's more difficult to see. The Arta travel through the desert like fish through water; beneath the surface, which makes them a formidable enemy if one isn't prepared to fight them.

The Arta can be identified by the stained, dirty wraps of silk that cover their often emaciated forms, their glowing orange eyes peering out from beyond. It is said to see the face of the Arta is to go mad. Even the hardiest of knights scouring the desert on peregrination have at times returned with bloodied mouths from ruptured voice boxes from months of continual screaming, eyes wild. Swift in step and motion, an unarmed Arta (which is common) can still be deadly.

03-16-09, 06:32 AM
Politics In General

The natives of Fallien are seen, simply, as Fallien in nationality. The main form of government is tribal matriarchal, with most tribes (or clans) being led by a woman. Bloodlines and birthrights are also traced through the mother’s ancestry.

The Matriarchy

The ruler is the Jya, the Mother of Fallien. Bordering on miraculous, the women who have led Fallien since its destruction nearly six hundred years ago are strong and wise. Every time a girl child is born, she is blessed by the priestesses, and if she exhibits certain attributes, both physical and mental, she is taken to Irrakam and raised to become a priestess. Every priestess is trained to possibly become the next Jya. The wisest, most motherly of them will become Jya when the current Jya either dies or is no longer able to perform her duties as the mother of Fallien.

It is said that Jya is the living incarnation of Suravani, the moon goddess of Fallien who turned the land to desert so long ago for the greed of its leaders. In a way which astounds those around her, this mysterious woman seems to know a person's deepest thoughts and desires, and even seems to have foresight into the future. There are tales of magic and miracles performed by the Mother of Fallien, and those given her blessing are said to be unstoppable.

Because of her wisdom and compassion, there are few citizens of Fallien who do not adore their ruler. Those who are resentful or rebellious towards Jya, tend to be members of the Cult of the Sun, a group of religious zealots who worship Suravani's enemy and brother, the Sun god Mitra.

Jya allows her people to be mostly self-governing. Each family delegates a member which speaks at all clan meetings, each clan delegates a member which speaks for the clan in regional issues as well as a priestess who represents their interests before Jya. The Jya makes her decisions based on the wishes of her people.

Truly she is the Althanian incarnation of the beloved Suravani.

The Chain of Command

As mentioned previously, the Jya governs the tribes justly, listening to a representative of the tribe, who in turn listens to a representative of a family within the tribe. These full-tribal representatives deal with things on a regional basis, while the Jya is assisted by priestess appointed for and by the individual tribes. The exact chain of command is as follows: the Jya (sometimes advised, sometimes not) ultimately makes the decisions. She then tells her high priestesses her orders, and those alone. They, in turn, carry her orders to the lower priestesses and council leaders for the various regions. These take the orders to the tribal leaders, be they in the nomadic tribes or in the villages, who give them to the people.

Judicial System

The judicial system is common law, often with harsh penalties for those found in the wrong – especially if the one in the wrong is a foreigner. Penalties for thievery can range from simply repaying the one stolen from to removing the thief's hands to the thief becoming a slave of the one he stole from. The penalty for murder can range from fines to death - and everything in between. The penalties usually vary depending on motive, premeditation and the state of the victim.


The Cult of Mitra/The Cult of the Sun is the Jya’s main rival; headed by the nomadic Kehlat tribe. They are behind almost every attempt on the lives of the Jya in the last six hundred years. They are still active in the shadows, and still present a very real threat to followers of Suravani –and the Jya in particular- through their ongoing missions. Little is known of these tribes, and some whisper that they are not truly living people, only ghosts who haunt the shattered cities.

There is also some rivalry of late between the traditional supporters of the Jya, and those who think that Fallien needs to move forward, as well as the ever-typical debate between the merchants, the foreign merchants, and the current administration.

Foreign Relations

Fallien, as a nation, is xenophobic – most of their interaction with other nations is through trade only. In order to be legally permitted to leave the Outlander's Quarter and travel throughout Fallien (or even the rest of the island of Irrakam), every foreigner is required to obtain an Exit Pass from the local authorities. These can be obtained for several reasons, including trade, tourism, or to serve in a temporary capacity in the Fallien militia.

If a person chooses to venture forth into Fallien without the required documents, he most certainly is taking his life into his hands. In some areas the punishment is as severe as death. At the very least a person will be jailed for a certain time until someone who has the amount of their fine will speak for them and remove them from the country - this is a permanent exile from Fallien.

However, even with the twin roadblocks of the pass and xenophobia, merchants and ambassadors travel to Fallien regularly; paying to use the Outlanders' Quarters as a nuetral ground, or to establish trade routes deep into the island's wildernesses. There is no major treaty or alliance with any of the other nations, but some say it is only a matter of time...

03-16-09, 06:33 AM
Economy & Trade


The main trade system utilized in Fallien is bartering. Fallien has no native currency, though most merchants are quite open to using other nation's money. Bartering is performed on a needs basis, though gold is often used as a reward.

Fallien, as a mostly barren nation, relies heavily on imported food products and livestock, as well as almost anything made of wood. Given the nation's xenophobic tendencies, it is fortunate that they produce many rarities that allow them to give as good as they get; otherwise foreign merchants might become content to take their wares elsewhere.

Unique Exports

The major exports of the nation are glass, horses, and the spices and herbs grown in the spice fields, the attributes of which can be read below. Each of Fallien’s main exports have their own traits which make them among the most sought after in their class. Other natural exports include iron, and the rare wood found in the areas surrounding the Oasis. Trade in Irrakam can occur anywhere, making the streets both hazardous and festive at the same time.

Kaca (glass) of Nirrakal
The Blight was originally thought to be just that - a blight. A dead land, barren, punishment for the Fallien peoples' disobedience. As time went on, it became apparent that Suravani had been merciful, supplying a different way for her people to support themselves. The Blight contains many types of sand that has been turned to glass by that cataclysm, and each glass holds a myriad of uses. This glass is unique to Fallien, and in high demand for merchants.

Calli – This glass varies from coin sized to the size of a small vial. Usually clear or amber in color, this glass is often used in making vessels or decorative figures. Containers of calli are considered the best by potions-makers, as the glass never reacts to what is placed inside it.

Kiramaini – small glass beads or pearls, naturally occurring in a myriad of colors, perfectly spherical. Used for jewelry. Extraordinarily rare, this magically-aligned glass is considered sacred by the Fallien, who do not like it leaving their land. They guard it religiously.

Mukakkannati – thin sheets of glass that hold a mirror-like sheen. Very fragile, usually cast over the top of other glass. Crushed mukakkannati can be applied to a weapon using a special glue. This would, naturally, make such weapons exceedingly painful for those on the receiving end of their attacks.

Valaiyalman – sugar glass. Fine, powdery and occuring in every shade, this glass can be used to color almost all other glass by melting valaiyalman over it. Valaiyalman, however, has another use: it holds poison extremely well, and will transfer that poison into any liquid it touches. Melt poisoned Valaiyalman onto a sword or the inside of a drinking vessel, and you will have a potent weapon indeed.

Cillu – Pane glass. This is usually very pale and milky in color, sometimes compared to the colors of dawn. It appears in very large sheets that often cover several square yards, and can be cut to various sizes. This glass is extremely strong, and must be cut using diamond-cutters in order to remove it from the desert. Often used in cathedrals or other structures, it can also be used in sacred knives and armor. However, Fallien guards it judiciously. It can be purchased in Fallien itself only by the very rich and important. The only other way to find it is from certain Black Market dealers, and that will cost you dearly.

Steeds of Suravani’s Oasis
Impervious to heat, and fiercely loyal, the native horses of this desert land are swift and strong, blessed by Suravani herself, and a blessing to their masters.

Mare/ Stallion - Typically only sold if their original master has died, it is unusual to find a mature horse for sale in Fallien. Often these creatures are only purchased for breeding purposes, as it is unlikely that anyone else will be able to bond with a masterless horse unless that trainer possesses a special gift or quality which gives the horse reason for loyalty.

Mature Gelding - Considerably the easiest to manage, as once a male horse is castrated they no longer possess the fierce loyalty that is natural to the horses of Fallien. They still bond with their master, but will no longer risk life and limb when needed. A gelded male is quite easily found in the markets of Fallien, and are quite often the only steeds that foreigners have access to purchase.

Yearling Filly - Not as spirited as the males but still difficult to bond with, although considerably less stubborn. Female horses bred in Fallien are said to be as swift as the wind and strangely intelligent, the chosen steeds of Suravani herself.

Yearling Colt - Often spirited and nearly impossible to bond with, male horses bred in Fallien tend to be stubborn to a fault and impatient with learning new tasks. Often used by nobles and knights throughout history as war steeds, these amazing creatures have been hailed in myth and legend as blessed by the gods with uncanny strength and stamina.

Weaned foal - Not yet bonded to a certain master, a just weaned foal is a rare find, and quite expensive. Fallien horses are fiercely loyal to one master, and will only in certain circumstances allow others to mount or even approach them. Purchasing the horse at this young age allows its owner to make his or her mark on the beast – an invaluable asset to any warrior.

These poisons are mostly grown, mixed and refined in the Spice Fields. Most, if not all, of them are unique to Fallien; all of them are highly effective, and some have hidden, beneficial sides. Most, however, are as deadly as they are unique.

Manikkali – this plant generally does not grow past a foot in height. The dull green leaves are usually egg shaped and the stem of this plant tends to be hollow.
Effects: small doses of the plant can ease external pain. Ingested internally in small amounts will cause stomach pains and larger doses can cause great illness to a person. Death does not usually occur unless the plant is administered regularly.
Antidote: A good night's rest. If death due to slow poisoning is suspected, administer Padzahr

Vadha’manikkali – this plant can grow up to 5 feet in height if the conditions are right. The stem is usually a purplish colour and the leaves are large, growing from 3 to 10 inches and are completely oval in shape.
Effects: causes paralysis eventually attacking the nervous system, causing excitement and delirium. In a larger dose the nervous system will shut down and the victim’s heart and lungs will just stop working. Also used as an antidote for Niphena.
Antidote: Vahnibija, Acacias

Niphena – a small plant that grows in dry conditions. Found throughout all of Fallien and usually in small numbers, it is easily distinguished by its bright colours, varying from white to reddish purple.
Effects: in liquid form and ingested, this plant numbs all sorts of pain but can also produce hypnotic effects on the victim. Used in small amounts, this drug is extremely addictive and in large doses will stop the heart from beating.
Antidote: Vadha’manikkali

Azaya’handra – a moss like substance that grows in hot dry, areas. For some reasons it likes to grow over the glass fields of Nirrakal but is also grown and harvested in R’uuya. It tends to vary in different shades of brown and red and is rubbery to the touch.
Effects: ingested in any form, even a small amount of this plant is extremely poisonous. Once in the blood stream it causes cells to die and clot together cutting off the circulation of blood eventually causing what appears to be a heart attack or stroke.
Antidote: Valerian

Kanyaa’dhe – A substance harvested from the glands inside the mouth of the Desert Drake lizard. For further information on this beast check out the bestiary.
Effects: externally, this liquid is good for cleansing wounds of any disease or dirt. Internally, this turns into a poison attacking anything and everything that it comes in contact with. It quickly spreads through the blood system destroying cells and eventually liquefying the victim from within. A death from this is slow and painful, taking sometimes up to three or four days and is hard to detect until the end when blood drips from the mouth, ears, eyes and nose. By then it’s too late to cure.
Antidote: Datura and Akam'asanih administered together.

Mallaku'akta – A mixture of several plants from R’uuya and Suravani’s Oasis.
Effects: ingested this will cause intense hallucinations as well as nightmares. The victim is usually trapped within a realm of their worst nightmare and the illusion is sometimes so real they will scare themselves to death.
Antidote: Pakala Verrukai

Much like poisons, the lion's share of oil creating is performed by the people of R'uuya. These oils vary widely in effect and usage.

Vidhuksaya – this oil is a mixture of a wide variety of plants from R’uuya. On the skin it slowly releases a soft, woodsy scent that relaxes and calms the body. When added to a burning candle, the Fallien natives use it to enter a kind of trance state where they can explore their minds freely and return to a state of balance.

Cori'az (Dragon's Blood, thought to be the blood of the desert drake, but more likely a rare herb)– this oil can be used in a wide variety of things. It can be used for protection when traveling to the astral plane, as well empowering the human body. It invigorates and gets the blood flowing, awakening and even heightening the human senses.

Darzana – used to relax the body and mind and slowly slip you into a dream state in which you can experience prophetic dreams. This is a combination of a number of different plants that relax you, warm the body, calm the mind and prevent nightmares so you can reach the astral and perhaps see that distant future you’re searching for. But remember, the future is all choice and anything you see is never written in stone.

Galbanum – this oil when used in combination with deep meditation can help unleash hidden psychic abilities within the person. It’s also used to contact the dead through meditation, though one has to be careful when meddling with the spirit world.

Kavi – spread over the skin of an injured person and worked into the wound it will alleviate the pain, cleanse the wound and help to quicken the healing time. This oil is also good for divination purposes when heated and the scent is released into the air. It is also used to cleanse the mind and help heal wounds that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Indra – this oil is good for consecrating ground. It had strong protective properties against the undead and can both wound the undead and prevent them from entering a certain place. On skin it would burn any undead creature that comes in contact with you, in the air the undead will avoid it and come nowhere near its scent.

Sacred Lotus – used mainly by Fallien women for fertility. It’s also a good stimulant on both the male and female body by heating the blood and further arousing. *aphrodisiac

Note: none of these oils are to be ingested!

Also grown in the spicefields. These are thought to be among the best herbs in the world by alchemists and doctors alike.

Kiluvai Buds – burning these attracts spirits for the purpose of necromancy or divination.

Tabasheer – used as a strong medical herb. This is to be ingested in any form it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s the leaves, which help mend broken bones and mend internal injuries. The herb quickens the healing process but not instantaneously. Serious injuries will still take a day or two to mend and bones up to a weak depending on the severity.

Yarrow Flowers – grinding these into a paste and spreading them over external wounds help quicken the healing time and stop the flow of blood almost instantaneously by clotting the wound. It’s also good for lessening the pain by being absorbed into the blood.

Larkspur Flowers – as a salve or ingested into the human body this plant is good for cleansing disease and infection. It dulls the pain and also settles the stomach, occasionally rare hallucinations may occur when ingested though they usually pass with a good nights sleep.

Galangal – ground into a paste or salve this plant helps ease and heal burns. Burned as incense, it’s an aphrodisiac used to arouse both the male and female.

Though weapons are cast, forged and created where-ever there are warriors, the best blacksmiths are said to dwell in the Oasis, where they are close to the warriors who protect it, and to the horses that give them their best source of income during times of relative peace.

Kukri - The Kukri or Khukuri is a heavy, curved Fallien knife used as both tool and weapon. It is the traditional weaponry of Zaileyan Mountain fighters. It is known to many people as simply the "Zaileya knife". It is slightly deflected at an angle of 20° though some examples have a very steep angle. It is 1 to 4 inches wide, and at least 12 inches long, tapering towards the edge from the broad upper margin. It almost always has a single edge. It is typically very thick and in many ways is a hybrid between knife and axe. Traditional kukris usually have handles made from hardwood, chitin, or cast brass.

Khanda - The oldest and most typical of Fallien swords is the double edged sword known as the Khanda. This weapon has a broad, straight blade, which widens towards the blunt point. Sometimes it is double-edged, but it generally has a strengthening plate with ornamental borders on the back for a considerable part of its length.

There are both substantial plate and finger guards, which join the large round, flat pommel. There is a spike on the pommel which acts as a guard for the arm, and for a grip for the left hand when making a two-handed stroke. The hilt is also used as a hand rest when the sword is sheathed. The inside of the guard and finger guard are padded.

Chakram - The Chakram a flat steel ring from five to twelve inches in diameter and from half an inch to an inch and a half wide, with a razor sharp outer edge. The Fallien metalworkers in Irrakam decorate these with elaborate glass inlays. If kept sharp, and thrown with enough force and accuracy, these blades have been known to cut through a cyper tree at a distance of thirty yards.

Katar - The Katar is an unusually deadly armor piercing dagger used by the most elite soldiers in the Fallien militia. These knives are peculiarly designed with a handle which is made up of two parallel bars connected by two, or more, crosspieces, one of which is at the end of the side bars and is fastened to the blade. The Katar is wrapped to the hand to optimize the grip.

The blades are always double-edged and generally straight, but occasionally curved. They are of all lengths from a few inches to about three feet. Katar blades are often thickened at the point to strengthen them for use against armor. The blades are sometimes forked at the point, and even three blades occur.

The Fallien militia occasionally makes Katars that are hollow and serve as sheaths for smaller ones; or with three blades that fold together, appearing to be one, until handle bars were pressed together, when they opened out. Katars with hollow blades are only found on the black market, and these blades often hide lethal poisons rather than smaller blades.

Tulwar - The Tulwar is the signature blade of the Fallien cavalry, and is often difficult to find outside of Suravani’s Oasis. Talwar sabers vary enormously in size, curvature and quality. The hilts generally have disk-shaped pommels, and may or may not have finger guards; some have as many as three. The cavalry keep their sabers in leather sheaths, wherein the swords do not become blunt and dull but remain keen, bright, and ready.

03-16-09, 06:33 AM

Fallien’s military is mostly handled in militia form – local pockets, no strict barracks and very few specific training areas. The size of the military is, therefore, varied, as all children, male or female, are trained to join the militia at the age of twelve.

Specialized Military Units

There are, however, a couple specialized military units: the Mi'sheteri tribe, also known as the Glasswalkers: natives of Nirrakal who dwell under the sand, and the Fallien horsemen and Shamans who guard the Oasis.

Fighting Techniques
These are only some of the many different techniques employed by those trained in the military. They are also, in less fatal forms, used in competitions.

Pankration: A combination of boxing and wrestling, the object is to gain either your opponent’s submission or incapacitation. Joint locks and choke holds are common methods of incapacitation, often manifesting in broken fingers, limbs or even a broken neck. The only disallowed techniques are biting and gouging. This style of combat is frequently lethal, and the elite of this style rarely surrender, but would rather die than accept the dishonor. In non-military combat, the match is won either through an opponent’s submission or incapacitation. In some cases, the only form of submission accepted is unconsciousness or death. The only disallowed techniques are biting and gouging. There are no time or weight limits, and competition is frequently lethal unless other rules are decided.

Varmakkalai: Also a form of healing, this style of combat involves the use of various pressure points on the body in order to incapacitate or cause severe pain to the opponent. It focuses on stopping the opponent without causing permanent damage, with or without weapons, regardless of the situation. This is possibly the most time-consuming art to learn, and often takes ten or more years of study to become proficient in its use.

Bandesh: A series of techniques used to lock limbs or hold down an opponent thus forcing him to submission. The six stages are Pavithra (footwork), Rokh (blocking), Lapet (Twisting), Fekan (Throw), Cheen (Snatching) and Bandesh (Lock hold). Lock holds are employed against different kinds of weapons like swords, daggers, and long staffs.

Vajramushti: This particularly unique form of fighting requires the combatants to use a weapon called a knuckleduster (like brass knuckles) made of animal horns or bone, and in some cases, glass. The Nirrakali people use knuckledusters made of Valaiyalman glass with shards of Mukakkanati or poisoned Cillu glass embedded or glued onto it. In non-military combat situations, a fight is considered over when an opponent’s hand, holding the knuckleduster, is immobilized.

Vita: A mounted style using a lance with a barb on one end. This method, particular to the Oasis, is practiced on the legendary Fallien steeds, and the lance is either thrown at an opponent or used to impale the opponent. In non-military combat situations, if a combatant falls from his horse, or is unable to hold his lance, he is considered to have lost the match.

Fari Gadka: A bladeless armed combat technique using a cane stick called Gadka and a small leather shield called a Fari. This method is practiced like sword-fighting, within a twenty foot square arena. The match is considered lost when a combatant has received five strikes to the body. This style of fighting is generally not employed in actual combat.

Lathee: Essentially stave fighting, this style is fought in a forty foot arena with five to six foot lengths of cane wrapped in leather. Opponents are protected by cotton-padded leather bracers on their forearms, and prohibited from strikes to the groin, nose, or eyes. The same rules for winning are used as in Fari Gadka, and again - this style of fighting is generally not employed in actual combat.

Muki: A form of bare-knuckles boxing where there are two groups (two or more fighters per group) that each try to drive the other group back. Whenever one team is either left with no able fighters or driven out of the marked area, a winner has been determined. This style of fighting is generally not employed in actual combat.

03-16-09, 06:33 AM

The main religion (and only religion supported by the Jya and her priestesses) is the worship of Suravani, the moon goddess. The Jya, as mentioned previously in this guide, is thought to be Suravani incarnate. She is served by her priestesses –representatives from the surviving tribes- and is thought to rule justly.

It is said that there are tribes living still in certain of the ruins, however, who do not worship Suravani. These tribes, instead follow her brother, Mitra, in the Cult of the Sun. Little is known of their worship at this time, except that it is, ironically, far darker than that of the Jya.

03-16-09, 06:34 AM

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/RPGs/Althanas/th_fallien.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/RPGs/Althanas/fallien.jpg)
[click to view]

07-04-09, 10:24 AM

The author would like to acknowledge the following as being instrumental in the formation of this guide:

The format was borrowed and modified from The Hitchhiker's Guide to Corone ( http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=88), the The Traveler's Guide to Dheathain (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4366), and (of course) the mysterious manuscripts known only as the Rough Guides (http://www.roughguides.com/website/travel/default.aspx).

Much of the information found within is thanks to the research and documents of a figure known only as The Valkyrie (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?u=13). I hope I have done her (whoever she may be) justice in my quest for accuracy.

This edition of the Rough Guide to Fallien is dedicated to Skyler Manfield, Ludvic Strandssen, and Ingwe Halcyon - without you, I would not have been here to create it.

Take that as you will.

C. K. Strandssen, Reluctant Archivist of the Outlanders' Association