View Full Version : Hey

Lady Lulu
03-19-09, 09:16 PM
hey all :D My name is Sarah Kyne, and I was juuuuuuuuust wondering.... Who would like the honor of being my first Roleplay buddy =3?

I'm on everyday so I can do daily posts, though it's perfectly fine if my suitors do weekly posts or whatever... Just throwing that out there :rolleyes: I'm very dedicated to my roleplays, and I don't drop out of any stories. EVER.

Im not the greatest author in the whole world, but I'm definitely not sucky ^^. I'm just not long winded and I don't rant uselessly just to make my posts long heh.

Not saying everyone else does.

Just, uh.... *sigh* Nevermind... Pretend I didn't say anything *rubs back of head awkwardly*

So anyway, anyone willing to pop my RP cherry :eek:? that was naughty ^~^

SO, thank you all for wasting time on me ^_^ and... reply if you're interested.... i guess.... heh, I'll love you if you do ^^ *puppy dog eyes* see? What kind of person can turn that down?

-__- uh... I'm gonna go now before you get sick of me. If you haven't already.

o.0 aw, fiddlesticks. Welp... bye, I guess... @_@

Corvus MacCallum
03-19-09, 09:27 PM
I don't often greet folk, but I do feel compelled to merely state, thats quite a shit-load of faces, dang.

03-19-09, 09:37 PM
That's one crazy, Ranma-esque intro! XD Welcome to Althanas, Sarah! I'm sure you'll get into a thread pretty quickly. :)

003-Crimson Ace
03-19-09, 09:41 PM
I can never turn down the puppy dog eyes, they are so adorable.

That aside. Welcomes and what nots, and all that jazz. Hope to RP with you in the future.

Lady Lulu
03-19-09, 10:32 PM
@_@ Uh... Thank.... you? Sorry I make lots of faces, and now I'm all self conscious about it...

But ignoring that, Thank you all for your warm greetings ^_^... well, at least, I'm hoping they were intended to be warm.... Ameh. Gesundheit.

And thank you, Mr. Corvus MacCallum, I feel special now cuz I got greeted and nobody else did =P. Ha. Goooooooooooo me =3!

Um... So, Ace, Was that possibly an offer to RP, or was it just a "maybe sometime in the future.... I'll possibly get around to it. Maybe. Eh." greeting? lol I'm a bit of a blonde @_@

003-Crimson Ace
03-19-09, 10:43 PM
Any time. I don't have to much on my plate and am on almost every day aside from Wi-Fi crashes and the occasional over night party so the Ace-Meister is ready for an RP whenever.

Lady Lulu
03-19-09, 10:50 PM
Thats great! -hugs- oh thank you so much! ahahaha you made me happy ^~^ All righty, well, even though i found myself an RP buddy, the offer is still open to anyone and everyone else who happs upon this thread and wants an RP with a fox ^_~

03-19-09, 11:07 PM

That was quite some introduction.

I feel so impotent greeting you with a simple "grittings and welcome" like I always do.

*le sigh*

Lady Lulu
03-19-09, 11:10 PM
aw its the thought that counts ^^ so thank you too! thank everyone! *manacle laugh* ... *clears throat* sorry bout that...

03-20-09, 03:28 AM
Wow. Well Sarah, Few words of advice that no one has yet to tell you.

A. Avoid the red heads.

B. Serriliant is the Duck God here.

C. Avoid ALL sweets given by the staff. Unless you want to become their slave unwillingly.

D. If you want something under name.. you must do sexual favors for the staff.

Cyrus the virus
03-20-09, 04:49 AM
I prefer monacle laughs, myself.

03-20-09, 07:47 AM
Greetings and welcome. I'm not a member of staff, yet, so clearly you can trust me and have a cookie, according to Ninja_guy's rules.

*Holds out plate of cookies. In the pile are two special cookies, one evil, one good. Can you find the good cookie and avoid the evil?*

Lord Anglekos
03-20-09, 08:52 AM
I'll give her two weeks, tops.
Welcome, you foxy lady.

Yari Rafanas
03-20-09, 06:21 PM
D. If you want something under name.. you must do sexual favors for the staff.

You're damn right.

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 12:26 AM
@~@ uh... *overwhelmed* o...k? Note to self, things under name are not needed THAT badly....

I'm afraid to ask, but... Why exactly are we avoiding redheads? Im a redhead, so I'm a tad confuzzled. Should I avoid myself????? o.0 *while waiting for an answer, nabs one of Aiko's cookies to nibble on, completely disregarding the fact that one was perfectly safe and the other probaly heavily poisoned... until she caught a whiff of the smell. Then, she slowly lay the cookie back on the plate and inched away* Are those possibly... Fish/old shoe/dead rabbit cookies?

And.... >_< Whydo I only get two weeks? I've got endurance, thank you very much. I'll give myself... 15 days ^o^ *satisfied nod*

So... Who's Serrilant, and.... Why exactly do we need a duck god?

Monocles Rule :D

03-21-09, 12:31 AM
Serilliant is the one who keeps this site running and wields the banhammer should anyone get out of line.

Do not eff with the guy. He will mess your ish up before you can say OMGWTFBBQHAX.

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 02:44 AM
0.0 *gulps* right.... i shall keep this in mind *awkward laugh, then bows to duck god*

Alydia Ettermire
03-21-09, 03:26 AM
Also, you being a female redhead will need to look out for the reason most of the people on this site are warned against them: Letho. Then again, I don't quite think vulpines are his thing, so you may be safe and thus need to watch the caveat against hitting on redheads the REST of the world of Althanas lives under.

03-21-09, 08:16 AM
Are those possibly... Fish/old shoe/dead rabbit cookies?

All my cookies are made with wholesome ingredients thank you very much, and run the gamut from chocolate to peanut butter to other normal flavors, plus my brand new Irish Cream flavored cookie, made with real alcoholic Irish cream!

As for the evil cookie, it runs the gamut from simple poisoning, to mind control, to curses and other exciting bad fates!

The good cookie is the legendary cookie of Awesome, and its effects are just that, legendary. One bite, and your guaranteed a spectacular score on your first thread, one in excess of 95, or other excitingly spectacularly awesome fates!*

Can you find the good and avoid the bad?

* Not a Guarantee

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 02:04 PM
....DANG IT!!! dang it to all of you! *sigh* whats so bad about Vulpines, and.... poo. Hahaha I wanted a good score on my first thread ='< *tear tear* I shall pass on the cookies, thank you ^_^

Lord Anglekos
03-21-09, 02:17 PM
Serilliant is the one who keeps this site running and wields the banhammer should anyone get out of line.
A scary weapon indeed. We used to call it THE FIST OF GOD, but some of were labeled as heathens by members of the Church and burnt to death.
Now we pray that the Dwarves don't catch on. If they do, God/Serilliant help us. God/Serilliant help us all.

03-21-09, 07:25 PM
whats so bad about Vulpines

Nothings wrong with Vulpines, all that soft silky beautiful fur those big beautiful eyes....

Hey, wanna go see something out behind the barn?

03-21-09, 07:48 PM
This is where a nature loving birdy suggests behind the barn is a bad place to go....

Thats where they unload the used hay from inside the ban... And there are cattle in there *blocks nose*

Anyway <_< many greetings and salutations *bows*

I don't think such a bubbly character would get on well with Silas, but you never know how fate works in a place as Athenas, the gods like to play pranks on the Ancients who are disgusted by them.

As for the faces :p people can go hide under a rock! Even I use them a fair bit ;)

*takes banhammer quote to his old RP character, Engel, the 6'7 dwarven hero... receives advice not to hang with Lord Anglekos, or other users of the term lest there be much violence*

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 08:35 PM
o.0 Aiko wants to go see cows behind the barn? What's so good about cows? And how do cows have anything to do with my que- *pauses as she realizes what Aiko meant* Uh..... yes, the barn.... *coughs awkwardly, then pushes Lord Anglekos forward* He would enjoy this trip behind the barn MUCH more than I.... And besides, there are also chickens behind the barn ^^ which means I can't go, because everyone knows the nasty stereotype of how much Foxes just adore to eat chickens, heheheh *while saying this, slowly slides toward Fotiadis in hopes that an oversized Kiwi could protect her*

.... Am I the only one who realized how idiotic I just sounded right there? *slumps with a heavy sigh* I'm just gonna go XP. Hooray for sucking!!! =D

03-21-09, 08:43 PM
suckage comes in differing flavours, tasty, enjoyable and just stupid....

Yours was enjoyable, so don't sweat it, they won't hate you unless they ASSUME to think your too shallow :p

I was going tosay *lifts wing to shelter the fox* but look at a kiwi and you'll find no wing <_<.....

how about *moves between Lulu and Aiko*?
Anything to help a newbie :)

03-21-09, 09:01 PM
What? There's an awesome view of the Citadel back there. I was gonna show it to you.

What were you thinking about?

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 10:48 PM
hoorah for my enjoyable suckage!!! ...uh...... no comment.

And, er, of course I knew that you just wanted to show me the amazing view of the citadel behind the barn. Tch. Why wouldn't I know that? Pshhhhh, I knew all along. I just wanted a reason to hide behind a giant fluzzy kiwi ^^. And yeah, I said fluzzy. Wanna fight about it? *raises fists in attempt to be menacing, but just looks like she is attempting to do pull-ups on an invisible bar... or something like that*

003-Crimson Ace
03-21-09, 11:16 PM
*jumps on fluzzy kiwi*

*still hugging the bird*
Didn't anyone teach you Lu? Never except sweets from strangers.

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 12:52 AM
*does happy dance* hooray for humiliating nearly-extinct birds!!! And why aren't we supposed to accept sweets from strangers? Cuz they never cook it as good as mommy? Nah, probably just cuz their food smells like gross-on-a-stick =P

03-22-09, 01:23 AM
*judges weight of girl on back....*
*guesses right*
*breaks in half.*

ouch... can someone get me cellotape... duct tape if you have it.

Lulu, enjoyable suckage is YOUR wording not mine, i meant your POST was interesting :p

and stranger danger is important, a girl i know went out to town and had her drink spiked :(

Lulu, you know a fair bit about kiwi, a Kiwi yourself perhaps?

PPS: kiwi feathers aren't actually fuzzy, they are wirey, but they do feel interesting :p, been there done that, one of less than 100,000 who i beleive has :p

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 02:22 AM
You know you like it, Fotiadis. Don't try to deny it. YOU LOVE MY SUCKAGE, YOU SAID IT WAS ENJOYABLE.

*blinks* I know a lot about Kiwis? Well, I guess they're my second favorite fruit and all, but still.... And we never called your feathers fuzzy, thank you. we said Fluzzy. So..... Meh. *sticks tongue out*

Oh yeah, and that "girl" on your back my not take so lightly to being called a girl.... o.0

03-22-09, 04:45 AM
one thing i've learned over the years, guys take being called girls alot better than girls being called guys....

It's odd I find.

He'll just have to get over it, i mean he was saying to his 'mommy' that he liked riding around a 1 meter tall birdy <_<

He'll forgive me... after trying to kill me for a few months.

003-Crimson Ace
03-22-09, 05:28 AM
And your the birdy who broke the adolescent boy who you mistook for a girl in two.

Its a mess no matter which way you look at it -.-'

But that is odd, as I recall hearing "I'm just one of the guys" a lot more than "I'm just hanging with the girls" come from the opposite sex of each phrase. Tis amusing.

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 10:26 AM
lmao true this ^_^ So, i feel kinda bad about it, but I totally ruined some other chicks intro thread -__- I shanghaied it and totally jacked it up *sigh* well, too bad for her, eh? *starts singing Paint it Black by Deadsy* I'm just glad Mr. Kiwi didn't call me a man. If he had..... well, lets just say, we wold be having "chicken" for dinner, Ace. After all, its a Vulpines favorite food ^^ *licks chops*

03-23-09, 12:20 AM
actually YOU broke the kiwi in half...
Kiwi like most birds, have reletively soft bones, they are strong for their weight, but they are vunerable from pressure from unusual directions (such as the small person upon his back) so what you did was break silas.
Silas isn't so cruel to break anyone in half.

Kiwi isn't chicken <_<
Apparently it's tougher than turkey and a bit 'gamey'.
Dunno why though.

And Lulu, if i didn't like it i'd avoid you completely, i just hadn't made it an obvious statement, but it had been implied :p

I don't think it was suckage anyway, more you were 'blowing your own trumpet' a bit loudly, but it was enjoyable to read :p

003-Crimson Ace
03-23-09, 12:24 AM
:eek: No, i broke the birdy?

*cries*SOME ONE FIX IT!!

and chicken sounds good, we should have some....but not my birdy friend who i must now nurse back to health.

03-23-09, 08:25 AM
:eek: No, i broke the birdy?

*cries*SOME ONE FIX IT!!

and chicken sounds good, we should have some....but not my birdy friend who i must now nurse back to health.

*Kneels before the broken bird and prays over the bird's broken body to The Omnisource. Golden White light infuses the area, blinding everyone temporarily. When sight is restored, the bird is okay, and an excellent three course chicken dinner awaits Crimson Ace, who will discover it to be the best dinner he will ever have had in the entirety of his life up to this point.*

03-23-09, 08:39 AM
Ya'll're scaring me.

03-23-09, 09:42 AM
Ya'll're scaring me.

Sometimes, I even scare myself.

Lady Lulu
03-23-09, 01:43 PM
o.0 tch why does Ace get Chicken and I don't? It was my suggestion... *cries* So unloved...... *pets Fotiadis for comfort*

003-Crimson Ace
03-23-09, 02:58 PM
Xos= my hero and savior

*offers piece of chicken to LuLu*

it is okay, i still love you

03-23-09, 07:02 PM
Yes Lulu, but you're not the one who broke the bird. Ace is. Ace also felt sorrow and remorse for his actions, so ace gets a chicken dinner to make him feel better.

I give you instead the super awesome thing in this box. Though I have never seen this box before, and I do not know what was placed within it, I know exactly what is in it. Magic you say? No, Science!

Due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the workings of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics, I can decide whatever is in that box, and have a one hundred percent chance of being one hundred percent right, because the contents of that box will ALTER itself to make me right.

Therefore, I say that whatever is in that box will make you feel loved by all. Isn't that super awesome?

03-24-09, 02:11 AM
3 words:

Chocolate is better


Cheers for the fixit, but did you HAVE to give me 6 foot wings????

*flaps a bit*
*attempts to flap into flight but lacking a tail simply does a somersault*

well that could be helpful sometimes, i suppose.

Jet Engines or death!!!

On and Lulu, chocolate in your PM box, complete with a full box of testing stuff to ensure nothing has contaminated it.
Theres enough chocolate you should have 2 pieces left over when you've finished testing.

for we are mighty.

EDIT: me thinky you might likey this thread: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4785&page=112

Plz note i have test tomorrow, no RP work till after, sorry.

Lady Lulu
03-24-09, 04:10 AM
*blink blink blink* Whosaywha? So... the box..... is full..... of things I love? But at the same time.... its full of Chocolate? @_@ ..........but is chocolate not in there too? *takes Ace's chicken, contemplating*

*brain melts* But I hate chocolate T_T It's too mind numbingly chocolaty....

*lifts lid slightly to peer into the dark abyss of the box* Is it.... Is it.... It is! *squirrel jumps out of box. Lulu ecstatically gets on all fours and bounds after the frantic rodent*

03-24-09, 08:39 AM
Cheers for the fixit, but did you HAVE to give me 6 foot wings????

Simply put, The Omni would not now, nor would he ever give you wings unless you asked for them personally. The fact that you have them now suggests that either you yourself had asked for them in the moment of spiritual connection with The Omni, or some other source had granted them to you. All I had prayed for, was for you to be restored to full health. Even if I had asked to give you wings, I would've been denied as that constitutes altering another without their permission, and though a divine restoration is technically the same thing, it also falls under the jurisdiction of The Good Samaritan laws which allow me to request on your behalf certain actions that result in better health and/or other certain conditions. The Omni's laws are very restrictive and complex on what may or may not be granted. You can pray for anything you like, but you stand a 70% chance or better of being told no, unless you garner high amounts of the Omni's favor.

This has been your weekly sermon on The Omni, thank you for joining me.
Next week I'll be disclosing the full body of legislation revolving around The Omni's system of prayers and how he decides to grant something.

Lady Lulu
03-24-09, 03:28 PM
... @_@ Xos makes my melted brain hurt....

03-24-09, 11:22 PM
um, right, you forgot to discuss this with Silas, you see most gods know of Silas and would go out of their way to annoy him because living for thousands of years is boring if you can't peeve off the one creature that both acknowledges how you exist, doesn't follow yourself or some other god who might dissagree with their actions and choose to wage a jihad on your followers.

Accordingly the result in question appears to be entirely your fault for asking a god who wanted to do something silly to silas because it's fun to pick on those who don't like you and can't defend themselves, and so Omni gave silas wings that are entirely out of place and useless in flight on the basis kiwis aren't aerodynamic, lack tails or the overall outlook to hope to fly.
Accordingly Silas now will wage a private war with Omni, I hope you don't mind drinking from poisoned wells.

Or maybe Silas will go back to that chapel and take his place as a god in the heavens and kick Omni's butt in person?
That would be amusing.

(checks his unpublished history, realises chapel was eaten by a giant tentacled monster, curses and hides the fact)

003-Crimson Ace
03-24-09, 11:42 PM
Ace no know which diety to follow.....brain hurts.....which one has cake Lu?

Lady Lulu
03-24-09, 11:54 PM
*blinks several times, then has seizure*

03-25-09, 01:01 AM
*puts lulu into recovery position and hopes she manages ok, getting some water, coke, pepsi and orange juice so when she manages to come too she can choose her fav.*

Um Ace? Silas doesn't follow Deities, and given he's a couple thousand years old, maybe he has a point?

003-Crimson Ace
03-25-09, 01:04 AM
But Silas might take his place as a god in the heavens. That sounds like a possible deity to me.

03-25-09, 01:21 AM
maybe he would but he hasn't found a way yet, if you adore silas, worship already, just know he hasn't been the salvation of any of those who believed him almighty yet... so better believe in no one, and wait for him to ascend, than expect salvation before then :p

As for waiting? Several thousand years have passed, and he hasn't got there yet.
Maybe next millennium :p

03-25-09, 03:47 AM
um, right, you forgot to discuss this with Silas, you see most gods know of Silas and would go out of their way to annoy him because living for thousands of years is boring if you can't peeve off the one creature that both acknowledges how you exist, doesn't follow yourself or some other god who might dissagree with their actions and choose to wage a jihad on your followers.

Accordingly the result in question appears to be entirely your fault for asking a god who wanted to do something silly to silas because it's fun to pick on those who don't like you and can't defend themselves, and so Omni gave silas wings that are entirely out of place and useless in flight on the basis kiwis aren't aerodynamic, lack tails or the overall outlook to hope to fly.
Accordingly Silas now will wage a private war with Omni, I hope you don't mind drinking from poisoned wells.

Or maybe Silas will go back to that chapel and take his place as a god in the heavens and kick Omni's butt in person?
That would be amusing.

(checks his unpublished history, realises chapel was eaten by a giant tentacled monster, curses and hides the fact)


"Yes, keep blaming the Omni Silas, you'll never know it was The Outer Darkness that gave you your wings."

03-25-09, 04:08 AM
outer darkness?

are you saying the darkness in the thread i just started?
can't be....
nevermind, the darkness is no god... (it's going to be a recurring theme for a while. W00t for character development :p)

Um you ASKED Omni to help, so it's HIS CHOICE what happens, correct?
how does Omni choose to allow another god interfere with his activities :p

BTW: character2 has had an update.

Folks who care to help a guy develop something new plz lend a hand.

Cyrus the virus
03-25-09, 08:40 AM
*starts singing Paint it Black by Deadsy*

Sweet merciful christ.

How did you people let this happen to Althanas, anyway? :mad:

Lord Anglekos
03-25-09, 08:58 AM
Sweet merciful christ.

How did you people let this happen to Althanas, anyway? :mad:
I forgot to bring the rocket launcher on my way in.
I won't forget next time, I promise.

03-25-09, 10:28 AM
outer darkness?

are you saying the darkness in the thread i just started?
can't be....
nevermind, the darkness is no god... (it's going to be a recurring theme for a while. W00t for character development :p)

Um you ASKED Omni to help, so it's HIS CHOICE what happens, correct?
how does Omni choose to allow another god interfere with his activities :p

The Omni has a strict system it adheres to. It's all well and good to say someone is lawful, but such entities are as chaos before the sheer lawfulness of the Omni whose lawfulness is reflected in the physical and natural laws inherent in the Multi-verse.. He won't do more for a person than what has been asked, because he decided such a thing would be wrong, and therefore he won't because he made it unlawful him, or any of his followers to give more than was requested.

The Outer Darkness is the one entity capable of providing significant challenge to The Omni, being his exact opposite in every conceivable manner. The Omni is Everything, The Outer Darkness is Nothing. I mean this literally.

Lady Lulu
03-25-09, 06:16 PM
Sweet merciful christ.

How did you people let this happen to Althanas, anyway? :mad:

Hey, that's a good song..... Granted, the original Stones version was better, but still....

03-25-09, 06:23 PM
Wow. Back in my day, an introduction thread was where people popped in and said "hi" to the newbie in question and merely warned them about Witchblade's cookies.

I'm gonna' have to ask you all to gee tee eff oh of my porch before I start channeling Godhand or Visla Eraclaire and find my rock salt-filled shotgun shells.

03-25-09, 08:55 PM
Wow. Back in my day, an introduction thread was where people popped in and said "hi" to the newbie in question and merely warned them about Witchblade's cookies.

Yeah, that was a lot better.

003-Crimson Ace
03-25-09, 11:09 PM
Wow. Back in my day, an introduction thread was where people popped in and said "hi" to the newbie in question and merely warned them about Witchblade's cookies.

I'm gonna' have to ask you all to gee tee eff oh of my porch before I start channeling Godhand or Visla Eraclaire and find my rock salt-filled shotgun shells.

Spirits can rip you apart from across the room, demons can burn your soul from the inside out, but sling a little rock salt or holy water and its like your performing an act of pure evil. Karma is a hoe like that.

03-25-09, 11:28 PM
The Outer Darkness is Nothing. I mean this literally.

Thinking nothing, being nothing, forever pointless.

Nothing cannot will something to be, and Silas has much willpower...

*silas studies his uptillnow forgotten books*
*finds something after a days study*

*eats a sprig of dried dragonsbane*
*wings fall off*

I see... it was a by product of the moss I was laying on, hybridising with the holy magic you were using... but still the god channelling the magic would have to will it to occur anyway -_-

Wow. Back in my day, an introduction thread was where people popped in and said "hi" to the newbie in question and merely warned them about Witchblade's cookies.

I'm gonna' have to ask you all to gee tee eff oh of my porch before I start channeling Godhand or Visla Eraclaire and find my rock salt-filled shotgun shells.
You say that like it's a bad thing to make conversation while we wait...

03-26-09, 07:35 PM
Let's all stay on the topic of greeting Lady LuLu, and save sudden and short chit chatter for AIM.