View Full Version : hey

Lady Blackwell
03-20-09, 08:39 AM
hey all, i guess it's where i have no active thread's at the moment, But i find myself incredibly bored lately.

Anyone up for a few quests or battle's? my record is a full Battle in 3 Day's

Think anyone could help me beat it?

03-20-09, 09:39 AM
Well, now, that all depends, I work nights and can't post that much on days I work, but I'm up for a fight. If you're on when I'm on in the evenings, we could, in theory, bust out an entire battle in under an hour.

Lady Blackwell
03-20-09, 12:04 PM
well i am always at my computer, so hit me up over an IM when your on lol

MSN: Davis_269@msn.com
Yahoo: Jon_cannon1990
AIM: Rawrimcaboose

Anyone up for a Quest?

or Several People for Several Quests?

03-20-09, 08:10 PM
ALthough I still need to flesh part of it out. You could do a quest with me. My goal is to have Ailnea find out, in part, who she is, what she is, and why her mother could not be ressurected by the monks of Aibrone.

Lady Blackwell
03-20-09, 10:28 PM
i am so up for that! and plus Max would have a reason to stick around for that haha

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 02:18 PM
oh oh oh ^^ *waves hand around* I want a quest with you ^~^ Lucy needs a buddy to fight alongside her through a perilous land of monsters and thieves! *dramatic pause* you up for a romance? ^_~

Lady Blackwell
03-21-09, 09:21 PM
hmm Romance .... with Max ... and Lucy in a land of thieves and monsters? -dramatic pause- i am in!

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 10:43 PM
Hoorah! lets do this thing like poon-tang! .... o.0 that was intensive heh

Lady Blackwell
03-21-09, 11:50 PM
or extensive ..... look up at beginning of thread for my contact info

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 02:00 AM
I don't have any IM's downloaded... well, none but Myspace heh But we can just PM here ^^ Oh, and if you two haven't started a thread yet, could maybe you, Ailnea and I do the thread altogether? I enjoy 3 person threads quite a bit ^^

03-22-09, 07:53 AM
I don't mind if BB doesn't.

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 09:13 AM
i dont mind, plus i also have myspace


and yes i have myspace IM, and well Max questing with two chick's? this is going to be interesting

03-22-09, 09:35 AM
Bandit, I'll reply to our battle tonight. I got caught up in researching parts for a new computer.

Meanwhile, I'll PM both of ye my preliminary ideas for the quest after I have Calbrena turn from sweet and innocent angel to flaming evil demoness and claw max's eyes out for scaring the hell out of her. I feel I need something, more, but not quite sure what.

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 10:02 AM
oh Great, i need my eyes, there what make me so sexy and cute :p

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 10:10 AM
*completely lost in all of this, but smiles and nods*

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 10:15 AM
Lulu you want my dreamy eys left in my head don't you?

or else there can be no Romance :p

03-22-09, 10:38 AM
*nods several times rapidly* this is true ^^ A fox shall be having no romance with an eyeless man. Tis against their morals.

Soooooooooo Ailnea, you've no choice but to leave his eyeballs alone ^^ you can rip out other things though o.0

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 10:48 AM
no no no no no no no, you leave everything attached lol, they can be removed temporarily but i am for sure going to keep a scar over my right eye. :p so feel free to do that or rip out my right eye, and a scar is all that's left cause the monks healed me the rest of the way.

03-22-09, 06:09 PM
I'll have Calbrena summon her bigger, deadlier older brother, the Deadly Sin of Wrath. You don't say no to a hulking ten foot behemoth of an Arch-Demon. If it wants your eyes you pluck them out yourself and hand them over with a smile!

*No actual demons will be summoned.

Lady Blackwell
03-27-09, 01:07 PM
Anyways so i have another request preferably for a higher level character. i am trying to turn my character into close range and hand to hand combat, so i need someone who can help Train Max in Hand to Hand combat with no weapons. i will offer up my part of the gold for completeing the quest over to you, plus a little extra from my character

Edit: So ladies/gents/its When are we going to get our thread going? (Lady Lulu and Ailnea/Aiko)

03-27-09, 06:58 PM
Just Hoooooold onto yer horses there stud, I find myself busy in RL. Wait until next tuesday when I'm off and that night I'll get things started.

Lady Blackwell
05-17-09, 03:09 PM
ok so, ... this had fallen to inactive status, but i want to get the ball rolling again.

Aiko Lady lulu, you guys still up for it?

05-17-09, 06:23 PM
We still have our battle to finish, but as to anything else? That window of opportunity passed. She's found her half brother and is already learning from him. After this, I get her a new set of clothes and put her on the shelf until I complete some of my other threads.