View Full Version : Hi there

03-20-09, 02:45 PM
Hi everyone!

You know, well you don't since you've never met me but never mind, I'm absolutely useless at these things so please forgive me if I end up rambling on about complete and utter nonsense. What does one usually do in these threads... it's been a while since I had to write one. Well as far as I remember people generally seem to like insist with varying degrees of shrillness that they have a large amount of RP experience, that they're happy to be here and then talk about how they're looking forwards to RPing on the site.

So maybe a break with the traditional methods is in order? After all I'd rather let the people here judge how I RP rather than say I'm God's gift to it and claiming some sort of superiority in it would a trifle arrogant wouldn't it? As for the other two standard things they're fine as they are, since turning up and saying "I hate this place and you all and I'm dreading the RP experience" would be rather bad form wouldn't it?

So anyway, hi there, I guess on here I'm Killy. Things I like: Anime, comics, role playing, gaming, reading whatever I can get my hands on at any given time, writing and rewriting and rewriting whatever comes into my head and I have a tendancy to watch truly awful films in binges for some reason. Do hope to have some fun with all of you as soon as I finish going through the rules and get my character bio all finished up.



Alydia Ettermire
03-20-09, 02:51 PM
Hi, welcome to Althanas, don't eat the cookies and don't hit on the redheads.

Also, if you have any questions, poke a mod - they have italicized names - or an admin - bold names (they don't bite. Often). Or just someone who seems to know what they're doing. Some of those DO bite, so be cautious when approaching an unknown vet.

Lord Anglekos
03-20-09, 02:57 PM
Hi, welcome to Althanas, don't eat the cookies and don't hit on the redheads.

Also, if you have any questions, poke a mod - they have italicized names - or an admin - bold names (they don't bite. Often). Or just someone who seems to know what they're doing. Some of those DO bite, so be cautious when approaching an unknown vet.

Tee hee.
Freeeessshhh meeeeeeeeaaaat....
I mean, welcome to the site.

03-20-09, 03:03 PM
I doubt I'll taste particularly nice, though you're welcome to taste if you fancy darlinks

Lord Anglekos
03-20-09, 03:22 PM
I doubt I'll taste particularly nice, though you're welcome to taste if you fancy darlinks
Oh, I like her.

The Forgotten
03-20-09, 03:28 PM
And here I thought you were kidding. I guess I might as well do something I haven't done here in a while... post. Thanks a lot, Killy.

03-20-09, 03:36 PM
You should know I'm always serious Forgotten! Or never serious... I can't remember which, nevermind!

Now what was I going to do... oh yes, thank you... (World? Worldy? Worldish? WitW? We'll go with that) ... WitW for the kind advice, was most rude of me not to say so before. There was something else too... ohhhh Anglekosy, or maybe just Kosy, I'll have to pick one next time, I'm afraid you'll have to try harder than that to be creepy. At the moment you're about as creepy as those little plastic bats you get on ghost trains.

Lord Anglekos
03-20-09, 03:47 PM
At the moment you're about as creepy as those little plastic bats you get on ghost trains.
I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or suggestion. In either case....Anglekosy?
Dear god, please no.

Alydia Ettermire
03-20-09, 03:49 PM
Ding! We have a winner!

And you're welcome, Killy.

03-20-09, 04:40 PM
Awwww what's the matter Anglekosy? I think it suits you, it's the sort of name one would give one of those cute little plastic bats after all :D

03-20-09, 07:05 PM
Welcome! They say the cookies are bad, but their not, have one and see for yourself.

*Hands over the Shiny cookie of Awesome*

Yari Rafanas
03-20-09, 07:50 PM
Welcome to the site. Give me your stuff.

03-20-09, 08:00 PM
No cookies for me I'm afraid, watching my figure and all that, and as for having all my stuff?

Short answer: No.


Alright so it's a stolen line, but it's a good one so I'll let myself do it :D

03-21-09, 12:28 AM
How dare I miss a decent introduction thread on account of a Twilight pre-release party at work that I was forced to be the "team leader" of.

For shame, my boss! For shame!

Grittings and Welcome to Althanas, Killy. No promises of sweets or general creepiness from this dude; just a smile, a tip o' th' hat, and a "hello".

I'd ask what kind of games you are into, but you'll probably break my heart and not say NES or SNES... I better queue up some tears now just to get that out of the way.

03-21-09, 08:21 AM
No cookies for me I'm afraid, watching my figure and all that

All the more reason to have the cookie, it's guaranteed to not add any weight, AND give you a perfect figure that no amount of food or lazing about on a divan like a goddess can remove!*

*Not a Guarantee

Lord Anglekos
03-21-09, 09:11 AM
How dare I miss a decent introduction thread on account of a Twilight pre-release party at work that I was forced to be the "team leader" of.
Friends don't let friends read Twilight. ;)

03-21-09, 09:42 AM
Yeah, well, I was able to creep the hell out of one girl who wanted me to "be comfortable with my sexuality" and say that Edward was sexy, so it's all good.

03-21-09, 06:21 PM
Hmmm lots to answer to! Alrighty, firstly I'm an 80s kid, I grew up with my Nes/Snes and my Amiga 500+ :D I've still got my Snes in the flat somewhere actually, not sure if it works though so I stick with my emulator for now... sadly my Amiga did die on me a couple of years ago.

What else is there... oh yes. Twilight. Ick. I won't dignify it with any more of a comment than that aside from saying Anglekosy is right. I wonder if Kosy's actually a cuter name though... so many decisions to make and so little time...

*Not a Guarantee

That fills me with such confidence! Maybe I will have a cookie... just the one, or oooo look a bunny! They're lovely when you stew them!

Wow... actually there wasn't that much to reply to, oh well, back to working on the complicated mess that is Killy McShivojoy's mind! Have to get it right and written properly so that it'll all make sense you see.

03-21-09, 08:06 PM
Sense? it has to make sense?

naaaa it just has to kinda match the history of the place..... like mine, i read it and see disjointed rubbish these days (probably because of the other half of his history I deleted to make him more mysterious <_<) but others read it and say 'wow.... just wow...'

It is nice to see a new RP'er of course, but the secret to it is, don't vanish, even if everyone you were writing with vanish :p

Now I don't get what is with these people but i don't trust their cookies, although I do trust mine, but WitW (thanks for the shortcut :) ) is making me less comfortable just handing them out....

*munches on a Chocolate Chip and Ice Cream cookie he made last night pondering*

well if your worried about your weight i could make a 'lettuce' Cookie taking more calories to digest than it gives back, in a variety of flavours... but you'd have to ask, because giving them away would be too easy :p.

Visla Eraclaire
03-21-09, 08:32 PM
I think the manner of this forum's welcomes is creating a vicious cycle of... whatever this is. Faux-quirkiness, I guess.

Welcome, nonetheless.

Lady Lulu
03-21-09, 11:13 PM
I.... Am.... Insulted. Tch, Why on earth does Aiko make me choose between a good-post cookie and a potentially poisoned, mind-controlling cookie that smells like old shoes, while she just hands out good cookies to everyone in this thread? No fair! Well, still, I suppose it's okay, considering nobody eats them. Well, fyi, Aiko, if your cookies didn't wreak of dead rabbits, I'm sure you would have many more buyers at the bake sales.

And, ah, yes, the classic Twilight debate. All I have to say is that damn series ruined the name of Vampires and everything in the Occult! MY LITTLE PONY TWINKLES IN THE SUNLIGHT, NOT A FREAKIN VAMPIRE!!!! *angry huff*

..... Okay, I suppose I was overreacting, but there is no way that I am willing to admit that Edward is hot. For one, I have an uncle named Edward.... Which would make it kinda creepy if I thought so.
But the REAL reason is his nose. I mean, really. Am I alone on this thought? His nose just weirds me out, much more than Anglekosy ^^ (hope nobody minds that I totally pirated that nickname).

Well, now I feel stupid, heh. Here we are, greeting a lovely new member to our society, and i turn it into a rant on Twilight. For Shame.

*makes face* So, pardon my enjoyable suckage (according to Fotaidis), and WELCOME TO ALTHANAS!!!!! *wishes she was an admin so she could do cool stuff and not seem like such a poser while greeting people* I am Lucy the Vulpine, and I shall be your guide ^^ Please keep all limbs inside the site at all times, or they shall be forcefully removed. Okay, so that was a dirty lie, and I am probably the worst guide ever, considering I just joined the site a few days ago. Hahaha. Bleh.

Welp.... I suppose I have made a long enough post to keep you guys occupied while I put my evil scheme into action... *pushes foot stool in front of Killy, in attempt to trip her while nobody is looking*

Visla Eraclaire
03-21-09, 11:19 PM
And, ah, yes, the classic Twilight debate. All I have to say is that damn series ruined the name of Vampires and everything in the Occult! MY LITTLE PONY TWINKLES IN THE SUNLIGHT, NOT A FREAKIN VAMPIRE!!!! *angry huff*

Despite the rest of the post containing a gratuitous amount of spunkiness, the above portion is absolute truth.

03-22-09, 12:11 AM
Lu, you said the post was 'suckage'
I said it was enjoyable.

there is nothing to take the wrong way here :p

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 12:56 AM
uh huh *rolls eyes* you know you like it, Fotiadis.... And thank you for agreeing with me, Visla ^^ At least I know that someone agrees *sigh* Funny thing is, as far as I've seen, everyone on this site hates twilight, yet it has trillions of legions of followers..... Wheres the logic in all of this T_T perhaps this site just draws anti-Twilight Commis or something

03-22-09, 01:24 AM
didn't watch twilight, so therefore it can't be taht good :P

I don't know though.

Maybe it was laden with hot chicks?

Lady Lulu
03-22-09, 02:13 AM
definitely not XP the only hawt chick that I saw was Alice, I believe her name was.... She was the crazy chick with short hair who was dating Jasper...

OMG I sound like a Twilight junkie just because I know the names *heavy sigh* And this is what i get for having retarded friends who obsess over Mr. Nose and his squad of Vampire Rainbow Ponies *steam* T_T And I am DONE with this subject. Moving along....

so, uh, what does everybody think of.... Damn it. I can't think of a new subject..... A little help please?

Corvus MacCallum
03-22-09, 04:35 AM
What sparked the creation of the character?
What thoughts rest within your mind to pave out its history?
What was the more amusing scene in your head that made you know this character was something special?

Along with the more typical of...

Got a favourite band?
I listen to ____ by ____ when writing, how about you?

These are the tools of conversation, pick whichever one you fancy.

03-22-09, 04:48 AM
What was the more amusing scene in your head that made you know this character was something special?

My idea of a second character (the lich i'm asking for suggestions with)?
Him running out of a tavern under attack by orcs and chopping half a dozen to peices with an axe, before dieing to dust, and within 40 seconds he's running out the door again screaming like an idiot.

Imagine the faces of the poor orcs :p

they kill him, and he just comes right back!

03-22-09, 08:14 AM
"Sense? it has to make sense?"

Well yes, it has to have an internal consistency, and it has to make sense for those read it so that anyone I do RP with can understand what on earth's going on... fair warning now the posts may end up being rather colourful for ease of reading.

And Faux-Quirkiness! FAUX? What if I'm naturally this silly and good time loving? Did you not consider that Clairey? (Infantilisations are always a good thing, always.)

And another thing! ... -Whatever I was about to say is entirely cut off as I fall over a stool that someone put there-

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 09:30 AM
well, i guess i have delayed my inevitable apearance, Welcome! do not feed nobody as we tend to become attached, also dont hint at anything as there are a several members who will leap for the hint, *coughAnglekosycough* anyway's twilight sucks!, i watched the first maybe twenty minutes of it and got up and left my gf's place just cause it sucked so bad.

anyway's welcome to the forum do NOT disappear or i shall hunt you down lock you up in a room with white padded walls, and just a computer on a table with the most comfortable chair ever infront of it

wait that makes you want to leave -.- nevermind what i said

Visla Eraclaire
03-22-09, 09:56 AM
And Faux-Quirkiness! FAUX? What if I'm naturally this silly and good time loving?

You wouldn't be on the internet.

Lady Blackwell
03-22-09, 10:03 AM
i am, so HA! proved you wrong there ^.^

Visla Eraclaire
03-22-09, 11:05 AM
You missed the point entirely....

03-22-09, 12:12 PM
You mean there's a point to all this? Why wasn't I told?

Lord Anglekos
03-22-09, 03:59 PM
I completely agree about that vampire thing.
Alucard forever.
But I swear, if someone calls me Anglekosy one more time I'm stealing the banhammer from Serilliant and putting it to good use. >=D

03-22-09, 04:02 PM


It's cute!

The Forgotten
03-22-09, 10:11 PM
I can vouch for Killy, he is naturally this qurky.

Lady Lulu
03-24-09, 03:35 PM
T_T why has no one considered the fact that nothing as cute as Anglekosy can be normal? He probably has cooties XP

Lord Anglekos
03-24-09, 06:22 PM
T_T why has no one considered the fact that nothing as cute as Anglekosy can be normal? He probably has cooties XP
Damn right.

03-24-09, 06:36 PM
I've had my shots, I've got my anti-cootie armour, I'm willing to risk the dreaded cooties for something as cute as Anglekosy!

Lord Anglekos
03-24-09, 07:31 PM
What can I say; must be the hair.

03-25-09, 12:18 AM
I see, i thought it was the squirrel of Lulu's upon your head...

I don't see any attempts to make my characters name funny, nor my online name :p

03-26-09, 11:11 AM
Oh shush up Fotzi, I was getting round to you :D

Lady Blackwell
03-26-09, 11:55 AM
hahahahaha fotzi thats awesome

my name cant be cutified, and that's the way i like it :p

03-26-09, 12:16 PM
Wanna bet Brother mine?

There's the rather obvious Bandi, like Bambi but less of the mother shooting and bunnies.

Or perhaps BeeBee?

Lathienas Miraq
03-26-09, 03:13 PM
hahahahaha fotzi thats awesome

my name cant be cutified, and that's the way i like it :p

Lol. I concur. Neither can mine.

Kosy on the other hand...

Welcome, by the way

03-26-09, 03:41 PM
Lathie? Like the dog sort of, and Lassie was cute... or I could just call you LASSIE!

See? Making things sound cute is easy if you say it in a Pikachu style voice and infantalise it.

03-26-09, 04:54 PM
i always preferred Foti.

Or Footy <_<

Lady Blackwell
03-26-09, 05:51 PM
But still my name can not be Cutified so HAA

03-26-09, 06:28 PM
Ba B'y?

options options.
As Killy suggested
Bee Bee is cutified

03-26-09, 07:36 PM
We should all create a cute nickname thread for this.

For now, let's extend our salutations to Killy.

Lathienas Miraq
03-26-09, 07:46 PM
Done And Done.


Salutations extended.