View Full Version : Hello

03-23-09, 07:41 AM
Well, this is my introduction then. ._.

Hey all, My name's Carlos, and I'm just a normal high school freshman with a love for writing. Been RP'ing for a little under a year now, but the place I come from s all about fighting and killing, everything's about power, so its nice to be able to get away from that here, I hope.

Aaaand, I think that's about it, since I do suck at these things I will leave it at that. Also, if anyone's willing to Rp with me that'd be cool. ._.

Lord Anglekos
03-23-09, 08:00 AM
Hello Carlos. The people with italicized or bolded names are us moderators and we can answer any questions you have when it comes to the site. Welcome to Althanas and we hope you stay a while.

03-23-09, 08:05 AM
Grittings and welcome.!

Lady Blackwell
03-23-09, 08:10 AM
yeah stay around for awhile, it would be nice to see some fresh meat stay on the table for a bit, before witchy or angelkosy scare them off

Lady Lulu
03-23-09, 01:54 PM
I know some of you are tired of seeing me just popping randomly into everybody elses posts, but Welcomes and Loves!

I'm always up for an RP, no matter who the character ^^ I love meeting new characters and having the experience of RPing with everybody *manacle laugh* heh sooooooo I'm on the table if you're interested ^^

Alydia Ettermire
03-23-09, 01:56 PM
It is another person with a hat. Hi other person with a hat.

Ah, right...Anglekos already got to half of the information I provide new members (except the bolded names are Admins, but they're pretty cool for the most part, don't fear the staff), so on to the other half:

Don't hit on the redheads (DO fear the Letho) and don't eat the cookies (DEADLY POISON!)

And if you have any questions and can't find a mod or admin, poke someone who looks like they know what they're doing. Chances are they've been around a while. Some Vets DO bite, so be cautious about who you poke.

03-23-09, 02:02 PM
Some Vets DO bite, so be cautious about who you poke.

*Raises hand and smiles*

Yari Rafanas
03-23-09, 02:20 PM
I don't think there has ever been a thread where I haven't fought or killed somebody. That's not to say talking or other adventures aren't allowed... I'm just going to give you fair warning. Welcome to the site. Stay a while, have some fun. It really is a great place to stretch that creative muscle.

03-23-09, 06:53 PM
Some Vets DO bite, so be cautious about who you poke.

*Raises hand and smiles*

*Pokes Babe*

03-23-09, 07:18 PM
Mhmm, thanks for all the warnings and welcomes, lol.

As for RPing with me, if you want to could you Pm me so we could talk about it or something?

03-23-09, 08:26 PM
Hey Aiko, I hope you've had your shots.

*dons his lobster bib*

03-23-09, 08:38 PM
To the contrary, I hope you've had yours. I've been known to spontaneously force people to watch twenty four hours of inane children's programming after biting me.

03-24-09, 11:14 PM
oh stop it you guys, and hello new guy