View Full Version : So it turns out socks are more dangerous then you'd think

Artifex Felicis
03-25-09, 11:36 PM
So then.

I've been flaky to say the least. I guess this would be what would be considered a return thread. Not entirely sure how quickly I'll jump back into the wiritng, but it is rather nice to be back here on Althanas. Even if I had to deal with about 4000 posts since the last time I signed on.

Either way, just dropping a note in that I'm gonna try and return for a bit. Probably end up re-tooling Leon a bit to re-fit how I think of him and start writing some more. Mostly just checking in to see who is still around and who died off.

And maybe find an eldritch abomination unto god while I'm at it.

Alydia Ettermire
03-25-09, 11:52 PM
We have had a severe lack of kitties. Welcome back.

03-26-09, 12:10 AM
greetings and salutations from the under(sideofthe)world.

Silas would shake you by the wing, but *cough*
Try not to pounce on the birdy and he will try to avoid setting sparks in your bed ;)
Anyway, I've read a thread of yours, I'm sure Athenas will be glad to see you again!
BTW, any hints on how you're character will be changing?

03-26-09, 12:45 AM


I mean welcome back.

Visla Eraclaire
03-26-09, 01:00 AM
We have had a merciful reprieve from furries. Welcome back.


Welcome back.

03-26-09, 01:13 AM
why do you fix what is not broken?

I actually agree with Where in the World?

Alydia Ettermire
03-26-09, 02:27 AM

Welcome back.

Knock it off, you. That's my white kitty. We're still missing my black one. But they both wander in and out when they're hungry.

Artifex Felicis
03-26-09, 08:10 AM
Glad to see the same welcome I generally expected. Also good to see a few people are still around as well.

Though I have been lazy. I'll figure something something out soon enough though. I expect not too much has changed her either, or at least nothing devastating at the very last.

03-26-09, 08:15 AM
Hmm... If I was any more creative right now, I'd give you a proper welcome.

Guess the generic "Welcome back!" will have to suffice, though

03-26-09, 08:46 AM
Velkum back, Arti.

Lord Anglekos
03-26-09, 08:57 AM
Welcome back.
Now, where's my catnip...

Lady Blackwell
03-26-09, 09:30 AM
Welcome back, and i remember you :p so have some fun while your back.

if you disappear again, that Sock army in your nightmares will become reality and Attack you