View Full Version : Dear International

The International
03-30-09, 09:47 AM
Dear International

... Or T.I. Can we call you T.I. like the rapper? He is in jail so we'd might as well be able to call you T.I. until he gets out (God rest his puckered rectum :( ). Anyways we'd like to invite you to our humble forum of Althanas. This is not only a roleplaying forum like the rest of those sites. It places good emphasis on creative writing which results in that beautiful golden pie crust. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact us via pm, but if we don't respond immediately please assume one of the following...

a. We think you're so hot and your character seems so sexy with his intrigue that we're self conscious about what we're going to write. It's going to take a few days for us to respond.

b. We think you're so smokin' sexy that we didn't want to come on too strong, so we decided to play hard to get. We'll write you, but only after you realize we're not that kind of girl.

c. We thought you were so suave that we thought you might appreciate the fact that we know you need to get over yourself, you shitty James Bond wannabee bitch! (We have lives too!)
... Suck it dry!

Mr. AlthanasThat was a really nice e-mail you guys sent to me. I really appreciate it.

Lord Anglekos
03-30-09, 10:05 AM
Welcome, babe. 'Bout time you joined.

Lady Blackwell
03-30-09, 10:10 AM
lol, well then welcome to the site, and neither of those 3 options are true, for me.

your just another member of the kickass site, and we want you to stick around by emailing you and reminding you, you still are apart of us, so stick around.

03-30-09, 10:27 AM
Who are you? Lol.

Welcome anyway. Hope you enjoy your stay.

The International
03-30-09, 10:45 AM
Who are you?

I'm... The International

Dun dun duuuuuuuhn.

You set em up. I knock em down. Thanks for the welcome, guys. My character just got approved, but I'm not exactly sure what to do next. I read the in character information like the Bible but I have some questions about the status of a few things. I know what's going on with Raiaera and Salvar. Since they're the featured quest their info is updated quickly, but what about the other places? I'm particularly interested in Corone and Alerar. Are the Hitchhiker's Guide and Alerar - The Basics all I have to go by?

03-30-09, 10:52 AM
Corone is kinda in a civil war between the Corone Empire and the Corone Rangers? Can't remember the opposite side of the top of my head for some reason. That's not really being expounded upon at the moment, as the region doesn't have a writer. I'm going to be working on that info this week, given the chance, and you should have a good bit to go off of.

Alerar is... sitting there? Not sure what exactly is going on. The best person to ask would be Arsene, since he's the writer. The exact goings-on would best be known by him.

03-30-09, 10:55 AM
I've been mostly waiting on a few things to get the newly revised information on Alerar up, but I have all the ideas on my computer and in my head.

Feel free to IM or PM me for anything you need to know.

Lord Anglekos
03-30-09, 10:57 AM
Corone is kinda in a civil war between the Corone Empire and the Corone Rangers? Can't remember the opposite side of the top of my head for some reason. That's not really being expounded upon at the moment, as the region doesn't have a writer. I'm going to be working on that info this week, given the chance, and you should have a good bit to go off of.

Alerar is... sitting there? Not sure what exactly is going on. The best person to ask would be Arsene, since he's the writer. The exact goings-on would best be known by him.

What he said. Actually, if you have any questions about the regions in general, the best place to go would be here. (http://althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=54)

Or to just ask the region writers...I really hate being ninja'd.

The International
03-30-09, 11:05 AM
In that case I'll start small. Anyone care to take on a quest with me?

03-30-09, 11:29 AM
Grittings and welcome to Althanas.

Lord Anglekos
03-30-09, 11:33 AM
In that case I'll start small. Anyone care to take on a quest with me?
Nevermind about Strickland, he can stay in his hole. I'll roleplay with you if you like. Any ideas?

03-30-09, 11:51 AM
I'm game for a quest. Hit me up on AIM if you wanna chat. TheTaskmienster

And please people, let's not have this devolve into a 50 page spam thread. Thanks.

Visla Eraclaire
03-30-09, 12:29 PM
And please people, let's not have this devolve into a 50 page spam thread. Thanks.

Because the whole idea of a thread where one person says hi and everyone else says welcome is already of such high quality... we wouldn't want to debase it.

Welcome, International. You seem semi-ironically self-important. I find that unpleasant. We'll see how it pans out. More irony or more warrant for the importance would solve this problem handily.

Yari Rafanas
03-30-09, 02:26 PM
Holy shit. And here I thought I was arrogant.

Tainted Bushido
03-30-09, 04:53 PM
Holy shit. And here I thought I was arrogant.

Careful Yari, you're getting outdone by a new guy. You might have to up your arrogance around here...

Welcome International.

03-30-09, 05:47 PM
Holy shit. And here I thought I was arrogant.

Haha. Granted you have ample reason to be arrogant. :p

Visla: Let's try and keep this civil and with as little rude comments as possible? Thanks. New people don't need players on the site coming in and being attacked immediately.

03-30-09, 07:22 PM
Sure they do, Task. God, and how long have you been here? You of all people should know that newbies like nothing more than being alienated. >.>


Lord Anglekos
03-30-09, 07:25 PM

Visla Eraclaire
03-30-09, 07:36 PM
Visla: Let's try and keep this civil and with as little rude comments as possible? Thanks. New people don't need players on the site coming in and being attacked immediately.

If he's going to play arrogant, someone needs to play offended. Civility demands it. Check your Rules of The Internet Vol III, Revised Edition at page 523.

03-30-09, 07:45 PM
There is a difference between a joke an arrogant. That first post was an obvious joke, your posts are simply little more than rude. That is your last warning. Enough spamming.

Alydia Ettermire
03-30-09, 07:56 PM
Mmm, and then the trolls came out to play.

Hi, International, welcome to Althanas, and did you know your socks are missing? ;)

Anyway, don't eat the cookies, don't feed the trolls, don't hit on the redheads, and if you have any questions, poke one of the staff. They don't tend to bite.

If you can't find the staff, they're hiding under their rocks (which isn't actually all that uncommon), and you can poke someone else who seems to know what they're doing. Those aren't as numerous as the staff, but they spend less time under rocks.

03-30-09, 08:23 PM
*Pokes head out of The Abyss*

Wozzat? Whoops, wasn't expecting anyone new. Do me a favor and bake yerself some cookies would you? Oh, and make sure to use plenty of spice from the bottle marked "Corruption" It's delicious. Oh yeah, and welcome!

*Goes back to searching for Pandemonium's Fortress mumbling all the way*
It's how I poison all my cookies...

The International
03-30-09, 10:17 PM
There is a difference between a joke an arrogant. That first post was an obvious joke, your posts are simply little more than rude. That is your last warning. Enough spamming.

Aw I don't mind people that bust my balls. I have what they call testicular fortitude. Anyways it's been years since I've been on AIM, but I'll get an account set up right away so we can begin talks.

Visla Eraclaire
03-30-09, 10:44 PM
Aw I don't mind people that bust my balls. I have what they call testicular fortitude. Anyways it's been years since I've been on AIM, but I'll get an account set up right away so we can begin talks.

I knew he'd be good natured about it. My distaste is assuaged, or at least relocated from someone with respectable "testicular fortitude" to a certain ball-coddler.

The International
03-30-09, 11:48 PM
Holy shit. And here I thought I was arrogant.

See if everyone just picked option c. I wouldn't be seen as arrogant, but you're obviously picking a. or b.

On a serious note everyone please take my letter lightly and cite the bulk of the first paragraph where I reveal why I'm here in the first place. I'm actually the rapper TI and I'm looking for a reason to stay in the penitentiary library.

Okay okay, I'm done. I've been reading up on this site for the past month and I really like its pie crust.

Yari Rafanas
03-31-09, 12:09 AM
See if everyone just picked option c. I wouldn't be seen as arrogant, but you're obviously picking a. or b.

A, actually.

The International
03-31-09, 12:25 AM
So you did pick a.

I'm flattered.

Alydia Ettermire
03-31-09, 02:33 AM
Aren't options B and C pretty much the same? I mean seriously, 'hard to get' means 'get OVER yourself already' if you take it to its second to most extreme meaning.

Lord Anglekos
03-31-09, 08:45 AM
Aw I don't mind people that bust my balls. I have what they call testicular fortitude. Anyways it's been years since I've been on AIM, but I'll get an account set up right away so we can begin talks.
Especially since they're metaphorical.
And WitW LIES. We bite. Tasty people, that is. So don't look too delicious and I promise, we won't take too big of chunks out of you.
Yeah, I picked A. too.