View Full Version : At the foot of the cliffs, there was a cave (solo)

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:13 PM
(Foreword: This is a different style than my usual one. Also, I posted this before as one big chunk and it was closed. I am now splitting it into ten different posts and resubmitting it, I hope that that's allowed.)

At the foot of the cliffs, before rock turned to sand and sand turned to sea, there was a cave. Across the rough hewn floor and the white peaks of gathered silk, there was a girl lying on the floor, fingers splayed over her nightgown. An open book lay on the stone beside her, pages breathing in and out with the beckons of the sea breeze.The writing skittered across the paper, chased nervously by the binding.

If one were to read it, it would say;

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:13 PM
Day 14

The world here is strange. I can't help but wonder. Is this world like the one I came from originally? The one that my real parents belong to? I still can't remember anything. It's like my mind is a blank slate before I was eleven.
Funny that I came from a parallel universe, lost my memory and lived on Earth, and now are traveling through another world to find out about the one I come from. It doesn't really make sense.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:14 PM
Day 15

It's weird out here in the forest, alone.
Feels like there's eyes around me. It's beautiful here, but those trees look like they could pull up their roots any minute and walk towards me.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:14 PM
Day 16

There was a boy in my class on Earth, who sat in front of me. He had a thin line of fine hair continuing from the nape of his neck down into the back of his sweater. I wonder if it continued all the way down his back.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:15 PM
Day 17

I wonder what he would have done if I had traced it with my finger, right down into his shirt. Probably screamed.
That bird sounds like it's being strangled with a piece of kipper.
That didn't make any sense. It's odd--some days I just feel like the world is mine and I own it all. Others it seems like I'm just a visitor that Althanas barely tolerates.
I hate being alone.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:15 PM

You notice things when you're alone. Things like the shape of leaves, and the things you never said to people when they were there, and the way birds fly in the sky. They always look so purposeful, those birds. Don't they know that there's no point? Don't they know that they're really going no where?

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:16 PM
Day 20

What are we in the eye of the beholder if not art?

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:17 PM
Day 24

I'm not sure who I am. I'm not sure I'm meant to be here anymore.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:18 PM
At the foot of the cliffs, before rock turned to sand and sand turned to sea, there was a cave. The sun opened one eye and peered over the horizon, light jumping down the land, skating on the waves. It crawled across the floor of the cave, trickling up the pale legs and folded cloth.

the Tainted
03-31-09, 07:19 PM
Trinquity opened her eyes and sat up, the light slowly dawning on her face.

A new day had come.

Lord Anglekos
04-01-09, 02:04 PM
At the foot of the cliffs, there was a cave
the Tainted, I'm going to have to be completely honest with you. I don't know why you split it up and thus hurt your score, when you could have written out a solo on your own with this and earned full points. As it is, you submitted this to be judged, so we must answer the call. Next time write out an actual story or thread, please.
There wasn't much to work with, so I'm going to go with just numbers. If you would like some clarification as to why you got the scores you got, please contact me via PM or AIM at blackdecadence19.

Continuity: 1.
Setting: 1.
Pacing: 0.

Dialogue: 2.
Action: 1.
Persona: 1.

Mechanics: 4. As Christoph first wrote himself, "You probably didn’t put enough effort into your writing if you score within this range. You made quite a few typos or grammatical errors, most of which could have been fixed with a spellchecker."
Technique: 2.
Clarity: 1.

WILD CARD: 0. Very, very little effort was put into this. I do not mean to be cruel, but simply splitting something you already have into ten posts in order to make it a thread is very much frowned upon. Please, put more effort into your next thread, and you'll find the rewards shall be greater as well.

Final Score: 13
the Tainted receives 75 EXP and 0 Gold.

04-01-09, 02:23 PM
exp added