View Full Version : Steel Cage Fighters.

04-01-09, 12:08 AM
(Closed you know who you are)

Crimson Street was one of Radasanth's many twisting side alleys. Overlooked by the local Knights of Dawn, the street was not located on many of Radasanth's maps. It was a black light district. Illegal, under the table dealings went on in this location. Sponsored by criminal elements like the Syndicated operating in Corone. Ever since the Civil War broke out, such elements were allowed to thrive underneath the very noses of the local Viceroys and Magistrates of the Empire.

In this busy street lurked a particular organization called The Hobgoblin's Stein. A rickety old building on the outside, the structure was located in the deepest part of the maze of alleys. The further someone went into the alley, the stranger things got. The Hobgoblin's Stein was located some fifteen yards inside the alley. A large crowd of shady individuals was gathered outside of the small, eight story building. The building had some underground floors as well where the true nature of its purpose was revealed. Each of the individuals gathered were staring at some sort of a pool of energy located on the ground. The pool had several symbols etched upon the outer ring and had a deep green hue to it. Rotating of its own momentum, the symbols were crackling with power. Each of the smaller symbols rotated as well. Yelling and screaming, all of the gathered men, some twenty five all together, sounded like a cathedral's choir. They were all staring at the pool of energy. Several torches lit the alley.

Trash receptacles were visible and had fires burning from within their structures. The gathered crowd was watching something happening within the pool. It was a live battle, one of many such events that occurred within the dark building. Windows, on the outside, were boarded up. The door was knocked on its hinges, and a terrible smell of refuse flowed through the air. Never the less, these men were being entertained. Overhead, the full moon seemed to stare down at the action as well. It was barely visible in the night sky. Stars were covered by the methane gas that garbage always seemed to give off. The fight intensified. Men were placing bets on who would be the victor of the battle...


Smack! Crunch! Ka-pow!

Sounds. It was the noise a gathered crowd fueled with excitement made. The very air itself seemed to shake from the powerful symphony. The main structure was a high ceiling with several large rings. The rings were surrounded by dangerous steel cages. Each of the cages were used to contain the various fighters that went into them armed with just their hands and their wits. Powers were allowed as well, but weapons were not. It was strictly a brawler's arena. In the center cage, one warrior patiently awaited his next challenge...

Lady Blackwell
04-02-09, 01:17 PM
Max had found the perfect arena, the perfect location to train his skills. It was a Brawlers arena, non stop brawling. Unfortunately he was at a stop, he had dispatched the last brawler with ease and was now waiting for his next.

He was starting to get anxious, and didn't want to loose his adrenaline rush. It was something about fighting with your fists showing pure raw power over another being, just exhilarated Max.

“Come on Show yourself, give me my next opponent.” Max said as he was pacing in circles rolling his shoulders. He was surrounded by a cage and what he assumed was made of steel, it was silver and very rigid and firm. The ground he was on, was rock solid. He had used it against his last opponent, he had shoved the back of his head into the ground as hard as he could. Knocking him out cold rather fast.

He couldn't help but feel nostalgia, when he was in the bandit clan they used to have these kind of fights. It was to show better technique and skill over raw power. Max only lost when he fought Antrio or Clyde but they were after all his superior and friend.

04-02-09, 08:05 PM

Several members of the crowd sat down on their appropriate seating arrangements and looked at the various cages. Some matches were already going on. Only one of them had a pause in the action as the cage was getting ready for the next bout. "What is the hold up in cage three?" The man had some sort of a snack in his hand. It was a fried meat from some dead animal, and there were several of the small units on his plate. He also had a goblet in hand filled with a questionable drink. The drink contained a high amount of alcohol and was colored green. It also had a very harsh smell. Such beverages were commonly being sold in the edifice's structure.

Girls dressed in skimpy outfits served snacks and drinks of many different kinds within the rows and columns of the audience's seats. Some of them were betting brokers that had various vouchers in their hand for sale. The price was a deposit of ten percent of the gold that the people put down for the bets. Audience members were allowed to bet on the winner of the match. Some made large fortunes. Others were sent to the poor house but continued to bet anyway. These people often were met with stiff retribution from the security forces that were on hand.

Men in dark robes and black armor took care of people who became nuisances.

"When will the match start?" A man asked near to the person who had just spoken. "In a few minutes, they are preparing the cage now." About three members of the audience were in one particular group of people. These people were raving fans of the steel cage death-matches. "I haven't seen Lorenor fight yet!" One of the men said. "I came here all the way from Jadet just to see him fight!" He spoke of Lorenor's reputation that already exceeded him.

This was to be one of the many matches that would potentially lead to a title contender match. It was to be slated as an exhibition match. The leaders in the various brackets fought to keep their position as they rose up the ranks and got closer to a title shot.

"Well let's get this show on the road shall we!"


Steel cage three was Lorenor's favorite fighting arena. He'd become addicted to the harmonic rhythm present in the underground fighting circuits. Lorenor was standing as several individuals worked around him. There was no combat gi, only a black pair of shorts made out of simple linen. A symbol was placed on his body that prevented Lorenor from calling the Endless. Another symbol was placed on his body that greatly diluted his powers putting him on par with the power level of the opponent that he would certainly face. Sitting in the audience were several combat retainers from the Order of Ai'Bron. There were also several members of the Order of N'Jal.

Now the Order of Ai'bron resided over the Citadel. They were on call in case somebody was killed and needed resurrection. Carefully observing the matches on hand, they sat in a lotus position and a few of them were smoking herbs from their oak pipes. Once, Lorenor had been a part of the Order of Ai'Bron representing the dark lady N'Jal.

A section of the Order closely followed the dark lady, and the Thaynehood in general.

As Lorenor stood there, they were placing bindings on his wrists and ankles. One of his hands didn't need the bindings, where the aegis bracer was connected to his arm. They prohibited Lorenor from using the aegis bracer in defense or offense all together. So that's where Lorenor stood. Greatly handicapped by the powers that be, and greatly reduced from his normal powers. Without access to the Endless, the mutant felt utterly isolated and alone.

One of the retainers looked at Lorenor and patted him on the back after securing his right arm with a binding. "Time's arrived kid. Go get 'em." The man said casually and sent Lorenor to the ring. There he waited for his opponent to arrive...

Lady Blackwell
04-04-09, 10:16 AM
Max was awaiting his next fight as two people approached the cage, both with shackles in hand. They were obviously here to take Max out of the cage.

“Maximilian Cannon we have a fight for you please come with us.” The first one said as Max walked casually to the door.

As he walked out of the cage in shackles he could hear the crowd booing as he was taken away. But as he looked up he saw a steel cage suspended a good twenty foot off the ground, with a man walking into it also in shackles. Max knew right away that was his opponent.

As he got back into the preparation area the Monks from the citadel came over and wrote some symbol on his back, and after saying a chant started to burn and ache. After a few seconds the sensation was gone, but so was his mana. Before he had time to protest he was being ushered out another passage way towards the cage … and the man he had already saw from twenty feet below.

Max's shackles were taken off as he stopped mid way to the cage. He cracked his knuckles and his neck as the cage door opened up. Max started off at a full out sprint to the man in the cage, feeling the suspended walkway and cage, shake with every step.

“Your Mine!” Max said as he ran through the cage door, Which closed behind him and locked.

04-06-09, 11:32 AM
Forced to fight one-handed, the handicap was painfully obvious. The mutant, however, was a skilled combat tactician in the fighting arts. He'd received training of various sorts throughout the years. And so, he was prepared for the fight at hand. Hearing the crowd begin to go wild at the start of the next match, Lorenor stole a glance at another cage. A fighter had just fallen at the hands of another fighter, and the man was motioning to the crowd in order to signal life or death. The crowd was crying for the fallen warrior's death.

Several matches were taking place at the same time. The mutant didn't like the feeling of being suspended in mid-air. It was a strange sort of feeling. It felt like his guts were going to fall right to the floor. But he ignored the feeling as he needed to concentrate on the match at hand. Lorenor noticed that he was fighting a young man in his early twenties. It was difficult to tell where the man originated from because his skull structure was quite unusual. His skin was very smooth, he had beautiful white hair, brown eyes, and a thin build. He stood at six feet in height but was strangely not very muscular at all. Sensing a great power from the man, Lorenor knew not to underestimate this individual before him at all.

His beauty was the man's greatest trait. Lorenor admired that beauty for it was a stark contrast to his own ugliness. The man stood a head taller than Lorenor. There were no introductions, no words of respect. There needed be none. Lorenor knew where he was and hated having to fight this kid to the death. Lorenor cracked his knuckles and prepared to attempt to survive the match at hand.

He's a rookie. He talks a big game. As long as I am careful I should have this match. Lorenor saw that Maximillian began to run towards the mutant. Lorenor waited until the last possible second, then countered the man's sudden run forward. He was taking no chances with this handsome boy. He sent a powerful straight kick with his left leg right to the lad's chest. He hoped it would connect. Lorenor was already preparing for several possible outcomes in the next few seconds of the match. He wanted to savor the moment against such a handsome lad. The mutant was attempting to use the boy's forward momentum against him.

Lady Blackwell
06-21-09, 12:41 AM
Max smiled as he saw the kick comeing his way, he couldn't stop his forward momentum so he threw all his weight to his left side and rolled and slide along the bottom of the cage. he quickly rebounded up and swung a great big right hook towards the man skull.

he knew he possibily wouldn't connect but it was for the adrenaline rush he had lost, he needed it back. being suspended twenty feet above the ground in a cage that bounced with your everymove was exhilirating, but not enough for Max.

06-23-09, 12:09 AM
With a satisfying impact, Lorenor saw that his kick connected with the lad's side. He knew that it had to hurt. Lorenor's forward momentum was locked in place, and all though he had enhanced reflexes, he had committed much of his energy into that kick. Deciding his next course of action in a matter of seconds, the mutant decided that he was just going to take the hit. Armed with his supernatural endurance, reflexes, and speed, the mutant was able to handle what stressed would come his way.

The punch connected. It felt like a rubbery ball striking against his jaw, something clicked and Lorenor hissed angrily. The blow caused him to loose some of his precious momentum. He was knocked backwards a pace or three, which was a testament to the youth's strength. Lorenor wasn't expecting the youth to hit him so hard. But then again, these were underground death-style matches. Anything could happen.

Observing some sort of a mark a symbol on the youth's back, the mutant could see that it was glowing with energy. He wondered if the Monks of the Citadel had tampered with the youth's powers as well. Shaking his head, the mutant gathered himself once again. He was on the move now, the roar of the crowd making his heart feel elation.

It was like the chanting of a choir. He listened to every symphonic and harmonic pitch increase. The hearts beating all around sent the mutant into a blood-lust and he knew he would gorge himself upon the youth's blossoming rose before the night was through.

Betters exchanged gold pieces and betting ballots. Several matches were happening all at once. The strong smell of cannibus filled the large room as well as tobacco smoke. Ale in the strong flavor of vodka, mead, wine, and other such alcoholic beverages touched Lorenor's sensory grid. The mutant's glowing purple eyed studied the youth for a moment. He could see the lad in both the Firmanent and the Antifirmanent.

Now the Firmanent was physical reality. The Antifirmanent, was the realm of the dead and the dying. Lorenor looked around in the Anfirmanent and could see the wraith's already gathering for the youth's very soul. Lorenor felt very sorry for the boy. He had been suckered into this battle. The mutant cared not how the lad showed up, he only cared that he had showed up. Lorenor grinned at the boy.

"You've got a solid punch there. Let's see what else you're capable of!"

Shrugging off the pain in his jaw, he was admittedly angry that he was handicapped for this match. However, it was of no consequence. Lorenor danced to the side in an angle. Their combat ring was a huge circular structure that was roughly thirty feet all around in diameter. There were several such structures in this combat arena. Suspended like a cage in mid-air, the fighting ring was large enough for them to move around with great liberty.

Lorenor danced around his opponent with his superior skill and knowledge of combat. He waited until he faced the back of his foe, and then sent a stiff punch right to the kidney area. If it connected, the mutant hoped it would hurt like hell.

Lady Blackwell
08-02-09, 03:44 AM
Max stayed in position slightly crouched, but still standing enough to quickly move for any hit. as his opponent moved behind him max closed his eyes and strained his senses to hear or feel the arena move.

Max felt the Arena shake and leapt to his left, it certainly stopped a sure fire kidney shot, but the impact that did hit. connected with Max's middle back sending him to his knee's in pain. he quickly used the momentum and rolled forward, he turned around holding his back.

"Well you certainly got a solid punch there as well." Max smiled as he judged the hit from the man and the size of him and then where any possible weak points would be. as he saw the bars in the background of the steel cage vibrating or moving.

Max ran forward towards the man's left side, and just before he was within striking distance he shoulder rolled to his right and threw both of his fists towards the mans chest. if he connected it would open up a path for a barrage of hits. if not then he would be in very serious trouble.

but after all He was a bandit and that business was very risky business. one wrong move in there and you could get killed by guards and if not them your own 'Brethren'.

08-12-09, 11:44 PM
Analyzing the movements and tactics quite carefully, the mutant prepared to undergo whatever the next few moments would bring. His opponent moved swiftly about the ring with some acrobatic talents. Lorenor admired the youth's capability for impressive maneuverability. Then, the attack came with gusto. Lorenor did not hesitate, he did not even move. He simply grinned a lop-sided grin.

Hearing the crowd, a vibration went up and down his sensory grid. Lorenor weighed about two hundred pounds and a successful hit would be like hitting a brick wall. The mutant looked at his opponent the entire time. Betters continued to change their bets, opting for this or that side as they observed their favorite fighters in the various cages that were surrounding the mutant and his opponent.

The complex had several cages set up for combat all together. Before entering the preparation room, the mutant had counted roughly six cages used specifically for lethal combat. Sweat was in the air so thick that the mutant could taste the metallic like texture of the liquid on his epidermis. Stinging his sensitive eyes, the mutant was bombarded by the strong scent of alcohol and herb. Cannibus was popular these days as a recreational herb for its various side effects. It sold for a premium in the black market.

Lorenor felt the relaxing sensation of second hand smoke even as he inhaled the floating taste of the cannibus herb into his lungs. Paying some more attention the herb in the air, the mutant was caught slightly off guard when the younger opponent lashed out. Feeling several punches connect against his powerfully formed chest, the mutant took several steps back and returned his attention to his opponent. Several bruises formed on his chest where the enemy struck. Reacting quickly to the extreme close range, Lorenor reached forward in an attempt to grab the back of his opponent's head. Even as Max still hit his chest, the mutant was able to keep himself together despite the feeling in his chest. His chest felt like it was going to explode at any moment, but it didn't. Lorenor gambled in an attempt to send a powerful knee strike in the general direction of Max's mid-section. If it connected, he would do something else. But for the time being, he was gambling on a set of moves that could alter the tide of the battle to his favor.

Win or loose, Lorenor felt alive.

Lady Blackwell
11-14-09, 02:52 AM
Max felt accomplished once his barrage had hit the man, but when the knee came towards he jumped back and used his hands to absorb most of the impact.

it sent him a few inches if not a foot off the ground and into the metal bars around the arena. when he hit the ground he went to one knee, and held his torso and closing one eye, he had hit his head pretty hard, and opened up a wound causing blood to drip over his eye, his opponent surely won first blood. However Max was hoping to win in the guts department. he stood up, with his legs shaking, he walked towards his opponent, getting ready to block and counter at the first sign of an attack, he wouldn't last much longer. one more well placed hit, and he would be out cold.

03-18-10, 01:33 PM
Seeing the satisfying red mask that covered his opponent's face, the mutant was already prepared for the next few seconds of the match. Lorenor remained in his position, relishing in the pain of the previous attack. The mutant could literally stand there and take tremendous punishment from the youth. Lorenor carefully analyzed the combat stance and attempted to prepare for the maneuvers as they would come. His opponent covered the distance between the two of them, but Lorenor noticed he was not attacking.

Finding this extremely strange, the mutant decided it was time to end this match. Lorenor had no problem tearing Max limb from limb, but his options were limited due to lack of powers. Lorenor cursed the symbol on his back because it was the reason his powers were sealed. Normally, his regenerative abilities would allow him to last for several days if not weeks in raw physical combat. Lorenor thrived under such conditions of extreme physical combat.

With his pectoral muscles rising up and down, Lorenor was having a bit of a hard time breathing. He waited until Max was well within striking distance, then, he put both of his hands together in a single fist. Timing the strike as carefully as he could, he swung his fists like a hammer towards Max's head in an attempt to knock the youth down on his ass.

Lorenor heaved his whole body forward in this attack. He moved a pace or two towards his opponent as he swung his fists knowing that his considerable body weight advantage over the youth would be a huge factor in this battle. The mutant vaguely thought about a counter-maneuver from the youth, but put those thoughts of self-doubt in the back of his mind. He needed to concentrate for the match to be successful, a lot was at stake here. Not the very least which was his life!

Lady Blackwell
03-18-10, 07:44 PM
Max saw the incoming attack, and moved as fast as his body would let him in his current state. He threw both his arms above his head and tried to use both forearms to block the hammer hit. As the fists met his forearms he felt dizzy as his arms just seemed to go with the impact hitting himself in the head and knocking him off balance. he felt his heart pounding, causing the wound in his head to ache more and more. he heard the crowd go silent as Max's body was falling to the floor.

with whatever he could muster he kicked out at his opponents legs, aiming to hit a knee. With his limited physical strength and being dizzy he wasn't sure what would happen, but he wasn't going down without trying to fight back.

He felt his skull hit the bottom of the arena and bounce a few times, and then the crowd erupted in sounds of joy and victory, sending waves of pain flowing through his head. the last thing he managed to do before passing out was mumbling "good fight".

03-19-10, 07:22 AM
A swift kick flowed from the acrobat to Lorenor's knee.

Despite the considerable weight-class difference, the acrobat was much more skilled in the speed department than Lorenor. Able to knock the mutant off his feet for a few moments, that was all the advantage that Max would need.

However, something else happened. Max passed out on him which meant that the battle would be over. On his ass staring up at the ceiling, the mutant wore a grin on his face. As a sadomasochist, Lorenor enjoyed the feelings of pain and agony. Both inflicting and receiving it. Relishing in the delightful pain for a moment longer, Lorenor had to get his knee back in order before he could struggle to stand. His opponent's strike was true, and his knee was greatly damaged in the attack. Lorenor stood up and limped visibly for a bit before getting used to the burning sensation flowing from his injured knee.

Lorenor walked towards his opponent with that limp in his leg, carefully analyzing the situation at hand. With his opponent on the ground, Lorenor knew that Max was vulnerable. Without his powers, the mutant was still a dangerous foe, with his powers, even more so. He looked down at his opponent and the gathered crowd went into an uproar. Lorenor could feel the tension in the air, sending its unique vibration across the arena. He looked down at Max with one thought on his mind: murder. Ready to finish the youth off, Lorenor moved against Max when something happened that was quite unexpected.

The symbol on his back began to glow with arcane magic. Lorenor felt a tremendous surge of energy cascade across his body. Paralyzing the mutant, the energy flowed across his body sending a sort of wizard's electricity up and down his spine. The energy was intense and sent the mutant to a state of euphoric pleasure. Over now, the battle had come to an abrupt halt when the referees of the match and healers within the particular back-alley combat arena interfered. Angry at the fact that the healers had stolen a kill from him, Lorenor fell to the ground and the darkness settled in.


05-10-10, 07:18 PM

Continuity ~
Lorenor (4/10): Unusual for you, as you provided absolutely no reason for Lorenor to be there except that he was there to fight. The simple fact of the matter is that I would have liked to see a reason for Lorenor to have been there, some sort of history behind the arena in which he was fighting or something.

Bandit Brother (2/10): You showed up in Radasanth and found a place to test your skills… you showed no evidence as to how he got there, gave no hint as to who he had last fought in this arena, or anything like that. Try to keep things like that in mind as you write. It will add some color to your character, give him a history, and make things more interesting as you fight.

Setting ~
Lorenor (5/10): You described the setting, as usual, very descriptively, for what it was worth, considering you were in a steel cage hoisted many feet above the ground. However, you try to use too much technical detail and slow down what should be a fast-paced battle. Try and incorporate some details that make the arena seem alive, like you did in your second post… show some members of the audience screaming, whistling, and insulting the combatants as the battles continue. Put some electricity in the air, you know?

Bandit Brother (4/10): You did about the same as Lorenor, without as much attention to detail or as much description. Try and do the same as I said for Lorenor. Add some screaming fans, some electricity to the air, and maybe even some sounds… Setting isn’t all about appearance. That’s only one part of the formula. You need sounds, smells, things like that to add life to an otherwise still painting.

Lorenor (4/10): As usual, your pacing slows down when it needs to keep at a steady pace to keep the reader’s attention. Sometimes a little Brevity never hurt anyone. Leave a few things to the imagination and go about beating the living shit out of your opponent, that’s a professional term by the way. Overall, you didn’t do too badly, but the pacing you kept it up with seemed more in the lines of a quest than a battle.

Bandit Brother (3/10): Your pacing was fast and simple, but far from elegant. It doesn’t take a dictionary’s worth of vocabulary to be a good writer, but you have to know how to keep the reader turning pages. It’s not what words you use, it’s how you use them. Work on making things fast-paced while still holding to a kind of elegance in your writing and you’ll definitely see this score rise as you keep rising here in Althanas.


Lorenor (6/10): You usually do well in this area when Lorenor actually talks, but this time there was very little dialogue. However, you did manage to bring a bit of body language into your posts, resulting in this being one of your higher scores. Even when you do not speak, your body language can speak volumes about what you’re thinking or what you’re going to do next. Simply, sometimes you don’t need words. Overall, a decent job, but you could have done more with it and gotten an even higher score.

Bandit Brother (3/10): You talked very little and used even less body language in the thread, to the point where I barely knew anything about your character’s personality, if anything at all. Try and do some internal monologues (i.e. thinking) and show a little more about him in his body language, and you’ll see this score rising as you continue to play.

Lorenor (5/10): Typical of Lorenor, he relishes pain and causing it, and you show this to great effect, considering how very careful he is to cause maximum pain while not avoiding getting beat up in the process. However, you have a tendency to over-explain your actions to the point where it slows down the entire thread, not to mention the fact that you name each muscle group he uses, which most people probably don’t even know by name.

Bandit Brother (4/10): Your actions were very simple, very straightforward, and a little unimaginative. You should concentrate mainly on drawing your actions out, telling exactly where you’re aiming, and experiment a little bit. Trust me, it helps your score immensely when you use a little imagination and try and make things interesting for both your opponent and the reader.

Lorenor (5/10): Overall, I got a good feel for what Lorenor was like, but you should spend less time describing his personality and more time showing it break through the surface to where it is impossible to ignore. Lorenor has some very interesting personality quirks that make him a fearsome beast in his own right. Try and let these shine through without the need for description and you’ll quickly master this score.

Bandit Brother (2/10): I got a basic feel that you character is a warrior and a brawler, but very little other than that. Spend more time working on developing a living, breathing character with a personality that stands out, and you’ll do fine.


Lorenor (7/10): As usual, you make very few mistakes that are glaringly obvious. However, you did make a few mechanical errors here and there that detracted from your writing… proofread a little bit more thoroughly and you’ll catch them.

Bandit Brother (3/10): Missing capitalization, missing commas, and a few mechanical errors plague your posts. Simply put, proofread your posts and run them through a word program (I suggest either Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.org Word Processor, which can be found in a search). Those can help immensely, but I cannot express enough the value of reading over your own posts before you post them, or at least after you post them so you can fix any glaringly obvious errors.

Lorenor (4/10): You use some basic techniques, but you’re missing things that could have made this thread really stand out… considering Lorenor’s psyche, you should concentrate on dark foreshadowing or something of that nature to make things seem more interesting.

Bandit Brother: (2/10): You didn’t use many techniques. Foreshadowing works quite well in battle, and you should make use of it. You’ll be fine as long as you work hard and keep moving forward in your writing.

Lorenor (3/10): You typically try and use too many technical terms and cloud the reader’s ability to actually see clearly exactly what is going on… For example, you use the term pectoral muscles where the word chest would have done quite as well. Work on simplifying things a little bit and your posts will clear up like a forest in a brushfire.

Bandit Brother (4/10): Due to the simplicity of your posts, they were just a bit easier to follow than they would have been otherwise, but please keep in mind that in order to clear your threads up more, you should try describing the environment, the actions of your character and the people around them, and a few other things. Also, see my note on you Mechanics above for more things to clear up your posts.

Wild Card~
Lorenor (4/10): An attempt at an underground fighting arena. Overall, it was an idea done with good intentions, but not the best execution. There were many things you could have improved on, and I hope you take my advice above to heart, to bring the arena alive instead of making it into just another front for battles.

Bandit Brother (2/10): You tried your best in a battle with an obviously superior character, even if he was without most of his powers. Overall, a good effort, but follow my advice above and you’re sure to make your writing at least several times better. Keep trying, because you do have potential as a writer.

Lorenor wins with a score of 47
Bandit Brother scores a 29

Lorenor gains 2500 EXP and 100 GP
Bandit Brother gains 500 EXP and 70 GP

Congratulations to Bandit Brother for making it to Level 1

05-11-10, 02:05 AM
Exp and GP added.