View Full Version : Lalaam Rowan Forthswind

04-05-09, 02:13 PM
Name: Lalaam Rowan Forthswind

Age: 21

Race: Seer (explained on bottom)

Hair Color: Redish blonde. It is long and falls to her waist in curls.

Eye Color: Her eyes are green with a reddish tint to the whites.

Height: 5 feet and 2 inches.

Weight: 116.5 lbs.

*Occupation: currently unemployed

*Personality: Lalaam is a very trusting woman and is openly kind. She is easily tricked and falls in love quickly. However, she has very intense morals and will not go back on them. She is easily frightened but is loyal to her friends and will never leave them behind.

Appearance: The first thing that a person notices about Lalaam are her dark purple veins that bulge from under her skin all across her body. The veins are darkest at her eyes. She is short and thin with long hair that she keeps up in a plain bun with a cross pinned into it. She wears a short elven styled dress and no shoes. Her skin is papery and pale and gives her a weak and sickly appearance. She has small ears and a small nose with large round eyes that make her look like she is always paying attention. The collar of water aloe around her neck is unbreakable and seems to radiate with energy.

History: Lalaam's childhood is very vague to her but a few details stand out. Her mother had her illegitimately and cast her away in shame on the church's doorstep. She was raised by a nun named Sister Ruth Gussalen. She was raised to one day become a nun like the others. However this life didn't appeal to her. She felt confined and used. She was an avid catholic and still believes in God but she felt useless as a nun. When she discovered her power the church threw her out claiming that she was using satan's magic.
With no where to go she resorted to lying with men for the night in exchange for a place to sleep and food. Lalaam had several children but all ended in unexplained miscarriges. The hurt of men's lust and the loss of children created a bitter anger inside her.
At the age of 14 she met Hadrian Forthswind, a yound knight half elf. He fell in love with her and married her. She lived with him as a Seer amoung elves and helped them with her powers. Hadrian taught her the secrets of water aloe and helped her refine her abilities. Together they made a collar for her that would keep her power in check. As they grew older they had 4 children but all were born dead. Lalaam began to think of herself as cursed and was ashamed that she couldn't bare her husband a child.
Hadrain was desperate to make his wife happy so he left in search of a magic woman who could give them the answer. He never returned.
Lalaam mourned her loss alone and became secluded from the elves. Her powers weakened until she had all but sealed them off. As her magic weakened her moods improved. She became happy and kind and soon was living cheerfully amoung the elves once more.
Lalaam is searching for Hadrain and the knowledge of what may have happened to him.

Skills: Lalaam's ability as a Seer allows her to see the magic around her and observe how it works. She was able to refine magic and manipulate rogue spells to her liking. She could glimpse the future but none of it was set in stone. However, now her abilities are gone and all she can do is see where magic is.

Equipment: A small dagger of water aloe that is unbreakable. It doesn't kill but it does paralyse for a few moments. Also the water aloe collar.

*Familiars: Hadrian's silver mare, Glendleweise, is her companion.

Seers- Seers are a very very rare species that resulted out of a second generation elf breeding with a sixteenth generation dark elf and human halfbreed. Seers half bulging purple veins that are darkest at their eyes. Their veins carry their magic and a second, unseen set, carries their blood. Seers are short and thin with pale sickly looking papery skin. The whites of their eyes are tinted red. All Seers have magic but it is very unpredictable and often causes harm unintentionally because of their dark elf blood. Most Seers use some kind of water aloe mechanism to regulate their magic. Seers can see another being's weakness and their future by locking eyes with them, but their appearance tends to make people avoid looking at them. Seers are fertile but their magic kills the embryo often before birth. Only 1 known Seer has ever produced a living child. Seer's are prone to mood swings. They get sick easily and are physically week. Seer's can see and refine magic with great training.

Water Aloe- A metallic subtance like blue metal discoverd by Elves. It is very rare and is the only substance that can regulate a Seer's unpredictable power. It requires both a Seer and an Elf to locate and work into shape. It is indestructable and can not kill, only paralyze for a few moments.

Lord Anglekos
04-05-09, 02:25 PM
Hoo boy...hmm. Well, the "indestructable" part troubles me in your equipment, but as it says it "cannot kill"...under the condition that you cannot sell both the dagger nor the collar, I'll approve this profile.