View Full Version : A Bounty Board

Damion Shargath
07-14-06, 07:27 PM
We have an adventurers board, as well as a criminal's board. I think most of you get the idea.

For those who don't...

Why not create a "Bounty Board". This is a thread where the current bounty on the head of a Player Character is posted be it the fact that he has comitted a crime of some sort. The way it would basically work would be...that the people on that list can be challenged by pretty much anyone - if the hunted character approves of the challenge, the hunter can post "Called *insert name*" into the thread.

The reward for defeating such a character would be a fair amount of GP correlating with the level of the outlaw - and to make things somewhat interesting, you will only get your reward if you defeat the character ICly, which should be tricky enough as there could be a "min. level" limitation for the Bounty Board...Say Player Characters level five and up (just an example) can be posted onto the bounty board by the responsible moderator.

It's a rough sketch, but how about it? I think it would give this place an unseen dimension of battle activity and intensity.


Bounty Board:

Zieg dil'Tulfried (Bounty: 10000 GP - DoA (Dead or Alive))


Damion Shargath -> After providing a proof that Zieg dil'Tulfried has accepted my challenge... Called Zieg dil'Tulfried


The moderator then marks the name of the called hunted red in the first post for as long as the battle is taking place.

Given the logic thought that everyone posesses around here, Damion would have not the slightest chance of killing Zieg whatsoever, thus he would not be rewarded the GP (even if the grand Damion Shargath would win in OOC terms/judging....yeah right...anyway...he would simply receive the regular EXP and GP award).

The Moderator can now mark the name of the hunted back to white and he is once more up for bounty. You could basically raise the bounty on the head of the hunted if he survives a battle with a bounty-hunter.


How does the idea sound? If it finds approval of some sort I would be glad to type up the presice "how it works".

Cyrus the virus
07-14-06, 07:35 PM
I think it's an interesting idea, but it seems too... (I don't know the word, as usual) to be implimented as an official Althanas dealie. But I don't see the issue with a board like this place on the OOC boards. Of course, that sort of thing is allowed under our rules, provided that the player posting the bounty has the gold to pay the reward.

Ya kno?

Damion Shargath
07-14-06, 07:44 PM
I was thinking of the force behind the "Bounty Board" as some Althanian law enforcement - thus no problem with paying the money come it that the hunted are actually defeated. I doubt all of us shit money like Ithermoss :p

Oh, and aside from that - it wouldn't be so easy to defeat them and receive a reward, as the Bounty will incorporate a lot of different factors: one of them being "bring me that and that item of him/her" - makes it more difficult and could lead to some interesting twists in a story if you catch my drift.

Then there's always the possibility for powerful enough characters to storm the fund section of the local Bounty HQ hoping to be spoiled with whatever interesting things might be there...that's another story though.

07-14-06, 07:51 PM
And how would you go about collecting the bounty? I mean, not many people that would have a bounty would be like... "OOh OOh, pick me... I want my character killed or thrown into jail!"

It's a very realistic idea, and therefore not going to work too well with the populace of Althanas. I thought about it before, or just using a smaller scale bounty system for regional activity... but it doesn't make much sense.

Damion Shargath
07-14-06, 07:56 PM
Well, generally the moderator of that board would sit down with a couple others versed with the "who is who" of Althanas and determine who gets on the list and who doesn't.

If you're put listed...it's basically a privilege. You'd gain some respect, but not resposibility. The people on the list would never be obliged to accept a single challenge, though they can if they want to. Think of them as...good at hiding and/or runnig if they don't...

They'd basically be given the regular (I assume) opportunity to show some cocky adventurers out there where their place really is :p

07-14-06, 08:02 PM
I never thought Althanas had a sigular law enforcement agency. Sounds like a relaly modern idea. I mean, can't people just do threads like this, requesting in the spoils your reward. I don't think we need a board with PCs on it. Because, if you catch your quarry, somethings going to happen to them.

It's interesting, but I think Althanas would need to unify into one nation state for their to be a single "who's bad" board to go after. But you could always do a thread about it, several in fact.

07-14-06, 08:03 PM
The idea is interesting but it's really pourly balanced. One side has nothing to lose and the other has nothing to gain. I mean who'd want to accept a challenge if all it meant was that winning meant some guy wouldn't be getting any money. While liquid time would take care of Jail in a spit but it just doesn't seem like it'd work since there is no reward for one side.

07-15-06, 12:29 PM
And how would you go about collecting the bounty? I mean, not many people that would have a bounty would be like... "OOh OOh, pick me... I want my character killed or thrown into jail!"

It's a very realistic idea, and therefore not going to work too well with the populace of Althanas. I thought about it before, or just using a smaller scale bounty system for regional activity... but it doesn't make much sense.

Well I mean some characters already have IC bounties, Zeph in Raiaera, Molotov in Corone. Since it adds to their IC legacies, I don't think characters would be all that opposed. Plus, if a character ends up in jail, there is always a story there dealing with jail break. Izvilvin has been arrested, Molotov has been thrown into the Labyrinth in Haidia...

Zieg dil' Tulfried
07-15-06, 01:08 PM
What'd I ever do to you?!!?!?

Damion Shargath
07-15-06, 01:38 PM
Ever hear the phrase "Kill your Idols"? XD

Just kidding, I was recently typing up my post in Cage One, and you had just been mentioned...additionally you're a demon leading an evil army...correlates with Damion's alignment somehow - thus I just thought of you. A high level, powerful character, who's unlikely to be killed by some halfwit bounty hunter.

Back on topic. Thanks INDK for the examples - those were things I didn't know. So...it's, as I percepted it, a pretty nice thing enhancing activity out there with yet a lot of freedom. So what I'm going to do...is see if I can catch Matt on this thing.
If the general idea is approved of, I'll write up the specific rules of this whole deal. Then I'll send it to a veteran of this site or two, to get it double checked, correct it if necessary - then submit it to Matt...and we're all set to hunt some people we can't possibly kill :p

Zieg dil' Tulfried
07-15-06, 03:05 PM
The Demon Army is not evil, no more evil than any other regional army on Althanas. He's just trying to protect his people.

07-16-06, 01:33 PM
If this does get approved, contact me and I'll give you the a brief background as to what Zephyriah did to get his bounty.

Damion Shargath
07-16-06, 08:20 PM
The idea's been approved by Matt, just wanted to let you all know that it's all underway.


Be it that your character has acquired level 5 or higher, and has a current bounty on his head whatsoever - please PM with details on it.

07-16-06, 08:24 PM
The idea is interesting but it's really pourly balanced. One side has nothing to lose and the other has nothing to gain. I mean who'd want to accept a challenge if all it meant was that winning meant some guy wouldn't be getting any money. While liquid time would take care of Jail in a spit but it just doesn't seem like it'd work since there is no reward for one side.

Yeah, and that will have to be addressed in Damion's proposal before this thing is finalized and posted.

Damion Shargath
07-16-06, 08:31 PM
I have ideas as to how to balance a bounty battle out. You'll all see them soon enough.

07-22-06, 08:53 PM
Yay!!!!!! Finally a place to find some bounties!!!!!!

Cyrus the virus
07-22-06, 09:14 PM
Izvilvin's wanted in Scara Brae. I'll send you some info whenever you nag me to do so ;)

07-22-06, 10:22 PM
I'll take it. After all, a bounty hunter without a bounty is pretty ridiculous.

PS: Cyrus has already informed me of all the details.

Damion Shargath
07-27-06, 04:37 AM
Alright...just wait with the battle until the rules for a bounty battle are up :)

07-28-06, 09:18 PM
Ok. The battle will wait. but can I start the search for him?

Damion Shargath
07-29-06, 06:01 AM
You can make a storyline thing out of this, but Izvilvin won't be one of the outlaws marked on the Bounty Board since he doesn't meet all the requirements - nothing keeps you from making a storyline search out of this though.

Sorry for the late response...

Cyrus the virus
07-29-06, 01:13 PM
You punk, Izvilvin has the strength of 1049 men!

Ah well. This makes sense, though :p

Damion Shargath
07-29-06, 01:27 PM
I forsee you meeting the requirements in the near future anyway ;) no worries. Doesn't look like it'll take him long to level up some.

07-29-06, 05:41 PM
so what pray tell are the requirements to get on this board because Tarry is about to have a sizable bounty on his head in Radasanth (and maybe Corone in general) very soon?

Damion Shargath
08-01-06, 04:08 AM
2,680 EXP points later you will be put on the list - I hope that answers your question.

08-13-06, 05:40 PM
Just to make it official, Camella PMed me about the bounty over Zeph's head, and a quest will soon be under way.

Damion Shargath
08-13-06, 05:47 PM
Please note that there are only "Bounty Battles", and no "Bounty Quests".

On another side note, the Official Bounty Board Rules - the proposal to Matt - is in it's final processing status as of now. It will shortly be discussed also by other Staff members if it is to be approved or not, and supporters...hope for the best ;)

Cyrus the virus
08-13-06, 07:29 PM
No bounty quests? So the hunter doesn't even have to go through the trouble of finding the hunted?

Eh, that's pretty silly in my view. But maybe I need to read the full rules.

08-13-06, 08:26 PM
I agree with Cyrus the actually process of hunting down the culprit is more fun that actually fighting them and taking them down.

Damion Shargath
08-14-06, 02:13 AM
For all I care you could start one, the thing is that I couldn't award you with something senseful for just running after him and finding him. The Bounty Awards are handed out after the battle...ya know...but if you like, go ahead and make a quest - I'll think of some way to incorporate it as I already had a similar idea in my head.

08-31-06, 10:38 PM
I got a nifty suggestion. You could make an entire Power Group related to bounty hunting and have that whole concept of the bounties set up through the Power Group itself. That way its the Power Group that's actually hiring Bounty Hunters.

A trick to this is making the Power Group some sort of official section of the Corone Government or whatever Government that the PG would be based out of.

That way a concrete system of questing could be set up and it is WELL within Althanas rules--everybody wins.

09-23-06, 11:50 AM
That's been tried before. They were called the "Order Within Chaos." And... well, they were fed out of my pocket for a while. That was a fun couple months. I had an entire power group in my employ. Just point and shell out a few thousand, and I had a battle for my entertainment.

Those were the days. ;)

Those of you who remember Venn... I bought him sharp little things so he could kill people I didn't like. He was my favorite little messenger.

Damion Shargath
09-23-06, 03:42 PM
You know...I was head of your nifty little division there for a fair span of time, not with this character of course. We could always try bringing it back if you like, things would get played on a larger scale then and incorporate more players.

Come to think of it, it doesn't contradict with the rules I've set up so far. Additionally...heck, the government could even go corrupt! The grandeur!

09-23-06, 04:37 PM
The splendor!!!

09-23-06, 05:08 PM
Those of you who remember Venn... I bought him sharp little things so he could kill people I didn't like. He was my favorite little messenger.
Wasn't Venn considered to be one of the best battle-writers ever?

Um... I think this is a really cool I dea. But, logically it won't work, because the whole idea of a bounty is to either capture or kill someone, and I can't think of anyone who would readily let that happen to their character. Especially the killing part. I might let Josh get captured if he had done something bad, because it would be interesting RPing an escape from the custody of other PCs, but I don't think I'd want him to die.

Cyrus the virus
09-23-06, 05:19 PM
I can't name anybody above level 6 (the only people who can have bounties placed on them) who wouldn't allow themselves to be captured for the sake of somebody else's storyline.

09-23-06, 05:20 PM
Victory can simply be determined by final score, not necessarily by the IC result. And hell. I'd love to have to escape a prison. Maybe rot there for a while. Get a lovely case of pneumonia.

And yeah, Venn was certainly considered to be one of the best battle-writers ever. ;) I sent him after quite a few people who started getting on Ithy's nerves.

09-23-06, 05:52 PM
Well in that case, maybe you can answer this question... how can someone be significantly better at battling than at questing?

Cyrus: I didn't realize only people above level 6 could have bounties on them. I recall grim137 putting one on himself once.

Cyrus the virus
09-23-06, 05:57 PM
Well, it's not like you can't place a personal bounty on yourself, or on someone else outside of this particular bounty board, but I remember Damion saying he'd like bounties to be placed on high level characters exclusively, to keep a high level from hunting a low level.

09-23-06, 06:02 PM
Well then wouldnt a rule stating you have to be within 2 levels of the PC you're hunting be better? Obviously, the level amount/details could be changed. That's just an example. Perhaps a rule stating you must be within 2 levels of the PC to hunt them, with an Addendum that level 0 characters cannot have bounties placed on them, so that capitalist bastards like Andrew can't kill off all the newbs ;)

Damion Shargath
09-23-06, 06:24 PM
Hey hey hey, don't speculate about rules...I've written them down and they're awaiting their final approval. I never said anything definate about level 6 ;), and there are special rules that enable you take out high levels with a realistic chance...I'm very glad that people are showing a good amount of interest in this idea...hope it heightens the chance of approval.

09-23-06, 06:50 PM
Cyrus: I didn't realize only people above level 6 could have bounties on them. I recall grim137 putting one on himself once.

Actually it was Findefin (Now known as Sighter Tnailong) that placed the bounty on me back when I was level 1 and it only applied to Raiaera. Also I think Damion said you only have to be level 5, not 6, to be placed on the bounty board as a potential bounty.

09-23-06, 07:16 PM
Hey hey hey, don't speculate about rules...I've written them down and they're awaiting their final approval. I never said anything definate about level 6 ;), and there are special rules that enable you take out high levels with a realistic chance...I'm very glad that people are showing a good amount of interest in this idea...hope it heightens the chance of approval.
This is a great day for all the "Bounty Hunter" characters on Althanas. No more will they be forced to become common mercenaries just because there are no bounties to hunt. They shall descend on the Bounty Hunted en masse with great vengeance!


Sorry about that. Actually, I think this is really really cool. I see myself participating in a "Bounty Board" quite alot, if not always directly. Sweet sweet deal, and I look forward to the final approval!

Cyrus the virus
09-23-06, 07:36 PM
I may have Luc destroy a city for the sole purpose of getting some people after him. Bahaha.

Bearded Gnome
09-23-06, 07:39 PM
XD That'd be funny as hell. Then I'd have to get some Uber weapon of pwnage to take you down.

09-23-06, 08:20 PM
I may have Luc destroy a city for the sole purpose of getting some people after him. Bahaha.
Yeah. Destroy Underwood!

09-24-06, 01:22 PM
Underwood? Again?

09-24-06, 02:21 PM
Um... I think this is a really cool I dea. But, logically it won't work, because the whole idea of a bounty is to either capture or kill someone, and I can't think of anyone who would readily let that happen to their character. Especially the killing part. I might let Josh get captured if he had done something bad, because it would be interesting RPing an escape from the custody of other PCs, but I don't think I'd want him to die.

Think about this...On many of the regions in Althanas we have an adventurers board, or the opposite with corrupt missions...maybe we could use the characters in those quests that are knowingly doing crimes like people from the criminal board in Scara Brae because I mean come on, if you sign up for those quests then you know someone has to come after you in time.

09-24-06, 05:35 PM
Hey. Good idea. Judges could help out too, if they see a character committing some kind of crime worthy of note, like killing an innocent, they might be able to set up a bounty for someone.

It would make being a bad guy preeeeeetty interesting. ;)

09-24-06, 06:39 PM
I'm rather busy with school stuff at the moment, so I haven't had time to read this thread. I will say that I've had plans for a bounty board on Salvar. When I have the time, I'll read this thread and see what people have come up with. It's always nice to tailor little features like that to stuff people want to see.

Damion Shargath
09-25-06, 05:47 AM
Ashiakin, if you have the time and want - we can pool our ideas and somewhat, possibly even upgrade this. Possibly you, Ithermoss, and I should have a little meeting in AIM sometime...

I feel there are ways to make this proposal even "more", I want it to be something big and something fun for all althanians if I am to work on the rules even further.

09-25-06, 10:50 PM
Yeah. I'd totally be up to it. It makes a lot more possibilities for underhanded tricks and the like. :)

And I don't see why Ashi wouldn't be opposed to a pow-wow on this topic... eh?? "Underhanded Tricks" is his middle name, huh?!! ;)

Max Dirks
09-26-06, 12:15 AM

Come hunt Dirks ;)

I'd love it if we could incorporate the bounty system into Athylia's Verse. It would be much easier to do that than to attempt to integrate it into Althanas proper. This way, assassins can be much more devious.

09-30-06, 12:11 AM
I can't name anybody above level 6 (the only people who can have bounties placed on them) who wouldn't allow themselves to be captured for the sake of somebody else's storyline.

Heheh dude with Lorenor I would have done it.

I plan on keeping Alberdyne a good guy so maybe if he pissed off somebody in Alerar--that could possibly work. Or possibly the idea of having Alberdyne framed by somebody twisted like Storm Veritas--yeah that could work too.

Dirks I'll come after you after I've leveled Alberdyne a bit.

Or when I bring Lorenor back. We STILL haven't had that legendary battle between Lorenor and Dirks.

Hmmn--s maybe that could be the reason Lorenor comes out of his exile in Haidia?

09-30-06, 10:15 PM
The way things are going, by the time Camella reaches level 6, She will have about 50 bounties on her.

Oh well, it comes with the job of being a bounty hunter.

PS: don't ask.

Damion Shargath
10-02-06, 05:53 AM

Come hunt Dirks ;)

I'd love it if we could incorporate the bounty system into Athylia's Verse. It would be much easier to do that than to attempt to integrate it into Althanas proper. This way, assassins can be much more devious.

Check your PM inbox. And yes, no fear, you will be on that list you ass :p