View Full Version : Althanas Invitational Podcast Round the Third!

04-08-09, 08:57 PM
Download the MP3 right hurrrrr (http://www.4shared.com/file/97525917/1e6f0a5c/Althanas_Podcast_3.html)

Hope you enjoy. We managed to stretch so little into 25 minutes.

04-08-09, 10:15 PM
Heh. Very nice, guys. One second while I fetch my SSN and credit card number for you...

04-09-09, 12:08 AM
Indeed. Well done, to the both of you. And the beginning was complete genius, with the F5 key and all. The suspense and wait is killing me!

04-09-09, 12:12 AM
Yeah, I really dug the intro idea as soon as Chris pitched it to me out of freakin' left field.

And Jericho, I got your pm. Since I'm terrible at remembering things, shoot me off a reminder at the end of Round 3 and I'll put the shout out in the outline.

003-Crimson Ace
04-09-09, 12:22 AM
Lol, last time someone told me they had cake it turned out to be a lie. Fun to listen to though while I read manga between posts.


Mage Hunter
04-09-09, 01:49 AM
I disagree with your assessment of what happened in our fight. Let me explain exactly what happened in the fight point by point...

1) Kupo shows up drunk as all hell.
2) Saxon shows up and does some exposition.
3) Snew shows up and attempts to help his friend who is highly drunk. Lightining strikes and Snew saves the moogle from becoming crispy snacks.
4) Arsene shows up nearly falling off the disc and crawls up onto it. Thats IT.

That's the first round of posts.

1) Duke Throws up on Snew.
2) Saxon sneaks up on the party and lets out a berserker battle cry, attacking the party because he's not at all in his right mind.
3) Snew dies because he's trying to protect his friends and has faith that his intercepting the barbarian might do that.
4) Arsene attempts to snipe Kupo!

That's Round Two, show me where I focused on too much story. I'd like to know. We're non-combatant characters, I can't fight and my action made sense. Of course the Barbarian is going to tear me apart, that is what happens when a non-combatant attempts to shield his friends.

Okay, here's round three? Ready?

1) Duke gets sniped by Arsene, anklebiter attacks Saxon.
2) Saxon, decides if his opponents are going to die, he is going to die himself and lets anklebiter rip off his dick, and gut his intestines.
3) Snew is dead and refuses to post feeling it would drag out a death that was supposed to be short.
4) Arsene gets stabbed by the turtle.

Once more Christoph, tell me where we focused too much on story. I call bull on that assessment. We were attacked, given no chance to act normally, and THAT'S why the story was feeling rushed. When you attack two guys who can't fight, what are we going to do? Use our magical non-existent fighting skills to survive an attack that by all RIGHTS we shouldn't? No.

04-09-09, 06:01 AM
Man...this podcast just reminded me how much I really wanted to partake in this Tournament. DAMN YOU, LOOOGAAAAN!!!

I would have actually played in the Side Events too. :_(

But yeah, this was a great podcast. Had me laughing my ass off.

EDIT: I still think me and Cyrus should get credit for giving you guys the stripper pizza idea. :P

EDIT2: Since you need questions:
1) When do you think these other 1v1 Tourneys might be held?
2) Do you think Althanas should have BOTH 1v1 Tourneys instead of just one?
3) If so, which would you want first? The low level newbie one, which I'd love to partake in (even though I'm not really a newbie >.>), or the hyper adrenaline-powered god fights between everyone?
4) Do you like chocolate pickles?
5) What if someone that hasn't been paricipating would want to play in the Side Events? Could s/he? Maybe if they gave their Fate Points to someone that needs them?
6) What's the deal with Christoph's love of tentacle rape?
7) I think the DS sucks balls, would BaBE stone me to death?

Just some off the top of my head.

04-09-09, 07:27 AM
I'll do more than stone you to death, sonny boy.

This one I will be addressing in the next podcast myself.

04-09-09, 08:50 AM
Quack quack bitch, motherfucker.

Edit: I have 12 fate points, plus whatever I might get once my Round Two battle gets judged.

Edit 2: Questions for Christoph:

Were you abused as a child, or are you just naturally that way?

Who are your primary influences as a writer?

Would you say that your writing style is similar or reminiscent to any famous authors?

04-09-09, 10:57 AM
Once more Christoph, tell me where we focused too much on story. I call bull on that assessment. We were attacked, given no chance to act normally, and THAT'S why the story was feeling rushed. When you attack two guys who can't fight, what are we going to do? Use our magical non-existent fighting skills to survive an attack that by all RIGHTS we shouldn't? No.

First of all, if you're just upset about losing (which the current evidence and behavior seems to point to) take it up with Task, because he judged you thread, and stop clogging up other potentially productive and enjoyable threads with this nonsense. You're an Admin and your brother is a moderator, and thus you should both be above this sort of behavior.

As to your statement, the mere fact that you both played non-combat characters in this tournament (a tournament with a storyline that made such characters being there completely illogical in the first place) meant that you had to focus more on non-combat aspects than your opponents. When I said story, I wasn't just talking about the "Storytelling" category. I used it, perhaps too liberally I'll admit, as a blanket term for anything not directly involving combat. That's not to say that those elements are not important, because they are. The fact remains, however, that in a battle tournament the combat element is more important on the whole because they are battles.

Kupo: Just because we talked about complaints against the rubric doesn't mean it was intended as a shot against you. You're not the only one who's expressed issues with it, after all. The world does not revolve around you.

Both of you: If you're really getting upset over a comedy podcast, meant to be funny, non-serious, and not offensive to anyone, then You're Doing It Wrong. Nothing I said was meant as slander against your battle; I actually quite liked your battle. I think that both your team and Stalin For Time are comprised of talented writers, and merely made the point that S4T had adapted more to the battle aspect of the thread.

Okay, that out of the way, I’m glad everyone else enjoyed the podcast. To answer Lightfoot’s more functional ToC question: You are free to participate in Side Events, and you can give the Fate Points to someone else if you really want to, but the receiving person won’t be allowed to use the ones he/she receives to buy back in (if we do end up getting a Fate Slot somewhere along the way), because that’s supposed to represent their personal achievements.

And thank you for your questions. I will look forward to answering them in our next Podcast. Keep them coming!

04-09-09, 11:04 AM
I just wanted to point out that my opponents had no real chance in combat against Honuse Relaiyent, but they did a damn good job of focusing on the fighting aspects, up to and including an epic death sequence.

04-09-09, 11:28 AM
2) Saxon, decides if his opponents are going to die, he is going to die himself and lets anklebiter rip off his dick, and gut his intestines.

Better decision than taking turns with Arsene and gutting everybody else in that arena even though we're a combat team. The way your characters were designed stacked the deck against you whenever folks like us would be paired against you, and I gaurantee you that Shadowed and his partner or any of the other heavy combat oriented teams wouldn't have given you any slack because of it either. You had to have known this when you made Father Snew and your brother made Kupo.

We'd have gotten more flak if I had let Brom prowl the arena and do what I had originally intended with him, which was to kill everybody. Even Cory. Or at least make an attempt to. It'd have looked tremendously bad on our part and would have raised ugly words like 'overpowered' or 'powergaming', even though I probably would've mentioned to you ahead of time "Hey, Brom's coming your way. Clench up."

But, really. I'll tell you what would've happened if we had played the noncombatant way of that round. I'd post. You'd post. Kupo would post. Arsene throws in a paragraph or two. Ad nauseum. We might reach each other MAYBE before the round had ended. And after the last one we had to go through, I wasn't going to let another round go by without shedding some of my opponent's blood.

I don't know if this is the reason people are complaining or not, but I don't have a lot of story with Brom to include into this tournament. There's no point. He's designed to be a thresher and that's really it. I think Cory and I can have our characters form a bond of friendship like most partners do and all that garbage, but it's a slippery slope between focusing too much on the story (which I was on the verge of doing that round) and focusing on combat which is what this tournament should really be about.

And really, this whole 'put more effort into it' is bullshit from what I've been hearing from people. Nobody has given me an explanation as to what lack of effort I put into that battle except that they have been including me into it so they can politely attack my partner for his short posts without being called out on it. You're not being polite, and in fact you've been making me feel like I've been doing something wrong this whole entire round and I haven't been able to figure it out.

So either tell us all what you really had a problem with and tell us what we need to do or just shut up about it. I'm honestly sick of hearing the passive-aggressive bullshit with no real weight behind it.

04-09-09, 11:32 AM
Mmm. Give me until tonight and I can do a complete breakdown of your posts, and how to improve, if you'd like.

04-09-09, 11:42 AM
Appreciated. PM it to me when you're done and thanks for the effort in advance.

04-09-09, 11:43 AM
Saxon, in defense of the podcast crew, Chris and I are in general agreement that we feel you and Cory both seem to be holding back a little bit in your writing for the tournament. Before we actually recorded last night, we spent a couple minutes in actually serious discussion about how we've both seen some really good stuff from the two of you outside the tournament, but there's just something missing that we can't quite put our fingers on.

Maybe its just us, though. We meant no disrespect. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

04-09-09, 12:40 PM
Okay, that out of the way, I’m glad everyone else enjoyed the podcast. To answer Lightfoot’s more functional ToC question: You are free to participate in Side Events, and you can give the Fate Points to someone else if you really want to, but the receiving person won’t be allowed to use the ones he/she receives to buy back in (if we do end up getting a Fate Slot somewhere along the way), because that’s supposed to represent their personal achievements.

And thank you for your questions. I will look forward to answering them in our next Podcast. Keep them coming!

You can call me VA. I've been around long enough to at least earn that. :p

Also, as a question regarding your answer: I just remembered in the podcast that you can turn Fate Points in for Exp. Is that only for Tourney participants or for everyone that earns them? Because if I can participate in the Side Events and get free Exp for them...well fuck, screw giving them away! XD

04-09-09, 12:43 PM
I'm pretty sure that Chris announced sometime ago in a thread that fate points could be turned into EXP by anyone who earned any. This was to encourage non-tournament Althanaians to enter in the side events.

04-09-09, 12:47 PM
YATAH!!! (Sorry, I've been watching Naruto Shippuden nonstop since 8am EST...)

Cool beans. :cool:

EDIT: Even though I have learned that Yatah(sp?) means "I did it!" in Japan talk. >.>

EDIT2: So how much will I get per point since I'm level 0? I think you addressed that, but you didn't go into great detail.

EDIT3: Nevermind...just read the Sticky. /answermyownquestion <-- Fucktard

04-09-09, 01:14 PM
YATAH!!! (Sorry, I've been watching Naruto Shippuden nonstop since 8am EST...)

Read the manga. Less crap. Moves at a quicker pace. Itachi and Saskue's battle is pretty epic.

But yeah, for anyone who didn't catch it in the podcast, you get 75 EXP per Level per fate point. So just add 1 to your current level and go from there.

So if your Level 0 and have one point, you'll get 75. Level 1; 150. Level 2; 225. Yeah, I'm sure everyone gets it.

ON A SIDE NOTE, I think I should tone down my language a bit. Anyone else agree?

04-09-09, 02:01 PM
I don't fucking know, why the hell are you asking us? It's your choice shitface.
I don't give a damn either way. :p

04-09-09, 03:04 PM
Well, fuck you, then.



Tainted Bushido
04-09-09, 03:06 PM
As to your statement, the mere fact that you both played non-combat characters in this tournament (a tournament with a storyline that made such characters being there completely illogical in the first place) meant that you had to focus more on non-combat aspects than your opponents. When I said story, I wasn't just talking about the "Storytelling" category. I used it, perhaps too liberally I'll admit, as a blanket term for anything not directly involving combat. That's not to say that those elements are not important, because they are. The fact remains, however, that in a battle tournament the combat element is more important on the whole because they are battles.

I'd say I focused on the battle just fine, infact one of my two posts focused on that battle. Also, why are you yelling at Kupo!? He deleted his posts because he realized calling you on it would result in what you just did. I'm not upset over a comedy podcast, I'm upset because I'm getting told stuff that isn't possible. Two posts isn't enough for a story, you can't tell a story in this setting within two posts. I reacted to what Brom did in a logical manner my character died. I didn't focus on this non-existent story there. SO if you can come up with another reason to tell me why I lost, I'd appreciate it. Telling people bunk reasons, doesn't fly as, like I said, two posts can't tell much of a story and the action I did was really not only logical, but fair.

Perhaps we should have dragged the fight out using the chocobo, then everyone would be frustrated. Hell we probably culd have driven that fight into the ground.

Just because you deem it comedy doesn't mean we don't know when you're TRYING to be serious, and the part where you talked about my team, was serious. This isn't some internet meme that you can hide behind, despite the fact you constantly talk like 4chan has your brain in the podcast. Its funny the first time, the second time its a bit old, by the third, you need a new schtick.

Andy at least keeps it fresh.

So there, have an honest critique of your podcast. I felt it was alright, but to bring it up, the memes getting thrown around need to stop and you need to pick new material. And better material at that. The money for podcast thing just made me groan.

04-09-09, 03:20 PM
The money for podcast thing just made me groan.

In hindsight, yeah, that could've been shorter or better planned out. But that's what I get for going straight off the dome, so to speak.

Which means I might want to rethink and fully flesh out the gimmick I was going to open up the next podcast with...

Fark, I hate writing scripts...

04-09-09, 03:30 PM
Flames are good for making s'mores :)

04-09-09, 03:36 PM
Chestnuts roasting,
On an open fire...

Viola Conda
04-09-09, 03:40 PM
OKAY, this thread is losing its intended purpose. As of this point the following will happen.

CRISTOPH AND TAINTED BUSHIDO: You will now be referred to click on that Shiney PM button off in the corner and do your verbal jousting there.

KUPO: You are forever banned from opening your mouth until you become necessary.

EVERYONE ELSE: You will now only refer to the remainder of this thread as the podcast only. Leave the battle alone and let it die....we don't need a another Brittany Spears moment...

04-09-09, 03:45 PM
Fark, I hate writing scripts...

Fark? Fuck man, where's your goddamn spirit?! :D

04-09-09, 03:46 PM
Yeah, this thing needs to stay on track. Let's keep the comments to how bad Chris's speaking voice grates on your ears, how awesome I am, and any questions/suggestions/shout outs you may have for the next podcast.

I'm thinking, for the final round, we could try and coordinate some cellphone or voice chat interviews with whoever may be throwing down.

04-09-09, 03:47 PM
Well, I'm not throwing down, but I wouldn't mind to do an interview for the hell of it, could be fun. Hit me up if you're interested.

04-09-09, 03:48 PM
Actually, Lightfoot, in regards to that, I'm going to be making a post in a few minutes...


04-09-09, 03:49 PM

04-09-09, 05:22 PM
I have full access to a mic, recording software, and a telephone. And a sexy, sexy radio voice.

04-09-09, 05:24 PM
I sound like a white Barry White, can you top that? Hrmm?

Aww, yeah...

04-09-09, 05:29 PM
Ebivoulya sounds like a white trash Barry White.

Awww yeah...dagnabit.

04-09-09, 05:30 PM
lol Nice.

04-09-09, 10:33 PM
Whispers in the wind sounded more like a blowing like sound than a whisper.

We are not BlowJobs in the wind you know. ;)

Thanks for your advice and all that, and we hope to prove you wrong and see you guys in hell ... err ... I mean round 4.
