View Full Version : Salutations, or something!

04-09-09, 09:38 PM
Not all sure as to how I managed to miss this thread, but since I am new to this ship... Hello to you all, I am your newest slab of fresh meat and more than happy to swab the poop deck if you'd like me to. Hey, everyone has to have an initiation, right-o?

Alright, enough mindless blabberjab of that. The bottom line is hello. So, hello, folks. My name is Caiti [or Juno/Junomoule, whatever floats your boat], and I still struggle with comma and emoticon abuse sometimes.

Just got recruited here by Corvus MacCallum, so I'm going to pretend to blame my long winded ways on him. and after giving this place a once-over I thought it might be fun to RP around here. I look forward to getting to know all of you and jumping into the game play, and it's nice to meet you all!

003-Crimson Ace
04-10-09, 07:44 AM
Hola, ello, wazzap, and yo!

Nice 2 meet youz and welcomes to the insanity. My name is to the left, but call me what you will cause I go by whatever. Just thought i'd greet and offer my salutations to someone new to be nice and warn you of the dangers of althanas. Watch out for the people offering cookies cause they are poisonous, I also hear rumors of cake, but last time someone promised me cake it turned out to be a lie!

Just stay away from everybody and you should be completely safe.....but safety is no fun so just jump into the action. Sorry if i seem a bit hyper, it woke up early and am craving coffee, so with that I am going to say toodles and grab a cup of Almighty Black Nector of Mighty Al-ness! So..... "Toodles!"

04-10-09, 09:17 AM
Hi and welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Christoph, BlackandBlueEyes, Letho, Serillliant, Inkfinger, Lord Angelkos, Max Dirks and Taskmienster for they may become attached to you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers freshly baked cookies*

04-10-09, 09:22 AM
I am especially dangerous. I nom hard, then expect your undivided attention until the next newbie comes along.

Grittings and welcome nonetheless!

Lord Anglekos
04-10-09, 09:25 AM
Welcome to Althanas.
I don't have much to say this morning, sorry to say, but if you require anything feel free to ask any of the moderators or admins for assistance. You sound intelligent, so I won't bother pointing them out further.

Yari Rafanas
04-10-09, 06:21 PM
Welcome to the site.

04-12-09, 11:33 AM
Woah, five replies all for me! -Grins- You lot certainly know how to make a girl feel welcome, at least... thank you to everyone who has greeted me thus far, and don't be surprised if I happen to send a spontaneous PM your way one of these days.

Partially 'cause I'm always brimming with questions, and partially because you all seem fun to poke at. Well, feed cookies to, or- ahem, yes! You get the idea! Anywhoo, on to my replies to you, yes? Yes.

Crimson, you appear to be rather fantastic. Great for alerting me of dangers, too. Cookies that appear too delicious, lying cake, I think you're on a roll. Nothing even minutely wrong with hyperactivity or a desire for a morning beverage. Thanks again for stopping by, hey?

Witchblade! Sounds like henchmen- I mean danger, and also, cookies! Lollercoastaah, and more! Aah, thank you for stopping by. I will bare in mind these most suspicious names as I go about snailing the underbelly of the beginners area of the forums. Derp.

Next is one of the suspicious names, threatening to nom in a vicious manner. Oh noez, my fingers and toes! D:! Hee, undivided attention, is it? Well, that sounds as though it might be a bit of a bargain. Thanks again for stopping by, and I look forward to seeing you around the forums.

Lord Angelkos, I recognize you- you made me clap like a three year old [I work with 'em, I know how to do it]... Thank you double, one for filling me in about which was the moderators and which was the administrators, and one for coming by my profile. Well, granting me entry was pretty neat, too. Looking forward to seeing you around!

Thank you, Yari, for your warm welcome. It'll be interesting to see you around the forums as well. Your character sounds like quite a bit of fun to interact with, as well. In any event, brilliant that you stopped by.

Phew, I think that covers is for now. ^^

Alydia Ettermire
04-12-09, 11:42 AM
Well, that's quite a "thanks for the attention post" there, missy.

My traditional warnings and pointings have already been taken. So I don't really have anything to say. >.>

Beware high level characters. They didn't get there without smashing open a few heads. But most of the players are okay.

Some will bite your head off, though.

Tainted Bushido
04-12-09, 12:38 PM
Beware high level characters. They didn't get there without smashing open a few heads. But most of the players are okay.

Some will bite your head off, though.

Some even force you to write with them. Its scary isn't it?

04-12-09, 12:39 PM
Wow. O.o This one's enthusiastic. Welcome to the forums and I hope to quest with you someday...

EDIT: Dammit Tainted, ninja'd!

Lady Blackwell
04-12-09, 12:46 PM
well let me say what has already been summed up and said

WELCOME to the world of Tommorow! ... erm i mean althanas

feel free to PM me anytime or add any of my instant messengers

04-12-09, 12:56 PM
Where In The World? Heh, Carmen Sandiego, always was one of my favorite games when I was younger. I do apologize for my text walls, I have a tendency to get a bit ahead of myself as far as rambling is concerned. Thanks for stopping by, and who knows? Maybe sometime we'll get to have a game together!

Being forced to write with someone is it? Terrifying, but not in an altogether horrible manner! It's nice to meet you, Tainted, and thank you very much for stepping in to say hello. It'd be great fun to have an RP with you one of these days, if you're ever interested in a game.

'Lo there, Libis. Your name is a great deal of fun to pronounce, but that aside... Heh, I am a bit enthusiastic, I'm sorry if I blow your eyes out at some point. Still, it'd be great to quest with you, as well. Thank you very much for stopping by, I'll be sure to PM you about a quest idea a wee bit later.

Aah, Bandit! Thank you very much for stopping by to welcome be to the world of Tomo- Althanas! Yes, Althanas... Ahem, double the gratitude for giving me an open door. I'll be sure to poke at you sometime soon. I look forward to seeing you around the forums, as well!

Lady Blackwell
04-12-09, 12:58 PM
ahh it wont be hard to spot me around the forums, i am quite an active person on here. just lately IC psoting time has increased due to stress. but thats going away so yeah!

you will easily see my name around :p

Visla Eraclaire
04-12-09, 04:25 PM
I saw this intro thread before the weekend and pondered a welcome, but I couldn't come up with anything interesting enough. Now that I'm back home again, it seems to have exploded, and not (entirely) with the usual inanity about cookies.

I think you'll find that long-winded people are more often praised than anything else, so I don't think that's going to be a problem. Enjoy as much as you can. There's something for everyone, but by the same token there's something for everyone to hate. Selective attention is very helpful.

04-12-09, 08:02 PM
I look forward to it. And don't worry about my eyes...they've been wrecked by the content of my writing anyway lol. Though I am capable of writing sane stuff too. Honest...

And make sure to pronounce it l-AYE-bis (like lime, rather than linoleom lol.)

Feel free to add me on MSN if you have it: lanx_the_hair@hotmail.co.uk
^ That is also my email address funnily enough.
My PC doesn't like AIM so I don't have that I'm afraid. On the other hand, PMs are probably the best way of reaching me as I check them more regularly than my email :D

04-15-09, 12:39 PM
Due to SOMEONE shooting me and removing my internet connection, I was unable to terrorize you as has become my custom for newcomers. However I self-ressurected and have returned, but in a rare act of benevolence brought on by the joy of my return, shall refrain from any terrorization, and instead merely hand you this giant's colossal bag of holding filled with the treasures of forty nations!

Lord Anglekos
04-15-09, 12:57 PM

Max Dirks
04-15-09, 01:09 PM

Welcome to Althanas. Feel free to ask around if you have any questions.