View Full Version : Naqid Raliq

04-12-09, 04:55 AM
NAME: Naqid Raliq
AGE: 16
WEIGHT: 124 lbs.
HEIGHT: 5’2”
RACE: White
HAIR COLOR: Black with red streaks


HISTORY: Unknown….Naqid has suffered from amnesia, when he was 14 he got into a fight with some street brawlers and was hit in the head with a lead pipe, he was knocked unconscious. The street brawlers drug him hundreds and hundreds of miles away from his home town and he did not know how to get back and was lost wondering around for 2 years trying to find a way to remember what had happened and where his family was.

Hand to Hand combat is above average
Knockout punch (can be used only once a day, can break thru shields up to iron quality, but he has to “charge it up”
Stun punch (causes stun for 10 seconds, can only be used once a day)
High Jump - able to jump 5 feet up into the air

Leather Greaves
Light Chainmail of iron

Steel knuckle leather gloves

04-12-09, 11:06 AM
Hi there and welcome to Althanas! I'll be in charge of going over your character profile with you and asking you to make any necessary changes.

Skills - Hand to Hand combat may be Above Average.
Knowout Punch may only break through wooden shields and dent those of Iron quality or less.
High Jump - This is easier to estimate with a number, rather than twice as high as the average human. So, he can jump up to 5 feet in the air.

Armor - His light chainmail may be made of Iron.

Make those changes and you should be good to go.

06-02-09, 03:31 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the registration area.