View Full Version : Hey... this looks familiar...

The Shadowed Road
03-29-06, 01:21 PM
Well this is basically a rethinking of a character I had on Althanas before. I liked that character, but it just wasnt enough. While Althanas has been down I gave it a lot of thought - figuring but not knowing that another rereg was going to be in order, and I wanted to anyway seeing as life had conspired to keep me from the internet enough to keep up with Althanas anyway. Now, that absolutely superfluous bit of info said, the profile.

Name: Adrian Kincaid
Race: Human/Demon Mix
Age: Approximately 24
Gender: Male
Hair: Long, Unruly, Black
Eyes: Pale Blue that almost glow in sunglight and do glow at night
Height/Weight: 6' 4" / 210 lbs
Occupation: Wanderer

The Necroplasm
The Necroplasm bonded to Adrian is part living creature, part tool and it acts as an extension of his own will. Normally it resides along his backbone appearing to be long, thin swatch of black flesh that ripples and shudders at times. It taps in to his nervous system through the spinal column and it is through this connection that he controls it. When he calls upon it, it spreads quickly, covering his body and engulfing his clothes, creating a skintight suit armor. He can extend it even farther to cover his head in a skintight helmet. This armor and helmet does not encumber him or slow him down, making it an incredibly valuable tool. The armor and helmet are both as strong as iron.

The Necroplasm is also capable of creating weapons as an extension of his arm. His selection of weapons is limited only to his knowledge of weaponry, meaning that any weapon he learns to use and learns the basics of making he can replicate using the Necroplasm. Currently he can only create a longsword. All weaponry he can create would be as strong as steel.

The final tool the Necroplasm can create is housed in two, large brads located on Adrian's chest when covered in the Necroplasm. At will, the brads become large metallic claws and shoot out along chains that are formed from and expelled by the Necroplasm. The claws have a grip twice as strong as an average man's, and the chains can move, lift, and throw objects with strength just stronger than an average man's. The chains can extend up to a length of 50 feet. The "metal" of the claws and chains would both be about the strength of iron.

Adrian Kane does not know exactly where he comes from or how he came to be. When he was still very young, barely able to walk on his own, a witch from small village found him wandering around the neighboring woods. Somehow the child was completely unscathed, though obviously abandoned. Having no husband or children of her own, the witch - who's name was Adria - took him in, named him, and raised him as her own. She soon realized that the boy had demon blood running in his veins. Naturally this gave him an advantage magically, and so she tried to teach him the ways of the craft... with nearly disastrous results. He was entirely unable to control his demonic powers and so, she gave up, thinking that perhaps someday in the future he'd be able to control himself better and then she would teach him.

But she never got the chance, for when he was - by their figuring - 17, he was wandering about in the woods and stumbled over what he thought was a branch. Looking around from his position in the leaves, he saw that this branch was now slithering like a snake towards him. There was no way he could get away in time, and along his leg and up his shirt it went. As his sight went black, he saw visions of a battle between two demons long, long ago, visions of bloodsoaked battlefields and burning infernos. And then for a long time, he was unconscious.

When he awoke, he knew - for Adria had never told him - that the blood of demons coursed within him. He knew that he did not belong in this village, but somewhere far away - he could feel the pull on his heart. And he knew that it was time for him to leave with the newfound weapon that had let him realize all this.

Leaving without a word - for though he loved Adria, he knew it would be better if he simply disappeared, for both their sakes - he set off across the countryside, seeking to learn more about the Necroplasm that had chosen to bond with him and find the place he truly belonged. One of his goals was met quickly, for less than a year after he left home, he came across a demon by the name of Belhifat who was able to teach him everything he needed to know about the use and control of the necroplasm. Before they parted ways - for Belhifat has his own mission to attend to, the old demon gave to him a gift. A soul crystal, capable of capturing and holding safely a human soul. It was to be used on himself, to help seperate himself from his humanity... which until then had held his hand back from grasping his true strength.

Now, several years later, he continues his search across the land called Althanas, knowing that here, somewhere, his destiny lies. And within it, the key to unlocking his past and his power.

Normally, he wears a pair of black denim cargo pants, a tight black t-shirt, and a pair of heavy, black leather boots. Every now and then he'll don a black sun hat and cape, but this is usually at night and in order to avoid eyes that may be prying at what he's doing.
When he calls upon his necroplasm armor, he is covered in what appears to be a skintight black bodysuit with large red streaks on both sides of the chest and face. These streaks may be some kind of ancient demonic rune script, but he does not yet know what the mean. A small ring of horns runs alon the crown of his head, as well as at the top of his gloves and boots, which are the same red as the symbols and also formed of the necroplasm.

He carries only the soul crystal on a black satin cord around his neck, and a simple backpack filled with basic trail supplies: a flint and steel, a few day's rations, and very limited first aid items. When the necroplasm is called upon, the soul crystal seems to be imbedded in it on his chest.

03-29-06, 06:59 PM
Alright, the first thing is..We don't use Teirs...Anymore, so would you please say the metal they're close to strength to.

The Shadowed Road
03-30-06, 07:34 AM
Ah, sorry, didn't realize that. Is that the only thing.

03-30-06, 06:21 PM
Since your armor is full body...you need to lower it's strength a bit. Iron, or even lower, would be good. In fact, Bronze for the weapons, and iron for the suit. Or else, the necroplast cannot cover you all up.

The Shadowed Road
03-30-06, 08:49 PM
I hate to be a jerkass. But according to the old tier system, steel was level 2 was it not? And I used the exact same statistics for the necroplast I did last time, except I actually weakened the chains and claws, and I got approved no problem last time. Of course I don't know that this will mean a thing, but I had to check.

03-30-06, 09:10 PM
Well, from my knowledge, Full body armor CANNOT be as strong as steel, however that's what I've seen. So could you please weaken it? I mean, I've honestly never seen metal strength coming into play, and you'd still be VERY well protected.

The Shadowed Road
04-01-06, 05:17 PM
very well, done

04-01-06, 09:05 PM
Approved. But do not powergame.