View Full Version : The End is the Beginning

04-15-09, 05:29 PM
The torchlighters had nearly finished their evening rounds. The city had grown quiet. On a tiny side street, barely noticed by the day’s travellers and consumers, a light illuminated a single window. A strong man was inside, working late. Removing the blade from the hot coals he placed it on his anvil. Selecting a smaller hammer than he had been using earlier he began to pound away at the hot steel. Sweat fell from his brow sprinkling the anvil. A loud hiss rang out as he dropped the blade into the water bucked. With his work nearly complete he chose to finish for the evening. He put his tools away and just as he finished, a soft knock sounded from the door.

“Sorry, we’re closed.” He said as he tied back his long brown hair, dusted with soot.

The knock came again, just as soft as before.

“We’re closed. Come back tomorrow.” He was a polite young man. Not wanting to upset the caller but after a hard day, he just wanted to crawl into bed next to his wife.

The knock came again. Still soft but slightly more hurried. The caller was persistent. He wanted the caller to leave but not to be rude, he decided to see who it was. Not a moment after the door opened he was thrust back into the shop by a burly man in a bandanna. Several more men entered the little hole-in-the-wall blacksmith shop, one of whom kept its owner pinned to the floor with a rapier to his throat. It was then, Algar the Blacksmith spotted who would become the object of his vengeance, the man who would consume his thoughts for the rest of his days.

A small man, just shy of five and a half feet walked into the shop. He was dressed very elegantly, but was wearing a blindfold. What was strange is he was not being led. It’s as if he could see perfectly where he was.

“Find them. I want them.” He said with a fair, calm, almost eerie tone as he removed a pair of red and gold gloves. The man looked at Algar, his face was expressionless. He seemed unconcerned that he was bearing witness.

Two of the men went upstairs and everything went quiet. A shrill scream and a thud, the two men came down the stairs. One was covered in red, the other was carrying a small bundle.

“Sorry boss. Couldn’t take the other one.” The man carrying the bundle ran out the door followed by his partner.

“A shame.” The blind man said turning about and left the shop…everything went black.

Algar awoke with dried blood on his forehead, not knowing how long he had been unconscious. As soon as he reached his feet he ran upstairs to find his wife lying dead on the floor in front of their daughter’s bassinette. Algar’s daughter was gone.

Rage swelled within him. He had never been angry a day in his life, now he was consumed by it. He ran downstairs to his shop and lit the fires. He grabbed the sword he had nearly finished the night before and threw it under the coals. Days passed, weeks passed, months passed. All the while as he pounded away at the hot steel the image of his slain wife haunted him. He worked until the shortsword was perfected. It was not fancy. Nothing even the most novice Elven or Dwarven blacksmith could make, but it would stand up against the finest of steel swords and that was all that mattered.

He closed his shop for the last time. With whatever provisions he would need, he went out in search of the blind man who took his life. The only problem was he had the weapon, but none of the skills. First, he would have to find someone to help him.


Name: Algar Markanos
Age: 29


Manipulate Metal: Algar has the ability to manipulate metals and craft them into a variety of items, weapons and armour. He does so through the use of his skill as a blacksmith. He does not possess any other kind of ability (magical or otherwise) that would allow him to do so. Works in conjunction with Craft

At this time he can manipulate Steel and any softer metal, as long has he has adequate resources (ie forge, hammer etc).

Craft: Works in conjunction with his ability to manipulate metals. If he has enough materials he can craft weapons and armour to varying degrees of quality. In order to craft anything, he must first have access to a forge, materials, and smithing tools (ie hammer, anvil)

Poor: 1-2 Weeks of work
Modest: 3-4 Weeks of work

His combat skill could be considered frantic at best. He could defend himself with a sword or a smithing hammer with someone equal skill (or lack thereof); however, even the most modestly trained swordsman could defeat him in combat. If it came down to a brawl in unarmed combat, a drunken mule would stand a better chance of victory. After spending his life swinging his hammer, he possesses the knowledge of weaponry, but no skill to use it. It can be said (almost with impunity0 that Algar Markanos is the worst combatant Althanas has ever seen.

OOC: The idea behind the character is that he has set out to train under those who have greater skill to gain what he needs to defeat his enemy.


Modest Steel Shortsword (no scabbard) x1
Common Lower-Middle Class Clothing
Medium Size Smithing Hammer (Steel head, oak handle) x1
Dried Boar Meat (3 Days)
Small Pouch of Sand x1
Female's gold wedding band x1 (Sentimental, will not be sold)
Large sealed scroll (unknown seal) x1

Lord Anglekos
04-15-09, 05:54 PM
I'll start with your Crafting. At this point, he cannot craft anything of Fine or Master quality, no matter how long it takes him, so you'll have to take that out. I'm fine with him being able to craft items of Steel and lower tiers, but please expand upon just how he can manipulate metal. Also, an expansion upon his combat skills, limited as they may be, would be appreciated; what does he have skill in, such as martial arts, brawling, swordsmanship, etc... Last of all, any equipment he carries will have to be listed here as well. Make these changes and post here when you're done, and I'll give your profile a second look-over.

04-16-09, 05:04 PM
Edited. I hope that's good enough. It's been a very long time since I've had a character on Althanas. A lot has changed! (all of it good)

Lord Anglekos
04-16-09, 05:12 PM
It looks fine now. You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas!