View Full Version : So I guess this makes me an old fogey?

04-16-09, 09:44 AM
Hey, y'all.

I wandered back over here on a whim, only to see, "Welcome back, Empyrean, there have been 7,845 posts and 686 threads since your last visit." Holy shit, you guys have been busy.

I'm thinking of writing here again, since the school year is almost over and I'll be moving into a new house much quieter than my current apartment.

Putting aside the fact that this is probably my sixth or seventh "OH HAY LOOK I'M BACK" thread, who's still around from the old days, a.k.a. a year and a half ago? Holla at me and all that jazz. :)

Lord Anglekos
04-16-09, 10:11 AM
Welcome back you old person.

04-16-09, 10:12 AM
Hey girl - I know the feeling. Good to see another old face around here. I'm back - I being The Valkyrie/Slavegirl/Skyler Manfield.

04-16-09, 11:32 AM
Super hot Rachel Weisz lookalike is back. Welcome, welcome. I do believe you owe me a post. Which is like awesome and rare, because lately I'm mostly the one owing posts to other people. :P

Seriously, though, great to see you back.

04-16-09, 11:52 AM
Welcome back, Gina.

04-16-09, 12:47 PM
Hey, and to think I found a thread you posted in with Peri Kurei just the other day. Goes to show you how old you really are Gina...

04-16-09, 01:05 PM
Welcome back.

04-16-09, 01:15 PM
Huh. This is an odd turn for me. I've actually been around long enough now that I actually remember some returning old members from before they left.

Visla Eraclaire
04-16-09, 01:19 PM
Welcome back. I remember seeing Empyrean around a lot when I was last active on this account like... a year ago.

04-16-09, 03:53 PM
I know the feeling Chris...

Welcome back Empy. Vampiric Angel/Bearded Gnome/Farmboy here. I came back as well to make this dashing rogue. I thought my activity would have went up with him...but I ended up going AWOL for a couple of month with him as well. :/

04-16-09, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

Valkyrie - Didn't think I'd make it to 'oldie' status. Sweet. Good to see you too!
Letho - Cheers! You know I came back just so you could enjoy the benefit of my Rachel Weisz icon.

Yeah, me and my bi-annual posts...that's a treat for you! Hah, I still have the post I never posted somewhere on my hard drive...I'll dig that up for you.

Saxon - *ruffles your hair* :D
Dissinger - God, I can't believe you remember Peri. Is that post in a google cache?
Christoph - You think that's weird. I merit 'old returning member' status now!
Visla/Lightfoot - I remember you guys too :D

Cyrus the virus
04-16-09, 05:26 PM

Yari Rafanas
04-16-09, 08:06 PM
The old days happened a year and a half ago?

Welcome back, noob.

04-16-09, 08:57 PM
The old days happened a year and a half ago?

Hey, it feels like forever ago to me. :)

Welcome back, noob.

Shhh, no one's supposed to know!

And hi, Matt. :P

04-16-09, 09:05 PM
I remember you!

04-17-09, 06:46 PM
I remember you too! Uh....sort of. :)

04-17-09, 06:50 PM
You'd remember me better as a sassy red-head with an attitude, I think.

04-17-09, 07:04 PM
Welcome back. I remember you

07-20-09, 02:07 AM
So life is really stupid and right after I'd posted this thread, my laptop died for seven weeks. And then my brother's wedding took top priority for the weeks AFTER that.

So NOW....I can say I'm actually back. Good god it never ends.

Tainted Bushido
07-20-09, 04:41 AM
Don't tempt fate, she has a way of being ironic.