View Full Version : Round Three: Penumbra Intersect vs. Tvier Valka Seula

04-17-09, 06:19 PM
Hello everyone. Hence begins the discussion for our battle. Needless to say, I'm very excited to be battling against you guys, and that we have all made it to round 3. As fate and time would have it, it would be profitable to start now and go at a good pace until the end.

So, as luck would have it, I'm entering my Final's week, but rest easy. I've finished one, almost two, and have two remaining. So the only other distractions will be enjoying my last week at college, but I'll be good and ready to post as often as I need.

That being said, Jericho and I would like to begin this round, him posting and then myself, taking us to the battle grounds of the sewers. Jericho is already working on his, so if you have no objections, we will proceed.

That being said, I tend to like a somewhat loose posting order, subject to the flow of the battle. What are your opinions on that, and how would it be best to approach this issue.

Also, bunnying. I know a lot of people abhor it like the devil, but Jericho and I find that limited bunnying seems to work best. That is, communication between teams and opponents to be able to write a scene where some bunnying takes place so as to keep the pace going and not detract from the battle with short, choppy posts. Of course, any bunnies that may happen are completely subject to the bunnied character's writer, so approval is a must.

Lastly, what are you stances on editing after others have posted after you? When I say this, I do not mean context, but rather, being able to edit typos and punctuational issues and style after the fact. Changing content, however, I think should be prohibited. If you say a flood is sweeping through the pipes, for example, but then I don't write that in myself in my post, I would not be allowed to change it after someone else has posted.

Sorry that was so long winded, but I'll end with saying how eager I am to write with you! May the best team win!

04-17-09, 08:24 PM
I actually agree with nearly everything you have down, especially regarding the editing of posts, with only one problem. Sometimes, a loose posting order seems to result in someone not feeling the need to post, and a character can fall behind. I would like to suggest the "order" of making sure everyone has posted at least once in a "turn" (for lack of a better word) before moving on to the next "turn". Make sense?

I myself am working on a post, but can easily adapt it to being the second or third post. I would, however, like to get this moving right along, so do try to have yours up by tomorrow, Kryos.

One of the main reasons i would like to get this moving is to see if we can't get this battle finished and done IC'ly before the time is up, as I can see one awesome story coming out. With that said, onto the bun-bunz.

if it helps the story and is cleared by the person you are bunnying, hop away. I myself feel that bunnying can enhance the story by a great degree, which brings me to Resheph (Xaul's God) vs. Jericho's God.

Jericho, your character represents almost the antithesis of Xaul, my character. I would like a chance on Sunday to get into a chat with you about that, as I foresee the two avatars of either the dark or the light being a large focus of this round.


04-17-09, 09:03 PM
YES! I'm so glad you picked up on that! I was getting all giddy going through Xaul's profile :P . What's your chat client of choice? I prefer Gmail, but I have MSN messenger and AIM accounts as well. What time on Sunday were you thinking?

Also, in regards to post order: Yes. Barring special, organized-OOCly circumstances, I'd prefer the plan of: In each four-post set, all players must post, but they may do so in whatever order best fits the action.

And thanks for the approval for style edits (do you concur, Expherius?). That will help me have my posts up much more punctually.

04-17-09, 11:06 PM
Gmail is wonderful (Draco329). I was thinking Sunday afternoon, because Saturday is paintball all day and a MTG draft in the evening. I'll leave my comp on starting at 12:30 pm EST.

04-18-09, 09:44 PM
I do indeed, Jericho. Though I believe that the moderators might have stated somewhere that modifying for any reason more than one post after yours is not allowed. (Not trying to be contrary, I simply don't want anyone knocked for a technicality. If it's permissible, I'm all for it.)

As for bunnying, we of TVS do it to a minor degree as standard practice to enhance our characters interactions, and obviously the mods are cool with it (We do use a disclaimer, though). I'm fine with inter-team bunnying as long as, like you've suggested, we plan it out here. To TwinD and Jericho, if you could do Kryos and I a favor and let us know what you're scheming it'd be to our benefit, I think.

Kryos - we may not be polar opposites like Kryos and TwinD, but there is another interesting parallel between us that we could use to thematic effect. I've been looking over your profile, and I think that Epsilon should be a fairly good opponent for you. Considering their similarities (tragic, mind-scarring past and mental/emotional strength, plus basic personality), I think we can make a strong counterpoint to the black-versus-white of our partners. I'm especially interested to see what would happen if Epsilon were to be struck successfully by your Bane.

At any rate, it will be a pleasure to do battle! I await your posts.

04-18-09, 11:24 PM
Yes indeed. Please let us know what devious plans you all have. And just an update, Jericho should be posting soon, and I can probably get mine done tomorrow.

Exspherius, I too, have high hopes for this battle. I've talked briefly with Jericho to get an outline of what we want to do, and we've thrown some ideas around for their encounters and how it would affect Kryos with what will be happening in the beginning. Good parallels, my friend. Anyway, I am very excited to see how our two characters will work out. Do you have a means of IM? I have G-mail and AIM right now, so perhaps we can coordinate to plan some epicness. And, if we can bring the Black-and-White of Jericho and TwinD, and then the blend of contrasts/compliments of ours, this battle will be amazing!

EDIT: Exspherius, in our last battle against The Whole Glory, we also agreed to allow edits of grammatical and style nature, and barring content, of course. We made a disclaimer that all members agreed, and we had no problems whatsoever. So as long as everyone is cool with it, we should be fine.

04-23-09, 09:22 PM
All righty then! Post is up and the cycle begins again. Kryos - my AIM is Exspherius, give me a time and I'll try to be on, 'cause I don't normally have it open and I want to plan some things with you.

04-24-09, 02:42 AM
This is going to be tricky.

I'm leaving collage tomorrow, or today, rather, and I won't be back home till Monday. As such, my online time will be sporatic at best, although I do believe Jericho is in a great position to post next. Also, my AIM is kryos64.

So, best of luck, and I'm enjoying this immensly.

04-28-09, 10:12 AM
I'M BACK!!!!!

Sorry about that folks. But I'm here now, and ready to rumble. Hopefully Penumbra Intersect can get back on course in the next few days, then hand the reigns over to you guys. And the battle will be starting soon, eh? Good fun.

04-29-09, 04:44 PM
Exspherius, when would be a good time to plan? Jericho is almost done with his, and it involves him and TwinDeath interacting a little. We need to get together and discuss who should post next and what our characters should be doing. This also goes for TwinDeath. I should be open tonight. Anywhere from 5 PM MST on. Let me know, so we can make an awesome battle!

05-03-09, 11:42 AM
Is there a post coming any time soon?

05-03-09, 10:38 PM
Jericho said that he had a post in the works, but I haven't been able to contact him lately. If I can't find him by morning, then we'll have to override him, as much as I would hate to do so. TwinDeath, what were you guys planning? Or should I just do a post, with him and Exspherius engaging, just in case we do have to take it into our hands. Sorry.

05-03-09, 11:31 PM
I PM'd you the chat log of our plans, Kryos. hope that helps.

05-04-09, 12:48 AM
I got Jericho. Apparently, Stanford is a #$%@$%@. He's entered the train-wreck cycle, where he's desperately trying to get everything done, but as he does so, he gets behind in other things, and when he works on that stuff, he gets behind in other stuff. This week, he has a paper due, a project due, and two finals, while doing other equally important stuff. So, right now, I believe we only have one option. And I don't think anyone has ever done it before.

We must write blind.

In other words, we need to get together ASAP and figure everything out. Jericho's post plan hasn't changed, so TD and myself know what the scoop is. Exspherius, we need to fill you in, and come up with a game plan and start writing immediately if we want to have any hope to finish. Also, I'll let Jericho know what his next post would happen, so he can start that too. If we can all be simutaneously writing, then we have a good chance at making it.

Of course, this poses some problems with content and keeping the details straight. As such, we may consider allowing content changes, but only if we get authorization from everyone first. For instance, if I write one thing, and the person after me had vizualized it a little different, editing would be fine.

I know this is a lot to ask, but again, I would so like to kill Stanford right now. It is the freaking beginning of the semester, and he already has midterms! So, let me all know, and we can get going asap.

List of contact info:
Kryos: stekem90 (gmail) + kryos64 (aim)
Jericho: cryoforion (gmail) + photosynther7 (aim)
TwinDeath: Draco329 (gmail)
Exspherius: exspherius (aim)

05-08-09, 03:41 PM
OK, the battle ends TONIGHT. I don't think you two realize this. Either request an extension or post, or the time limit will be up.

05-08-09, 06:00 PM
We do realize the deadline, have no fear. I requested the extension, so no worries, although I'll be making sure (with all my force) to make sure Jericho gets his up tonight. This is getting ridiculous. Although, my next one is done (minus minor edits) and I'll be working on the one after that. Although, have you seen Eps around lately? I wanted to see what he had in mind on doing for our fight, that way I could respond well to his actions, as well as Jericho's big dealie.

Let me know. I'll be in touch. And thanks again.

05-12-09, 10:09 AM
I'm going to revise my post slightly before I post it. I'll do that when I get back from work, so, hopefully it will be up by 8 tonight, MST.

Edit. Should be up within the hour.