View Full Version : Round Three: Stalin for Time v. Whispers in the Wind

04-18-09, 08:58 PM

Sorry for the delay if there was much of one. My computer broke down and my access has been limited at best. It looks like that's going to change and I should be up to my normal shennanigans within the day, but I haven't even had a chance to talk to my partner much about this match.

Good luck to us both and I'm looking forward to an entertaining battle.

04-19-09, 03:45 AM
Or ... you could just surrender and let us win since you guys will lose anyway.


Jk man! Lol!

Gl to you 2.

You will need it ;)

04-23-09, 07:21 PM
I didn't say it before, and I apologize, but you guys really need to stop posting back-to-back. We get a better flow if we break it up a bit rather than have one team post and then the next one to post.

EDIT: I'd like to restate that a bit. Because we haven't made contact yet, I guess it's all right since it's a bit pointless right now, but once combat starts I'd appreciate it if we could break it up a bit. Thanks.

04-23-09, 07:58 PM
Yeah ... pm would have worked :p ...

THat's fine ... so ... how exactly would you want to do this?

04-23-09, 08:06 PM
Staggering up the teams posts. One of us, one of yours or vice versa. It's not a big deal, but it makes a difference when we aren't lumping posts together. Builds for a better effect, I think.

04-24-09, 10:29 AM
To be honest with you, I havn't done that before ... advice?

04-24-09, 10:42 AM
Simple. After Cory's next post when we've engaged you and hopper, you or he will post than I will post again. Then the one of you that hasn't posted will post. Then Cory.

It's not hard, but I guess if you aren't used to it it takes some getting used to. But, don't worry, combat should be brief.

04-24-09, 08:26 PM
It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I'll roll with this.

I guess my post of "CHARGE!" is the "first" in this new posting Order, Saxon just went, so now it's... Petoux, yes?

04-25-09, 07:35 AM
I guess my post of "CHARGE!" is the "first" in this new posting Order, Saxon just went, so now it's... Petoux, yes?

No. Cory get's his post THEN the new posting order starts. He shouldn't be put to the back of the line when these posts have been lumped together.

04-26-09, 01:35 AM
SO ... I wait for cory to post (Arsense) to then for (Hopper/Mike) to post after cory?

04-27-09, 11:53 PM
I'll probably be able to get a post up tomorrow (tonight?).

I've encountered quiet a few problems in so few days. Bare with me.

04-29-09, 09:29 PM
Sorry for the delay. I'll have a post up later tonight. Almost done with it.

04-30-09, 09:54 AM
ogm double post!



04-30-09, 01:20 PM
I edited it to give Mike a better chance to do something. I didn't have much of a position anyways. Aleksey isn't built for CQC.

It should be your turn now, Petoux.

05-01-09, 01:02 AM
All right. What part of "Not posting right after one another and let one of us post after one of you does" don't you guys understand? Combat has started, you're going to get your turn. You don't need to clusterfuck the posts and keep posting as a team.

Half the reason this battle has gone as pear shaped as it has is because we're not giving each other the time to react and we're trying to make up for lost time and missed opportunities by being forced to powergame each other. We've been over this before and I thought we had a mutual understanding, and I'm telling you now to stop it.

Mik, if you could, delete your latest post and save it to word or whatever so I can get something in. Much appreciated.

05-01-09, 04:54 AM
I told him about that too Saxon ... *sigh* ... I'll tell him. Like I said, we are NOT used to this k?

No need for the anger and hatred ... we are not used to it. Sorry for the inconvience and frustration, we havn't done this before.

Don't be so hard on us :p

Anyway, it's deleted now ... your turn Saxon.


No hard feelings mmmmkay? Thanks

05-01-09, 04:57 AM
Take a deep breath. This is just a game. I went off and posted through force of habit. No, I don't keep as close track of this ooc thread as I should. Yes, I'm making up for a great deal of lost time, and I'm going to have to make up for even more after your post.

My post is now deleted, go wild.

05-01-09, 09:16 AM
Yup. I wanted to get the message across given the time frame we all have to work with. Sorry if I was too harsh, it wasn't out of anger so much as frustration. No hard feelings. I'll have a post up some time today.

05-04-09, 09:00 AM
Well .... it's almost May 5th ... so good game you guys and good luck! Nice to meet you by the way.

05-04-09, 06:08 PM
We've still got 'till the 8th. We should be able to manage at least, I dunno, One more round of postings before then?

05-04-09, 06:17 PM
Probably. I'll try to get a post up tonight, regardless.

05-08-09, 10:34 PM
Sorry for the delay, my uber duber super ultra cool unbeatable post is finally up.




Btw ... what do you guys think of this?:


05-11-09, 04:32 PM
Got the extension.

If Cory wants to post in my place let him know. I have work tonight and testing at the university tomorrow, so I'm booked. Will try to get something out as soon as I'm able.

05-11-09, 05:32 PM
I'd rather you post Saxon, if only for flow.

Besides, I'm pretty booked for the next few days.

05-11-09, 11:37 PM
Fair enough. I'll try to get one up as soon as I can, I've already figured out what I'm going to do.

05-22-09, 03:53 PM
Wow guys!

A tie breaker!!

Ooooh I hope it's close.

Best of luck to all.