View Full Version : Mykael: History, background, etc.

05-03-09, 08:26 AM
Name: Mykael
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Light Mossy Green
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 155lb
*Occupation: Librarian (current)

*Personality: Mykael tends to be an expressive personality, but others often see him as amiable. This simply means that however closed off he appears, he is actually just getting to know those around him or his surroundings, and once he opens or gets comfortable, knows how to live and have fun, even if he gets distracted while doing so. He has a difficult time trusting others until they can earn it. Stays away from alcohol. Prefers solitude in an outdoors setting to regroup himself when he feels overloaded. Has a tendency for higher self-learning, and is rather strong-willed.

Appearance: Right now, Mykael would appear to be a simple robed young man, with a staff strapped to his back or being carried as a walking stick. Some mistake him for a type of monk, and he lets them think this without correction. He uses this to his advantage. Others might see his appearance as a secretive, occultic personality when the hood is over his face. Again, he does nothing to correct a person's initial impression. His cloak and hood is a mixture of color like that of charcoal/ash.

Mykael was raised in the forest of Corone, north of Underwood and not too far from the South Road. He can't remember his mother, and he and his twin sister were raised by their father. When asking about her, his father simply assured him that she didn't leave because of them, but because she no longer loved their father. Their father was a woodcutter and trapper, and taught Mykael how to live in the forest. He never had any close friends at his tiny village, other than his sister. His father was one of the few humans that knew the secret of a type of wood known as Guardwood. Living this way enabled Mykael to learn woodcutting, trapping, hunting, and because of the elderly ladies whom doted on him in place of his mother, social graces to be charming.
Mykael knew that what the village produced, merchants from Underwood traded for, and this is what kept the village with its needs provided. His sister never learned these same skills as Mykael, but instead was often left in the care of the village herbalist, and parttime healer.
In his late teens, Mykael decided a practical joke was in order. He ran into the village crying out "Trolls! Trolls are coming!!", and when the people panicked, he fell to the ground laughing and rolling in the dirt. Needless to say, he got publicly scolded by his pseudo-mothers. This highly embarrassed him, and he went back out to have solitude in the forest, greatly resenting his treatment.
Didn't know how bored he was? Didn't they understand he needed more out of life than chopping wood, skinning animals, and helping his sister gather plants? Did they not have empathy for such a gifted young man such as he, and know he was going to be reknowned someday? No, they didn't. Obviously, they didn't care about him, only themselves. This is what he thought and felt. He stayed out there all night, having pity for himself, wishing for a girl in his life to comfort him and assure him of how big, strong, and handsome he was, hoping when his dad found out that he wouldn't take away his latest gift to him, a staff of Guardwood. Mykael wished he knew the source of the Guardwood, but his father had not yet entrusted him entirely to this secret, telling him upon the gifting of it that Mykael needed to prove that he could be responsible with this gift before having a higher learning of it.

Throughout the night, the village was left unprotected without Mykael there. He was left behing on this excursion by the men on their journy (giving vague reasons for the journey to begin with) for that very protection. This made his practical joke worse.

Throuhout the night, a troll did enter the village. The loathsome creature did break down some houses and maul those who got in its way as it looked for cats to eat. After it left, the tiny village realized that Mykael was not there when he should have been.

Upon his return, he discovered an angry set of people. People that had cared for him, and helped raise him; he had left betrayed. They felt no kindness toward him in that moment, and the eldest asked him to just stay gone, since he provided no actual good for the village anyway. So, he went to where he thought he wouldn't be found: Radasanth

In Radasanth, he was not suited for city life. He had to turn to petty thievery and pickpocketing in order to eat. After months of this, he had his chance encounter with Ferger, who had pity on him and took him into his abode. There, Mykael learned to read and write, learning lore of Althanas and sometimes trading this knowledge for his own gain. He also learned, at Ferger's urging, how to play the flute so that he could have another means of income in case he had nothing else in life. Mykael found he was rather talented with this instrument. Ferger had also taught Mykael some unique fighting skills he had secretly learned, and though limited, they were effective.

Flute-talented, above average
Pickpocket: below average
Climbing: average
Throwing: average
Marksmanship: average
Tracking (animals): above average; human/humanoid: average
Leather working, carpentry: average
Reading and writing: below average ability to decipher unknown written languages.
Combat: Street-brawling: average; Staff fighting: average; Knife fighting: below average
Magic: knowledge of, but no skill, unknown potential

Staff of Guardwood
Iron Throwing Dagger
Pouch, Hooded Cloak, (charcoal/ash colored)
Wooden, eight-holed double flute
Belt, trousers, boots, shirt, etc.

*Familiars: none

Lord Anglekos
05-03-09, 12:40 PM
This looks fine to me. You're hereby approved.