View Full Version : Shadowcaster

03-29-06, 01:25 PM
Name: Maximillian (a.k.a Shadowcaster)
Age: 24
Race: Elf/Demon
Sex: male
Height: 7'2
Weight: 250
Occupation: Mage/Archer
Weapons: Oak Staff, Yew Longbow
Armor: Leather Armor, Blue cotton cape
Skills: Earth Control
Fire Control
Water Control
Lightning Control


As a Mage, Shadow carries very little. Equipped with light armor, and one weapon for when he runs out of mana, he uses his skills to Hunt down treasure . Very loose leather armor, and a Blue cotton cape cover his body.A yew bow is strapped across his back, and an oak staff he uses to make him self look old and feeble.


Shadowcaster looks like a demon he is 7'7 250 lbs light blue skin blue eys and blue eyes but controls magic like an elf and is pretty much feared by all from his overall stature and massive muscles. And can only use 6 magic a thread.


Lighning Control: One of the four specialties he has become able to use over the several years he spent in mage school. He can control and emit the powers in Lightning. He so far can only create small lighning balls but they pack quite a wallop when they hit stunning his foe for only a few seconds makes for a hasty escape or fast victory.

Fire control: One of the four specialties he has become able to use over the several years he spent in mage school. He can control and emit the powers in Fire. He so far can only create small Fire balls. His fireballs pack quite a wallop when they hit. Burning his foe which makes for a fast victory.

Water control: One of the four specialties he has become able to use over the several years he spent in mage school. He can control and emit the powers in water. He so far can only create small water balls. His Water balls pack quite a wallop when they hit trenching his foe in ice cold water which makes good cover for a fast retreat.

Earth control: One of the four specialties he has become able to use over the several years he spent in mage school. He can control and emit the powers in Dirt. He so far can only create a shield of dirt and rock the size of him self. It's durability is equal to iron in strength. His Shield can with stand 3-4 arrows at a time but makes for a quick defensive shield.


As a small boy shadow was tall and once asked his father why. He found out he was cross demon/elf and then a few years later decided to ask how this is. His father had kidnapped his mother and raped her one night and found out that she was pregnant. When this news came he was going to kill her. Then he relized that he can have a son that knows magic seeing as he himself didnt know. He always wanted to so his father kept his mother alive and when he was born sent her away as to avoid question all the longer. As soon as he was of age to go into mage school he enrolled his son in the fire area. As soon as he found out about his sons talent to control fire pretty easily he was top of his class. The next year his father enrolled him into all the other cources he could of for the year and found out that there was lightning, water, and earth, at the time so as shadow caster got older and older he began to Control fire earth water and lightning easier but at his final exam got jealous of a interesting technique a fellow classmate could do and tried to top it with a new move of his own where he pumped all he could into a single ball and fired it at his target but as the thing hit it blew up and demolished half the school and therefore was kicked out and his father wanted nothing to do with him and thus kicked him out and made him fend for himself. as 2 years past he found himself looking for treasure so decided that that's what he would do for a living hunt treasure and use his magic to help him get to it .

Cyrus the virus
03-29-06, 06:56 PM
You haven't really explained what he looks like, so I'd like you to do that. Demons come in a thousand different forms, so please be specific about his height, hair color, skin color and such.

Also, your spells need some kind of limitation or you would simply be able to chuck fireballs all day. Like a limit on how many spells he may cast in one thread. I'd say that six spells a thread is a fair number for a level 0 mage.

Your earth shield needs to have a strength level. What I mean by that is that you should explain what kind of material it is equal to in durability. I'd accept iron for level 0.

For your history... Can you throw a period or some commas in there? It's kind of hard to read, to be honest with you.

You also mention in your history that your character once combined all of his powers into one ball and 'blew up the whole school'. Keep in mind that even though this happened in your character's past, you can't legally do it because it's not a part of your character's skills. So yeah, don't do that :D

03-29-06, 10:14 PM
thats all i can do right now thans for help

Cyrus the virus
03-30-06, 12:52 AM
Good stuff, you're approved! Thanks for editing everything in one swoop ;) Much better than last time, dude.