View Full Version : Minako Risa

Kirari Minako
05-12-09, 09:20 AM
Name: Minako Risa
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 105
Occupation: N/A

Personality: Minako is somewhat outspoken and rash, while these qualities sometimes benefit her, they often get her into a lot of trouble. However, its never something that she can't get herself out of as long as she really puts her mind to it. She tends to draw in allies without noticing it and doesn't mind that either. She enjoys living life to the fullest and enjoys interacting with other people, as long as they're friendly. However, she does have a very cunning side to her as well.

Appearance: (See Avatar)
Minako's hair is blond held up in small pigtails on each side that are slightly curly and go down slightly past her shoulders. Her hair is held up by two black ribbons and she has a small silver headband in between them. She wears a small black collar with a small crescent moon on it that's a shade darker on it. She wears a small black dress with two shoulder straps. The lowest part of the dress is about at her upper thighs, so it's almost like a tank-top and a miniskirt sewn together. she wears two small black crossing bands on her left thigh and has long white thigh-high's that extend up to where you can't see them due to the dress, the dress also has a medium-sized black back bow. She wears two small black gloves that go right up to her wrist and her footwear is made up of two black boots that are made of the same sleek, smooth material as the rest of her outfit. The boots go up to her shins and have small flat heels. Minako also has two small wings on her back that have a thin black piece almost looking like an antennae that the wings hang off of. They are translucent but have blue, purple, and black tips. They aren't that small but they aren't big either. they extend probably 12 inches from her back and from the black thing that each wing feather is attached to they go down about another 12 inches.

Minako was born in a hometown that was very nature-based. Her village was filled with people who were very in tune with the world and elements around them. However, these people were mainly pacifists and were kind, friendly, and loving. Due to this, their village was often attacked in an attempt to be controlled by renegade groups or by organized groups in order to seize the large amount of rare minerals such as gold, silver, diamond, ruby, and the like that the village was built on. The people who lived their had no idea of these valuable deposits, and were kept in the dark about it even as greedy people attacked them.

In order to protect their village from harm, the village's head elementalists would choose a child at some point in their early life to protect the village in the name of one of each of the five elements. This child would also, however, be doomed to sacrifice their life at some point in offering to their element in order to keep a sort of eternal balance. What they have given must be returned. There may be an alternate way to self-sacrifice. However, nobody in the village of Mizuno has been able to conjure one. Therefore, the cycle has gone on for generations. The five chosen guardians of Mizuno not only have large control over their ability but are in tune with that part of the world and often are very wise. Each guardian is also bestowed with a familiar, a spirit guide to help keep them in line and to protect them from being corrupted by their power. This guide is often a very experienced animal who has a bond with the child. The familiar has a very important job, as, especially in early stages of learning to use their guardian abilities, the guardian is easy to corrupt and influence.

The elements bestowed by the leading elementalists: Water, the power over the ocean and all things that are liquid. Fire, power over flame and heat. Earth, power over not only flora and fauna, but the ground beneath our feet and anything that has come from the Earth. Air, power over wind, air, oxygen, and any gas. And lastly, the element that they are united and kept in line by, Quintessence. Quintessence. The mysterious fifth element drawn from the combination of the other four. It is the purest form of the elements, sometimes known as ether. Quintessence is often manifested as lightning, however, Quintessence is more than that, it is the very element of life. What gives beings the ability to live, when given, it can give inanimate objects life, when taken, it removes life. Quintessence is a big responsibility indeed and the oracle of Quintessence must choose wisely.

The sacred elementalists, the oracles, and all elves in a mixed village of elves and humans. As the chosen children will not live long enough to take on the role of oracle of their element, elves who live much longer and are also handpicked by the current oracles are chosen to take over on that oracle's dying day. It is another large responsibility.

Minako Risa. It was the day of her fourteenth birthday and her good friend Amy had just been chosen as the Guardian of Air. Minako was slightly upset, but wasn't about to let it bother her on her special day. However, that night, the Oracle of Quintessence sent a messenger to her at eleven o'clock. Requesting her presence at the Temple of Balance immediately. She entered hesitantly, wondering what he could want from her. When she approached him from behind, he whipped around and shouted, "Think fast!" sending a large and deadly wave of electric energy at her, Minako threw her hands in front of her without a second thought, acting completely on impulse and shouted, "Quintessence!" Quintessence? echoing it in her mind. A large shield of swirling electricity appeared in front of her appeared and absorbed the attack, then reflected it back at him. The oracle was struck and fell to the ground, however, Minako's premature powers weren't enough to kill him. She ran to his side and knelt down, freaking out.

"Are you okay?!" she guffawed. "Yes, I will be fine." He stood up slowly. The oracle explained to her that it was a test, if she was not the one, she would not have been able to protect herself from his attack. She nodded as he proceeded to explain to her that, without a doubt, Minako was the Guardian of Quintessence. The one who must use the power of her element to unite the Guardians of Water, Earth, Air, and Fire. Minako was excited, she'd always dreamed of being a Guardian! From behind a small alcove a white cat drew near, Minako's familiar, his name was Artemis and the oracle knew they'd be perfect partners. The oracle bestowed the pair of wings upon Minako that represented her new fate.

After that night, her training began. She learned all she could from the oracles and, working in harmony with the other guardians, she became a powerful force to be reckoned with. They learned hand to hand combat, weapons combat, as well as how to use their element to their advantage. However, after some time, when Minako was around 18, one of the guardians got into a fight with three of the others and left the village with her familiar. It was a fight over not accepting her fate, that she must eventually give back her power in sacrifice. The oracles explained to them that the Guardians powers will be less effective within the village without the harmony of all five of them. So, in order to keep the village protected, they sent one and her familiar to go find the runaway Guardian of Earth. That one and her familiar, were Minako and Artemis.

Hand to Hand - Average
Sword - Average
Partisan - Below Average
Daggers - Below Average
Magic - Above Average

Minako's magic pertains to her powers over Quintessence, the element of life. She can use it in many ways.

• Minako can use Quintessence as an electrical attack and this can be used in various manners, though naturally the stronger the electric attack the more energy it drains. Thankfully, since Minako is connected to an Aura Star, her life force is not drained by using her power. As the Aura Stars are the five magic talismans that the Guardians draw their abilities from. Based on how much of her energy she puts into the attack, it varies from feeling like a small static shock from touching someone when it's cold, and a full on high voltage attack. She could probably use one full power attack every day if she wanted to stay conscious, let alone on her feet. The only reason she could use two full power attacks a day and not die is because she draws power from her Aura Star.
• Minako can use her powers to heal, minor wounds completely, medium wounds she can bring to the point where they're closed up and on their way to recovery, almost looking like a scar. Major wounds she just stops the bleeding for now. Minor wounds can be healed every 10 minutes, Medium wounds every 4 hours, and Heavy wounds every 3 days. She hasn't quite grasped using Quintessence to heal and can't use it for lethal injuries.
• She can use Quintessence as a shield against magic by creating what looks like a swirling vortex that will absorb, deflect, or reflect magic attacks based on how strong they are, an attack much stronger than she is would go right through her shield.
• Minako can use Quintessence by uttering the word to bring something to life to do her bidding, she can use this power every five hours and the object she brings to life will be one level lower than she is.

- Two small daggers, each made of steel.
- A sword with a length between a short sword and a longsword, made of iron.
- One potion to restore her magic energy
- A map of the world
- Her Aura Star (because leaving it at the village just leaves opportunity for someone to short out her powers without her being able to do anything about it) It's a small navy blue star that occasionally lets off tiny electric shocks that are visible to the eye but don't feel like anything.
- Pictures of her and her friends

Familiars: Artemis, a white cat with a gold star mark on his forehead. He's very wise and sounds like a young man almost. He is Minako's best friend and helps to guide her in times of need.

05-12-09, 07:25 PM
Hey hey, welcome to the site! Just a few things to work on and you'll be on your way. I'm going to be helping out with those edits and approving the profile when they're made. Now... onto the profile.

How strong is the electricity attack, and how many times is it available before you're worn out.

Healing: There needs to be a time limit on the healing. I would like to set it so that the minor heals can be closed after 5 mins; Medium wounds take a few hours; major wounds take at least 24-48 hours. Nothing like bowels falling out, or loss of arms, or lethal wounds can't be healed at this time.

The shield should falter for higher level spells for now, at most taking or deflecting a little bit of a spell that is cast from a 1 level higher character is fine. Anything above a level higher and it won't work.

The daggers and the sword need to be either steel or iron for now. And you can have one of the potions for now.

Kirari Minako
05-14-09, 05:47 PM

05-18-09, 12:44 AM
Sorry for the delay. Could you set it so that the final spell can only bring to life something that is in some way related to a realistic object (gargoyle, statue of a humanoid, ect) once per 4 hours... and it is equal to a level lower than you. At the moment that seems unfair, but when you level up it will be useful.

Kirari Minako
05-18-09, 05:02 PM
Edited <3

05-18-09, 05:47 PM
Alrighty. Welcome to the site. If you need any help feel free to send a message to any admin/moderator.