View Full Version : So round three is over.

05-16-09, 12:49 AM
That...was a blast.

TVS was awesome, we all had a great time. Can't wait to write with them again in the future!

05-16-09, 12:54 AM
We had the longest fight/thread .... shaweeeet!!

Gl to everyone!

05-16-09, 12:56 AM
Now that finals are over, I'm hoping next round will go smoother. We had some serious issues with availability in my fight.

05-16-09, 01:03 AM
Eager to see the judgment for this one. Though it didn't end on the note we all wanted it to, I'm sure there are some points of this battle both my opponents and my team are proud of.

05-16-09, 02:08 AM
Wow. I LOVED this round. TVS did an amazing job, and our battle, sheesh. I'm still trying to see how much I like it. It was a blast. And I copy Jericho: can't wait to write with them again.

05-17-09, 06:19 PM
I'd just like to echo the comments of Kryos and Jericho. BEST BATTLE EVER. I would welcome the opportunity to write with them again.

No matter which team wins this round, I'll be satisfied with the result.

05-18-09, 12:28 AM
Jolly Good show, gents! Pats on the backs all around, with perhaps a "good game" where appropriate. Smashing good time and all that.

05-18-09, 12:52 AM
Smashing good time and all that.

Ha ha! Ha! Ha...'cause it's a combat tournament...get it?


05-19-09, 04:38 PM
So, umm, do we have a vague idea when the judging will be up? Not to rush you guys, (but kinda ;) ) but I'm anxious to see who won ours. It was so epic and all . . . And with only two that hit 12+ posts, well, that is only 2 required judgements, although I know you guys like to judge some of the others as well.

Rock on, people!

05-19-09, 05:04 PM
I am wondering who will win my fight. Technically, my team got the most posts...I had posted in our OOC thread asking them if they'd support requesting a judgment, no matter who had the most posts, but they never responded. So, I don't know.

05-19-09, 05:52 PM
Technically, my team got the most posts

Doesn't mean you will win because of it.

05-19-09, 06:07 PM
Doesn't mean you will win because of it.

All threads must reach at least 12 posts to qualify for a judgment. Those that do not will be declared incomplete and the team with the most total posts will win by default.


Flames of Hyperion
05-20-09, 01:11 AM

I do owe you guys an apology for the lapse in communication. Settling things via judgement would have been nice, but frankly neither myself nor my partner (I haven't seen her online for weeks >< ) were able to put much effort into the round. Real life and all.

So here's my tuppence worth of congratulations, and good luck.

05-20-09, 01:19 AM
Yeah, this round came over finals for me and NightCast, so I think we all got pretty fucked. But hey, it was fun while it lasted.

05-20-09, 02:41 AM
I meant assuming that each team had the minimum amount Shadowed.



05-20-09, 03:15 AM
Petoux, how does that make any sense? If you have the minimum amount, you get a judgment, which determines the winner. What else would we have been talking about?

Tainted Bushido
05-20-09, 03:42 AM
I'll give a brief report on the situation regarding the judgments. Judgments are to be done within the next couple of days. Then by next week the semi-finals will go up. At that time the winners for the arena competition will get their gold.

With that said, I have my judgment halfway done and my notes are extensive. I see my judgment being done later today, the 20th.

05-20-09, 10:16 PM
I'm shocked in all honesty, of how low I scored. Imo ... I thought I did a shit load better job than last time.

No offense to the judge btw, just saying.

I appreciate all the feedback and stuff, but seriously ... THAT low?

wow ...


I honestly thought I was getting better ... not worse.

Also, don't we get double gold and exp in this round according the rules and all that? .. speaking of which, we didn't earn any gold.

1 more question:

How come the exp gain was pitifully low? Last time we got a lower overall score, won, and earned 500 exp ... now we had a higher overall score than last time, lost and earned 150 exp.



Congrats Stalin For Time. Good game! We will get you next time!


05-21-09, 12:02 AM
I can sum up easily why my mechanics and grammar were so skewed in a couple of my posts in this battle. My computer was broken, and the ones I used while I waited to have it fixed didn't have any microsoft word on it. Cory gave me a spell check site to use, but that sucked too. I agreed that things needed to be better read and checked for errors, but at least there were good reasons for why it hadn't been.

EDIT: I was also curious about the EXP we gained. I know when we battled last time and won it was almost doubled from that. I'm guessing the reasons behind that were because we didn't manage to finish round 3 like we did round 2, in which case that's understandable.

05-21-09, 12:04 AM
Your judgment seemed spot on to me, Petoux.

05-21-09, 12:06 AM
Losers of battles get a lot less EXP than the winner, Petoux. That makes the IC win something to strive for, so that your character can level up sooner, rather than the minimal OOC "prestige" of 'my character beat theirs.' It means that competitors can communicate to make a battle something with an awesome storyline, and it means that if you and I got into a battle, I would be trying to write better than you, rather than to fight better than you.

05-21-09, 02:48 AM
Sometimes, no matter what you think, You just score balls

That's the breaks.

Tainted Bushido
05-21-09, 02:58 AM
I'm shocked in all honesty, of how low I scored. Imo ... I thought I did a shit load better job than last time.

No offense to the judge btw, just saying.

I appreciate all the feedback and stuff, but seriously ... THAT low?

wow ...


I honestly thought I was getting better ... not worse.

One of the things about the rubric is that its subject to the Judge's experiences. In this case the poetry detracted, I had no feel for Sarah and there was a few flagrant errors in your posts. Arsene had much the same effect, so it might have just been one of those weeks where you're tired you throw up a post and magically its full of typos the next morning.

Also, don't we get double gold and exp in this round according the rules and all that? .. speaking of which, we didn't earn any gold.

Semi-finalists do. Semi finals requires there be only two fights. This was the Quarter Finals unless I'm missing something Christoph promised.

1 more question:

How come the exp gain was pitifully low? Last time we got a lower overall score, won, and earned 500 exp ... now we had a higher overall score than last time, lost and earned 150 exp.


The battle formula awards based on the winners score, if you score in roughly the area Stalin did, they got 500, if you LOSE you only get a percentage of what the winner gets.


Congrats Stalin For Time. Good game! We will get you next time!


Hopefully you stick around and get to work on a character like Sara. I'd like to see how you stack up for the next one of these.

05-21-09, 10:29 AM

Do I at least get to throw all my fate points and xp and stuff onto Patrick, whenever I finish that Scara Brae quest?

Or, alternatively, we've got an assload of fate points, can we buy back into the next round?

05-21-09, 10:33 AM
Fate point buy-ins only exist when there'll be an open slot during the next round. Since the next round will consist of four teams - Whole Glory, Stalin for Time, Body and Mind, and whoever wins in Penumbra Intersect vs. Tvier Velka Seula - there won't be an open slot unless one of those teams drops out between now and then. Whichever two teams make it through that round will be going for the gold, so once again, no fate slots.

But, you can use those fate points for experience to level up your character on Althanas.

05-21-09, 10:39 AM
Or, alternatively, we've got an assload of fate points, can we buy back into the next round?

I'm no judge, nor anyone important for that matter, but I would guess no in this case. We're down to semi-finals with four teams left; two threads apiece. Unless we had another four teams buy back in, and extend the tournament by another round, we'd be left with a wholly uneven balance in team pairings. This would serve to complicate a number of things: the procession of the tourney to a satisfying and fair conclusion, the complication of just how the rankings of the teams are formatted, among a variety of trivial nuances that would inevitably become nuisances.

EDIT: Shadowed's reasoning is more effective in this case. Ignore my rambling. =D

Tainted Bushido
05-21-09, 03:56 PM
Fate point buy-ins only exist when there'll be an open slot during the next round. Since the next round will consist of four teams - Whole Glory, Stalin for Time, Body and Mind, and whoever wins in Penumbra Intersect vs. Tvier Velka Seula - there won't be an open slot unless one of those teams drops out between now and then. Whichever two teams make it through that round will be going for the gold, so once again, no fate slots.

But, you can use those fate points for experience to level up your character on Althanas.

Two things.

1) It turns out that while my judging was sound, my math was not. There is a tie on Stalin for Time vs. Whispers in the Wind. A second judge will merely look over the thread and decide who he believes should win to break the tie. Since a tie is in an of itself a rare occasion I do not feel a full second judging will be necessary.

2) There will be no buying in from here on out. If a team drops out, the team that actually reached 12 posts and didn't have to rely on "who got more posts" will get the bye. This will allow the teams who won due to time out a chance to actually warm up and be prepared to fight for the finals.

3) At the end of this round I'll be putting up a thread for people to post in and receive EXP for their fate points. I believe the rate is 50 EXP per point?

05-21-09, 04:38 PM
Mind explaining how you managed to mess up your math by that kind of margin and posted the results after the fact? Did you even check and re-check it multiple times to make sure you're correct on either account here?

Having some random judge inquire on who wins based on their opinion in the event of a tie is bogus, even for a tournament like this. I'm a little skeptical about this and the ethics behind having a former opponent judge our battle in the first place.

Tainted Bushido
05-21-09, 05:02 PM
Mind explaining how you managed to mess up your math by that kind of margin and posted the results after the fact? Did you even check and re-check it multiple times to make sure you're correct on either account here?

Having some random judge inquire on who wins based on their opinion in the event of a tie is bogus, even for a tournament like this. I'm a little skeptical about this and the ethics behind having a former opponent judge our battle in the first place.

If you want you could probably have Arsene check it. He's a mod and would be able to check the versions and what was changed. I find it laughable that you think I have something out for you and that I'd actually change numbers on a scoring just to make you lose.

In fact, if the purpose was to make you lose, why didn't I change the numbers to make Whispers win then?

I'd say get over yourself if you're going to call bias on me. Atop this getting a second opinion at ALL on this judging is a rare event. You know that it usually only happens in a case of clear bias. The fact I'm calling in a second opinion to break a tie is only fair. I'm not going to ask our already beleaguered judges to have to trudge through and judge another thread within 48 hours.

And really its simple, when you're doing mental math over and over, you can and most times will mess something up. Especially when you're adding a long string of numbers together. Its a simple adding error Saxon. Even you could make those.

05-21-09, 05:13 PM
I generally dislike having to enter threads where my name was mentioned, but I believe we should all cool down and hold any accusations or insults we may have for one and other.

If only to save face to the forum as a whole.

05-21-09, 06:43 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again;

this is a game. Arithmetic errors happen, and it's silly to assume it's because someone is out to get you.

There's absolutely no bias on Tainted's part. I double-checked the addition (because I hate losing) - found the lack, and pointed it out.

I did it over PM because I knew this would be touchy, and didn't want some kind of public exposition over it.

05-21-09, 08:03 PM
So, any word on when the judging is gonna be done for TVS and Penumbra Intersect?

05-21-09, 08:47 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again;

this is a game. Arithmetic errors happen, and it's silly to assume it's because someone is out to get you.

There's absolutely no bias on Tainted's part. I double-checked the addition (because I hate losing) - found the lack, and pointed it out.

I did it over PM because I knew this would be touchy, and didn't want some kind of public exposition over it.

I personally give props to Tainted for manning up and announcing he made a mistake. While this does have the feeling of a scandalous fiasco, you did the right thing mate. Well done.

I'm not being sarcastic either.

05-21-09, 09:13 PM
Yes, yes! When will judgement be in?? I'm way excited to see who won, but kinda scared too. The battle was amazing, and I loved working with TVS. It reminded me of our last battle, eh, Shadowed?

05-21-09, 10:33 PM
Keep coming Penumbra. Shadowed and I have got your number if you come against Shadowed again. =D

05-22-09, 12:03 AM
Heh. I would love to throw Jericho and Honuse in the same box again, now that Jericho has the Light back >:]

05-22-09, 12:39 AM
If we meet again, I won't go easy on you this time. hehe

Viola Conda
05-22-09, 02:59 AM
you guys sound like the next chance you get to fight won't be for months or years...

go to the citadel and fight again

05-22-09, 03:10 AM
If we meet again, I won't go easy on you this time. hehe
:D I should hope not! I'll get my fireworks!

We may have to, but it would be far less epic. Honuse carries a significance for Jericho that is very relevant to his development over the course of the tournament--another confrontation at the end would be very fitting, and an awesome wrap-up.

So here's hoping!

05-22-09, 03:27 AM
I can see how that would go.

Honuse walks up. Jericho mutters "Oh, fuck." Jericho gets sliced in half. Honuse walks away.

05-22-09, 12:50 PM
A brief announcement. I will be on a trip with LIMITED internet access from June 23rd to July 6th. I will likely be able to post within this time, however, I will not be able to be on every day. Hopefully this will not create a problem.

Menagerie of Voices
05-22-09, 01:57 PM
Actually it wasn't just real life on my part but for some reason the forum has locked me out of it for the last three weeks and no combination of passwords or usernames would allow me to get back on. I have no idea how this account has managed to right itself.

Needless to say I'm quite angry.

(Former Shrodinger here.)

Edited for clarification - angry in general at being locked out during the tourney of all times, I've long since stepped out of Althanas for greener pastures. This was the icing on a monthly cake of Oh, John Ringo, no! for me.

Congrats to the winning team. Good luck on your writings in the future.

05-22-09, 02:18 PM
Actually it wasn't just real life on my part but for some reason the forum has locked me out of it for the last three weeks and no combination of passwords or usernames would allow me to get back on. I have no idea how this account has managed to right itself.

Needless to say I'm quite angry.

(Former Shrodinger here.)

Edited for clarification - angry in general at being locked out during the tourney of all times, I've long since stepped out of Althanas for greener pastures. This was the icing on a monthly cake of Oh, John Ringo, no! for me.

Congrats to the winning team. Good luck on your writings in the future.

What about your partner? Couldn't he have contacted us and let us know what was going on?

Or at the very least, we could have gotten a response saying that he didn't know what happened to you.

05-22-09, 03:37 PM
I can see how that would go.

Honuse walks up. Jericho mutters "Oh, fuck." Jericho gets sliced in half. Honuse walks away.

You see? EPIC!! :D

05-22-09, 03:49 PM
Tainted ... you forgot to mention the gold issue.

We earned gold the other two rounds, irregardless if someone wins or loses ... how come we got 0?

05-22-09, 04:04 PM
'Irregardless' is not a real/correct word. Please stop using it.

05-22-09, 04:30 PM
If we do win and so do you Shadowed ... I would LOVE to go against you and your team mate. It's always been my dream to finally kick your ass


jk man ... but I still would love to do it.


EDIT: I'm looking forward and anxious to hear the next podcast. :D

Btw ... Shadowed ...


Quoted from the dictionary ...

Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

05-22-09, 05:01 PM
Usage note:
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

Way to leave out the important part of dictionary.com's description.

This, children, is what we call selective reading.

If we do win and so do you Shadowed ... I would LOVE to go against you and your team mate. It's always been my dream to finally kick your ass

Bring it, don't sing it.

05-22-09, 08:39 PM
Those were two separate statements, there was no need to mention the other one. Because I used it for the purposes of the second statement, not the first.

I didn't purposely not include it.

05-22-09, 11:50 PM
Yet, the first phrase was relevant to Shadowed's argument, but it was carefully omitted. The first phrase clearly points out that the word does not exist, due to it's conflicting grammatical misuse of negatives, and is only used by "educated" people who want to feel sophisticated with an unnecessarily redundant "word."

05-22-09, 11:58 PM
Ahhh ... that makes sense. I didn't think of that.

To tell you the truth, I've been using that "word" forever, and not a soul mentioned anything about it. Shadowed was the first one too.


Also interesting that it isn't an actual word per se too.

Alright, I'll try to not say it ... but since I've done so for 20+ years ... it will be hard to break the habit.

Thanks for the advice and help.


05-23-09, 12:07 AM
Alright, I'll try to not say it ... but since I've done so for 20+ years ... it will be hard to break the habit.

*eyebrow quirk* Precocious five year old, were we?


05-23-09, 12:45 AM

Wow. You know, the endless "fun" bickering here is really hilarious. There just seems to be no end to it; the hubris is climbing, climbing, climbing, and . . .

Anyway, congrats to TVS! I don't care about the fact that myself and Jericho lost. We had come to a good point with our characters and their stories, and that last battle was so epic. And, we were close in scoring, so it is all good.

Hrmm. What would it take to get a poll going for the best, most exciting battle? *ponders*

I look forward to the next two rounds, and the slaughtering that will no doubt take place. Let's put on a good show, eh?

05-23-09, 01:11 AM

Wow. You know, the endless "fun" bickering here is really hilarious. There just seems to be no end to it; the hubris is climbing, climbing, climbing, and . . .

My "hubris" is limited to that which I KNOW to be true with absolute certainty.

Hrmm. What would it take to get a poll going for the best, most exciting battle? *ponders*

Nothing's stopping you from making one in the Waffle House. =p

05-23-09, 01:14 AM
Freedom! Best of luck to everybody in the following rounds and don't spend that $40 all in one place.

Menagerie of Voices
05-23-09, 01:56 AM
What about your partner? Couldn't he have contacted us and let us know what was going on?

Or at the very least, we could have gotten a response saying that he didn't know what happened to you.

*eyebrow twitch* Yes, if we had internet access, or people who passed on messages, didn't need jobs, a little study, or had a hundred and one other things that put a person between them and a working computer and a site that actually works.

I unfortunately got overrun with things, and had to disappear for a few days, then found myself locked out of the site and no way to contact my partner except to hope the people who visited my livejournal and played here would be kind enough to drop him a note. Unfortunately this did not happen, and I stopped caring about you, your friend and this battle because I had more important things to deal with and people to care for. I'm sorry I've slighted you, but why should you care about someone you don't even know? Chalk it up to experience.

I understand you're annoyed, but you got through to the next round so why are we having this conversation? This is a game, it's not going to change your life or get you an awesome job of...I don't know, whatever job you want to have, or win you a thousand bucks or whatever.

See this, all of this, is not important. Althanas is just a site for people to write on, get critique and do whatever they want to do here. You have fun here, you meet new people here, you write. You create new stories. But one comp will not change your life. So chill.

(What's with the judge hate? Ffff! My god, aren't these people allowed to make mistakes?)

You two would have won anyway and you knew that. So! Round four for you. Enjoy it!

05-23-09, 03:04 AM
I'd just like to say to you Saxon and Arsene ... that it was a pleasure dueling with you.

To be honest, you have been the hardest competition that either me, my partner, or both of us have EVER faced.

Thanks for the awesome opportunity and challenge.

Best of luck to you with whatever comes next.

As for the 5 year old comment ... it's 25* :p

05-23-09, 04:04 AM
Voices: Chill, NC didn't understand the situation. Shit happens, no worries.

Petoux: I hope you fight me next round, so that I can kick your ass into next week.

05-23-09, 07:48 AM
*eyebrow twitch* Yes, if we had internet access, or people who passed on messages, didn't need jobs, a little study, or had a hundred and one other things that put a person between them and a working computer and a site that actually works.

I unfortunately got overrun with things, and had to disappear for a few days, then found myself locked out of the site and no way to contact my partner except to hope the people who visited my livejournal and played here would be kind enough to drop him a note. Unfortunately this did not happen, and I stopped caring about you, your friend and this battle because I had more important things to deal with and people to care for. I'm sorry I've slighted you, but why should you care about someone you don't even know? Chalk it up to experience.

I understand you're annoyed, but you got through to the next round so why are we having this conversation? This is a game, it's not going to change your life or get you an awesome job of...I don't know, whatever job you want to have, or win you a thousand bucks or whatever.

See this, all of this, is not important. Althanas is just a site for people to write on, get critique and do whatever they want to do here. You have fun here, you meet new people here, you write. You create new stories. But one comp will not change your life. So chill.

(What's with the judge hate? Ffff! My god, aren't these people allowed to make mistakes?)

You two would have won anyway and you knew that. So! Round four for you. Enjoy it!

I wasn't annoyed, I was merely making an inquiry. I apologize if my initial query came off as condescending or rude. And of course, I understand your post, I had major real life issues ball tap me as well, so I understand your irritation.

I was simply asking if there were other ways to avoid this issue. Of course, I had no knowledge that you were away from your computer prior to the incident, which would have made this make a great deal more sense to me.

Also, I'd much rather win the right way. Not because both of our teams had trouble posting.

Also, don't talk down about yourself. Shadowed is an excellent writer, there is no doubt about that, but I am average, maybe a wee bit better or worse than that. It's quite possible that your score would have outweighed ours had the fight reached a conclusion.

But again, my apologies if my post came off incredibly rude when it was not meant to.

05-23-09, 08:55 AM

I unfortunately got overrun with things, and had to disappear for a few days, then found myself locked out of the site and no way to contact my partner except to hope the people who visited my livejournal and played here would be kind enough to drop him a note. Unfortunately this did not happen


Mea culpa. >< I planned to drop Johann a PM one night after work and then got pounced by the workday from heck and a burgeoning cold and by the time I got home it had completely slipped my mind.

So, for my part in the incommunicado mix-up, you both have my apologies because now I feel like a jerk.


Flames of Hyperion
05-23-09, 11:08 AM

That's life I'm afraid. As soon as I hadn't heard back I suspected the worst and tried to get something up to compensate. But nine exams in three weeks doesn't leave any second to spare (the trouble I had getting even that one post up... *shudder*), and in the end, I ran out of both time and ideas. Apologies all around, once again.

Winning or losing, or even the method of it, never really mattered to me... IC, we never really stood a chance anyways. Personally, I think the twelve-post rule is a bit of a bummer, since it doesn't take into account length, effort, story, etc. But that's just me. In the end, I just think it's a shame that real life took over, and our stories kind of fell by the wayside.

Ink - at least from my point of view, I don't blame you at all ^^. I know that you had it pretty bad as well, so...

Shadowed / NC - good luck in the next round. Sorry that it's all I can say ><

Plink - I'm sorry to see you go... I honestly enjoyed writing with Lask, scores be damned. For the first time in ages - since I wrote with Kegger, in fact - Yuka felt alive. I'm not sure how much my words mean now, but please stick around in the shadows... who knows, someday you might feel like giving that muse another go ^^. And in any case, you promised me pictures... *puppy dog eyes*

Phewf. I think that's all that needs to be said ^^. I'm not really good at this, so here's hoping that nobody takes anything badly...

05-23-09, 12:55 PM
Petoux: I hope you fight me next round, so that you can kick my ass into next year.

I agree Shadowed, thanks.


lol! jk ;)

Gl to whoever you fight though Shadowed, honest.

Menagerie of Voices
05-23-09, 03:39 PM
Mea culpa. >< I planned to drop Johann a PM one night after work and then got pounced by the workday from heck and a burgeoning cold and by the time I got home it had completely slipped my mind.

So, for my part in the incommunicado mix-up, you both have my apologies because now I feel like a jerk.


I still love you D: I just won't make you breakfast in bed for the next week. I mean, about half my f-list frequents this site.

I'll always be around, Johann. You know I'm as resilient as Mute! Like him I just sometimes slip under cover to recuperate - you know, if I lose an arm, or a leg - to come back in some sneaky way. Unfortunately this site lacks the proper explosives and military vehicles, but I can always take over a brewery.