View Full Version : help?

Lady Blackwell
05-17-09, 09:26 AM
Hey Althanas,

After several days if not a few weeks. i have been thinking on how to effectivly Overhaul my Grammar, and it suddenly dawned on me.

Why not ask the Vet's for help?

i know it's inconveniant and i may get the go the hell away Response, cause of my recent actions.

but after finally settling into my apartment and finally ready to get back to Althanas as a better Writer. I Humbly ask for any help or suggestion on Overhauling my writing.

i will be Effectivly clearing the slate, cause i have been told my writing and all that is very Anime-ish. which i do not want unless i am writing a story that i hope to one day reach anime quality.

so Eveything is going out the window and i will be writing everything down and posting it on my wall above my computer desk so i will never forget what it was that has been said to me.

Yari Rafanas
05-17-09, 01:02 PM
Sometimes I feel like you just post these to attract attention. You've asked for help a half a dozen times and every instance of that you are given multiple tips from many different people. However, you refuse to take any of them into practice. Your above post alone is full of errors like Randomly capitalizing Words that aren't proper or Anything LIKE that. It looks ridiculous.

I realize this is exactly the type of response you want to feed your little ego, but seriously, go take a class and start working on improving if you really want to. You have yet to show any effort, and this is exactly why nobody will help you.

Lady Blackwell
05-17-09, 01:33 PM
that is not Entirely true. just most of the time i forget what has been said, most of the times i do remember and use most of what i have been told into my posts.

and i do realize that you think i am doing this just for attetion. i do admit that the posts before were so i could get a few threads going so i could use the tips, but i have forgotten most of them.

But this time around is different. i was supposed to go through and do a whole bunch of Grammar rules and print them off and post them where i will always see them as i write. and thats all this is for.

and i have taken a class for creative writing, but they never focused much on what i wanted to know, and i never actually wrote anything. it was all 'Theory' as some would call it, and not much 'Practical Application' which is how i learn.

so this time around i am going to be taking everything that has been said to me. writing down and posting on my wall. so i can never lose sight of them as i write, so i will no longer forget.

This is the final request for help whether people want to or not. is there choice.

Plus i do apolagize for whatever spelling errors or obvious grammar issues there are, for i am not writing this through a word processor.

05-17-09, 01:47 PM
Meh. I'm bored.

#1: Spelling. Firefox comes with a spell checker. ^_^

Hey Althanas,

After several days if not a few weeks. i have been thinking on how to effectively Overhaul my Grammar, and it suddenly dawned on me.

Why not ask the Vet's for help?

i know it's inconvenient and i may get the go the hell away Response, cause of my recent actions.

but after finally settling into my apartment and finally ready to get back to Althanas as a better Writer. I Humbly ask for any help or suggestion on Overhauling my writing.

i will be Effectively clearing the slate, cause i have been told my writing and all that is very Anime-ish. which i do not want unless i am writing a story that i hope to one day reach anime quality.

so Everything is going out the window and i will be writing everything down and posting it on my wall above my computer desk so i will never forget what it was that has been said to me.

#2: Capitalization. In English, we capitalize the first word of each sentence, the word "I," and names (Althanas, Sweden, Lord High Chancellor Letho...). Occasionally a word is capitalized to show Extra Importance, but this is done sparingly.

Hey Althanas,

After several days if not a few weeks. I have been thinking on how to effectively overhaul my grammar, and it suddenly dawned on me.

Why not ask the vet's for help?

I know it's inconvenient and I may get the go the hell away response, cause of my recent actions.

But after finally settling into my apartment and finally ready to get back to Althanas as a better writer. I humbly ask for any help or suggestion on overhauling my writing.

I will be effectively clearing the slate, cause I have been told my writing and all that is very Anime-ish. Which I do not want unless I am writing a story that I hope to one day reach anime quality.

So everything is going out the window and I will be writing everything down and posting it on my wall above my computer desk so I will never forget what it was that has been said to me.

#3: Using the Right Word.

Cause (n.): a person or thing that gives rise to an action. (v.): to make something happen. Because (conj.): for the reason that; since.

Hey Althanas,

After several days if not a few weeks. I have been thinking on how to effectively overhaul my grammar, and it suddenly dawned on me.

Why not ask the vet's for help?

I know it's inconvenient and I may get the go the hell away response, because of my recent actions.

But after finally settling into my apartment and finally ready to get back to Althanas as a better writer. I humbly ask for any help or suggestion on overhauling my writing.

I will be effectively clearing the slate, because I have been told my writing and all that is very Anime-ish. Which I do not want unless I am writing a story that I hope to one day reach anime quality.

So everything is going out the window and I will be writing everything down and posting it on my wall above my computer desk so I will never forget what it was that has been said to me.

#4: Complete Sentences. Sentences end with periods. They have to contain a subject and a verb.

After several days if not a few weeks. ...What? This doesn't even have a subject. End it with a comma, so it attaches to the next full sentence. It can't be a sentence by itself.

But after finally settling into my apartment and finally ready to get back to Althanas as a better writer. Same deal. However, even then you've got problems. "...and finally ready to get back to Althanas" doesn't make sense. It needs a verb.

Which I do not want unless I am writing a story that I hope to one day reach anime quality. Not a sentence--the "which" makes it a dependent clause. Like a dependent person, dependent clauses have to attach to a responsible independent clause, complete with subject and verb. End the sentence before this one with a comma.

#4: Comma Usage. Read. (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/607/02/) :)

#5: "unless I am writing a story that I hope to one day reach anime quality"? You're aware that being anime has nothing to do with being high-quality, right?

Oooh...la comida me llama. Good luck with all that grammary goodness. There's more to say, but...well. There are plenty of books that say it. Drop by your local library--there are, believe it or not, some well-written, less-than-stale grammar books out there.

05-17-09, 01:48 PM
Wow, "apolagize" was the only misspelled word I caught when skimming through that, and it was the word leading into the spelling errors portion... Maybe this is a cry for attention... JK! Anyway, have you tried talking to the creative writing teacher about that problem you have with the lack of practical application?

Lathienas Miraq
05-17-09, 02:38 PM
#5: "unless I am writing a story that I hope to one day reach anime quality"? You're aware that being anime has nothing to do with being high-quality, right?

In fact it can be quite the opposite....

Alydia Ettermire
05-17-09, 02:45 PM
If you want to remember the tips you've been given already, you can click on your name under the "Currently Active Users" line, scroll down to your "About me" section, click on the "Statistics" tab, and then click the link "Find all threads by Bandit Brother."

That way you can just look up what you've been given at-will, rather than making new threads all the time.

Lady Blackwell
05-17-09, 02:47 PM
In fact it can be quite the opposite....

Haha, I do agree there. Some Animes seem to have been written by little kids instead of proper writers.

Othar Almenneran
05-17-09, 03:38 PM
What do you mean some?

Ok that's not entirely true but in general....

Visla Eraclaire
05-17-09, 04:57 PM
Sometimes I feel like you just post these to attract attention. You've asked for help a half a dozen times and every instance of that you are given multiple tips from many different people. However, you refuse to take any of them into practice. Your above post alone is full of errors like Randomly capitalizing Words that aren't proper or Anything LIKE that. It looks ridiculous.

I realize this is exactly the type of response you want to feed your little ego, but seriously, go take a class and start working on improving if you really want to. You have yet to show any effort, and this is exactly why nobody will help you.

I'm sad that I didn't get to make this post. This is quoted for absolute truth.

Cyrus the virus
06-27-09, 04:38 AM
I like that his one response to the help he got was some lol anime post crap.

06-28-09, 03:33 AM
I don't understand how you can actually not use proper spelling on the internet, do you come from somewhere you never got education from? Are you a barbarian? Are you technologically challenged? Are you a seven year old kid typing on a computer his daddy just got him?

I think the answer to all those questions are NO. So get Firefox and get used to spelling every single word in proper (American acknowledged) English. I had to learn to change my spelling but sometimes still forget.

Also, if you find mistakes you can easily just edit them out with a button called 'Edit'.

Terror's Thrall
06-28-09, 09:18 AM
...proper (American acknowledged) English...

Why does it have to be American English? I see nothing wrong with using the British spellings. Colour is no better/worse than color surely. Besides, in my education that is how I have been taught to spell, by english professors no less.

06-29-09, 03:01 AM
The only reason I use the 'modified' english is because I'm sick of people spamming me, trolling me, PMing me about how I spelled a word wrong. I come from Australia and do you know what that means? It means that I was taught English the English way in British spellings.