View Full Version : A Brief History of the Post

05-19-09, 02:42 PM
The cliff face where the Post was founded was discovered by the dwarfish explorer Irah Yvesson (-daughter, actually, but she thought the -son sounded better) and her expedition, three years ago.

The dwarfs found a natural harbor among the treacherous cliffs that lined the north-eastern shores of Fallien. The cliff face that lined this harbor was worn through with caves, holes and rough tunnels, created by nature, or by long forgotten natives and wildlife. The location wasn't lost on the enterprising dwarf, and she and her people quickly set up camp within the caves

Things sort of snowballed (an ironic term, in this dry and barren land) from there.

It is a very small outpost, and isolated: beyond the Oasis, and well on the other side of the Mountains of Zaileya. It is allowed – not supported, entirely, but allowed – to remain there by the Jya, though the Fallien militia members recently stationed within the post (to ensure the Outlanders adherence to Fallien's laws in addition to the Post’s own credo, of course) do very little to prevent marauding tribes from attacking it. It mostly exists as a stopping point for ships from Scara Brae, and even those ships need to continue to Irrakam if the passengers and crew wish to go anywhere on Fallien other than the Post itself.

The harbor has a long pier, good for small boats, but the harbor itself can generally only hold four moderate-sized ships at a time. The outpost doesn’t have many exports: only reclaimed water that is sold to ships, exotic seafood for Corone and Scara Brae, sharkskin sold to weaponsmiths, and touristy junk sold to gullible travelers who don’t think twice about why a man with a Scarabraen accent would own ‘authentic Fallien artifacts of power'...

Its main attraction is to ships that do not wish to continue all the way around the continent to Irrakam, and to the fledgling mail service arising in the land. The mail comes through approximately every two-or-three weeks, assuming the mail carriers haven’t been eaten by something in the desert on the way.

The outpost is built atop and within the cliff; a combination of a stockade and a pueblo colony. The top-side is about half-a-mile square, while the shoreline beneath the cliff is about twice that. The part of the outpost that lies atop the cliff is lined by sturdy stone walls that have been covered with stucco to achieve an overall smooth-appearing surface. These walls run at about two to three feet thick, and fifteen feet tall. There is only one gate, wide enough for a yoked pair of oxen to pass through easily enough.

Despite the fact that a majority of the outpost is within the tunnels, there are a fair amount of buildings on the surface – none of these buildings exceed two stories in height, and most of these have colorful, tent-like roofs. Many of the buildings show signs of being damaged before, and some have been rebuilt several times. There are not many people in the outpost that don’t work just for the outpost – in the water-restocking, the mail, the fishing and shark-hunting – as the outpost is not yet at the point where it can sustain simple colonists.

The native tribes of the area seem to vary on how they view the outpost. There are those who have overcome their dislike of non-natives (the presence of the militia members has also had some effect on this) enough to trade with them (though both sides tend to cheat the other), and there are those who (despite the presence of the militia) view it as easy pickings and raid through to carry off whatever they can.

The Outpost’s council often states that traveling into Fallien proper through the outpost is not allowed, but oftentimes there is not much they can do to prevent determined people from getting out and venturing deeper into the wilds. Granted, one can only wonder how far those travelers get without a pass…