View Full Version : Recruitment for Two Potential Threads

05-20-09, 07:29 PM
Okedoke, I just finished my comeback solo and an old thread with Atar, so it's time to look to the future. I've got one idea for a cool battle and one for a quest, and I will be pretty specific about who I work with. That said, everyone is welcome to respond :D

The Quest

I'm open to working with either one or two people on this. No level restrictions, but your character must be fairly intelligent and you must be a cerebral type of writer. I've got some basic ideas for the plot, but I won't reveal them yet because a) I'm secretive about my ideas and b) I want us to brainstorm this story together. The jist of it though is a large-scale terrorist/covert militia attack on Radasanth, with the Scarlet Brigade, lots of high-ranking nobles, and other important stuff at stake. If you've read anything by Robert Ludlum or any of his ghostwriters, think along those lines. Lots of plot twists, backstabbing, deception, and espionage type things.

The Battle

I'm looking for another high level character here, someone who could give Josh a run for his money. Pretty much it'll be a Citadel battle that will actually be a sequence of battles. In each scenario, one of our characters starts with a significant handicap (i.e. blind, broken limbs, drugged, fatigued etc.) so the fatalities will probably pile up quickly. Each time one of us dies, they get revitalised in a new arena with a ten second head start to hide/prepare. Then the victor from the last arena appears, but without having their previous injuries healed.

The idea is that the battles will be a bit more realistic than the Althanas standard. Since our characters are both very good at killing, neither of us can survive for an extended period of time. May seem a little complex, but once we get going I think it'll be crazy fun. Can be judged as a battle or a quest, since we'll probably have to work together and bounce ideas off each other a lot.

Right... who wants on board? Feel free to post cool ideas or links to your proudest work.

05-20-09, 08:48 PM
Want a Josh/Karu re-match? They haven't seen each other since...eesh...level 3?

05-21-09, 11:58 AM
Hell yes. This thread is going to shake the very foundations of the Citadel. As soon as I refine my profile I'll put the intro up. Btw you should post a level 9 profile too ;)

That's the battle. Still looking for people for the quest. I'll give you a hint... there will be a nearly unstoppable attack on one of Radasanth's most popular attractions.

05-21-09, 12:37 PM
I'm saving my level 9 profile for after an important story plot. Level 7 shouldn't hinder me too badly.

Also...I haven't done anything with her on her level 7 profile yet, dammit! It is new and shiny, and I want to use it!

05-21-09, 04:33 PM
I'm up for an espionage quest. Shadar can pass through walls, and I have yet to use it for anything more than fancy entrances that make shop keepers have mild strokes.

I can't guarantee that I'll be as competant a writer as I was back when we battled in the Pagoda. It's been a little while since I did more than one post every few months.

I do have the itch again, though, so don't worry about a lack of activity on my part. (Plus, seeing people at level 9 makes me want xp badly. I guess I'm just a jealous bastard.)

05-21-09, 09:10 PM
Karu- I don't think I ever used my level 7 profile, haha. I skipped a level at some point, and I think that was it. No matter though, this fight will redefine... something. Can't wait.

Shady guy- If I had known you still existed I would have PM'd you about this. Everything is coming together, when we're throgh, Radasanth may never be the same.

This recruiting thread is now closed. If you're really disapointed by this, feel free to PM me your ideas and maybe we can work something out. Cheers!