View Full Version : Annon no Shisha

05-25-09, 12:14 AM
NAME: Annon no Shisha
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 1.85 M
RACE: Ishikitai

Race Characteristics

An Ishikitai is a god. It doesn’t know everything, nor is it unstoppable in terms of strength and skills. An Ishikitai is, however, immortal; it’s adored and followed – there are few priests or scholars that remain and that actually know anything of the Ishikitai or their history -; and does have certain “supernatural” skills and abilities.

Now, Ishikitai dwell in the metaphysic plane. They are pure energy, memories of things that happened. The way in which they interact with the material plane is through a vessel. All what they experienced during their period as a vessel is storage in the essence of the Ishikitai, even after the material death occurs. That memory, which is storage, passes to the next vessel, so on and so forth.

They can’t choose any living thing to become a vessel, but rather are limited to reasoning – type living existence. Also, they must choose a vessel from the souls of creatures that are about to be born. Once chosen, they become one with the vessel’s soul, thus having complete control of the body. They are, however, chained to the body they have chosen, for they suffer the same race limitations (reasoning capacity, overall dexterity, body functions, natural instinct, etc) than that of the vessel.

There is also another disadvantage which an Ishikitai must bear when assuming control of a vessel. All the memories, skills and abilities which the essence learned and mastered are locked within the vessel once the Ishikitai assumes control. As such, an Ishikitai, when born, has no knowledge of what he is, nor of what he can do. During the vessel’s life, it acquires experience, which in turn unlocks memories, skill and abilities storaged in the essence.


To understand the true meaning of what an Ishikitai is, in all its forms and manners, certain knowledge of god-like affairs must be possessed. And that, in its very essence, is a matter no true mortal can grasp. For there lies the true dilemma: that Ishikitai are immortal in essence, yet mortal in flesh.
Ishikitai are, or at least this is how I understand it, essence created from a dream and divided into four. What this dreams is about, or who this dreamer is, I cannot phantom. But the truth lies deep within the scrolls of Valirya. The Ishikitai were created.

Divided, the new essences became unique. Special abilities were developed, sharpened, mastered and used. Shape, size, form, each Ishikitai imagined himself at its will. They were four; and yet one. One soul shared by many.
Civilization spread. Culture became known. Knowledge was soon taught. And in the midst of this growing, the Ishikitai were revered in many ways and forms. Empires emerged, their priest’s acolytes of never-comprehended gods. For the Ishikitai strove for happiness, and as such taught wisdom. But knowledge is a two-edged sword. Countries were destroyed in madness.
Realizing the fate of their children, the Ishikitai united their efforts into a single cause. From ashes Leoria was made. It was a beacon of light in an ocean of destruction, a city like no other, a place of wisdom and happiness. It became the central city of an empire ruled by the Ishikitai.

To rule Leoria the Ishikitai assumed mortal flesh. Vessels of divine power, the flesh lived and died. And thus it became obvious to the children darkness the weakness of the Ishikitai. Kill a vessel and the god will be harmed, potentially obliterating it.

A battle was fought, and many a good man died. Darkness covered Leoria, and the Ishikitai were killed. But in the brink of death and immortality, loyal acolytes sealed the essences away from the dark.

Twenty two years ago Annon no Shisha broke the seal, and thus his essence became known. Adopting a vessel born in Althanas, he is to unite with his brothers of soul in an attempt to stop the darkness from awakening the dreamer.

Catus the Young, Thoughts on life and death of the Ishikitai


There is no way to accurately describe how does Annon no Shisha's essence look like. It is pure energy, composed of will, thought and soul. Shisha's vessel, however, it’s a completely different matter.

Of 22 years of age, Shisha's vessel was born in Concordia. Tall, Shisha is of 1.85 meters of height. He has broad shoulders and thighs. He wears long black hair, gathered with a tail that reaches his shoulders. He wears a long and thick black tunic, almost like a poncho, that covers his body from neck to knee. Under the tunic, Shisha wears a thin black shirt and black trousers.

Skills and abilities in general

An Ishikitai is a god-like essence which uses a vessel as a mean to “move” and “act” in the material plane. Though the essence of an Ishikitai is immortal, the vessel is not. Once the vessel dies the essence within returns to the metaphysic plane. There it awaits to adopt yet another vessel, all this in an unstoppable cycle. What the essence has experienced, what it learned during its material existence, becomes sealed in the new vessel, waiting to be unlocked once the vessel reaches a certain point. The skills that the essence mastered are available to the vessel, with due training and experience. In other words, the skills and abilities of Shisha, which are mastered by the essence, will be available to the vessel if it reaches a certain “level” or if it has experienced an event which catalyzes the learning of the skill. As of now, Shisha’s skills are limited to:

1) Sword dexterity: Shisha is more than able to distinguish the tip from the bottom of a sword. He has memories of past lives, many of them as a soldier. As such, he has more skills handling a sword than a commoner, but lacks that impulse and “grace movement” typical of more experienced men. Have no doubt, however, that if tested Shisha will display a good fight.

2) Spear dexterity: Spears are more than fishing sticks. There are times when Shisha finds useful its past lives as a fisherman. He can actually hit, with the tip of a spear, what he proposes to, rather than miss the target and become a sitting duck. He can, also, throw small spears some 10 meters, hitting more often than missing. Not the best weapon if given the choice, the spear is for Shisha a good complement in a fight.


1) Past memories: Memories are living images of past experiences. The average human uses 10% of its brain capacity, during his life, to storage memories. Imagine, however, if you could live forever. All those memories, all that information, will be of immeasurable value. Now, Shisha is mortal as a vessel, yet immortal as an essence. Hence, what the vessel experience during his life becomes available to the next vessel, only if it masters certain skill or if it reaches a certain level of experience during its life. As such, all what the essence posses in terms of memories are storage in Shisha, locked away. Some, few actually –perhaps too few – have been unlocked. There are random memories, too few to chain them together in a coherent thought. But how knows? Maybe they will be useful, in their own way…

Weapons, equipment, Items and miscellaneous

Weapons are neither good nor bad. They are tools in someone’s hands. The manner in which they are used depends of the bearer, along with the responsibility. Shisha’s current weapons are:

1) Short Sword. Not very strong, this sword is made of iron. It is light and easy to use, a perfect weapon in short skirmishes. Do not rely too much in it though; it has a tendency to break rather easily.

To be properly equipped is to have one step taken towards victory. Shisha’s current equipment are:

1) Poncho – like black tunic. It is not armor, but a thick piece of cloth. It does absorbs some damage from blows taken from not-edged weapons, yet its usefulness relies in its practical utility. It protects from the elements, as well as conceals Shisha, during the night or in shadows, from his enemies. And, been honest, it is weird, almost creepy to see a tall guy wearing a thick poncho. It makes you stay away from him…

05-25-09, 03:14 AM
Interesting concept. I wonder how well it'll play out.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.