View Full Version : Desperately Seeking Sadist

05-25-09, 11:09 AM
Except not, not really. It just sounded like a witty thread title. :D


Between this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17778) and this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19043) Cael spends approximately three months in a Salvic prison with some not very friendly people trying to get him to turn in his friends. I would be content to leave those three months all off-scene, but hey. I am in a mean mood, and only in a few threads right now.

So! I am looking for someone whose character might conceivably be involved in such things - someone who writes decent, and who can write villainous characters without making them omzanime-over-the-top.

any takers?

05-26-09, 12:57 PM
Do I need to read the other two threads first? Would you give me time to create a simple character thread?

I'm an alright writer, but not amazing. It would be so much fun to do that character though.

Marduk the Black
05-26-09, 04:03 PM
If there is one thing I enjoy, its the screams of the pious in the morning...

05-26-09, 06:02 PM
Do I need to read the other two threads first? Would you give me time to create a simple character thread?

I'm an alright writer, but not amazing. It would be so much fun to do that character though.

The only thing you need to know about Byzantine (first thread) is that it happened during Salvar's long winter, and ended with Cael in prison for treason, incitement, forgery and murder. The only thing you need to know about Almost Heroes (second thread) is that by that time Cael's spent almost three months with guards who were quite willing to rape and torture in the name of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. So, no, you don't really need to read the threads.

I am not, however, entirely sure what you mean by the simple character thread: time to finish a quest with Azlen, or time to create a new character for my thread? I almost think you mean the second, and if that is what you mean it might be better, simply because from the character profile Azlen doesn't...quite seem like the type. Though if you have an in-character reason for it, by all means slide it past me!

If there is one thing I enjoy, its the screams of the pious in the morning...

Cael's not pious, that's part of the problem. Nobody expects the Salvic Inquisition!!1one!

...er. I mean. I am intrigued, do go on.

I forgot to mention in the first post, though, thread partnership is not first-come-first-served. It's what seems to click best. I will probably be starting the thread actual sometime next week, and pick the best fit around then.

Marduk the Black
05-26-09, 06:06 PM
My character has urges, I like to call them ambitions. One of them happens to be figuring out how long a human male can withstand pain before they pass out. He wants to set a record you see....

05-27-09, 10:22 AM
Yes I meant creating a new character.

EDIZT: Alright then, I have the character done, just no history at the moment. Not saying I don't know his history because I do, I just didn't feel like typing it out at this time. Posting it up now.

05-27-09, 10:50 AM
Haey,here we goes!
Allowz me ta introduce mahself! Welcome to ya worse nightmare!!

Character: Raphai Man (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19212)

Dark Temptress
05-27-09, 06:13 PM
Well, this character happens to be rather sadistic in nature. She likes manipulating others, is exceeidngly smart and cunning and will do almost anything to get what she wants. She lives in Salvar as a noble, my only problem right now is thinking about why she'd be interrogating a prisoner. However, I'm sure we could work something out.

05-27-09, 11:22 PM
My character has urges, I like to call them ambitions. One of them happens to be figuring out how long a human male can withstand pain before they pass out. He wants to set a record you see....

He probably won't be setting records with Cael here. Cael really only lasts anything because he's stubborn as all get out, not due to any real resistance. The only thing would be: why would he be working for the Church of the Ethereal Sway? Hired? Told to by his patron for no real reason? Etc? : D

Haey,here we goes!
Allowz me ta introduce mahself! Welcome to ya worse nightmare!!

Character: Raphai Man (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19212)

Ok, he's just creepy. D:

Well, this character happens to be rather sadistic in nature. She likes manipulating others, is exceeidngly smart and cunning and will do almost anything to get what she wants. She lives in Salvar as a noble, my only problem right now is thinking about why she'd be interrogating a prisoner. However, I'm sure we could work something out.

I like this character as well; and shall continue thinking of why she'd be doing such menial work!

Thanks for the interest, guys - as I said, I hope to start this thread Sunday/Monday-ish. I will pick by then - who knows, maybe I'll think of stuff for more than one thread or something since, uh, I hate picking.

Time, now, to collapse before I start typing gibberish at y'all.

05-28-09, 12:19 AM
Ok, he's just creepy. D:

Why, thanek yuhz! Ya to kind.

Even if I don't get to do this quest, I will have so much fun with this character! *tear* Inky....you inspire me.....

06-01-09, 10:22 PM
Alright, just checking in - hope to start this thread(these threads) sometime tomorrow or Wednesday - who is still interested? And Raphai and Marduk! I need to know why you think the Church of the Ethereal Sway would hire your character for something like this.

My character has urges, I like to call them ambitions. One of them happens to be figuring out how long a human male can withstand pain before they pass out. He wants to set a record you see....

It's a good motivation for your character; but the C.E.S. is a bunch of self righteous types. What kinds of stories or lies would your character be telling a religious order to get them to hire them? There is no right or wrong answer, jus' curious where your characters would be coming from. I may be able to figure out a way to write with all three of you.


06-02-09, 01:16 AM
I got ya, but to understand you got hear a story, wanna hear it here it goes!

Raphai works in a little cult where everyone learns magic mutually. Well one of our sorceress was traveling in Salvar, more like passing through, and they stopped her and charged her with being a witch. So Raphai went to Salvar to bail her out. While there, they ( C.E.S.) find out Raphai is a wizard. So they throw him in the prisons. They will not hang him since he is not from Salvar (he's been there for a month). Recently a prisoner named Cael shows up, and the Etheral Sway wanna torture him. So they will not get their hands dirty they decide to use a prisoner to do it.

They tell Raphai to do it, he does not want to though unless they let him free. They say they will (of course they won't) and he does so....how the rest of the story goes is up to you.

If dat's to long, and intricate tell me, it was the best story I could come up with.

Marduk the Black
06-02-09, 02:36 AM
It's a good motivation for your character; but the C.E.S. is a bunch of self righteous types. What kinds of stories or lies would your character be telling a religious order to get them to hire them? There is no right or wrong answer, jus' curious where your characters would be coming from. I may be able to figure out a way to write with all three of you.


Let me put ti this way. He will pretty much Lie through his teeth if need be for the irony of being paid to do what he loves.

06-03-09, 11:29 PM
For my fellow writer's sake, fun with google docs (http://docs.google.com/View?id=d37548f_32fz8qxwf3)! And, for the record, it is preferable that the threads not go higher than what y'would see in a PG-13 movie. So. Yes. For what that's worth.

Now. Onto ideas!

I got ya, but to understand you got hear a story, wanna hear it here it goes!


This works rather well, actually. Odds are even that the priests would let him go, and then send someone out after him to make sure he, ah. Reaches the correct destination, shall we say. ;P So that gives both a rational and an out. Excellent. I shall probably have a thread started for you by tomorrow night. I assume you're planning to have Raphai already be in the prison?

Let me put ti this way. He will pretty much Lie through his teeth if need be for the irony of being paid to do what he loves.
Alright, so you've got a basis! Flesh it out a bit, lad. Give me somewhere to start from! How would the C.E.S. find him? What lies would he be telling?

And Witchblade - are you still interested in doing a thread with A'rai? :)

Marduk the Black
06-04-09, 03:03 AM
Real simple like it goes like this. Marduk is trying to figure out what the hell happened to Althanas in the millenia its been around since he's been sealed away. Obviously he's got a lot of work ahead of him before he can even think of tracking down the descendants of the people who locked him away in the first place. So, he hears of a few scuffles, the undead in Raiarae, and the Civil War in Salvar.

Now, he could go and knock heads off zombies till it stops being funny, but really thats old hat. They don't even scream and they don't beg either. It runs the fun. So he obviously won't be in the elf lands since they aren't capable of entertaining him.

So, he goes up to Salvar in an effort to have some fun murdering people as a mercenary. I mean the irony of being paid by a religion to kill people? He just can't refuse. From there a few lies, maybe a greased palm here or there, and he starts developing a reputation. If you need information, and someone isn't talking, just lock Marduk up with the problem, and he'll be singing within a week. Don't ask questions, and he won't go into grotesque detail to give you the answer.

Obviously beneficial, but as they like to be self righteous they have to do this removed from the main cathedral. No need having to explain the odd scream now and again. It gives Marduk time to do what he loves, get paid to do it and the joy of hard work, all at the same time.

Its like killing orphans, but less people care.

06-06-09, 12:06 AM
Its like killing orphans, but less people care.

Much better. Cael can fit time into his busy schedule (ahahaha) for you! Will have thread up sometime at the beginning of next week as I'm out of town over the weekend and forced away from the interwebs. Ha.

06-06-09, 08:43 AM
Yeah, Inky, I'm still interested, but only if you are.