View Full Version : Personalising Lore

Othar Almenneran
05-25-09, 09:30 PM
To what extent are we allowed to edit history and things like the Thayne lore or bestiaries to suit our own purposes/storylines? Or is it prefered that we simply make up our own religions etc. if we are not going tto follow the established ones to the letter?

05-25-09, 11:28 PM
Do what you need to do. That's what it's there for, as source material for other players to use should they need or want it. I tend to dabble in Thayne from here and there, as well as some of the regions storylines to make threads fit more into Althanas. It also doesn't hurt to add it because older judges love seeing that type of stuff.

I'd recommend putting your own spin on things that interest you with this site instead of trying to take everything verbatim for the sake of the person who originally penned it. There's no harm in making stories from them, and it's really up to you to pick and choose what you would like to use. Not everybody thinks about things the same way, so you shouldn't limit your creativity with regions, etc.

Tainted Bushido
05-25-09, 11:41 PM
Keep in mind that religion has many different facets. You can interpret those teachings in many ways. In some ways this helps as the conflicting viewpoints can give birth to things such as religious debates.

However, there are obviously some things that may be seen as too far. Freeing N'jal from her prison, killing a Thayne, things like that should be done under careful consideration, and at that point you may wish to seek a mod to talk about how such a thing could be facilitated.