View Full Version : So the semi finals are starting

05-26-09, 09:54 AM
Thoughts of anything?

The pairings ... the arenas .... what?

As for the team we are (Whispers in the Wind) teamed up with, I find hilarious.

Because they are the team that do the podcasts (well at least one of them).

Why this is funny you ask?

Because in the podcast (the third one) they seemed almost certain we would lose against Saxon and his/her teammate.

Now ... I find it kinda ironic that we now are going to face them.

As for the other pairing ... seems pretty close to me.

Thoughts on who will make it to the finals and why?

As for me ... it's a toss up for anyone, I don't have any favorites. But if I HAD to guess ... I'd say Shadowed and his teammate will be in the finals.

05-26-09, 10:03 AM
Finals: The Whole Glory vs. Body and Mind. I don't think there's any question there.

05-26-09, 10:33 AM
You seem confident partner.

05-26-09, 10:56 AM
Don't I always?

05-26-09, 02:42 PM
Finals: The Whole Glory vs. Body and Mind. I don't think there's any question there.

What gives you that feeling? You didn't really say.

Is it because of the team you are facing in the semi - finals? That you think that they don't have the skills you have in your opinion, or what?

05-26-09, 02:45 PM
It has nothing to do with my opponents. I'm sure they're excellent writers. I simply believe that I am better than anything I have seen so far on Althanas; there are only two people that I have seen on internet roleplaying forums that I consider my betters. One of them used to be my partner, and the other is a judge.

As for the other team, I believe that Whispers in the Wind won through luck (other teams dropping out) and being paired against teams that simply aren't the highest of quality. Christoph seems to know what he's doing, while as the judge pointed out, Petoux, you've got a lot to learn. Your partner can't carry you the entire way.

Tainted Bushido
05-26-09, 04:01 PM
As for the other team, I believe that Whispers in the Wind won through luck (other teams dropping out) and being paired against teams that simply aren't the highest of quality. Christoph seems to know what he's doing, while as the judge pointed out, Petoux, you've got a lot to learn. Your partner can't carry you the entire way.

I will say this Shadowed. You're toeing the line of good taste. Those comments were written to help Petoux succeed, NOT to be used in a troll attempt. You're entitled to your opinion, but keep the trash talk above the belt.

05-26-09, 04:04 PM
It has nothing to do with my opponents. I'm sure they're excellent writers. I simply believe that I am better than anything I have seen so far on Althanas; there are only two people that I have seen on internet roleplaying forums that I consider my betters. One of them used to be my partner, and the other is a judge.

Normally I got no problem with dudes being cocky, but you're just...Terrible.

You're terrible.

05-26-09, 04:59 PM
I'm coming for you, Shadowed.

And the Deer is coming with me! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=144018&postcount=28)


As for this "me carrying Petoux" garbage - Every time we're up I get this flurry of PM's from him, advising, helping out, encouraging me to post, shouting at me to get my posts in, often with gratuitous exclaimation points. The sheer energy he's got is amazing.

I'm sure you've all noticed.

He also likes to go over my posts with a fine-toothed comb and point out anything I've done wrong. I tend to make some pretty obvious grammatical mistakes; and if I'd been going over his posts the same way he does for me, there wouldn't be this lack of faith I'm seeing right now.

05-26-09, 05:59 PM
Hardly trolling. Petoux asked why I felt that way; I know him from another forum, and he and I both agree that he has a lot of work to do to bring his writing up; he's said as much himself to me before.

Godhand: Cheers.

Mik: From what I've seen, you're a decent writer. Sure, everyone can use a proof reader, and I didn't mean to imply that Petoux wasn't doing anything; as your scores are averaged, he obviously had to do something to get you that tie. But you are the better writer of the two, and it was that gap that won you the tie last round.

As for his energy, I can't think of a political way to phrase a response, so let's just leave it at this:

Yes, I've noticed.

05-26-09, 06:13 PM
Hardly trolling. Petoux asked why I felt that way; I know him from another forum, and he and I both agree that he has a lot of work to do to bring his writing up; he's said as much himself to me before.

Yeah I agree ... it wasn't trolling. I am indeed trying to work on my writing. Looks like it needs to be improved 10 fold though lol!

Thanks for the concern though. :D

05-26-09, 07:50 PM

This is the plot of every feel-good "coming of age" movie ever.

We won the beginning rounds largely by luck, and a "spark" of some sort that can't be defined by conventional language. Our first true victory came about by the barest of margins, and now we've got a rival declaring us defeated before we've even begun to fight.

All we need is a little boy in the hospital depending on us to win, so he can find the strength to beat his cancer.

05-26-09, 09:10 PM
Now Shadowed just needs to murder your old sensei/mentor, and you've got a script.

05-26-09, 10:16 PM
I mentored myself actually. If you think I'm bad now (it's your opinion I don't care), just imagine me before.


It takes me awhile to improve ... but once I do so, I can work wonders.

05-26-09, 10:40 PM
Normally I got no problem with dudes being cocky, but you're just...Terrible.

You're terrible.

And the hand of God reaches into things completely randomly. As proven by Godhand.

05-27-09, 12:24 AM
Heads up: No podcast this time around. Got too much stuff going on to make the trip East to do a live recording with Chris.

05-27-09, 05:35 AM
Say what? I was looking forward to this one the most too! Ah man ... could you at LEAST make a thread with your thoughts then? Sort of like a threadcast? :p

Or... two separate/solo recordings?

Just a thought.

Viola Conda
05-27-09, 12:43 PM
Why bother, podcasts were stupid anyway. Why do you feel the need to laud yourself and hear others laud or boo you just to get pumped. Your a decent enough writer to not have to do these things.

And what brings you to the east?

05-27-09, 03:19 PM
I thought the podcasts were amusing.

05-27-09, 03:55 PM
Why bother, podcasts were stupid anyway. Why do you feel the need to laud yourself and hear others laud or boo you just to get pumped. Your a decent enough writer to not have to do these things.

And what brings you to the east?

What's bugging you, Mr. Sunshine?

Just because Christoph and BaBE actually took the time to amuse us with silly podcasts, and actually had the enthusiasm to put together something like that doesn't mean you should degrade their efforts.

Tainted Bushido
05-27-09, 04:06 PM
What's bugging you, Mr. Sunshine?

Just because Christoph and BaBE actually took the time to amuse us with silly podcasts, and actually had the enthusiasm to put together something like that doesn't mean you should degrade their efforts.

They weren't that funny to begin with.

05-27-09, 04:13 PM
I found them funny, and found that they led to even greater humor. Unless we've decided that humor is objective now.

Tainted Bushido
05-27-09, 04:16 PM
I found them funny, and found that they led to even greater humor. Unless we've decided that humor is objective now.

Internet meme's are not humor, especially after the seventh time you've used the same one. Christoph's annunciation made him hard to understand at time, and when I could it was only because he spoke up to say the same meme he said only five minutes prior. The jokes would be funny to frat boys and high schoolers but beyond that, I can't find anything funny about their jokes. Their reviews were highly opinionated and at times disregardful of facts.

These are issues I confronted him with openly in the past, I got brushed off just like you did on your podcast.

05-27-09, 04:19 PM
We're on the internet, and I find a lot of internet memes funny, so what more do you need? As for Christoph, I understood him just fine. The reviews weren't meant to be the end-all and be-all of the tournament; they were for entertainment value, not an objective word about the ultimate quality of the writing.

Tainted Bushido
05-27-09, 04:22 PM
We're on the internet, and I find a lot of internet memes funny, so what more do you need? As for Christoph, I understood him just fine. The reviews weren't meant to be the end-all and be-all of the tournament; they were for entertainment value, not an objective word about the ultimate quality of the writing.

To each his own, though I wouldn't get defensive over something like opinions. I hear they're like assholes.

05-27-09, 04:25 PM
Are you trying to say that your opinion is abused by the general populace on a regular basis?

And yes, that was humor.

05-27-09, 04:40 PM
TB, I've always appreciated your kind words toward me.

Moving on, Shadowed actually has the right idea. BaBE and I never considered ourselves to be gods of comedy. We were just a couple of guys dicking around, and once and a while coming up with something funny or intelligent in between all the nonsense. Maybe it doesn't appeal to your elitist tastes in humor, but that doesn't mean us members of the dirty rabble can't get a few cheap laughs out of it.

Also, back when we still did side events, the podcasts actually encouraged people to participate. So even if you thought they were stupid, they still helped at least a little bit. And finally, I don't mind having the podcasts criticized or made fun of, but at least try to be funny and creative about it like Shadowed did with the Missing (now literally missing) Podcast.

But in the end, the merit BaBE and my podcasts doesn't really matter, since we're not doing another one. To anyone else who wants to make a podcast, by all means go for it. We won't get jealous. ;)

05-27-09, 05:02 PM
They weren't that funny to begin with.

I believe we went over this in the other thread; you know, the disrespect thing? Suddenly moderators and admins can freely trample on other members? I clearly missed the memo. That kind of attitude helps feed the negative member growth.

Members who bother to go out of their way to make things for the general populace to listen to, and be even mildly amused by, are the members you want to hold onto with a death grip. They're the enthusiastic staff members who actually help solidify the member base. Your useless defense of Viola's piss-poor attitude is just that; useless.

To each his own, though I wouldn't get defensive over something like opinions. I hear they're like assholes.

I see. But there's also this very fine line between something being an opinion and something being obnoxious. I know they both start with "o" in the dictionary, but don't get them confused.

Now, I'm not saying that I gleaned any particular amount of humor from their podcasts - contrary to what my argument might suggest - but I am going to defend someone who just took a little extra time to make things a wee less monotonous around here.

EDIT: I'd like to place exceptions to any admins/mods that read this: Witchy, Task, Serilliant, and Ebivoulya are not included in this rant.

Tainted Bushido
05-27-09, 05:14 PM
I believe we went over this in the other thread; you know, the disrespect thing? Suddenly moderators and admins can freely trample on other members? I clearly missed the memo. That kind of attitude helps feed the negative member growth.

I am not trampling on Christoph's, I was merely supporting a fellow member's opinion. Atop this, when inquired as to why I felt so, I backed it up with facts and statements. Statements I have made over my many accounts several times. This isn't me trampling on Christoph, this is me giving an honest critique, a critique even Andy (BaBE to those not in the know) agreed with.

If you're going to try and bate me into attacking you, I would suggest doing so in a far better manner.

Members who bother to go out of their way to make things for the general populace to listen to, and be even mildly amused by, are the members you want to hold onto with a death grip. They're the enthusiastic staff members who actually help solidify the member base. Your useless defense of Viola's piss-poor attitude is just that; useless.

I'm glad your opinion is free to trample mine any day of the week. See here is where free speech comes into a philosophical debate Night Cast, who's speech is the free one in this case? Viola stated a view point, and you guys jumped all over him to defend your friend.

There's obvious bias on both sides, as you wish to protect Christoph from "those mean staff and ex-staff members". Viola, obviously dislikes the podcast as they blatantly called him a hack writer who writes "flowery" and doesn't do battle. He gave no permission for such an attack and perceived it as such, but "comedy gold" seems to make it okay.

If you're going to take umbrage at every negative comment directed towards Christoph, might I invite you to not read posts on this forum, for fear of finding one that does so.

I see. But there's also this very fine line between something being an opinion and something being obnoxious. I know they both start with "o" in the dictionary, but don't get them confused.

Then I would suggest you give Shadowed the same dictionary. He's been rather obnoxious about his opinions to the point of open hostility. I get he's upset over his missing podcast thread, and that's fine, he didn't like how we handled it. Fair enough, however the hostility a month later shows deep seated resentment, resentment I'd rather he come and talk to me on AIM so we can clear up, rather than him openly troll and flame moderators.

Now, I'm not saying that I gleaned any particular amount of humor from their podcasts - contrary to what my argument might suggest - but I am going to defend someone who just took a little extra time to make things a wee less monotonous around here.

Fair enough, however when you are going to argue opinions, you need to remember the first rules of opinions. Opinions are living things that change and grow, they cannot be forced to be wrong or right, only by injecting facts can they be PROVEN one way or the other, and evolved. Stepping up onto a soap box and clubbing us over the head with the "you're being rude" stick isn't going to make us change our opinions. Instead you're only further segregating the mods and the players by refusing to come out into the open and discuss.

My AIM is SethDahlios. Anyone who wishes to find it could have by merely looking at the Random IM Convos thread. I am free to discuss this and many other things you feel may or may not be wrong.

This isn't an invite for an attack, this is an invite for discussion. IF we can get this thread back on track, I'm sure all of us would appreciate it.

Viola Conda
05-27-09, 05:36 PM
Being fired I can say this now:

Obnoxious and my opinion: Night your an asshat.

Do I have to back my claim? I think not. Maybe I'll make a podcast about it now that I can. Who knows?!?!?! i'm craaaazzzzy like that.

Does anybody notice this is just a flame war anymore?

This is about the semi finals, if I get enough responses I'll start a thread where everyone can just let go at each other until the dust settles. That make people happy?

My predictions for the semi finals? Petoux and Mike can win, but it won't be nearly anything easy to obtain. They are fighting people who have more exp than them in writing, so it will be a hard bout.

I have seen shadowed write, and while I may not agree with his arrogance (at all), he does have the aptitude to back it up in the fights. His battle should have the makings of a classic, but that depends on how well the other team wants to usurp him. At this point it's no longer about being lazy and throwing up a post. It's about putting up heart and soul into each post, and the judges are looking for that now. Time to pull off the best writing you have to make it to finals. Luck to all.

05-27-09, 05:40 PM
I'll respond to this later when I have time, but for now...

NightCast, chill. No need to take this out of hand.

05-27-09, 05:52 PM
I am perfectly relaxed, partner, but no need to tell me twice; I'll defer to your opinion for now.

Viola Conda
05-27-09, 05:53 PM
And the world is in balance yet again....

05-27-09, 05:58 PM
Thanks Viola.


I'm gonna miss the podcasts :( .... can't make a thread cast then I guess?


05-27-09, 06:04 PM
Make a podcast if you want. I'm sure some of us will tune-in for old time's sake.

I think Petoux and Mik could upset Chris' team because of their activity level. The pacing of the thread will be extremely high; in the end, I think it'll come down to whoever can maintain the most quality over that time period.

As far as our fight, if Shadowed were doing this alone, I think he could win fairly confidently, but throwing me into the equation is a liability for him. I can hold my own, but my score could potentially cripple the average and give the other team the win.

Requiem of Insanity
05-27-09, 06:10 PM
It's rough when you got to different level players writing together. One can either make or break the overall score. It's a risk, and usually rarely pays off, but in the end...I think Shadowed can pull the team forward, but his opponents cohesion is what will make that happen.

As for the Petoux battle, well in that thread it does boil down to that: Consistency.

should be interesting.

05-27-09, 07:59 PM
Ball's in your court, Petoux. But not my recording gear.

If you got a microphone, I can point you in the direction of some recording/mixing freeware should you want to do the next podcast yourself...

Tainted Bushido
05-27-09, 08:01 PM
Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) is a good one.

05-27-09, 08:04 PM
^ This. Yes. Thank you, TB.

It's free and easy to use. Just ask any of the umpteen thousand amateur voice actors on the interwebz who do fandubs of obscure anime.

05-28-09, 09:56 AM
So Wednesday is come and gone; where are those arenas?

05-28-09, 01:31 PM
Also, who is doing our requested judgement of our short and incomplete battle? I'd like to see what needs to be worked on for this round, if at all possible, please.

05-28-09, 03:36 PM
Don't have a microphone or any of that, otherwise I would. Thanks for the link though.


Anyone up to making a threadcast?

In all honesty, I'm not ... becuz I'm not good on feedback and all that as others.

Tainted Bushido
05-28-09, 04:45 PM
Matches are up, I'll be opening them tonight at midnight. Get preparing guys, and get plotting!

Tainted Bushido
05-29-09, 01:16 AM
Also, who is doing our requested judgement of our short and incomplete battle? I'd like to see what needs to be worked on for this round, if at all possible, please.

You want it PMed to you guys or posted publically?

05-29-09, 02:06 AM
Tainted ... question.

Should the semi - finals and finals be a week to 2 weeks longer in length to post because of the reason we are further in this tourny? Or.... is that still enough time that you already gave?

Just curious.

Tainted Bushido
05-29-09, 02:23 AM
I'm giving you guys two weeks to get through this. As you all cited finals as a problem, you should hopefully be over done and situated well. If I find a situation like last time where neither fight can reach the limit, I'll offer the extension. Please note I'll only offer it if both fail to meet minimum posts by a wide margin. (1 post shy won't cut it, but 3-4 is about the cut off of allowing one)

05-29-09, 08:29 AM
You want it PMed to you guys or posted publically?

You did the right thing by posting it publicly. If everyone else is getting beaten with a wooden spoon in their judgments, why shouldn't we? Thanks for taking the time to grade our battle Storm.