View Full Version : A Public Address

05-26-09, 10:06 PM
As everyone is already aware, due to the notice posted by Tainted Bushido, I am not longer managing the Tournament of Champions. First, I want to thank all the members and guests who participated and made this event possible. I hope that the ToC ends strong, and that everyone got the chance to grow and learn a little bit through this experience.

However, I am posting this address to inform everyone that I did not abandon this project. I didn’t willingly walk away, leaving the management of the ToC in other hands. The Althanas administration relieved me of my duties and responsibilities, but in the ToC and Althanas operation in general. They fired me shortly before making a quiet statement informing everyone of the transfer of ToC management.

In my termination notice, the following reasons were cited:

(1) Repeated belittlement and harassment of other moderators;
(2) Failure to adhere to Althanas moderator policy;
(3) Failure to respect or adhere to the direction of your superiors;
(4) Performance deficiencies in the operation of major Althanas features;
(5) Acting in a manner that is contrary to the best interests of Althanas.

So, I suppose the Administrators had their reasons. It is not my intention to personally condemn them, but I feel the members deserve some degree of clarity and the chance to decide for themselves.

In closing, it has been a pleasure to launch and manage this tournament, and I’m glad to have met so many new talented roleplayers. Hopefully the rest of the tournament goes well and everyone continues to enjoy themselves regardless of the management.


05-26-09, 10:20 PM
For the limited time that I participated as a Judge for the ToC at Althanas I was kept here by Christoph's guidance and constructive criticism. When I questioned the way that Althanas was run (I being an outsider, and the Althanas system being new to me), Christoph helped keep my confusion in check by helping to rationalize some of the more obscure rulings.

I'm sorry to hear that you are no longer holding the reins, and I hope that whoever has taken over for you will be as flexible, attentive, and successful as an administrator of the event. As compared to most of Althanas which was quite rigidly managed, I was well impressed with the ToC for it's fluidity and accommodation of players from all corners of the internet and all sorts of demeanor and habits. It gave Althanas a hook for visiting players, and I hope that despite a change in leadership it will continue to serve a similar purpose.

From my experience, you worked hard to bring good players to Althanas and to improve the quality of writing. So far as I can see, that is only in the best interests of Althanas - to help the evolving system by increasing the membership, bettering their skills, and keeping the content-base of Althanas increasing at a steady rate.

I wish the ToC luck in equally enthused and active leadership.

05-26-09, 11:03 PM
Admittedly, I wasn't a big fan of the TOC when I first head of it. However, once I started to learn the fine details of the tournament I began to appreciate the basic premise of the project. Cristoph is an individual who I've come to respect as a person, and also as a friend and fellow writer. Though I haven't known him as long as I would like to have known him, from what I -DO- know of him, he's an interesting guy. I'm sorry to see that he has been removed from the staff. I now know both sides of the story, and I must say I am saddened by this loss to the Althanas staff. Though I have a personal opinion about the matter, I will not make it known. I will simply say that I feel a mistake has been made in the firing of Cristoph. I personally hope that all of the parties involved can set aside differences and head to some sort of a more agreeable resolution. I won't involve myself any further than this. If anybody wishes to speak to me about this matter on AIM, I will gladly listen to all parties involved and we'll work it out from there.

Tainted Bushido
05-26-09, 11:19 PM
Its nice to see you finally back on site Chris. I was sad to see you had abandoned the site almost entirely post being let go. I hope that you're willing to transfer the information on the projects you were working on in the near future. I also hope that you are going to participate in the semi-finals. I wish you no ill will, and while we did butt heads I don't hate you. I want you to understand that.

I find it odd that you are just now responding to it, but I will chalk it up to merely trying to keep yourself emotionally detached from your statement. As you can see the tournament is going strong with the judges for the round being done quickly, and the next round beginning Friday. As a nicety I'll point out you're fighting Whispers in the Wind, and that tomorrow you'll be able to see your Arenas.

Best of luck on that.

You know where to contact me.

05-26-09, 11:28 PM
This thread has too few mentions of how awesome I am.

Alas, sorry to see everything that's transpired, buddy. Especially given a bit of pointed hypocrisy and, well, lack of a general understanding on the relevant topics. But I suppose that once the hand is dealt, it's hard to retract that gloating smile before you realized that your royal flush became straight bunk.

05-26-09, 11:29 PM
Welcome back to the site, Christoph. I'm looking forward to reading your thread this round.

I have nothing to say regarding the change in administration, seeing as I don't agree with half of the things that occur here. Just keep that head up, be courteous, and tell 'em to suck it when they're out of earshot.

Tainted Bushido
05-26-09, 11:35 PM
Guys, I appreciate the support for Christoph, but there are far better ways to talk about your disdain of the staff than to act rebellious. Telling Christoph to fight the power is funny once or twice, but if you honestly have problems you are more than free to bring them to the administration.

05-26-09, 11:36 PM
Actually TB, I didn't become scarce due to anything emotional. It was merely the fact that I was fired right when my final exams and college project due dates were pending. Once I got the time, I poked back in to make sure that people knew what actually happened.

05-26-09, 11:37 PM
Here's where I call shenanigans, bullsh*t, and scream "objection!" whilst waving my finger Phoenix Wright style all at once.

Citations needed on all five accusations there, ye with the bolded names.

I could go on and complain and just be a general dickhead (or go on yet another hiatus, since I guess that's what like to do a lot), but instead of doing normal Andy stuff, I'm just going to point out a few inconsistencies with your judgment...

"(1) Repeated belittlement and harassment of other moderators;"

Who, what, and when? Being IRL friends with Chris, we've discussed this place a lot. Not once have I heard him say anything about the mod squad, other than what you guys were planning for the ToC and the FQ.

"(2) Failure to adhere to Althanas moderator policy;
(3) Failure to respect or adhere to the direction of your superiors;"

I wasn't aware that total submission to your unquestionable authority was part of the deal. Good thing I half-assed my previous mod apps.

"(4) Performance deficiencies in the operation of major Althanas features;"

What have any of you done since becoming admin? Other than fire Chris, of course.

"(5) Acting in a manner that is contrary to the best interests of Althanas."

Yeah, because recruiting a bunch of people from other RP forums and new members for the ToC was totally bad juju for our elitist/isolationist ways.

Srsly, gaiz, back up these claims with some reasonable evidence. In this very public thread, plzkthnx

05-26-09, 11:38 PM
First, we're not telling him to fight the power; telling someone to piss off isn't fight. Second, I did bring up my concerns with the administration; the first time I was told that any evidence I might possibly have would be wrong no matter what, and the second time I was flat out ignored. The third time, the staff who helped me got fired. So, lol.

Viola Conda
05-26-09, 11:44 PM
Ok, this isn't a flag down and beat up the staff thread.

Christoph merely stated his reasons for leaving the ToC, and just giving everyone a heads up.

As of this point, let's just keep it to that. What happened between Christoph and the staff is just that,

Between Christoph and the staff.

Shadowed, I am sorry you feel ignored and whatnot, and if you wish to PM myself or Dirks about the feelings on the matter you are more than welcome to.

As of this point, everyone play nice.

05-26-09, 11:45 PM
As the party who ignored me and precipitated this entire incident with your rash and un-thought out remarks, I honestly don't have much faith that it would turn out well, Viola.

05-26-09, 11:47 PM
I'm watching a pair of kittens play with my shoes. They're really cute.

None of you guys are.

Before you people break out the acoustic guitars for a few rousing protest songs, I have to interject for a second to remind everyone (including staff members, current and former) to remain as tasteful as possible with their comments.

I don't care what's said in this thread, I care how it's said.

Srsly, gaiz, back up these claims with some reasonable evidence. In this very public thread, plzkthnx

That's not how.


I'd also ask that all staff members respect my sovereignty over the OOC. I believe I can handle this thread objectively enough.

Viola Conda
05-26-09, 11:50 PM
Shadowed, the staff and myself have discussed what went on, because I am more than positive that this is about the lost podcast, and I am not the only one who would have acted in that manner. But tat's not what this is about.

Look dude, you want to talk, by all means let's talk. I'll hop on AIM or YIM and we can chat, or you can PM. But if you don't want to deal with me, that's fine, deal with Dirks or serriliant and discuss it with them.

You got beef, do something about it. I will not dismiss you.

05-26-09, 11:55 PM
It's slander, and it won't be tolerated. Issue over.

Issue over. You catch that? Issue. Over.

Why are you trying to fix this now, instead of before firing Christoph for doing nothing more than trying to fix the damage you caused?

05-26-09, 11:58 PM
Issue over. You catch that? Issue. Over.

Usually a statement like that isn't followed by another question.

Please take any further comments about this previous issue over PM or IM. This thread is about Christoph, no matter if this previous feud pertains to him.

05-27-09, 12:03 AM
Arsene, all of this is about Christoph, including the events surrounding his getting fired - which is the focus of the thread. Viola brought up the primary cause of all this. Furthermore, please lose the snarky attitude before you talk to me; you know what the 'issue over' was referring to, thus following it with a question is valid. Really, as a staff member you should be above such petty attempts to win at internets.

Ugh stop this fucking useless hero worship of Christioph. He's just as much a douchebag as You, me, Tainted, BaBe, Godhand, fuck, GOD himself.

Christoph being fired isn't a result of him repairing damage. Christoph being fired is a fucking result of his actions. He did it to himself. This didn't happen overnight either, it was a work in process.

Viola: you sound bitter. Also, calling staff members douchebags is:

(1) Repeated belittlement and harassment of other moderators;
(2) Failure to adhere to Althanas moderator policy;
(3) Failure to respect or adhere to the direction of your superiors;
(4) Performance deficiencies in the operation of major Althanas features;
(5) Acting in a manner that is contrary to the best interests of Althanas.

Have fun getting fired; see you in moderator hell. Oh, and kindly do not belittle Christoph, as he is still a member here. I'm shocked and appalled at your lack of manners and proper moderator etiquette.

05-27-09, 12:07 AM
I don't need to win at anything. I was trying to save some value to this thread. I was talking with both Christoph and Viola in hopes to give Christoph the send away I believe he deserved.

That is impossible it seems.

I'm not going to try and keep peace any longer. Think of me or the staff what you will, I'm closing this thread.