View Full Version : Intro

Ilsiad Cimitarra
05-31-09, 08:24 PM
Hi I joined this forum as a friend pointed it out to me yesterday. So far I am really excited to get started as I have never been on a site like this before and the whole idea fascinates me.

While I have never joined a forum like this I have been writing creatively for a while. Generally short stories although now I am attempting to do something longer. Lately however I have lost that touch of writing everyday. Life and work always seem to get in the way. I am hoping this site will keep bringing me back for more.

Right now my profile is still pending acceptance as I make updates and changes to it. Hope to have it done soon so I can get started.

06-01-09, 07:30 AM
As someone who has been on Althanas for years, I can tell you that once you get into this site it becomes truly hard to leave. You'll probably notice 'return' introduction threads quite often from older members who disappeared because of life problems and are now back. :p

If you have any questions about the way Althanas runs, or role-playing in general feel free to contact anyone with an Italicized or Bolded name. Even the regular members would be able to answer most of your questions for you.

The Role-Player's Corner is the place to recruit people for your quests and battles or to look for people interested in recruiting. Most of us don't have a problem giving newbies a chance. ;) Svara Brae is the forum specifically designed for newbies, however that does not mean you can't write in the other areas. They are completely open to you as well.

I hope you enjoy yourself here and it gives you that spark for writing back. ^_^

06-01-09, 09:01 AM
A word of advice: if you've done edits to your profile sheet as per request from the RoG mod, post in the thread, saying that you did so. If you don't do that, we the mods usually don't notice that the edits have been done. I believe that's the reason why your profile hasn't been approved yet. I see you've edited your post after Task posted, but you didn't post there, notifying him that you did so.

Also, welcome that Althanas.

06-01-09, 12:10 PM
Yay! First 'non-mod' welcome :D

Welcome to the site, I'd love to write with you some time if you want. Hit me with a pm if you've got any ideas or just want to talk.

06-01-09, 03:11 PM
hihi and welcome

hope you have fun and the like.

06-01-09, 09:23 PM
Agreed with Witchy.
Althanas is creative cocaine.
You seriously cannot stay away for very long.

Yari Rafanas
06-01-09, 10:05 PM
Welcome to the site, dude.