View Full Version : Oran: the life and times (well, just about...)

06-02-09, 12:58 PM
Name: Oran Takomyro-Iphearo
Age: 17 years
Race: Coroné- Fallien / Dheathain
Hair Color: jet-black, but changes to golden blonde depending on mood
Eye Color: electric green
Height: 6,0
*Occupation: cryptic gurdian

*Personality: A loner. Gives out an intense aura without noticing. He's hard to approach but is not entirely unfriendly. Has a low self-esteem and easily gets attached. He tires not to get close to anyone because he's afraid he'll lose them. those who do manage to get close to him are treated almost like royalty and he is very gentle and lenient towards them but also overprotective. He has a lot of patience and supports others in their decision but is also stubborn and strong-willed.

Appearance: Intense, and angry looking all the time. Looks very nonchalant and blasé. gives off a bad vibe.* Like he pissed* all the time. tall, and slender but definntly in shape.seems to have a 'goth' personality. Vibrant green eyes, and a deep ivory skin tone. Thick hair that is straight at the top but gets a little wavy at the bottom. Shoulder length. Large scar across left-cheek.

History: he doesn't remember a thing. well, maybe bits-and-pieces. he grew up in an old house on a dark countryside back when both his parents were alive. a plague struck and he went to live with his grandmother. he never heard of his parents again, and his grandmotheer refused to talk about them at all. she also, like his parents, lived alone in the countryside. he would often ask where they were exactly and if he could visit the city with his parent s somr time, she wouldn't tell him. she would just leave in the morning and come back in the afternoon when they needed more food or clothes. he doubted sh ever spoke at all anymore, he doubted she told anyone about him. and then his thoughts were confirmed, she died, and no one came to save him, to take him away from the blank uncaring grey skys or the hard, almost silver, grass in which glistened and rose and fell under the breeze like an ocean, stretching for miles. he felt abandoned and afarid. he was only seven. he didn't know what to do so he scrumaged through the old house and found stocks and stocks of stored food. had she known she would die? or maybe she had just forgotten she had so much food in there. who knew. but he didn't have time to wonder had to plan his great escape. he took all the foood he could carry and started walking, only straight, so he would not get lost. he found a small town, it's name he couldn't pronouce...at least not yet, and sold all the food he had with him. he continued doing this on and off while learning how to survive alone for about a month. just until he had enough to get to a city. any city. he proceeded to get to a rather small one on the outskirts of an enormous one. he stayed in the small city and went to school with elves pretending to be of their kind. because of his height he lied about his age and said he was older than what he really was, because he was tooo tall to be a seven year old elf. instead, he went with the sixteen year olds. where he stayed for the next seven years, lying, growing, and eventually forced to leave because of his height. he proceeded to the larger city where he would keep up his studies and live on the streets. he was only fourteen. then two years later he joined the local gurdian force, impressing them with his knowledge he moved up too be an 'A' ranked commander, the highest degree and his salary sky-rocketed. and due to his accomplishments, he received a first-class house built in what seemed like 1870, for a king. he was sixteen at the time. now he still continues his work, demanding respect from everyone who left him and gave up on him. no one is particularly sure what the 'guardian force' because it is purposely hidden from the public. he currently lives under wraps and pretends to be just like everyone else...

Skills: excellent at deceiving. plays with minds and creates illusions. he learned this skill while pretending to be an elf. he can make you see something that's not really there, or feel something thats not there. he can even hear your thoughts and rumage through your memories. he's not very strong with fighting head-on with weapons. he uses his hands to create things, out of thin air, that might help in the fight. he strong when it comes to dodging and trickery. he can control what you see and what you hear and even your surroundings. sometimes, if there's enough doubt in someone or something, he can send an electric shock up their spins through his finger tips, uses his brain waves. he can also manipulate people into doing things for him.

Equipment: one thin black glove made out of his favorite t-shirt when he was seven. before everything changed.

*Familiars: he has no one.

06-02-09, 02:24 PM
I'd like you to put all of his skills in separate paragraphs and give me some more info about them.

Illusions - right now he should be able to create only the simplest of illusions that can be fairly easily detected. Also, he should be able to hear thoughts and rummage through memories of weak-minded people right now. Same with manipulation. People with moderately strong willpower should be able to resist him for now. And no manipulation on a PC without previous consent.

Creating items out of thin air - at this time, he should be able to create simpler weapons (swords, spears, staffs) and they can be as hard as steel.

Electric shock - right now, it should only be able to cause mild shock and numbness, along with some moderate burns.

Make those edits and you'll be approved.