View Full Version : Sorry!

06-03-09, 09:56 AM
This is probably bad taste as I'm very new here, but I need to apologize and give a heads up to Jaleco and Revenent. I'm pretty sure one or both of those are spelt incorrectly. :(

I had to have an emergency mini-surgery yesterday and I'm pretty messed up on some lovely antibiotics and pain killers, and as such I'm only really sober in 45 minute periods between the pain killers wearing off and the new dose kicking in. And also in a lot of pain. :(

I should be back in about a week, hopefully less!

06-03-09, 11:15 AM

I may not be Jaleco or Revanent, but I hope you get better soon.

06-03-09, 11:47 AM
Good lord!

Definately no need to apologize as this should definately be second to a real life emergency.

Thanks for the heads up and get well soon.

06-03-09, 12:05 PM
Mmm, pain killers. Those things will mess you up real good.

Get better soon, kid.

06-03-09, 12:08 PM
One time, I hallucinated that a Hulk-type person was throwing couches and shit at me in my living room. I woke up weeping.

Get well.

06-03-09, 06:01 PM
Well as long as no one starts seeing miniature Elvis imps everywhere then I'm sure everything will be fine. Nasty little devils, those. Anywho, get well soon; its just too fun writing with you two!:D

Yari Rafanas
06-03-09, 06:37 PM
Feel better. Health > threads.

Relt PeltFelter
06-03-09, 07:36 PM
I recall trying to do anything while whacked out on painkillers after wisdom tooth removal; it's pretty rough. Best of luck in your recovery.

Tainted Bushido
06-03-09, 07:36 PM
I will never ask our members to put their stories before their health. Get well dude, enjoy your life for a bit, come back when you're ready. I highly doubt anyone will be up in arms over your absence. They'd rather be able to continue roleplaying with you, rather than writing obituaries.

06-09-09, 04:24 PM
I'm back! It took much longer than I thought, but things ended up getting a lot worse before they ever got better. I'll try and post tonight, but if I can't, then definitely tomorrow. :)

Thanks for the get well wishes, everyone!