View Full Version : Anfm

06-07-09, 01:13 AM
Another New Forum Member!

Yes, I am indeed another new forum member as you might have noticed and I have just posted my character sheet up, spending three hours building up a new character and finding all the equipment/skills allowed/not allowed threads took just that long.

I know it sounds unrealistic, but I'm serious, just look at my character sheet and say it's ... very bad. In addition to trying to find all the information I had to make a character sheet, based on my character ideas, oh no. I hope somebody with authority comes up to my thread and starts talking about how my character is imbalanced and all, it's the norm I saw while looking around everywhere.


Questions I almost forgot to ask in this thread were:
How do I insert an image into my signature, is it possible?
Is it possible to make the topic name all in capitals?
How can you tell who has authority and who doesn't? (I see perfectly ordinary members asking members to change their character sheets)
Is there a place where I can find an RP that will actually accept a member like me after my character gets accepted?
Can other members see my editing history?
Why are you posting in this thread?

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 01:17 AM
No pictures in sigs. It just detracts from the story and is a big eyesore.

so sayeth the big wigs.

06-07-09, 01:22 AM
Ahh, that was dangerous messing around, I spent 20 minutes trying to find the 'reveal signature' button or something related to that.

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 01:52 AM
Yep, doesn't exist. Welcome all the same.

06-07-09, 02:18 AM
People of authority either have italicized or bold names. So if you have any type of questions, ask them.

Welcome to the site.

Tainted Bushido
06-07-09, 02:22 AM
Questions I almost forgot to ask in this thread were:
How do I insert an image into my signature, is it possible?
Is it possible to make the topic name all in capitals?
How can you tell who has authority and who doesn't? (I see perfectly ordinary members asking members to change their character sheets)
Is there a place where I can find an RP that will actually accept a member like me after my character gets accepted?
Can other members see my editing history?
Why are you posting in this thread?

1) Not possible, pictures in signatures have been disabled.
2) Nope, if you try then it only capitalizes the first letter of every word, to prevent annoying forum members.
3) Moderators have their Username in Italics, Administrators have it in Bold. When it comes to your character sheet in the RoG (Realm of Greeting) you need to listen to people who have such characteristics on their name.
4) Recruitment section of the Role Player's Corner is a good place to look. Scara Brae has a mission board as well.
5) Nope, only Moderators and Admins.
6) Because you asked a lot of questions.

Welcome, hopefully I've answered all your questions to your satisfaction.

As to your character sheet, understand that there is a myriad of things we look for in profiles. So if you were looking at whats already approved, there's a few things you need to consider. Part of which is that those abilities were approved with the rest of the profile in mind. SO, taking the best bits of varying profiles may not work out if that's what you did. (Not accusing you, but warning you should you have.)

06-07-09, 08:09 AM
Welcome! As the current self-appointed people-greeter for all newcomers and the self-appointed spokesperson for the forum section known as The Citadel which centers around an IC location of the same name, I personally invite you to a battle in The Citadel to warm up to Althanas and get a feel for your character. I promise an exciting an unusual arena in the sense that I'm an exciting and unusual person in RL and tend to try my best to reflect this in my arenas.

Please note, I did say "self-appointed" and have no official power. Also, the offer mentioned in this post is only valid pending approval of a character.

06-07-09, 09:39 PM
I accept, assuming that my character can yea... be accepted.

Tainted Bushido, no I have not taken any ideas from other profiles. I merely checked them to see what standard I should put my abilities, seeing how powerful I should make my charcter. The original idea was from an older RP that I used to use this character on, I just edited some stuff and put the list of skills in. Note the fact that I doubt anybody on this forum has any traces of a pirate in them (at least I didn't find any). I will never again make that mistake, I have once and it made me regret I ever took up RPing. One thing I cannot believe that you have done is accuse me of doing something like that... I know it is your job as mods/admin to make sure that people do not do it, but still accusing somebody when somebody just registered.

06-08-09, 12:16 AM
(Not accusing you, but warning you should you have.)

Ok...so either you were being facisious or you did not read his whole post.

Welcome to the forum!

06-08-09, 01:04 AM
Of course I have read the entire post (it was short so how couldn't I) but a warning is basically accusing somebody, a WARNING sign. Would you warn somebody about something they wouldn't do? No. So now do you see what I mean? Anyway, I don't want to dwell on this any longer, it's in the past already so whatever. I just want my character fixed up as soon as possible.

Tainted Bushido
06-08-09, 02:21 AM
Of course I have read the entire post (it was short so how couldn't I) but a warning is basically accusing somebody, a WARNING sign. Would you warn somebody about something they wouldn't do? No. So now do you see what I mean? Anyway, I don't want to dwell on this any longer, it's in the past already so whatever. I just want my character fixed up as soon as possible.

Actually I was warning you that one ability may be okay for one character and not for another. That if you were putting up an ability of similar power that it may not fly. Sorry if that's HOW you took it, but there it is.

Still, you're all approved, so enjoy your time on the site, and hopefully you'll be able to find a group of roleplayers and get to work.

06-08-09, 04:10 AM
Your high strung, just calm down... lol. It's a writing site, we just have fun and write.

Good luck and welcome to the site. Hopefully you enjoy it.

06-08-09, 04:22 AM
Thanks for everything, I hope I get to work with you some time.

One more thing I need to ask of you:
Is there any way to prevent the link of the profile changing when you move it?

I have already changed mine but I'm just asking this to help players who have yet to join.

Alydia Ettermire
06-08-09, 09:07 AM
The link doesn't change. Every post has its own number, and that number will belong to that post for all eternity.

For example, this link here ( http://althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=140942&postcount=18 ) will always lead to the eighteenth post of the thread Homecoming, even if one of the admins was to bounce the thread around the site for a few minutes before putting it back.

And about your "would you warn someone about something they wouldn't do" question...I would. Because people are stupid. Since you're new, replace stupid with "ignorant." You don't know what's out there in those dark and unexplored recesses of the site. You don't know how everything works yet.

Tainted was giving you some free advice to help you out; he did not deserve you blowing up at him like that.

Congrats on getting your first character approved. Enjoy the site.

Yari Rafanas
06-08-09, 11:42 AM
Hey, welcome to the site. :]

06-08-09, 04:38 PM
I swear the link changed, hmm. Maybe I was just .. never mind. It changed for me at least. I had to change it, because it led to another thread. Never mind.

06-09-09, 09:46 AM

06-09-09, 04:35 PM
Hello, thanks for the welcome I guess.

If people still read this, could I ask, Is it hard to get into a RP here? It seems to me that not many are starting.

06-09-09, 04:49 PM
To be honest, right now there's somewhat of a lull in activity, but it always picks up after a while. Still, you can always start something of your own and invite people to join. If you don't have any ideas presently, check out the mission boards in the regions. There's one in Corone that's pretty nifty. ;) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19210)

Yari Rafanas
06-09-09, 07:13 PM
Sometimes you have to poke people to get people posting/playing. Before you know it, you'll have a half dozen threads that need watching.

06-09-09, 09:41 PM
Hello, thanks for the welcome I guess.

If people still read this, could I ask, Is it hard to get into a RP here? It seems to me that not many are starting.

Prepare yourself. Before three hours have passed from the time of this post, that promised battle will be up.

EDIT: and so here it is:


Try not to hold it against me if I beat you and leave you buried in The Graveyard of Lost Ships.