View Full Version : Anima Revixi

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 01:16 AM
Warning: This thread contains mature content.

The rain poured down in a steady stream like tears from the heavens. Each droplet that touched the earth splashed in a tiny seismic wave of destruction, adding together to form little oceans that would wash across the land in a torrent of water.

A heavy boot slammed into the puddle, sending splashes outwards in every direction as the other foot trudged through the water, kicking it out of his way as he dragged his sodden wet feet through the rain. His toes were numb from the bitter cold as he wrapped his heavy traveling cloak around his face, damning the smell the heavy burlap produced to his nose.

Kane Kucan was an average human, a tad bit shorter than six feet with wild black hair spiked out using potent holding gels. His eyes were hollow as if lacking sleep, and he lined them with the heaviest black eyeliner he could find to hide the numerous wrinkles that marked his face. A shudder moved down his spine as he too in the mountain air into his body, and he let it out trembling at the cold inside and outside his body.

"Couldn't these damned artifacts be someplace warmer, like Scara Brae or the Black Archipelago?" Kane whined as he felt a breech in his protection against the elements, moving swiftly to patch up the hole bringing his cloak around his body again.

"Oh, is the itty bitty baby crying about the chilly willy breeze?" the darkness within him responded in a mocking tone, it's scorn for him apparent with each venomous word it hissed into his ears.

The darkness within Kane was not his but instead belonged to his dark mistress, Cassandra Remi. Yet he now was the host for her dark ambitions ever since the day she was killed by the powerful Hex spell cast upon her by Serenity Dahlios.

"Laugh all you want you parasite, but if I fall dead of hypothermia you'll lose me forever, and without me you'll never save Cassandra from her fate." The darkness settled upon that thought, only hissing in his ear before he receded inside him like a snake down a hole, wrapping itself deep within his mind where he wouldn't bother Kane.

The two were searching for three powerful artifacts needed for an ancient ritual to bring back Cassandra's body and soul from the afterlife. It all seemed so far fetched and fantasy like, the same story one would hear before bed time. Kane felt silly doing these fool's errands, but if it was a chance to see Cassandra again he would do whatever it took.

Not like he had a choice in the matter, as the dark passenger that resided within him gave him no option but to become a pawn. So in the end Kane decided it would be worth it just to be rid of her dark attentions.

Kane reached a hand towards the bag that had held all of Cassandra's belongings, touching each wrapped blade and moving it aside as he thumbed the pages of the book of Catrina Ferman, and he paused reflecting on how many people died because of the deadly poisons inside those hollow pages. Shuddering he pushed the book aside and lifted out a large volume with pages older than time itself it seemed.

The book was only known to Kane as Orior Ab Glarea, which was later revealed to him translated as "Rise From the Grave." The pages within had several necromantic ways of raising hordes of the dead, powerful monsters long fallen to time, and even in the right circumstances, with enough power, bring one body back from the afterlife with full mind and soul. Their body would also go back to it's original state, just before the cause of death. That was the ritual Kane needed to perform to bring back Cassandra.

After finding a tree where the rain let up he leaned against the bark and took a long drag of air, his bones freezing from the chilling winds. He opened the ancient tome and the leather creaked as the pages ruffled like autumn leaves as he slowly and reverently turned the pages, falling upon one page in particular and thumbing the line of text.

"Anima Revixi." He mouthed to himself in wonder. His thumb traced down the page, and he looked at the ancient text with curious eyes as he began to read the age old script. In less than thirty seconds he slammed the book shut in frustration. "Stupid book!" he seethed. The darkness stirred within him, laughing at his plight as it surfaced again.

"What's wrong, can't read infernal script?" it mused, laughing at his irritation. Kane rolled his eyes as looked down upon the book. "Kane, I think you get the wrong idea about our relationship, you degenerate waste of flesh." Kane snorted at the insult, thinking about how the darkness was running out of insults to call him. "I am only too happy to help you, should you just ask. I am not so petty as to make you do my bidding without my help."

"For a price, of course." Kane mentioned off offhandedly. The darkness chuckled at his comment. "Last time I asked you to help, you said you'd do it only if I killed someone. I dunno, I just look at the pages and figure a life isn't worth just knowing what a bunch of text reads. That could just be me, of course." he sassed as he prepared to put the book inside.

"But that one page tells you exactly where the Anima Revixi is." It stated, slithering across his skin and warming his insides. "Does not the idea of being out of the cold, and into some warm surroundings not sound appealing? The winds are so cold you know," The slithering stopped, and the coldness returned, almost intensified than it was before. The slithering took up again in earnest, warming his bones again. "I offer this to you, Kane. Wouldn't any price be worth not having to suffer the cold?"

Kane's lips wetted at the idea of warmth, and his mind began to process the gains over the disadvantages. His heart was warmed by the prospect of being completed with the stupid journey, with only one last item to go. He looked down at the pages, and his eyes scanned them. Was the price he would have to pay far to high to even ask? Was any price worth paying just to stay warm.

"No," Kane said defiantly. "Someone else can read these texts. I'm sure of it." The darkness retreated again, howling in rage and anger. The freezing cold moved back to his bones and the sudden shock dropped him to his knees as he breathed heavily like one stepping into a cold shower.

"Than be a fool." Cassandra's dark companion hissed. Kane's teeth chattered, but he smiled in a grin of triumph. It wasn't often that he was able to aggravate the dark passenger, but when he did it brought a certain element of revenge to him.

That revenge was all the warmth he needed as he collected himself and started walking again.

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 01:49 AM
Kane felt the wind sweep away the rain from his face, feeling his body quake with each step. His burlap cloak had long lost it's warmth, now soaked to the core and only offering him a small reprieve from the elements. His body was sore from all over and he felt the pains in his legs growing stronger with each passing second. He knew if he didn't find shelter soon, he would freeze to death.

He thought about the options, and his mind resisted such a notion, but in the end he figured he had little choice. "Okay," Kane said miserably. "Name your price and I'll consider it." The darkness scoffed at him, not even stirring in his mind as he felt a wave of panic. "Hey, I get it. I pissed you off and you're all hurt that I wouldn't play your game. Now grow up and help me out." Kane said full of irritation as he looked down upon his chest. Still nothing. "Well, then we both part ways here." Kane said wearily looking at the rain.

Kane felt another wave of panic wash over him, and he realized he wasn't going anywhere fast with the being. He looked and saw only the heavy fog that covered the area. He was sure he was lost, he was out of food, and if he didn't get help soon he was about to die. "Okay, Okay!" Kane said panicking, his voice trembling. "You win!"

The darkness stirred softly, like a lazy cat waking from a long nap, but it still didn't respond. Kane felt like stabbing something, anything just to vent his frustrations. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" he shouted, making a flock of birds tempt the rain as they retreated from him. The darkness howled in laughter as it surfaced within the farthest depths of his mind, it's cries of mirth making him shiver from fear despite the cold.

"My prices are not cheap, Kane. Think very hard if you want this before you ask me. Once I name my bargain you can't back out like last time." It's tone was like honey, dripping with intent as Kane thought it over. His body was shattered and broken, and his mind was caving in far too fast to even process the words.

"Name your price, please! Damn the world I am freezing cold and I need your warmth." the twisted ambition's of Cassandra gave him a low accusing whistle.

"Did you not earlier say that my prices are too steep to pay? This sudden change of heart, this sudden hatred and depravity makes me see you in such a wonderful glow." it laughed at Kane's misery making the human groan in anticipation. "Swear to me now, Kane! Swear to me that whatever the cost you will obey me, and make this deal with blind faith! Do it or there is no deal!" Kane caught himself about to shout his reply, but he checked himself. He thought it over and over and realized the presence within him wasn't just about to ask for a mere bodily tribute. It was asking for something far worse.

He was about to say no when he suddenly felt a sharp pain and heard his foot snap. His ankle went limp tossing him to the ground in a heap of a mess. His eyes looked down to his ankle and it was hard for him to realize he had strained it or he may have even snapped the limb from all the endless traveling in the harsh climate. He didn't have to be a survivalist to know his chances of surviving without the help of the dark passenger was zero, and with a seething tongue he opened his mouth shouting his reply in rage.

"I swear it!" The hollowing laughter echoed within his own mind as the presence flowed through him, a blanket wrapped around his skin and he felt his body growing warmer and warmer. Even his ankle seemed to feel a tad bit better, and his body was no longer sore from the walking.

"This won't last long." It warned him. "Lucky for you the cave where the Anima Revixi resides was only a ten minute walk away from here." Kane's eyes shot open as he looked down upon his chest. He felt his ire rise, his choler getting pitched with fever as he screamed into the heavens words of rage and hatred.

"Damn you, damn you parasite. You fucking devil! I hate you, I fucking hate you! Damn your eyes I wish you'd die! I wish Cassandra were here, to fucking cut you up from head to toe and make you scream for all you have tricked me into!" The darkness chuckled at his comments, waiting for him to stop ranting.

"Whenever you wish to move, Kane, it's to the north of here." Kane felt his rage subside for a moment, feeling cheated of his life. He still didn't even know what exactly it was he just gave up or agreed with to get this new found warmth.

"I swear to the gods above," Kane seethed as he walked, limping slightly from his injured ankle. "I will find someway, something to make you pay for all of this..." Kane vowed.

Cassandra's Dark Companion only laughed at Kane's threat.

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 03:18 AM
The cave was dank and smelled of dried animal fur. A heat radiated from the mouth of the entrance and Kane embraced it for all he was worth as he traveled deeper and deeper into the terrain.

He wondered the area for what felt like hours as he searched for some signs of life to seek out. So far despite the smell he had nothing else to go off of. He moved swiftly, rounding a corner and seeing the mouth of the cave again. He groaned in frustration, feeling the exhaustion seep into his very being as he slumped onto the ground, hungry, tired, and seeping wet from the outside rain.

After he collapsed onto the ground he heard the faint trace of footsteps echo in the path behind him. He did his best to look behind him, but the toll on his body dispelled any attempts to try and move. He moaned in suffering, his body shivering as the boots surrounded him. He felt fingers poke into his flesh, and one ruddy hand that was as dry as the desert sand lifted his gaze so he could look up.

His lips parted as a flask of water lined his mouth, and he greedily swallowed the meager allowance. His eyes blinked a bit as he tried in vain to lift his hand, and he looked woozily into the eyes of his saviors.

"Speak." A voice said in a thick mountain accent like a roar of a bear. "Speak." the voice repeated. Kane tried to focus on the bodies around him, trying to figure who was talking to him.

Kane tried to open his mouth, but a loose wisp of air passed beyond his lips, and he groaned. The flask of water tipped the edge again, dropping another sip. He licked it up and swallowed it, his eyes pleading for more.

"Speak. No more. Speak. No more." the voice repeated. Kane tried his best to understand what he was attempting to say. His mind couldn't process the meaning and he felt his body grow warm as the dark passenger glided to the front of his mind. It was as if the being made Kane's mind his new home, using his eyes as a window to the outside world.

"They want you to speak if you want more water. Obviously they won't waste it on a corpse." Kane nodded, finding some inner strength and he let out a garbled mass of words.

"Moure, Pelese." He huffed. The water immediately returned to his lips, in a longer lasting drought, and his throat gulped up each drop like an animal. He smacked his lips after he finished, seeing the mountain men before him.

Each was clothed in heavy furs of varying animal hides. Each carried a flash of water, a weapon of some sort, and they all looked to Kane like he was some miracle from the gods above.

"My thanks," Kane offered, nodding to each. "I was thought to be dead." The leader of the group as far as Kane knew was the man with the longest grey beard. His cloak of furs was a single mountain bear, and he wore it like it was a cape more than warmth against the cold.

"You," the tribal leader searched for the word to say. "You...follow?" he asked in stead of ordered. Kane nodded, doing his best to stand up. His limbs were weak and shaky, and as he tried to get up two powerful sets of arms helped him stand. Kane was thankful for the help, and slowly he started walking forward on his own accord.

Kane walked with them for nearly an hour as they led him down the path that led to the inner sanctum of the tribal home. As they reached the portal cave entrance he found he was in the center of the mountain, a network of openings and exits that allowed people to travel the cave like it was the land above ground.

"Dwarves." Kane said matter-of-factly. The tribesmen nodded at the word, pointing to pavilion at the bottom. A few Dwarf miners were excavating the land making a new tunnel, their broad shoulders moving the rocks with ease. A few others made plans with the humans as they talked back and forth in perfect dwarven dialect and Kane was both amazed and baffled at the sight.

As his eyes took stock of the whole situation Kane felt his gaze suddenly start to turn against his will. He realized Cassandra's dark companion was forcing his head to turn and he looked over at the far end near where the largest cave mouth was opened. A top it was dwarven runes and dialect that Kane couldn't understand for the life of him, but above the words laid a small triangular golden object with a long silver circle around it. Hanging at the bottom of the ring were three golden pendulums, the middle being slightly longer than the sides.

Without even having to be told, Kane had found the Anima Revixi.

Requiem of Insanity
06-07-09, 04:09 AM
Kane was dragged down the steps towards an apartment where he was told to stay and one of the group of tribals remained behind. Kane walked over to the mirror and looked into it, his hands lifting back in shock as he looked deep into himself. "What the hell have you done!" Kane whispered loudly.

"Just a little redecorating." It said plainly. Kane's hair had not only been spiked, but was now growing grey in patches around the base of his skull. His eyes had sunken even deeper to the point he looked like a corpse and he realized the eyeliner was the only thing that saved him from being left for dead to begin with. His eyes were no longer black in color, but lined out with red, slowly growing redder around the edges. He looked down upon his body and noticed his nails grew in length to small points, like claws. If Kane had to put money on it he was being turned into the twisted dark ambitions of Cassandra itself.

"This was the deal!?!" Kane asked incredulously. "Making me a copy of your very image?" The demented dark companion laughed at Kane, an accusing sort of laugh that one gives when they know something the other forgot.

"I made you swear to me, Kane. Have you already forgotten our deal? You blindly accepted my help." Kane felt his face and got little to no sensation from the act.

"How much do I lose with each time I ask for you?" Kane asked. "How much more of my soul do you corrupt every time you help me accomplish a task you know I would fail unless you help me?" He clenched his fists into tiny balls of rage, and he felt a wave of relief to know he felt that sensation at least.

A snarl of disappointment hissed in his ears. "Pieces? Each time? Kane I took your very soul from you. It's mine to do with as I please. This isn't some demon's deal where I give and take with each agreement. I took what I wanted, and now you are mine."

Kane felt his ire rise until a squat presence formed at the portal to his room. He turned, looking at the dwarf as another human female looked at Kane, her face failing to hide her disturbed expression.

"You are asked why you have come to this place." She said plainly, devoid of emotion. Kane looked around his room, trying to think of something to say. He couldn't reveal the real reason he was in this dump.

"I'm searching for a friend." The dwarf lifted an eyebrow at this, his nose wrinkling as he stroked his beard. The woman waited, and the dwarf spoke to her, a thick dwarven tone that easily pointed to accusation. Kane kept his face neutral. The woman looked up at Kane, her face studying him intently.

"You looked like an undead monster. You reek of foul magicks. Something is amiss here and my lord wishes to know what it is you are truly here for." Kane sighed, looking her in the eyes. With as little thought to his idea he spoke from the heart.

"Cassandra Remi, do you know the name?" He said. The dwarf's eyes looked up to him in agitation, a sudden shocking revelation as he began to speak wildly, pointing to Kane with an accusing finger.

"Odd, Cassandra's never been to this part of the world before..." The inner parasite mused.

"Remi? A man by that name has come in a killed many of our people! Is she in league with such a man? Are you as well? By all accounts you are her friend, and thus you are just as responsible for her actions." The woman pulled up a short dagger, her feet silently prodding forward.

Kane's mind began to race with ideas of how to escape, but each result ended in disaster. He couldn't figure out what to do, and he hated the twisted ambitions of Cassandra for laughing the entire time he thought. It angered him to be so calm during this time, but then his mind snapped at the notion. "Cassandra has already paid you back!" Kane shouted. The woman paused slowly.

Kane took in a deep breath before he began to talk. "Cassandra and I met in the town of Emprea, where she was helping me find a crazy serial killer. That killer turned out to be Jebb Remi, the father of Cassandra. While I was...looking for clues," Kane lied through his teeth as he remembered thieving through the house where Cassandra was at. "I stumbled upon Cassandra, who tortured and then killed her own father to atone for all the crimes he committed." Kane lowered his gaze to add dramatic affect.

"We were partners for awhile, about a year or so. Inseparable we were, and I admit I loved her. Then one day...she was taken from me." Kane said angrily, fighting back tears of regret as he watched the image of Cassandra dying over and over again in his mind. "I am to this day, doing my damnedest to find her again. I'll make a deal with the devil if I need to in order to see her again." Kane said full of vindication as he lifted a single hand to his chest.

The woman lowered her weapon, and the dwarf eyed him carefully. Suddenly the dwarf walked forward, wattling on his stubby feet as he looked to Kane.

"We are thankful." He said in thick common trade speak. The dark companion howled in laughter. The dwarf turned to the woman, and she nodded at his words.

"Tonight you are our guest of honor as we remember the fallen. We will also offer our thanks to Cassandra, for her sacrifice to cleanse her sins." Kane gave her an awkward glance.

"Thank you..." Kane said offhandedly. The dwarf shook Kane's hand, holding it for a long moment, looking him dead in the eye. He said a few words, and turned leaving with the woman. Kane looked back into the mirror.

"Cassandra would have my head for this..." he said guessing how his mistress would treat him for an entire tribe of dwarves and humans to celebrate her honor. The darkness only scoffed at his remark.

"She would be absolutely livid." He agreed.

Requiem of Insanity
06-15-09, 10:24 PM
Kane watched in awe as the dwarven hall filled with numerous groups of people from the inner networks of tunnels and passageways. Long, elegant tables that seemed to stretch into forever were dragged out and placed, a special circular black oak glossed table set up in a place of power at the center seemed to designate where the village elders would be. Grand metal worked candelabras hung from iron chains to light up the room, their candles casting a magical glow below them that circulated the meeting and gathering section of the townspeople.

His mouth dropped in hunger as he stared greedily at the plates of food, roasted ducks and chicken, as well as more exotic meats like bear and wild game. They were surrounded by all forms of fruits and vegetables, as well as washed down lettuce salads mixed with the best ingredients. Large barrels of wine and beer were rolled out and set up for taps as humans lifted them up on their powerful shoulders while dwarven aids slipped the holders underneath them.

Kane was floored at the spectacle, and he could feel the dark companion within him watching like a cat in the window of his soul, breathing gently behind his eyes in silent mirth at the display of power going on. To see a feast such as this was legendary of dwarves, and only happened when something particularly amazing happened.

"Jebb Remi must have been a terrible man..." Kane whispered to himself. He could hear a cruel chuckle of agreement in the back of his mind.

Standing off to the side he watched as the dawrf from earlier walked in, his hair oiled and his beard tied up professionally in a tight knot that hung to his knees. Flanking him was the human chieftain who gave him water when he was weak, and the other was the woman interpreter who was garbed in the purest white silk in a dress that barely went down half her upper thigh and covered enough of her flesh to hide her breasts. A few other dwarven and human officials appeared behind this procession as their retainers hid in the shadows, each holding in hand a golden piece of metal that was the size of their broad chests. Runes were etched into the top and bottom as well as script carved into the shining surface that glinted int he candle light. As they entered the room became quiet, and the lights dimmed as if something magical was about to happen.

At the center of the table in the middle of everything a large circular disk half the size of the oak was placed upon it, decorated in glittering precious metals and gems. Another smaller disk was placed a top that, and each dwarf brought forth their golden tablet, placing it reverently upon the dais and setting it up so it made a box. Then a large rumble of drums rolled off in the hall, echoing down every tunnel and making the ceiling shake. Each noble chieftain bowed on one knee, including the interpreter. Kane caught a flash of the interpreters unhidden body and he felt shameful at the rise he got. But despite the view he couldn't help but watch as four humans walked forward, upon their shoulders a grand chair holding a venerable aged dwarf with a beard grayer than storm clouds. His eyes looked upon the hall, and when his sagely gaze met with Kane's he felt an overwhelming power to drop to his knees in supplication. Despite the feeling all he managed was to bow his head respectfully, the dark passenger he harbored not allowing him to bend his knee.

The procession marched forward until it stopped before the table, and as the chair lowered the drums rolled to a stop, and the aged dwarf stood up walking onto the table and stopping before the dais. He muttered dwarven words that he was sure even the dwarves in the hall couldn't translate for how ancient they sounded, and he walked up each disk until he was before the alter. He opened his arms wide, revealing a large book chained to his chest and twin axes at his side. The dwarf from his earlier encounter stood up walking forward, and Kane saw what he offered to the party, handing the aging king a golden key, who took it and waited until the younger dwarf walked away.

He spoke to the crowd in a thick mountain accent, and the congregation all responded with one word. Than he took the key to lock on the book, opening it up. He lifted the chains over his head and placed it upon the alter, opening it to a few pages deep within. He felt a strange presence next to him, and was taken aback to see the woman interpreter standing next to him, with her head held low. Her stealth even caught his dark companion off guard as he growled at her in challenge, before retreating into Kane's inner mind.

"My lord, Grimnar Grandaxe has asked me to translate what is going on, so that you may too feel the burden on our hearts lift. The dais is made up of multiple components, each representing a sect of the people who inhabit these mountains. Each bring forth a piece of this alter, which we know only as Donarium Suscenseo; the Altar of Grudges. That book is a tome of all the wrongs ever committed against our people, names of those killed or who's lives are ended shortly. A single page holds over a hundred and fifty names, each hand written by the High King Thordrick Grimmson. As the tradition states each time a wrong is made right, we cross the name out in red ink, so that by the power of Anima Revixi they can go to the great hall and wait to be reborn again with no strife or ties to this world."

The mention of the powerful artifact made Kane cringe, seeing now the holy implications he was going to commit. He felt a wave of guilt wash down upon him, and he began to realize that these people based so much of their lives around traditions. He doubted greatly they could make do without the relic.

"How many names did Jebb take? Five, ten?" He asked curiously as he whispered backwards so she may hear him. There was only silence as the high king stopped about a third of the way into the book, he looked to Kane with a gaze of deep respect, nodding once before he began to read the names. When a name was called out he took a mighty quill from the pot before, the feather having to been from a bird that was the size of the dwarf himself, and he scratched out the name. Where the Anima Revixi rested it began to glow in a pearly translucent color making the lights in the hall dim, and the three pendulums raised upwards towards the heavens. The woman let out a slight sigh, then spoke with an even tone.

"There are over twenty pages."

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 12:27 AM
The feast began a little over two and a half hours later, the final name being crossed off and released to the other realm. Kane was offered the position nearest Lord Grimnar Grandaxe as a seat of honor in the stead of Cassandra. Food was passed down along the table as Kane ate and wolfed greedily at the meats. His stomach felt like exploding and he still ate, knowing a meal such as this may never happen again for the longest time. Next to him was the interpreter, who he later discovered her name as Tabitha. She took fairly small portions of meat and ate smaller bites.

The dwarves laughed at the way Kane ate, joining him in destroying what was on their plate as they chased it down with bitter beer and fine spirits. He began to notice that the more he drank, the quieter the darkness within him became, and before long he was roaring in laughter with the other nobles as they made their jokes. He didn't understand a single one of them, but he laughed all the same in his drunken state.

"Your appearance is that of a ghoul, but your temperament is that of a child. You looked like you saw death in your eyes with each step when we first met." Tabitha sipped her wine and licked her lips. "Yet now your as jovial as those around you."

"I have had a lot on my mind," Kane said tipsily. "A heavy guilt some would say. It's been driving me mad for over a year." Tabitha smiled showing her teeth, fluttering her eyes in a provocative manner. Her face flushed as the wine hit her as well, causing Grimnar to howl in laughter as he pointed to her. "What's he blabbing about now?" Kane asked feeling his body shift sharply to the side as he leaned back in his seat.

Tabitha blushed more, but shrugged all the same as she responded. "I am being chastised for being drunk. He mocked me saying it was unprofessional. If you knew me more, you'd understand the joke a bit better. I work a lot in this hold, and always act professional." Kane turned to Grimnar and laughed, elbowing the dwarf in a friendly manner. The dwarf dropped his gaze, taking in a deep breath of understanding before letting out a wry cry of mirth, elbowing Kane back as he slapped him on the back. The blow was powerful enough to make Kane choke on the beer he was drinking, making the entire hall laugh.

Kane swallowed his pride as he roared with them, laughing at the display as he turned back to Tabitha, smiling back at her. "You people sure know how to throw a party!" Kane cried out, tossing his beer stein over to the end of the table where a dwarf deftly reached out and grabbed it, filled it, than returned it by sliding it back along the glossed oak wood surface.

"Tell me about her," Tabitha said bluntly, leaning closer to him. She had on a wonderful perfume, and he felt a shiver of excitement rise within him. The dark companion gruffed in anger, about to return before he downed the whole beer. He slammed the glass on the table, roaring out to the hall much to the cheer of the nobles. They took it as a challenge, as they passed more beer to him, but the cry was more in defiance of the twisted ambitions inside his mind as he quelled them and silenced them. "A bold move," Tabitha said happily, patting him on the shoulder before dragging her slender hand down to his knee where it rested.

Kane felt his blood boil in animal passion, but he let it go for now as he thought about the question he was asked, sipping into his beer. "You refer to Cassandra?" He asked, raising a single eyebrow in curiosity. She nodded once, lifting her glass to her lips and swigging the rest of her drink, tossing the glass to the side where it broke. A human servant returned with a beer stein filled to the rim for her, which she took and began to play with the edges with her finger in a teasing manner.

"Yes, what was she like? How did she look?" Kane took in a deep breath, his mind filling with images of the woman who he adored and feared all at once.

"Well, for starters her hair was the same beautiful length as yours," he said slyly, running a hand through her hair. She blushed at the gesture, scooting closer in her chair to him as her hand began to rub his knee and inner thigh. "Her eyes were the deepest shade of hazel, more piercing than that of a hawk. It was a window into her own soul, and you could see the wisdom of the ages in those gorgeous eyes." He said remembering looking into Cassandra's cold, steely glare. He sipped more beer as he continued.

"Her body was about as tall as yours, her chest was no where near as magnificent as yours however," He winked to her, making her blush again as he hand moved a bit deeper into his thigh. "No her beauty was...entrapping."

"Enchanting," she corrected, smiling to him. Kane however shook his head as he sipped into the bitter brew again.

"No, I meant that," He wiped the foam from his chin as his hand rested on her smooth skin of her thigh. "Her beauty was like falling into a spider web. She draws you in with her cold, piercing stare and your heart just...melts away. Yet when you realize it she already trapped you, and you can't help but feel like fly in her domain." Tabitha tilted her head at the curious way of describing her, but she took a sip of beer, nodding to let him go on.

"She...she always walked with a purpose. Never did she slouch. Each step was graceful and full of poise, like a dancer or elf." he patted her legs and winked again. "Her legs were as divine as yours lady Tabitha." he whispered loudly for her to hear. She giggled as her hand in his lap was dangerously close to rubbing his genitals. "Her hair was once the color of this black table, more...darker if that is even possible. As black as night. But she died it, to match your beautiful shade of blond."

"She sounds marvelous. How was she when you knew her?" Kane shivered, and fought with all his will to keep that feeling of dread from coming. He drank more of his beer to calm his nerves.

"She hated idiots." he said dismissively waiving his hand to keep his train of thought moving forward. "Patience was never a virtue for her. She is the kind of woman that sets a goal, and then does it damning the costs. I would assume it takes that much force of will to kill your own father." Tabitha nodded, her hand reaching up out of his lap and taking his hand.

"She made a noble sacrifice to cleanse these sins from her families name, to know her must have been a blessing." Kane shuddered again, his mind beginning to cave like a dam despite the alcohol in his system to hold the tide back. Tabitha mistook his feelings for regret at the loss of a friend, and she stood up, lifting Kane up with her as she led him away from the table. "Come with me." She whispered in giddiness, her chair making a loud sound as she rose.

The other dwarf and human rulers all laughed in a teasing manner, whistling and calling out to Kane at how lucky he was about to be. Kane just let his emotions wash away as he grinned before he stopped letting himself be dragged and followed her.

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 01:04 AM
Kane's body slammed onto the feathered mattress covered in furs. His hands moved in the darkness quickly as he lifted up on a slender frame, grabbing hold of a the fine silk and lifting it up. As he finished the act his hands moved up and down the sides of her body as their lips locked around each other. His hands moved around her body as she squeezed her thighs into his hip, grinding against his chest with hers as they moved like a tangled beast.

Her hands tugged at the shirt he wore, lifting it up slowly a single bit at a time. When it was as his neck she lifted up from the embrace and tore the shirt over his head tossing it to side as she moved back in on his neck, passionately kissing deeper and deeper into his neck. Her lips moved with a delicate grace as her tongue dragged down his adams apple and to his chest where she took a playful bite before kissing each nipple as her hands danced along the sides of his body.

Kane felt his body move as one, his hands moving down to her clit as he played with it, making her moan in ecstasy as each twitch of his fingers brought another sensation of pleasure. She pulled away from his touch with a dragged out kiss on his lips before she lifted upwards into the air so her hands could dance along his stomach to where his belt was. She untangled it and opened the button on his pants, ripping his denim pants off while his feet kicked his boots off along with his socks.

As Tabitha hovered over his body her hair fell down the sides of her face, making a drapery of blond lines so all he could see was her ocean blue eyes. They kissed passionately again as her hand began to wrench upon his shaft, making him moan now in pleasure. It continued for a while until she bent low, sticking her butt in the air like a seductive siren as she crawled down his body to where his dick was, and she took a few teasing licks at it making his blood rise to full attention. When he was about to scream for her to end the teasing she took him into her mouth, making him cry in pleasure.

His hands moved to her head, guiding her motions as she pleased him orally, his fingers lacing into her hair and stroking the gentle blond strands. They continued like that until he came, she moving out in time to let his semen fly haplessly onto his stomach. She took her silk shirt in a moment of passion and wiped it away, before she crawled back up to his lips where their tongues jousted with each other, darting and thrusting in out of each others mouths as they kissed.

After her fingers were done teasing him back into full attention her hand drifted up his side, and he shuddered in cold dread when she touched one of his many wounds of love courtesy of Cassandra. "Where did you get that?" She asked curiously as her lips and tongue moved to his right ear, where she licked it and bit playfully into it. She grinded herself into him as she waited for him to reply, her hands tracing along each scar on the side of his body.

"Cassandra...saved me...from..." he tried to think of a lie in the heat of passion, but his drunk fogged mind was having trouble processing it. Those scars were given to him when she teased him and cut him, licking his blood and shallowly dragging her blade across his skin. Each time her finger traced the wound he could feel the dripping of blood come from the wound, and he trembled from her touch.

"Never mind," she huffed with a bit of irritation. "This is about us anyway." She whispered into his ear as her hand moved to his penis, positioning it so he could enter into her. Slowly he moved inside, thrusting himself a small inch at a time before soon they were going at it like wild animals. She groaned and began to whimper in pleasure, her eyes held tight as she rode him grinding her hips into him to increase the pleasure. Their bodies were like one as his hands moved to her breasts, slightly squeezing her nipples. She moaned loudly as her lip quivered, and he grabbed her hips as his thrusts became more violent.

"Oh yes," Kane moaned as he rammed into her, his body losing itself to the activity. He looked upon her blond hair and felt a wild lust fall over him, making him thrust harder into her. The feeling of her tightness against his shaft drove him nuts, each movement a sensation all to itself. It wasn't the first time he had ever had sex, but it sure was the best time he could recall.

Tabitha moaned out loudly, her hand clamping over her mouth as she bent over him, hiding her mouth in his neck as she screamed in pleasurable mirth. Kane moved his hands to her hips, and he slowly turned her so she laid down, and he began to go back into her with more force form his new position. Her breasts heaved back and forth, and the motion of them swaying made his blood go nuts as he moaned loudly.

"Ah yes, yes Kane, Yes!" She shouted, damning discreetness as the two made love. Kane cried out to her, shouting her name over and over. Just as he was about to climax he felt something within his mind snap, and a wave of dread washed over him as the images of Cassandra torturing flooded his mind like a broken dam.

Her cold hazel eyes pierced into his soul, making his heart melt into nothing, his body reacting violently as he let out a series violent spasms. Her knives flashed to the front of his mind, and he could feel his wounds burn with pain and agony with each thrust he did. The images fueled his animal lust and he began to grow even more aggressive with her, pulling her deeper down his shaft. Tabitha bit her finger, allowing Kane to control her body as he slammed himself into her over and over.

A knife cut into his side, blood trickling down the blade. "Yes Kane, Yes!" Another cut made him scream out in agony as he couldn't take the pain. "Oh my god, Yes!" A devilish smile boxed in her heavenly face surrounded by the blackest colored hair. "Oh Kane, take me, take me!" The reflection of the moon danced across her face, her deadly intent visible in her eyes as the blade was brought to her lips. "I'm coming! I'm Coming!" Her cries of pleasure were drowned out by Cassandra's twisted laughter, and Kane exploded his load.

Tabitha whimpered a bit as the sensation washed over her. Kane left himself inside her as he began to break down, his mind unable to stop the flood of images. Constant screams of agony and terror covered his mind, and he couldn't escape the sight of blood. He slowly broke off from Tabitha, feeling himself softening as he flopped next to her on the bed. She curled into his arms, kissing him tightly as she wrapped her legs around him.

As the emotions and passion left them she turned her back to him, resting within his embrace. She whispered words of thanks and love before her breaths soon became silent, blissful breaths of sleep. Kane on the other hand felt the darkness coming, and as he closed his eyes to sleep he saw the nightmares begin to surface in his mind.

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 01:45 AM
Kane looked upon his bed to see not Tabitha, but himself. He was chained up with a look of pure pitifulness, and he could feel the metal handle of the knife in his hand as easily as one would feel a rock. He watched himself squirm and beg, and he lowered the blade down cutting into his side. He could feel the sensation of the blade cutting into the skin, making his mind shiver in sadistic glee as his tied up body screamed in agony.

He laughed at himself, poking the blade a few times into the wound to make himself scream loudly before he heard a darker primal power chuckle behind him. He turned to see a fog of darkness around him, red eyes glaring at him. He felt a wave of dread wash over him as the chill hand of death crept towards his body. It stopped pointing back at the body, and he turned his head to instead see a mirror. What he saw made him scream.


Kane startled himself awake, cold sweat falling down the sides of his face as his chest heaved. His hands recoiled in terror as he moved away from the body on the bed, but after a few deep breaths he realized it was only Tabitha upon the bed resting. The furs on his body made him itch and he crawled out of the bed stretching his arms, feeling the alcohol still in his system. He silently cursed to himself hoping that the liquid courage would take the nightmares away, but it seemed no amount of drinking would get rid of them.

He walked silently over to the restroom, where the washing basin was and he lowered his hands into it splashing his face with water. He turned an oil lamp on to a low lighting and breathed deeply to wash the terror away. As he looked up into the mirror before him he felt his mind split as if an axe cut into his cranium, and his mouth opened without any sound escaping. He could feel the dark ambitions of Cassandra crawl forward to the front of his mind, and he realized in a single moment how deeply in trouble he was in.

"You pathetic fool," it hissed into his ears. He tried to look away from the mirror, but his body didn't even budge. He began to sweat again as he felt the power of the dark Companion wash though his system. The affects of the alcohol were starting to fade quickly and he suddenly felt very cold in his naked state. "Did you honestly think that was going to work?" Kane felt his lips loosen, and he took in a few cleansing breaths.

"Can't...blame me...for trying..." He said weakly, feeling the grip of a cold hand upon his throat. The twisted desires of his former mistress growled in challenge, and he felt his heart grow tight as the darkness gripped it.

"I am not some idiot demon, you fool. I OWN you, Kane." It slithered around his chest, crushing his ribs. "You can't just drink me away and expect me to be gone just like that!" the inner turmoil coiled tightly around his whole body, and he could feel his ribs ready to snap. "It seems you forgot the point of this journey, and I'll have to take steps to make sure you do not forget who you serve." Kane's eyes widened in terror as he felt his body grow free. He swerved to the side over an empty chamber pot.

"I'm in no condition to serve you," Kane muttered. "I can barely stand as it is." The darkness chuckled in reply.

"I have a way to make that problem go away. Currently the entire hall is drunk off their rockers and you will never get another chance to steal the Anima Revixi from these insolent wretches. I will not let your ineptitude ruin this! Prepare Kane, for this is the punishment you get for failing me. This will hurt very, very much."

Kane felt his stomach spasm and wretch, and he gripped the side of the pot in a deadly embrace. His lungs took in a deep breath, and he felt fluids rise up from below as he began to puke. The stream left his mouth in a violent burst, chunks of meat and food as well as liquid as he let it all go. But it never ended or paused to give him time to recuperate. He kept up the stream of bile and his stomach and esophagus burned as if it was on fire. He noticed blood was starting to join the expunging and he felt tears of pain fall down his face as he continued to puke each and every drop of alcohol from his system.

It lasted for three minutes, but felt like an eternity. When it was over with he fell weakly to the side, spitting up traces of what remained. He begged for a glass of water, but instead got cruel laughter in return. He felt his body grow numb, and he slowly and carefully rose upwards as he walked over to his clothing. He dressed into his clothes and noticed his satchel next to the nightstand. He picked it up and was about to turn to Tabitha when he felt a wave of pain push his neck away from her slumber.

"She's a useless piece of trash. She's nothing compared to the beauty of Cassandra. You were a fool for sleeping with her." Kane rebelled against the insults, but his heart suddenly tightened again and he surrendered. He walked to the opening portal of his room, and he looked around to see if there were any sentry's. Confident there were none he began to jog down the long walkway to where the Anima Revixi was located.

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 02:34 AM
Kane looked upon the war torn remains of the party. Food was left everywhere in heaps and the beer kegs were knocked off their saw horse. The tablets and grand dais were gone, and Kane could only assume the nobles had left while he and Tabitha slept. He moved towards the edge of the hall and crawled in the shadows to avoid the attentions of lumbering drunkards and servants as they moved about.

He looked upon the complex structure of the spiral clearing, seeing the Anima Revixi glow in the dark light. He leaned forward over the ledge of the railing and began to determine the height of the relic. He guessed it was over fifteen feet in the air from the ground, not low enough for him to shove a table and grab it quickly. He calculated the distance upwards, and found it to be a mere twelve feet away from the ledge. He began to think of the tool's at hand when the darkness stirred in his mind.

"As always, Kane, the answer is before you and your too blind to see." it taunted. Kane looked around at the Anima Revixi, seeing nothing of use to him before his eyes noticed a glint upon it's reflected silver. He followed it up to see that a mere six feet away was a metal candelabra, hanging from a chain that was was fixed to a long metal pole.

It was risky to take that route, but it proved to be the easiest as far as distance was concerned. He confidently knew the clamps in Cassandra's bag of tricks could hold him long enough to grab the Anima Revixi and he could release himself to lower down to a feasible drop and make a run for it. Problem was the Anima Revixi was bedded into the earth itself, and he doubted a few tries would net him the prize without some mining tools to pry it loose. The whole task had to be done quickly or he would be caught, and he had a feeling the consequences wouldn't end with a favorable outcome.

Kane took in a deep breath of air, moving silently to where the pole hanged and he took out the chains from satchel and linked the together. Testing to make sure they were secure he stepped to the edge and took one deep breath. If he fell and missed grabbing the pole he wouldn't like the fall and would wind up with broken bones if he was lucky enough to even survive. He took the leap of faith, and felt his fingers tear in pain as he latched onto the metal pole. He felt his body bounce around straining his hold and he used his momentum to swing his legs up. He crawled like a spider along the pole, moving his hands back and forth and scooting forward with his legs.

When he reached the chains of the lamp he grabbed them and hung swinging onto the tip of the candelabra kicking a few candles off their holdings. He sat himself upon it, feeling the weight start to give, but it didn't budge as he clamped his own pair of chains to the metal working at the bottom of the light fixture. He attached the other end around his waist and he looked down to where the Anima Revixi resided. With the chain secured he hopped out towards it like a bird and he felt his stomach churn as a thrill of terror crawled down his spine. He snapped like a lure on a fishing hook and swung back and forth. He used the momentum to get closer until his fingers felt the flush rock housing of the relic he sought.

"What the hell are you doing!" A voice called out below him. Kane's body grew rigid and cold and he looked down to see a servant point towards Kane. Other servants pointed as well, and one was already running towards the stairwell. "Sound the alarm! We have treachery in our midst!"

"I think this is the part where your idiot plan should start succeeding." the voice in the back of his mind taunted. Kane flailed out towards the relic, his fingers digging into the earth trying to free it. Dust crumbled away but he knew he wasn't making any progress as he soared away from the Anima Revixi. Shouts of alarm rang out through the hall as a few servants with spears ran towards him.

"FUCK!" Kane shouted in hostility as he swatted one away from impaling his stomach. He felt the girdle grind into him and his stomach lurched as he felt the chains rub his skin raw. Another spear nearly took his head off, and he grabbed the shaft of the weapon pulling it free. He took the weapon and when he was getting closer to the relic he stabbed with all his might into the earth right above it. The tip of the spear cut into rock, much to his surprise and he used it to pull himself forward. He could feel his feet and knees getting scraped and cut, but the dark companion fueled his body to numb the pain.

"Work faster, puppet!" it hissed. "I can't keep this up forever!"

"I know!" Kane shouted back. "I'm hurrying as fast as I can!" Another spear was deadly close to impaling him, only the chains around his waist pushing the blow astray. His fingers dug into the terrain, and as last he felt his fingers upon the Anima Revixi. He dug for the pendulums on the bottom and when he was able to pop one out he pulled using all his might, and the relic came free with a loud pop.

The pole holding him was suddenly starting to bend lower, and Kane realized men and dwarves were taking it out of the earth to drop him down below. He frantically moved to his waist, trying to find the clamp that held him, and with a final gasp of exasperation he undid the clip just as the pole fell out.

He free fell in slow motion it seemed, the cries of anger and rage a thing of the past as he slowly glided down. Then it seemed to hasten as the wind whistled in his ears. He was about to scream when he landed square on a grouping of people, knocking them all down to the ground.

"You are fortunes fool with this luck, Kane! Run, run now while we can!" the inner darkness ordered. Kane felt warmth enter his blood stream and he sorely rose, groaning as he began to run. Shouts of battle filled his ears as spears, daggers, plates, utensils, and even a chair flew towards him. He dodged each with graceful steps as his feet moved a fleet as a gazel in the woods. He rounded around the corner and found the entrance cave where he was brought before and he ran like the devil as he pumped his body as fast as he could.

Each step he took burned his chest, but the warmth in his body offered by Cassandra's twisted ambitions kept him running. He ran for all he was worth as he started picking random paths to travel down, hoping to lose the horde of people chasing him. Cries of anguish and aggression echoed behind him as the mob of angry dwarves and humans chased after him.

He could only pray that his feet carried him down the twisting narrowing path to the cave entrance as he rounded another corner. Despite it all he could still hear the howling laughter of Cassandra's twisted lover, and at last it let Kane in on the joke.

"Do you think we would get to go in their big book of temper tantrums for this?"

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 03:14 AM
Kane had darted in and out of rocky alcoves for hours as the hunt for him continued. He had hidden inside a small hole and managed to find enough room to slip the relic in the bag, and then put on Cassandra's old sneaking suit. It was tight on him, but it was enchanted to blend in the shadows. So long as he kept the bag hidden he was positive he wouldn't be seen so long as he kept to the shadows.

He was almost caught when he passed by a group of dwarven miners. He had to press himself against a wall to avoid being brushed up against as their scrutinizing eyes tried to find him. He continued to walk the pathways, trying to find something as a sign he was nearing his goal, but instead he just got more and more lost. Dwarven tunnels were exceptionally hard to navigate he figured.

He took a small break, leaning over the ledge of a rock and taking water from a stream into his mouth, and he let the cool refreshing taste energize his body. He turned to his bag and pulled out strips of black cloth from one of his shirts and ripped them, bandaging his wounds. While the twisted ambitions inside him kept the pain away, it wasn't stopping the flow of blood loss.

After he healed himself he slowly got up and tested his legs out before leaning over and picking up his bag. When he lifted back up he felt a sword against his back and he cried out in alarm as he jumped forward. Even the darkness inside him stirred in agitation, caught completely by surprise. The blade kept on him, driving him to his knees before it slowly began to circle around him to his neck, and then his front.

"You left this in your room," a calm voice spoke. There was a hint of regret in the speech, and he cocked his head to the side. "A unique weapon...it's more fit for butchering up people than cutting them." Kane dropped his gaze in sadness, as he took a deep breath letting out a sigh that created a cloud of fog before him.

"It's called the Butcher's Bill." Kane explained. "It was Cassandra's blade when she killed a Vampire lord on Black Moon Isle in the Black Archipelago."

There was tense silence in the air, before the blade lowered and Tabitha stepped forward. She wore a basic brown skirt and a warriors pualdron on her right shoulder, but her chest was covered only by a simple leather tunic. The Butcher's Bill clattered onto the ground before him, her hand resting upon a runic axe at her hip. It was a brilliant shade of winter white for a hilt, a blood dyed leather hilt guard covering the base and the blade shined with a sterling silver.

"This blade is called Hope's Requiem. It's keen blade is able to cut through any armor and the metal never tarnishes. When it sings in battle hope will always reign." Kane watched a single tear drop down the side of her face as her lips quivered in regret. "So it's with all my heart Kane that I pray you have a damned good reason for the atrocity you committed. Because if I draw this blade there will be no song of hope."

Kane looked at her, silence filling between them before he nodded to her. "Cassandra had a song as well. Each time she killed one of her victims she would offer their screams up to her twisted dark ambitions, in a Requiem of Insanity." Kane explained, making Tabitha lower her guard more as she felt pity for Kane. "I did it for her," Kane said honestly. "For Cassandra's sake. I need this relic to bring her back." Tabitha shuddered in sorrow.

"Kane, you fool. She's put a spell on you! Can't you see she's like her father?" Kane remained quiet, before he nodded once. "How could you, how could you love a monster like her, and not me?" she said through her grinding teeth as more tears flowed down her face.

Kane kept his face neutral as he looked to her, and then he let out a deep sigh. "I want to love you, Tabitha. I want to be rid of her, be done with her forever...but..." Kane felt the warmth return to his body as he remembered the night he said, "I shall, and will forever, be your eternal puppet..." Kane felt a heavy rush of guilt wash over him, and he looked back into Tabitha's eyes with tears of his own. "I can't ask you to understand me, but you have to realize that I need her vile love. I need her in my life again!" Kane pleaded for Tabitha to understand, but instead she sobbed some more, her voice cracking.

"Why, oh by the gods why? Kane I was falling for you!" She said full of sorrow. Kane just looked to the ground. He felt his hands grow nearer and nearer to the blade on the ground, and he fought with all his will against it. But in the end he couldn't resist it. With a fast wave of motion the Buther's Bill rose up in the air and down upon Tabitha's left chest quadrant. The blade cleaved easily through the leather, cracking it and splitting it as the weapon broke past her collar bone. He pulled the blade out, tears lining his eyes as he cried out for the darkness within to stop, but the blade lifted again cut down on the same spot, severing her left arm from her body.

"I'm so sorry," Kane whispered, feeling his arm grow numb as it returned to his control. Tabitha cried out in pain as he sobbed out, her cries echoing down the halls of the passageways.

"This is my price, Kane." The dark companion said with little care for the butchering that just took place. "You will lose everything you care about until you bring her back to me." Kane felt disgusted by the act he just committed, cursing his own weak will as he felt the warmth wash over his body. He listened to her wails of anguish and regret, and felt the darkness drink it in.

"No," Kane said defiantly, lifting up the Butcher's Bill again. "This madness ends now!" The blade lifted upwards and crashed down again, the blood staining the suit he wore, as blood poured from it.

"You fool!" the darkness cried in rage. Kane's only response was a weak, hesitant laughter.

Requiem of Insanity
06-16-09, 03:31 AM
The moon shone brightly in the forested hills of Sulgoran's Axe. Despite the chill winds and freezing temperatures a solitary man walked defiantly back towards civilization away from the mountain ranges. Each step was full of purpose and determination as the feet carried the man away from whatever horrors he had witnessed behind him.

A soft chuckle of amusement escaped his lips, and it soon turned to cold dark laughter. He laughed merrily, opening his arms wide in challenge as he looked to his chest in triumph.

Kane walked for hours like this, laughing at the hostility in his dark passenger's mannerisms. He had killed Tabitha back in the cave, ending her wails of anguish and regret as a final gesture of love for her, and a gesture of defiance as her song ended before the dark companion could listen to it. Hanging across his back was a silvered axe along with the sheath to a sword and he adjusted the bag that was lodged between them.

"You do know you're going to have nightmares for weeks until I hear someone elses cries of agony and terror." Kane shrugged indifferently.

"I couldn't care less anymore. I gave her my heart in one night, and for once it didn't belong to you or Cassandra. I am always grateful for that. Killing her after what you did was the biggest show of my gratitude. It's worth whatever torment you shall bestow upon me."

The darkness stirred within his chest, like a snake readying to strike as he looked over to the horizons of tomorrow. "At least we have what we needed." It muttered. Kane nodded at the assessment.

"We now have in our possession the Orior Ab Glarea and the Anima Revixi, so what is the final relic we need?" Kane asked trying to keep this topic change going. The darkness chuckled for a moment before it loosened itself inside his chest.

"It's not a relic or trinket this time. No, it's the most tangible item on the list of things we need to get. We now just need the hide of a dragon." It said plainly, before bursting into a fit of maddened laughter as Kane groaned in irritation.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Kane whined, but the darkness shushed him as it continued to talk.

"Kane, you so far have impressed me doing these simple tasks, but I'm no idiot. I know you'd stand a snowballs chance in Hadia if you were take on a beast like that. No instead we'll be heading to the bazaar in this region and steal it." Kane pondered this for a moment before he nodded.

"That would have sounded like a suicide mission to me ages ago. Now I think it's easy as pie compared to what we've been through." The twisted lover of Cassandra laughed with him on his assessment, though both knew it would be their biggest challenge yet.

With the final piece to freeing Cassandra in place, Kane looked to that horizon in earnest as he prepared for the new challenge of what he was about to endure. "I'm coming for you." Kane said defiantly. "Just you wait, Cassandra!"

06-29-09, 12:16 AM
Anima Revixi
Quest Judgement

Sorry for the wait; commentary will be minor as requested. Anything you’d like further clarification on, feel free to IM me.


Continuity ~ 7/10. It could have used a little smoother transition from previous threads, but everything required for a good storyline was present. I’d also have liked it to be a little more complex, but the simplistic design complements this character.

Setting ~ 6.5/10. Great at times, a tad lacking at others. Also I felt you could have done a better job situating the reader near the beginnings, and perhaps gotten into descriptions of the mines during the escape a bit more. You’re plugging in the right direction though, keep it up.

Pacing ~ 7/10. Some hiccups in the narrative gave me pause, but overall this moved well and kept me interested. I should also mention that everything seemed to happen fairly conveniently and easily. I suppose the dark companion’s powers helped this, but having the protagonists overcome a little more adversity (other than Kane’s mental adversity, heh) would be more interesting.


In this section I felt that overall you developed the characters well, using the narrative as well as significant dialogue and action. As a reader though, sometimes Kane and Tabitha’s dialogue seemed inconsistent, and the behaviour of the dwarves, although well described, didn’t always ring true.

Dialogue ~ 6/10.
Action ~ 6/10.
Persona ~ 8/10.

Also I should mention, although it doesn’t affect your score, that you should put a warning message at the beginning of any thread with mature content, and that sex scene was mature content. Personally I don’t mind it, but we do have some youthful members around here who may be offended. I’ll add it before I close the thread ;)


Technique ~ 6.5/10. There were a couple literary devices I really liked, but also some awkward ones that actually disrupted your flow. That one about a siren showing her ass in particular. You’re getting better at finding the right places for devices and using them effectively, but don’t forget to edit these as well.

Mechanics ~ 7.5/10. Noticeable grammatical errors and typographical errors, nothing close proofreading couldn’t fix.

Clarity ~ 6.5/10. It seemed like you wrote this in an almost stream of conscious approach, because there were pitfalls in some places where I’d lose track of what was going on, or else just get bogged down by thick passive writing. Something to consider: when you finish writing a post search for the words “began” and “start”. Nine times out of ten you can edit them out for smoother writing.


Wild Card ~ 8/10. An enjoyable if not especially gripping story, good work.



I’m docking a little EXP and all GP because these are pretty big spoils at level 2, but I think you deserve them and they’re great storyline building tools.

Kane Receives:

Hope's Requiem:
The Axe of Tabitha has runic charms upon it to keep the edge razor sharp, and it always shines brightly and never tarnishes it. To use its keen edge for it's cleaving mode however, Kane would need to know the dwarven words to activate the runes. Still, it's a nifty Titanium axe with a dehalr handle and masterwork leather hilt.

This axe is special to Kane, and he would never sell it as a memento of his love for Tabitha.

Anima Revixi: A powerful necromantic tool that can be used to bring someone back from the dead mind body and soul to the point before death. This item has no use to Kane except for the ritual he's trying to obtain.

Moderator’s note: For the axe, the enchantment for cleaving through armor can only be unlocked through subsequent quests, just to clarify. For the artefact, I’m assuming the ritual required is fairly involved, meaning one couldn’t raise an undead army easily with it.[/I]

Kane also loses the chains Cassandra earned in a earlier quest, as they are still tangled to the Candelabra in the dwarven hold.

Kane gains 1500 EXP and no GP.

Welcome to level 3! I’ll post in our thread soon.

06-29-09, 11:55 AM
Exp and GP added!

Congrats on level 3!