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Damion Shargath
07-17-06, 09:43 PM
Damion walked about the Bazaar, trying to keep as low profile as possible. As then finally the store of an old friend appeared in the corner of his eye, the halberdier ducked into the alleyway it stood within. He wanted to take the rear entrance, there was no reason for his planned purchase to raise uproar within the bazaar.

With a gloved hand Damion swung aside an oriental blanket hanging from the top of the doorway. His footsteps creaked on the old wooden floor below as he strode forth through the rear of the shop. To his left and to his right weaponry of finest kind amassed, he could have taken any, but he desired not a single one of these less than ordinary items. His wishes were more exquisite, his desires were harder to fulfill. True, his full-steel halberd had served him well, but it was battered and marred by the many battles it had contested.

Silently Damion entered a room to his left, concealing his movement with muffled steps. There was no need that the menial salesmen got any word of the coming trade, for it would take place outside of the ordinary...

Behind the door he opened, within the room he entered sat the shop owner. An old friend who was in his debt by word, would support him with this purchase. After Damion had entered the accommodation and shut the door behind, he found the owner behind a desk before him. His obviously busy figure was shrouded in dim lighting, but the armor clad halberdier knew he had been taken notice of.

“Greetings…how do you fare, this shop has recently been taken over by you correct?” Damion spoke with a sound of easiness in his voice, “I hear things are going rather well, are they not?”

A small, friendly huff emitted from the shadows.

“My armor is battered…my weapon deformed and incapacitated. I direly require of new equipment…and I thought of this very place to acquire the new goods.”

Damion tapped his rackety and beaten armor as he peered into the face of the shadowed figure with a chuckle, “You should know me, and I’m not one to satisfy myself with the next best ordinary…rubbish…” The warrior threw a short glance over his shoulder in a sarcastic manner, “…out there. Quite frankly the make of this armor has suited me well…I require the same but simply of better material…say, Osmium. I wish it to be coated in an extremely thin layer of silver simply for the visual effect…it needs to proverbially blind my foes. As for my weapon…” Damion leaned his worn halberd against the wall to his right, “It shall, as the armor, be fully of Osmium. I need my armor and my weaponry to be of one unit...mock me superstitious, but so far it’s worked. The blade, I wish its edge to be of black diamond. Not only that though, the blade should carry a finely serrated feature additionally. The halberd’s entire length should stretch to six feet and a couple inches, as you like. It’s blade though, should not exceed the length of one point four feet though. Not should the entire length fall under the length of six feet and six inches, or the blade below one point three feet.”

Without further hesitation Damion began to dispose of his battered equipment. What he had asked for was much, this he knew, but he would have no trouble paying, this he also knew. Usually Damion had preferred a clean cut to his weapons, but due to the damage the edge of his weapon’s blade had taken over time it basically proved itself to be a severely fissuring weapon…he became used to the gory demeanor of his arms.

Incase it didn't get through due to poor description of my weary eyes and fingers at 5 am...here's the purchase clarified:

1. Upgrade full body, multi-plate steel armor (Covers entire torso, arms, hands, feet (boots) up to knees, and the outer facing sides of Damion's thighs.) - to Osmium. Entire armor is to be coated in a thin layer of silver - visual and deceptive effects.

2. Purchase full Osmium halberd. Blade edge of serrated black diamond.
Complete Length Max: 6'9"
Complete Length Min: 6'6"
Blade Length Max: 1'4"
Blade Length Min: 1'3"

That covers my purchases.

07-19-06, 11:17 AM
He had been following the halberdier for some time. There was an odd feeling that Rakh had when he neared the man; it reminded him of Salvar. He didn't know why, nor could he pin the man's face to anyone he'd seen before. It was something about his walk, and his choice of weapon that raised the warrior's interest. There was the strange air about the armored warrior that spoke of heroics, braving the fiercest northern blizzard. The order he put in was certainly a large one. Rakh sincerely doubted the man had the money to pay for such an order.

"You have that much gold, do you?" Rakh joked. "I'll tell you what. You look like the sort that I've dealt with before, and generally speaking, as wayward as you might be, you seem honest." He nodded, walking foreward from the shelves to the man's right. "If you want, I will cover your costs. I've got little use for my money anyway."

He had always rememebered the old addage, what goes around comes around. He wasn't sure, however, if he was coming or going. Was he repaying some debt from long ago? He had a feeling in his gut that pointed his generosity to this warrior, and this warrior alone. He only prayed that he wasn't making a grave mistake. Dust hung in his hair like dew on Concordian leaves. He hadn't bathed for days, a sour smell coming from his underarm was signal enough. He certainly didn't look like he had the money either, but, in most all cases in such a strange land as this, appearances are decieving.

The monk you see may be a cultist.

The rogue who robs you may be stealing for an orphanage.

The needy warrior may just stab you in the back, or he may just happen to save your wretched life. There was truly no telling.

07-19-06, 12:48 PM
The shopkeeper was stunned. He had never heard of such a purchase before. His three chins jiggled as he began fiddling with an abacus, doing complex mathematical computations with mere beads. Finally reaching something that resembled a conclusion, he threw the abacus aside and ran his fingers through his thinning, mousy hair, slicking it back with salvia he'd licked onto his fingertips.

"Twenty-five thousand gold pieces," he replied breathlessly.

Damion Shargath
07-20-06, 08:55 AM
The man who entered the room seemed somewhat familiar to Damion, but as his gaze fell upon the unwashed man his appearance was all but familiar. The halberdier gave a startled look at the offer he was given.

“I’ll…I…will gladly accept the offer.” Damion stammered, “Where…say where do we know each other from? I can’t quite remember our first encounter…but I must say…you do seem…familiar.”

Damion threw the last piece of his prior armor to the floor with a clank, glancing back at the store owner. Gulping at the named price, the Salvic warrior lit one of his cigarettes, “You heard the man…he is paying. Now fetch me my equipment.”

Having acknowledged the purchase for this price the halberdier turned around and faced the other man. He eyed him up and down, coming to the conclusion that he certainly wasn’t someone he knew. With a deep pull on his cigarette Damion began to piece things together.

“Salvar?” He questioned, offering a cigarette to the dishevelled man. “What do you say we go for a drink after this…I’m paying those though…”.

It was now up to the shopkeeper to elevate himself, head for the armory, and retrieve Damion’s equipment. The halberdier’s fingers twitched, his body pulsated with anxiety, longing to wear and wield his new equipment.

07-22-06, 10:46 AM
The shopkeeper turned to the man who had suddenly appeared and offered to pay for Damion's purchase, and held out his hand. "That'll be 25,000 GP, please," he said. Immediately, several dozen elves trotted out from behind him, each a foot tall, and began picking up the pieces of armor and scurrying off behind him, disappearing behind a cloth screen and into a workroom behind the shop. "Your purchase will be delivered upon payment," the fat fellow said, his chins wobbling.

07-22-06, 12:49 PM
Damnit. Twenty-five thousand.


This osmium stuff must have been a little more expensive than he thought. No matter. It wasn't like he really ever used money anyway. He considered donating it to some sort of non-profit organization, but, in all seriousness, where's the fun in that? No blood. No splattering of peoples' faces against blunt objects. No hewwing people in two with blades. Rakh needed entertainment, if he was going to splurge like that.

Pulling an old Red Hand scrip from his satchel, the Weregoyle scrawled out the 25,000, to be delivered immediately by an undisclosed means. That would be his little secret, how he could evade the bandits and get that kind of shipment into the Bazaar unprotected. He had been doing it for years, in fact.

"I trust that everything is in order? These scrips are still good, back from the occupation and all."

07-23-06, 01:34 PM
The shopkeeper glanced over them, nodded, and called back to the elves. A huge wooden crate was rolled out from the back room, and the shopkeeper nodded to his customers.

"You'll find the requested items within. Pleasure doing business with you."

Zieg dil' Tulfried
07-25-06, 10:46 PM
GP deducted