View Full Version : Raven BlackThorn, Former Angel of Death Revised

06-13-09, 12:30 AM
Name: Raven BlackThorn
Age: Beginning of time
Race: Fallen Angel
Hair Color: Jet Black with tinges of Dark Red
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Height: 6'3
*Occupation: Assassin

*Personality: Raven is pretty laid back, but not lazy by any standers. He does have quit the blood thirst and loves picking on what he calls the lower species. He loves to just take to the skies and roam around finding odd jobs, people have to be killed and murder was his business. He only has one friend and she is like family, he treats everyone else like trash unless it's his next meal.

Appearance: You can find Raven wearing loose black pants and a tight fitting black sweater, with his Nightmare Cloak trailing behind him. His eyes the brightest of crimsons. Ankle length hair the color of pure darkness with streaks of burnt burgundy. At approximately 6'3 and 145 he has a pretty good stride and some muscle to back it up. Raven has unique wings in which they are slightly bigger than normal but don't hold him back at all, in fact he flies faster than the rest. In color they are indeed as black as his soul. To finish it off he has a simple white sash, the last white thing from his pure day.

History: Raven awoke in a crater wings broken and blood pooling out of every available orifice. With his memory shrouded he had no idea who or what he was. When a young girl came to him with eyes as red as his own helping him up and out of the crater. She asked "What happened to you?" "Who would do such a thing to such a beautiful creature?" his response was simply "I couldn't begin to tell you little one." Once back at her place he awoke to a gorgeous room which screamed "I have money!" He began getting memories back, first was being beaten and battered at what he believed was a party held in his honor. He remembered that even what he thought was his closest friends helped bloody him. The girl had told him "I will help you get your memories back if you would but help me with a simple task." She handed him a weapon "I found these laying next to you so I assumed it was yours."
"Thank you little one." He said. He agreed to help her and they went to her underground training area where he relearned how to use his dual swords. Once training was complete and he found out that he was a murderer of sorts he took a job as an Assassin. With each death more and more of his memory came back, until he once again had all his memories. The one thing he wanted most of all was his Millennium Scythe that was stolen from him, he knew which Deity had it and would stop at nothing to have it back. Suited up and wings spread he took to the skies with the girl in tow, Segomo the Deity of War was about to have his head served on a silver platter. Once Raven was in his presence he couldn't believe that he had survived, after a long talk which Raven had ended with a loud "Enough talking old man! You will soon be bowing to me!" Segomo materialized Raven's scythe and with an audible growl he bellowed "TIME TO DIE SEGOMO!" Raven charged the Deity of War with the first attack Raven managed to bleed him. After several hours of fighting with an intrigued young lady leaning against the wall watching with an evil grin on her face, Raven had him against the wall, with a flash and a clang of metal Segomo's arm lay on the floor, picking up his weapon with electricity flying about, Raven felt the power course through him and knew it was time to feed his beloved blade. With a scream Segomo's head lay on the floor with his body laying lifelessly next to him. "Very impressive Rave, you will be useful to me." "I am no ones pet nor am I a puppet for you to pull my strings!" "You know nothing of me or what I can do and I don't even know your name! Don't try me child! My patience isn't what it used to be!" she giggled and after a long silence she answered his question "I am the Dark Priestess of Monkuru and you will do as I say." With a blur of speed and the sound of blade cutting through bone she also lay crumpled in a heap with her head next to her "No one toys with me." he said in a low growl. Now he is gathering an army to take on the one his people call God.

Skills: Millennium Scythe(average): A scythe that devours the souls of the dead, the scythe becomes stronger with every one hundred soul collected. It is made of the strongest steel.
Dual Swords of Necro(average): Raven attained these swords from one of the most powerful Necromancers that he slayed during his job as the Angel of Death, not knowing what they can fully do and still learning through trail and error, they are made of the strongest of irons.
Power Thief(below average): Raven can steal the powers of others but only if they are the same level as him. Also they have to be dark aligned or neutral, no light powers can be absorb.
The Elements(average): First comes Lightning, level 1 spell Volt, A small blast of lightning coming from his core that causes minor nerve damage and some minor burns. Second is Fire, level 1 spell, Fire Balls, Heating from the core of his being Raven creates small fire balls that cause minor burns.
Weather Control(below average): With only minimal control of this possibly devastating ability, Raven turns the clouds to rain clouds when sad, thunder & lightning clouds when angry, and when happy the skies clear.
Darkness & Shadows(average): Calling the shadows in the surrounding area to his aid in hiding and evading enemies. If someone with higher senses or is paying attention to the area he is in, Raven's shadows dissipate.
Necromancer (budding)(above average): With this ability just beginning to appear Raven has begun talking to the dead and learning as much about it as possible, some even tell him that he is a true prodigy when coming to these dark arts.

Equipment: The Millennium Scythe, Dual Swords of the Necro, and Bones of small animals.

Familiar: Twin Tiger Cubs & Black Wolf Pup:
Twin Tiger Cubs: Anita& Jason: Anita is the older of the two and is very protective of her younger brother. Having had their parents slaughtered for their fur and skin, Raven found them and protected them from the poachers. Since then Anita and Jason has stayed with him looking up to him as a parent. They both speak english but speak like toddlers. Anita is more fluent being the eldest and Jason is more a jumble of words. They both refuse to go into the big cities fearing any other than their only family.
Black Wolf Pup: Odin: Named after the God of Storms, Odin lost his mother at birth and father in a battle to the death for leadership, now exiled from his pack he came across Raven camping in the woods, he felt an instant connection and curled up next to him and they have been with each other ever since. Raven gave him his name cause of the way his fur sparkles like stars and the way his growl roars like thunder. Odin stays with the two tiger cubs in a nearby forest area.

06-13-09, 12:50 AM
The scythe can be as strong as steel for now. For the skill section you should clarify that it is either above average/average/below average. Only one skill can be above average.

The two swords can be as strong as iron for now. For the skill section you should clarify that is is either above average/average/below average. Only one skill can be above average.

Please remove the Phasing ability for now, it's too strong for a level 0 character.

Power Thief: Spells/abilities that you take from other PC must be approved by the PC, though you can take some from NPC's. The abilities that you take you have to have approved at the end of the thread, be it a battle or quest. Request it as a spoil, and if it's approved by the judge that judges the battle you can use it after your next level up profile and it is approved there.

The Elements: Please pick two of them that you can use, and we'll work from there once you pick which ones.

Weather Control: For now I'd like to see this minimal control, no conscious control. Like if you get sad you can have the sky's already existent clouds darken. If you are angry it can rain slightly. However, you cannot have clouds appear that are otherwise not there, and if you're happy you can't have cloud disappear (though they can break and the sun could shine through).

Shadows and Darkness: I'd like if you could only use shadows only in a way that if they already exist you can slip into them, though you are visible to people that pay attention to you or are higher level when it comes to senses. Other than that, you can't do anything else with them for this level.

Necromancer: There are actually a lot of necromancers on Althanas, from other PC's to important/unimportant NPC's. Also, for now I'll approve talking to the dead, but you can't raise dead at this level. I can't have armies of undead being created by level 0 characters.

Wolves and Tigers: For now I'd like if you could only summon one wolf or tiger at a time, and they have to be small. They can't transform to something bigger, they can't see into the future, they can't see enemies at a distance, and you can't keep one close unless it is in the area it would naturally be in. So if you summon one from the woods to help you and follow you, it wouldn't go against it's nature and go into a city.

Also, please remove: "Raven usually keeps one close by for use and has battle ready packs to go into war or for any use in return for protection from the Deities that want their packs extinct."

Remember, that when you've gathered enough experience you can update the character in the future and upgrade spells and abilities, so you don't need to start out with amazingly powerful ones right from the start.

Also, don't make a new profile with edits, just edit the first post with the changes.

06-13-09, 01:00 PM
It's been modified, so let me know what else I can do to improve it.
Please and thank you.

06-13-09, 01:57 PM
Raven can steal others powers but only if the abilities are in his range of capability, for example, any evil power can easily be absorbed depending on how difficult, the more difficult the longer to absorb. Powers in the good alignment are much much more difficult if at all to absorb.

You didn't make the necessary edits to this as I specified in the previous post. You also cannot absorb spells that are higher level than your own character.

He can command Lightning, shooting it out of his hands, using it as a Lightning Javelin, and electrocuting for interrogations. Calling fire is just one use, creating walls of if for a defense, shooting it out of the palms of his hand, creating bombs, and pyro tornado's are just a few.

Lighting can have one of the abilities listed, though if you shoot lightning is must be something small that causes small burns and minor nerve damage upon contact.

Fire can have one of the skills as well, though the fire thrown from your hand must be small fireballs that do minor damage and small surface burns. You also cannot have the bombs or pyro tornado's.

Any wolf or tiger within his distance Raven can call to him, they may be small but they due gain a small boost of strength. Can only call one at a time so he must choose which one will be the most useful in each fight. Though he can't force them to follow him into the big cities.

As I said previously, they cannot have any boosts. So a tiger is a tiger, a wolf is a wolf, they don't have anything added to them.

The bones that you have must be regular bones, from common animals... no dragon bones or anything.

06-13-09, 05:07 PM
I hope that this is good.
Can the animals not do anything special like emit lightning or something just as long as it goes with their level, like minor nerve and burn damage?

06-14-09, 07:24 PM
Not at this level, you have a lot of skills, and though I docked them down by power level there are still a lot of ways that you can fight and a lot of things you can do. You can upgrade them as well in the future, but for now I'd like them to just be regular animals.

After all the edits, thank you. This is approved!