View Full Version : Sexy vacation

06-14-09, 08:12 AM
I'll be gone from the 18th to the 28th. Visiting the wife in Oklahoma. Wooooot! It's been many months since I've seen her. So, Relt, Yari, and Numbers Guy, I won't be posting... probably. If I do, for some reason, pry my lustful hands off of her to post, it's because I love you guys.

Five-some sometime? Think about it.

(Today's lesson: Keeping it pent up for so long makes everyone doable.)

Viola Conda
06-14-09, 02:24 PM

Get some.

Relt PeltFelter
06-14-09, 05:40 PM
My god, man. That's disgraceful.

But enjoy your vacation; just be punctual with the posting when you return.

06-14-09, 05:42 PM

Get some.


Doesn't compare.

My god, man. That's disgraceful.

But enjoy your vacation; just be punctual with the posting when you return.

I'll put you in the "probably no" column...

I'll definitely be posting promptly when I get back. It'll distract me from the fact that I won't see her again for another 6 months.

06-14-09, 08:59 PM

Yari Rafanas
06-15-09, 11:41 AM
Have a fun trip, dude. :]

06-18-09, 10:02 AM
Away! Ten days of seriously late honeymoon. Farewell.

06-28-09, 11:10 PM
I am back! (And with a double post, for shame!)

I wish it didn't have to end, but such is life. We'll have the eternal togetherness and white picket fence once school is out of the way for both of us.

So, back to writing.

By the way, you guys are no longer doable. Well, I'm sure to someone out there in the world, but just not me. (At least for another five months.) Huzzah!

06-29-09, 12:30 AM
Glad your vacation went well, good to have you back on here though haha. Looking forward to your next post. Or do you want to try some newfangled post sequencing? I could fit in another sizeable post there... eliminate the cliffhanger and bring in the the doctor as an NPC. Let me know what you think.

06-29-09, 07:48 AM
Welcome back, Jas!

I'm glad tohear that the vacation went well. ^_^ Now that you're home, I can finally get around to shipping your games back.

Yari Rafanas
06-29-09, 01:46 PM
And I haven't event posted in our thread yet. You can hate me for it.

06-29-09, 09:56 PM
Oh, such hate I have for you! HAAAAAAAATTTEEEE!!!

Don't worry. I don't mind. I'm still tired (switching back to night crew schedule) and bogged down a bit by that lonely/sad feeling. I'll wind back up to the speed that I was at pre-vacation, soon.

Numbers, I'll think about that at work tonight and let you know in the morning.

Oh, and I now own Disgaea. Videogames are naturally time consuming, but that one has a voracious appetite. I'll try to put posting before gaming, and if anyone hasn't posted yet in my threads... I'll be too busy leveling up my weapons to begrudge them.

And so as not to leave her out in this response post...

Hiiii Witchy! *waves* Have you recieved your games yet? I know it's Canada Post, but 11 days outta be enought.... right? o_O

Yari Rafanas
06-29-09, 10:48 PM
I'm gonna try and hit you up on AIM soon so you can inspire me with your awesomeness and we will make the most epic veteran thread ever! Feel better, dude.

Relt PeltFelter
06-30-09, 03:56 AM
Oh shit. I just got that feeling that you get when your boss has been out of town for a few days, and you've gotten so used to tossing around disparaging comments and slacking off on work, and just as you say something particularly lazy or hurtful, say while hurling a dart at a photograph of said boss mounted on a door, the employer in question opens the door with the sternest possible expression on their face.

Sir, you are my own personal Seymour Skinner. I'll be sure to post in our thread posthaste.

EDIT: Speaking of which, oh good chum who posted above me...

06-30-09, 09:02 AM
I'm gonna try and hit you up on AIM soon so you can inspire me with your awesomeness and we will make the most epic veteran thread ever! Feel better, dude.

Inspire you? ... Again? It still feels so wrong. Okay, fine. Leather whip or cat-o-nine?

Oh shit. I just got that feeling that you get when your boss has been out of town for a few days, and you've gotten so used to tossing around disparaging comments and slacking off on work, and just as you say something particularly lazy or hurtful, say while hurling a dart at a photograph of said boss mounted on a door, the employer in question opens the door with the sternest possible expression on their face.

Sir, you are my own personal Seymour Skinner. I'll be sure to post in our thread posthaste.

EDIT: Speaking of which, oh good chum who posted above me...

I'm dead tired right now, but you made me burst out laughing, sir. For that, I shall forgive your inefficiency. Now, back to work! Or, YOU will get the cat-o-nine!

EDIT: I don't think I've told you this yet... but the avatars you use for that account terrify me.

06-30-09, 09:27 AM
lmao, yes I know our portal system sucks but I received my games like a week ago. I'm talking about shipping your games. Now that you're back, I can do that. ^_^

*huggles her Fatal Frame games*

How I have missed you!