View Full Version : Need a person or two

06-19-09, 02:22 PM
I claimed a quest from Corone, and I'm looking for a couple people to help out with it. If you're interested, feel free to put up a response here. I'd like to get new people that I've never written with, or at least new characters. Anything that's different...

The quest is this one for The Coalition:

2. Fall From Grace (Claimed by Taskmienster) – The totalitarian regime of the Empire is far too solid for the Coalition’s tastes and they desire to weaken it by discrediting one of the Viceroys in the public eye. Antherny Sergio is a man of many vices. His penchant for prostitutes is almost as strong as his gambling addiction and he has developed an addiction to Fallien spices. Use any of these vices of the Viceroy to get closer to him, close enough to plant indisputable evidence of his treachery and conspiracy with the Rangers.

So, basically this is something for The Coalition, which is the group that's around so that things can get difficult. They're former close allies, under the table versions, that are now getting pushed away from The Empire. That's useful to the Corone Rangers, since that separates a power in half and discredits one by the other. This quest is helpful to bring down a Viceroy of The Empire, which in turn helps both the Rangers and Coalition.

So, BB people are more than welcome to join in. RH people are as well, but if there's anyone in the clan that I haven't written alongside with Ranger at some point... I'd be surprised. Hell, even Vice is welcome to join in. :p

It's up to you guy's though.

06-20-09, 10:49 AM
I'm in, if you'll have me. Lemme know any ideas you have and post a link here to the thread when it's up.

06-20-09, 11:55 AM
I was thinking of going with a way to open with killing a prostitute that he's sleeping with to start out the eyes being focused on him. His addictions go into a more private realm, and then we'll have to figure out a way to continue on with the other vices he has.

My catch is how we're going to make him look like he's in league with the Rangers. That's the hard part. Maybe after we reveal all his vices we can set up a meeting, intentionally get Task caught and have him carrying something identifying him as a member of the Rangers? It would take lying to get guards to believe that the Viceroy is working with his enemy, and then a prison break to get Task out since he's not really working with the group anyway...

I have no clue what else to do. If you have idea's about how to make him look like he's working with the other side please tell me... lol

06-20-09, 07:35 PM
I would gladly join this. I doubt I have ever written with you, 100% sure about that actually.

How about we plant evidence that his sessions with these prostitutes are actually meetings with members of the Rangers, something like the fact that the prostitutes are just a guise for meeting with the Rangers. Some crraaazay plot twist like that. Media manipulation is simply the best way to go with this, too bad TV wasn't invented yet.

My character would gladly do anything as long as he gets some reward like: money, goods, equipment and even random-stuff-that-is-expensive.

06-20-09, 08:11 PM
I'm also keen on this. Raelyse always loves a play with politics. Maybe we can brainstorm over AIM at some point. Disclaimer: I won't be able to post for a few days but after that I'm on holiday so should have a bit more time

Lady Blackwell
06-20-09, 08:18 PM
well im pretty sure that you will say no to me but.

i am interested. if we have to do anything that requires a distraction, Max is all to happy to perform it.

but lets see what i can say about planting evidence, i like the prostitute idea with them being cover ups for meetings. but also we can do task's original idea to get close to plant evidence to make it seem like the prostitute/ranger meeting is true.

06-20-09, 11:24 PM
I'm not going to automatically say that you can't be in any threads BB, I really want to just get a specific type of person for this. I know that Task is going to be very difficult to write in this thread too.

Rodere and Raelyse, I've never written with either of you and I'd be more than willing to accept both of you into the thread. I'll catch you both on AIM and figure out what you want to do, how we're going to work this out, and where to start. I'm not going to promise I'll be the most active poster, since life and admin stuff keeps me busy as hell, but I'm going to do what I can to get things up as quickly as I can.

BB and OblueknightO; I have an idea for a thread with both of you. It involves pirates and ships, since that's what Task is at heart. I want to get his old ship back, and fill out the crew with players. If you are interested in hunting down a flying ship that came from a post-apocalyptic world, and using sick things like hoverboards and who knows what else, you are both welcome to help me out with that.

I'd like to take this mission in Scara Brae to start out the quests:

Title: Hooligan’s Revival – The Sea
Description: In the past, Hooligan’s Grotto was dormant. Now, however, a ship with black sails has been spotted moving in and out of the coast. A new corsair captain, Gurtz Danager, is requesting aid in a couple of forms. In this mission, he needs a messenger. The job involves tracking down other captains of pirate fleets in the general area, convincing them to join under his banner. His coffers are rather large, and gold will be awarded for every captain that joins his cause. It would not, however, be a good idea to report a complete failure; Gurtz is rumored to have a somewhat volatile temper.
Conditions: Quest only – 2 to 4 players.
Rewards: 200 GP, plus potentially an additional 200 for each additional pirate captain brought into the fold (Judge’s discretion)
Unlockable: Sequel Mission
Status: Open

If you're interested just post in here and we'll work on starting that out.

Lady Blackwell
06-20-09, 11:53 PM
yeah Task definantly up for that, sounds really fun

I'm in

if you want i can go re-download my AIM and contact you over that

06-20-09, 11:57 PM
You don't have to, we can chat about things in this thread which would be just as easy. I'm not always on, and it's just as convenient to post here for me. I'll go take that thread for us, and will wait for oblue's response to see if he's in.

Lady Blackwell
06-21-09, 12:45 AM
will do, it will be interesting to see how this works out, and i do not think i have ever roleplayed with ya task, unless it was with a different character that i may recognize

06-21-09, 06:10 AM
I'm also in with this pirate stuff idea. So when do we start?

I have actually tried to set up another one of the Scara Brae quests, something with Red Scourge or another but it died before it even started due to inactivity.

Lady Blackwell
06-21-09, 09:43 AM
i hear ya blue, i also tried that quest, got a few posts out. then the people i was with informed me they no longer wished to do it.

so it kinda pissed me off, cause i was going to try to keep the ship and start a power group with it. but ohwell, this can be just as good. we have a flying ship instead of one stuck to water if we do all the sequels

06-21-09, 04:46 PM
Rofl. I attempted that quest with Dirge back when it was first put up, but it was a flop due to inactivity on my partner's. So... we have that quest known by all three of us, attempted, but never completed. This should be interesting.

I'll start up the thread as soon as I get a chance to, which should be later today or tonight probably. Just got home from work and have a few things to do first though.

Lady Blackwell
06-21-09, 05:04 PM
so what will be the posting order? task me blue? or task blue me? or no specific order?

06-21-09, 05:08 PM
I'm not going to put specific posting order up yet. I'd like to keep it fair and equal, but not super strict. If someone can't post, or we need to continue on, the other people can pick up and get it moving.

We'll just go with whoever wants to take the post after me is next, then the other, then me again for now.

Lady Blackwell
06-21-09, 05:17 PM
okay so standard posting order for now, and if it start's to die the others can pick up and go, and then you can come back and rejoin at said point.

06-22-09, 01:06 AM
Good, seems like everybody has their stuff figured out. Hope it starts soon, and just for the heck of it I shall tell you that I might not be online for longer than 1 hour a day, that is the limit I can promise you people. Any more than that shall probably get me not doing other things.

Terror's Thrall
06-23-09, 05:42 PM
As the quest says 2-4 players, might you be up for another one? If I can sort out a reason for Thios to help, I'd like to join...

Provided Task will stop penalizing me for spelling realise with an 's' :p

06-24-09, 02:01 AM
Oh, I hear you my friend, I come from Australia and over here we spell words differently from some other countries.

06-24-09, 05:15 PM
Terror you're welcome to join in. And don't be bothered about the 's' thing, I just note it but try and not take anything away from judging or whatnot.

I'll be working on this quest tonight. Have quite a long list of things to do on Althy, so it might be up late.

Lady Blackwell
06-24-09, 06:14 PM
ahh no rush there Task, take your time and relax

06-25-09, 01:17 AM
Quite right, none of them are asking you to quickly do it so please take your time and do your other stuff on Althanas.

Wait, this is talking about what again?

Terror's Thrall
06-25-09, 06:25 PM
Thanks, I look forward to it. I figure Thios' Thrall will be in the area and sign up before Thios actually takes control of him and then e'll be stuck helping cos as a 'spiritual being' he won't breeak 'his' word.

06-25-09, 11:24 PM
I was thinkin' about starting it off in a way that allows us all to come off a boat or two that are just arriving to the Grotto... that way we can get the relevant information about what needs to take place as well as meeting each other started... then off to a ship and a bit of roaming the seas to find other pirates and such.

Sound good?

06-26-09, 02:18 AM
Sounds good. At least I'm happy with it.

Terror's Thrall
06-26-09, 05:04 AM
Yeah that sounds good, and means that I now have a perfectly good reason for Rathe being there too.

06-29-09, 01:46 PM
If someone else wants to start the quest, I might be able to make time to join in. I'm kinda swamped with work and stuff so I won't be able to get it up.

Sorry that it's taken this long to put up a notice about it though. I feel bad about that. However, I have a lot of stuff to work on with Ranger and Task right now. As well as a lot of stuff to work on for the site... and a full time job to deal with.

Just post up here if you want to start it up or still want me to join in. You three can do it if you want too.

06-29-09, 06:21 PM
I'm still in, but I'm not really confident enough to start it so if someone else could it would be great :D

(Terror's Thrall btw)

07-05-09, 09:40 PM
It appears that I have shaken off the rust and now all I need to do is oil up the old roleplaying hinges so that I'm back to operating efficiency. I'd love to do this thread so catch me on AIM when I'm online

07-06-09, 01:36 AM
Anybody going to start it up? I pretty much know that I can't, unless you want me to stuff it up.

Lady Blackwell
07-06-09, 10:26 AM
IM a horrible thread starter, lol i will see whats up when i get home, and if i get food to eat for dinner :p

and if im feeling up to it i may start it, instead of waiting forever for it to start

07-07-09, 01:46 AM
Well don't look at me, I'm even worse at starting up threads. Just worry about it yourself.

Terror's Thrall
07-07-09, 04:52 AM
Seeing as BB has the most exp, he is obviously the most experienced and thus should start the thread... <.< >.>

07-08-09, 01:38 AM
Hell, I wouldn't pick who had the most experience just from who had the most experience.

07-08-09, 08:15 AM
It was more an excuse to not have to start the thread really. Although if noone else does by the end of this week I might just for the sake of getting going. Though I warn you it will be horrible.

07-13-09, 11:47 PM
Gogogo, we're all waiting.

Lady Blackwell
07-15-09, 05:09 PM
we are all waiting for someone to start. i have to go get a part for my computer to upgrade it ^.^ and i will be back after i upgrade.

and i want to get this going soon ...

07-15-09, 09:50 PM
Who doesn't?

Lady Blackwell
07-16-09, 03:13 PM
Alright i will re read what and where we need to be, and ill do a starter post tonight. after i get a friends computer working again.

Terror's Thrall
07-17-09, 08:44 AM
Appologies for being MIA, glad BB decided to start it, I'll post when you want.

07-19-09, 01:48 AM
Has it started yet?