View Full Version : Staff Contact List!

06-19-09, 06:49 PM
((This is an updated list of people currently on staff with ways to contact them should you need to. I have listed where they are working on the site, what responsibilities they have, and who you should contact for what. Hopefully this helps! As people are added or leave/removed from staff I will be updating this thread.

~ Taskmienster and the Althanas Staff.))

Althanas Staff Contact List

Admins | Responsibilities

Santhalas; Site Owner | "Santhalas is the one that started the site and owns it, he's got the overall say on what happens as the head of the site and Admins in general."
AIM: MattofFallboro
PM: Santhalas (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=1)

Serilliant; Coding and OOC Admin | "Serilliant is in charge of keeping this place running. He's important to fixing any issues that may arise with the codes that make the site work. He also is the Admin in charge of the Out-of-Characters forums."
AIM: briancavner3
PM: Serilliant (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=32)

Max Dirks; Staffing and Support Admin | "Max Dirks, aka Dirks, is the one all of the staff goes to when we need something done for the site. He helps with adding people to the staff, making forums, and giving out permissions to the mods that need it. He is also the Admin that is in charge of hiring people onto the staff. If you'd like to join our team, he's the one to talk to"
AIM: ez150
PM: Dirks (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=19)

Tainted Bushido; Features Admin | "Tainted Bushido, known as TB on the site, is in charge of the Features and Content on the site. He is the one that starts and runs tournaments on the site, as well as is in charge of the Realm of Greeting, Power-groups, the Bazaar, and the Battle area's (such as The Citadel and Dajas Pagoda). Have an idea for a tournament, questions about Power-Groups, or any other features? Talk to him."
AIM: SethDahlios
PM: Tainted Bushido (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=11513)

Taskmienster; Content/Regions Admin | "Taskmienster, aka Task, is in charge of writing for the regions, the overall director of the writers for the site. He is also in charge of making sure that the timeline, Featured Quests (present and future), as well as any other Story related information runs smoothly and is presented in an understandable way. If you have idea's for something that can be done in a region, running a powergroup within a region and want to do something more with it, or other story related questions feel free to contact him."
AIM: TheTaskmienster
PM: Task (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=9697)

Region | Writer | Responsibilities

Scara Brae; Veatrix | "We don't have a current Scara Brae mod, but for now and possibly into the future we're going to give the position to Veatrix! The writer is in charge of keeping up with the missions, the storyline, and working on helping judge threads in the area of the site dedicated to New Players. If you are new and have questions feel free to contact the writer."
AIM: blizzagayourface
PM: Veatrix (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=6403)

Corone; Letho | "Letho is the writer for Corone, in charge of keeping up with the storyline, missions that may be posted, judging threads when necessary for Corone, and keeping up activity. Power-groups in Corone that would like to get involved with the region more, as it pertains to the PG rules posted by Tainted Bushido, he'll handle that as well. If you have questions, concerns, or idea's for Corone feel free to contact him."
AIM: tvojazvijer
PM: Letho (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=6)

Raiaera; Flames of Hyperion | "Flames of Hyperion is the new Raiaeran writer and will be working on it from now on. He will be helping out with the FQ threads that pertain to Raiaera, missions for the FQ and post-FQ missions, Power-groups that are active in the region, as well as updating the storyline to flow with what is planned in the future. If you have questions, concerns, or idea's for either the FQ or Raiaera as a whole contact him."
AIM: JohannPhoenix
PM: Flames (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=8570)

Alerar; 016573 | "016573, who we call Numbers on the site, is helping write for Alerar. He will be dealing with upcoming chapters for the FQ, helping rework and revamp the dark-elf nation, and picking up the missions and groups that are in the region, as well as PG's that are in the region. Questions, concerns, and ideas for Alerar can be brought to him."
AIM: Alexthellamas
PM: Numbers (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=97)

Salvar; Saxon | "Saxon will be taking over the icy world of Salvar, keeping up the regional activity, and making sure everything comes together. He'll be keeping a close eye on the missions, FQ and pre-FQ alike, the storyline, as well as clans within Salvar. All questions, concerns, and idea's you may have regarding Salvar can be sent to him and he will help with them."
AIM: Sirusv2ptO
PM: Saxon (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=577)

Fallien; Inkfinger | "Inkfinger has joined the team as the Fallien writer, taking over everything that needs to be known and can be interacted within the region. Mission boards, story-lines, and group interactions with PG's as well as internal interactions will be handled by Inkfinger. Questions, concerns, and idea's for Fallien can be sent to her."
AIM: BleedTheLyric
PM: Inkfinger (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=13267)

Dheathain; Witchblade | "Witchblade, also known as Witchy, is in charge of writing for the luscious, rain-forest lands of Dheathain. She will be working on keeping up activity, missions, fleshing out any unclear parts of the region, as well as working with the PG's that are going to be focused on starting in, or moving to the region. Any questions, concerns, or idea's for the region are welcome and can be sent to her."
AIM: Sukoda Fox
PM: Witchy (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=416)

Features Moderators | Responsibilities

Sorahn | "Sorhan is an assistant to TB in that he helps make, run, and organize tournaments."
AIM: Antisane000
PM: Sorhan (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=117)

Mikeavelli | "Mikeavelli will be helping TB and Sorahn with the features aspect of the site. Tournaments will be handled by helping making them, running them, and organizing them as well."
AIM: MistyriousCat
PM: Mike (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=2664)

Operations Moderators | Area Worked In | Responsibilities

Sorahn; Bazaar | "Sorahn will be helping run the bazaar and keeping up with the threads that are posted there."

Inkfinger; Bazaar | "Like Sorahn, Inkfinger will be helping keep up with the Bazaar and selling you all the items and enchantments you could want."

Taskmienster; Realm of Greeting – experience/gold moderator – Bazaar (when necessary) | "RoG, adding Exp/Gp, and helping with the Bazaar when necessary is what Task does. If you need help with any of them feel free to catch him."

Letho; Realm of Greeting | "Letho helps out with running the RoG, he'll be helping out with approving profiles and answering questions that may come up."

Tainted Bushido; Realm of Greeting | "TB is also helping out in the RoG. When either myself, Letho, or Logan can't get to it he'll be helping jump in and take profiles as well."

Logan; Realm of Greeting | "Back on staff to help out with the RoG, Logan is going to be helping out with the approvals. If you have questions he can also answer them."
AIM: scr101282
PM: Logan (http://www.althanas.com/world/private.php?do=newpm&u=51)